"Oh my God, Rose! Did you hear that Shane Reyes just declared as Alpha?!" Meredith gasped, racing into the Dhampir common room, out of breath with the latest news.

Rose rolled her eyes. Since he hit fifteen, Shane had been growing up and out. The dude was seriously buff, even compared to other Dhampir guys who, let's face it, were all muscle. And as his stature changed, so had his attitude. The only shock about Shane's announcement was that it had taken him so long to officially declare.

"Meredith? How can you possibly be surprised?! I mean look at the guy!" Rose asked.

"But he's made it official," Meredith replied with a slightly dreamy look in her eyes. Glancing around the table, Rose saw the tense jaws of her best mates Mason and Eddie.

Moroi usually declared in their sophomore or junior year. The vast majority were fire, earth, water or air magic users, although a long-forgotten element called spirit had recently been rediscovered. Rose knew more about that than most, thanks to her best friend of thirteen years being one of a handful of known spirit users. It was a similar thing for Dhampir. The vast majority of Dhampir were Beta, however during high school around five percent evolved into what they called an Alpha.

Taller and stronger than regular Dhampir, Alphas were the ultimate warriors. Known for their speed and strength, Alphas were also natural leaders and tended to rise quickly through the Guardian ranks. Most Alphas were male, although there was the odd female Alpha, too. But, male or female, Alphas were known for their size and their dominant demeanor. Virtually every male Dhampir secretly hoped to become Alpha, and a good deal of women hoped to be bedded by one.

While sleeping with an Alpha never held a particular fascination for Rose, she knew Alphas were physiologically different from other Dhampir, Moroi, and humans. Part of meta-morphing into an Alpha involved further development of genitalia. Male Alphas boasted larger dicks than regular Dhampir or Moroi. Plus, as well as being revered for their stamina and charisma, male Alphas had a bulbous area at the base of their cock that expanded just before ejaculation. A phenomenon known as 'knotting', the swelling locked him in place within his partner for the duration of his orgasm. Since male Alphas could ejaculate for up to five minutes, it was biology's way of encouraging conception.

While female Alphas were comparatively uncommon, they, too, had slightly different genitalia. Women Alphas had a strong muscle close to their opening which gripped their sexual partner during her climax. Like their male counterparts, Alpha women came long and hard, her muscle ensuring a male partner stayed in place to satiate her and promote progeny.

It wasn't surprising Eddie and Mason were envious of Shane. Alphas had their pick of positions and postings. While as a race Dhampir were devoted to protecting Moroi, within Guardian ranks Alphas got the best roles as well as many willing sexual partners. And unlike Betas, eventually, they found a mate and settled down. Who didn't want to be the top of their game, have their choice of lovers then find their life partner?!

"Well, it doesn't make him any more attractive to me," Rose declared loyally. Not that she was interested in Mason or Eddie, but she wanted them to know not every female Dhampir was lusting after an Alpha—even if Meredith's reaction suggested otherwise.

The end of their study hour approaching, Rose excused herself to head over to the Moroi common room. Since her best friend's parents and brother died in a tragic car accident two years ago, Rose had made a point of seeing her best friend Lissa every night before bed. A Royal Moroi, Princess Vasilisa Dragomir had a part to play amongst the other Royal Moroi at St. Vladimir's Academy. Yet Rose appreciated, better than anyone, that Lissa hated the politics that went along with being the last of her family.

"Meredith said Shane has declared," Rose said, trying to pique Lissa's interest as they walked back to Lissa's dorm. Her best friend—sister, really—had been so down, Rose would go to any length to engage her.

"You suspected that ages ago," Lissa replied despondently. Days away from the anniversary of her family's accident, despite Rose's attempts to raise Lissa's humor, it would be a horrid time. More than anything, Rose was grateful that Christian was there to help Lissa with how she was feeling. Lissa's boyfriend of several years, he had also lost his parents in traumatic circumstances.

