Hello my viewers! This is MaxusStrange coming to you with an entertaining new fling you're sure to enjoy! This is my first ever fanfiction, so constructive criticism is very much appreciated. Enjoy!
As Spinel, the forgotten playmate of Pink Diamond, was staring down Steven Universe, the beloved son of Pink Diamond wile standing on an injector due to destroy the Earth, tension was steadily rising between them. To explain how the story had progressed to this point, we have to go back 6,000 years ago, back when Pink Diamond was thought to still be 'alive'. At the time Pink Diamond had a gem specially made for her, a Spinel who was of a perfect cut and a stunning pink. Spinel loved Pink Diamond and saw her as her best friend, which served to deepen her resent of Pink Diamond after she left her to stand in the same place for 6,000 years while making it seem like they were playing a game. Spinel discovered the fate of her beloved Diamond when her successor, Steven Universe sent his message across the universe about him assuming his place as the new and improved Pink Diamond. After finding out the news, a heartbroken and enraged Spinel set out to destroy the home of the successor and son of Pink Diamond as a sort of revenge. Along with using an injector to almost destroy the earth and factory reseting Steven's gem family with a rejuvenator, Spinel also temporarily disabled Steven's powers, making their fight mostly a one sided beat down on his part.
"What's wrong whitle Steven? you didn't think you could just defeat me by singing to me did you!?" Spinel asked as she wound up to get ready to sock Steven right in his face. Steven was beaten and bloodied for all the fighting without his powers, but was struggling to find a way to end the fight without dying. Steven needed a diffuser , he needed a diffuser so good that it would possibly give him time to think of a way to sock Spinel. Steven felt the force of a truck against his cheek, which ripped him away from his thoughts and flung him to the other side of the top of the injector. Steven managed to fall on to the injector right before falling off of it to an untimely death and destroying his plans for the future. As Steven was recovering from Spinel's mean hook, he thought about her story and how rough she had had it, standing in Pink Diamond's garden for years, abandoned and heartbroken, which in he heat of the moment caused him to think of something that would change his story forever. As Spinel was bouncing over to deliver another vicious blow to Steven, he leapt out at her at a surprising speed causing her to close her eyes in anticipation of pain, but it never came, instead something else did , that shook her gem to its core...
Clifhanger! Thanks for reading! I'll have a much longer chapter next time so stay posted, thank you!