"Yeah… It was obvious," Rose admitted, wondering how to comfort Lissa over the next few days. "Still, it will be fun seeing all the girls throwing themselves at him," she said with a smile.

Alphas were attractive to both Moroi and Dhampir. Known for their sexual prowess, male and female Alpha were highly desired. In fact, the only ones more desired were Omega.

A rarity, in some ways Omega were the opposite of Alpha. Naturally small and slim, and said to be beautiful and highly alluring, Omega were notoriously uncommon. So rare, only one or two Omega declared around the world each year. Once identified, they took Omega to Court and pampered them ahead of their being courted by high-ranking, eligible young Royal Moroi. While a Moroi marrying a Dhampir was considered scandalous, Omegas were the exception. For a Royal Moroi man, marrying a female Omega was the ultimate status symbol. Omega men, the rarest of the rare, didn't marry instead becoming lovers to high-ranking Royal Moroi. It was horrific, really.

"It will be interesting to see how the Royals react," Lissa said with a twitch of her lips. "I'm sure he'll attract a lot of interest."

"Makes me happy to be Beta!" Rose concluded as she walked Lissa up to her door.

"What do you think he'll be like?" Lissa asked with a yawn two days later as Rose walked Lissa from her dorm room across to the feeders. The second anniversary of the day she lost her family, Rose couldn't help but be grateful for the distraction who was about to present himself. A new lead Guardian was joining Lissa's guarding team - and he was arriving today.

Lissa, the sole remaining member of the venerable Dragomir line, was considered one of the most precious Royals. Despite being in her senior year at St. Vladimir's, and living safely behind wards, she already had three experienced Guardians allocated to her. To prepare for her transition to college, a new Guardian had been appointed as head of her soon to be expanded guarding team.

"He'll almost certainly be Alpha," Rose muttered, pretending not to worry even though she was shitting herself. "I just hope he's ok working with women."

While not a Guardian, yet, Rose already considered herself Lissa's protector. Eric, Rhea and even Andre Dragomir, before their deaths, had supported the idea. While Rose no longer aspired to be Lissa's primary Guardian, she was desperate to earn a spot on Lissa's guarding team once she graduated. But all that now depended on the new Guardian due to arrive at St. Vladimir's today.

"You know what Alphas are like," Lissa warned. "Try not to get off on the wrong foot with him."

"I'll do my best," Rose promised, recognizing the importance of her first meeting with Lissa's new Guardian. If she was to have any chance of a spot guarding Lissa, she needed to impress.

Rose looked down at her outfit. Alberta only told Lissa yesterday about the new addition to her guarding team, so Rose had to quickly throw together something suitable to wear. Rather than her usual clothing, today Rose had worn black pants with a fitted white sweater. Teamed with her black denim jacket and polished combat boots, it looked good but was reminiscent of Guardian black and whites. Her usually long loose locks secured in a bun, Rose thought she looked presentable.

"You're wearing makeup," Lissa noted.

"Just a little," Rose admitted. "I want to make a good impression."

A little makeup was right. Lip gloss and mascara—both applied with a cautious hand. Aware Alphas had an enhanced sense of smell, Rose had not worn perfume nor washed her hair with her usual jasmine scented shampoo. A shower with unscented soap followed by a thorough wash down had been her preparation. She'd heard of Alphas disliking Betas solely based on scent, and she wanted to give the new Guardian nothing to object to.

"I hope he's not scary," Lissa worried. While Rose was concerned about the same thing, a small part of her was already grateful to the new team leader. Despite not knowing him, he'd already distracted Lissa from the anniversary of her parents' and brother's death.

"I'm sure he will be great!" Rose declared with an optimism she didn't feel.

"Cousin! Little Dhampir!"

Rose suppressed an eye roll. Queen Tatiana's great-nephew, Adrian Ivashkov, was the proverbial thorn in Rose's side. As a spirit user, Her Majesty had ordered Adrian to visit St. Vladimir's to work with Lissa exploring their shared element. While he'd been pursuing that goal for the last few months, it appeared Adrian had set himself a secondary endeavor. Pursuing Rose.

"Adrian. I'd hoped you'd be in a drunken stupor until midnight," Rose commented drolly. She honestly had no time for the shameless drunken man whore, despite his stellar social connections.

"Afraid not. Auntie said there's a new Guardian arriving today. She wants me to greet him."

Rose shot Lissa a meaningful glance. They both wanted to learn as much about the new Guardian as they could. Smiling at Rose, Lissa stepped forward.

"I'm so glad you're here with me, Cousin," Lissa said innocently, slipping her arm into Adrian's, letting Rose fall in behind them. "I'm worried about this Guardian… What do you know of him?" she asked.

"Not a lot," Adrian admitted. "He's Russian. Alpha—but you'd expect that…"

"Yes…" Lissa replied leadingly. "Does he have a mate?"

"Not that I've heard," Adrian replied.

Internally Rose groaned. Popular among Moroi and Dhampir as lovers, Alphas would usually play the field before finding their permanent mate. Fiercely loving and protective, an unmated Alpha could be aggressive and moody until they located their chosen one.

"How old is he?" Lissa pressed, pumping Adrian for all he knew.

"Twenty-four, I think?" Adrian replied.

Still young, Rose thought. With luck, he'd find a mate soon.

Flying over St. Vladimir's at 6:00 pm as they were about to land, its size surprised Dimitri. St. Basil's was easily four times the size of this campus.

"There are more Academies here than in Russia," Guardian Croft explained, recognizing Dimitri's surprise as they touched down on the Academy's runway. "Academies here are smaller since there are more of them."

"That makes sense," Dimitri replied, shouldering his bag once the plane rolled to a stop. While America would be very different from his native Russia, he was glad to have a new allocation. In Russia since graduation, he'd been Guardian to his best friend Ivan Zeklos. On a mandatory Guardian professional development course when Ivan and his other Guardian were slaughtered by Strigoi, the rational part of Dimitri understood he was not responsible for Ivan's death. Nonetheless, he blamed himself. Had he been there, Dimitri had no doubt Ivan would be alive today; and that hurt Dimitri more than anything.

"Princess Dragomir will attend Lehigh after graduation along with her boyfriend Lord Christian Ozera," Croft continued. "You will need a team of six to eight to protect them, there. The Princess already has three Guardians. Assuming they all continue, you need to recruit extras for the Lehigh guarding team. Given the Princess' and Lord Ozera's age, I suggest graduates from St. Vlad's senior class."

Dimitri trained his eyes on Guardian Croft. An older Alpha, and his boss, Dimitri took what he was saying on board.

"Are there other responsibilities?" Details about Dimitri's new allocation had been sketchy. Knowing only the basics of what he was walking into, Dimitri wanted as much information as he could garner before they arrived at St. Vladimir's.

"The Head of Guard, Alberta Petrov, mentioned two of their best Novices. They've skilled out of the Novice training program, but as I'm sure you know there's always more to learn, so Alberta would like you to extend their training."

"Alphas?" Dimitri asked, assuming the best must be a similar physiology to himself. He'd been part of a group of Alphas at St. Basil's who had received mentoring for precisely the same reason.

"Surprisingly not. Two Betas. A boy and a girl."

"Well, that's a surprise," Dimitri murmured, shouldering his duffel as he stood, preparing to exit the plane.

Alberta stood at the bottom of the stairs of the Guardian Administration building with Lord Adrian Ivashkov, Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, Lord Christian Ozera, Lissa's Guardians, Rose, and Eddie. Running a critical eye over the two Novices, it relieved Alberta to see them both attired professionally, the usual look of mischief in Rose's eyes thankfully absent. Amazingly, it also appeared Lord Ivashkov was sober! At 6:00 pm! Wonders would never cease.

It was unusual to have an Alpha on campus, other than Novices who had just declared. Academy guarding wasn't high profile; as such, it was staffed exclusively by Beta. The only reason they had assigned Guardian Belikov to guard within an Academy was because the Princess was the last of her line and Her Majesty wanted him to become familiar with Vasilisa and her routines before she left for college.

Not for the first time, Alberta wondered whether this new Guardian would cause problems for the Academy or within Lissa's guarding team. Each Alpha had a unique personality, but some could be a massive pain in the ass. There were those who didn't like to take orders from a Beta—especially a woman—while others could be aggressive or combative. The best Alphas were those who thought about their team, others following as a natural extension of their considered actions and thoughtful leadership. The worst tyrannized or bullied, creating an environment of suspicion and hostility. For everyone's sake, Alberta hoped Guardian Belikov was one of the former.

The car from the Academy runway pulled up, three Guardians stepping out. One, Guardian Alto, the assembled group already knew. A teacher and Guardian at the Academy, he'd met the plane at the runway. Guardian Croft, an Alpha and head of Guardians at Court, was instantly recognizable. It was the third Guardian, towering over both Croft and Alto, that had everyone's attention.

"Fuck! Look at the size of him!" Eddie murmured in an undertone to Rose. Because standing beside Croft was easily the biggest dude Eddie had ever seen. Over six and a half feet tall, the guy was all muscle.

Croft came forward, making the necessary introductions. Guardian Belikov said little, nodding politely to Moroi, Guardians and Novices alike. His eyes lingered on Rose and Eddie when Alberta explained they were the top Novices in the senior year, and that she would like him to spend some time with them refining their skills.

"But I'll show you to your room and the Guardian Lounge so you can settle in. We can go through your schedule tomorrow," Alberta said a little nervously, trying to take stock of the Guardian who'd be on campus for the next few months.

"Thank you, I'd appreciate that Guardian Petrov," Guardian Belikov replied in a thickly accented voice. "It's been a long trip here."

He'd certainly stayed in worse, Dimitri thought as he unpacked his duffel bag into his new Guardian dorm room. He traveled light, so it took him less than ten minutes to hang his spare uniforms, put away his small collection of casual clothing, books, and unpack his wet pack into the attached bathroom. A private bathroom was a blessing. Sure, he'd used communal male bathrooms from time to time when necessary, but having curious Beta colleagues check out your junk got old really quickly. A naturally private man, it wasn't the sort of attention Dimitri appreciated.

His first impressions of St. Vladimir's and his new charge were favorable. Fair and willowy, Vasilisa was the archetype Royal Moroi Princess. That she was dating Lord Christian Ozera suggested she was more open-minded than most. Like everyone, Dimitri had heard the story of Lucas and Moira Ozera and their short-lived attempt at immortality. He was curious to see how it had affected the child they'd left behind.

Lord Ivashkov, the Queen's favored great-nephew, he knew by reputation. The rakish male Moroi he met today was exactly as he'd imagined him. He'd not left a favorable impression. The three Guardians already assigned to the Princess seemed ok. Two males and a female. Grateful the female, Matthews, did not try batting her lashes or anything of that type, Dimitri was confident he could work productively with them.

The only surprise had been the Novices. The male was tall but not Alpha height. With good musculature and a lean build, Dimitri could see why he was a top Novice. The female, on the other hand, was different. On the smaller side, and slim, she was curvier than Moroi and most female Dhampir. Even hidden beneath a sweater and denim jacket, there was no mistaking the feminine swell of her hips and breasts.

Novice Rose Hathaway she'd been introduced as. An appropriate moniker given her scent. A heady ambrosial mix of tea rose, jonquil, fresh-cut grass, and musk, Dimitri had been momentarily dumbstruck when he first encountered her odor. It was subtle—without enhanced Alpha senses he doubted a Beta would catch it—but to an unmated Alpha, like Dimitri, Novice Rose Hathaway smelled mouth-wateringly delicious.