5x06 The Dark Tower – Merlin meets up with Gwen and the knights before Morgana springs her trap

"But he told you who Gwaine's in love with?"


Merlin straightened, carefully placing the herbs he'd harvested into his bag as he heard Gwen and the knights laughing further down the trail.

"Is that Merlin I see?" Gwaine called, spotting him as he waved a greeting. "Did the princess let you out of his clutches?"

Gwen gave him a playful nudge that the knight pretended to be unbalanced by, slipping out of his saddle and clapping his friend on the shoulder.

"Or maybe you ran away?" He stage-whispered, waggling his eyebrows at the servant.

Merlin laughed and also shoved him. "I'll have you know I woke up early to take care of Arthur before coming out, and I'm still working!" He squinted up at the sun. "Better be heading back or I'll be late with lunch."

Gwen smiled at him, "well, he can hardly blame you if I order you to escort me back."

"I wouldn't be too sure; he's constantly blaming me when I've done nothing wrong," Merlin grinned in response.

The group continued joking and laughing with each other as they continued their leisurely pace. However, the mood was quickly spoiled when they left the woods and the horses began to rear, upset by something in the grass.

Merlin looked down and froze. Snakes!

He'd never really had a problem with snakes before Morgana had jabbed one into his neck, but even without that issue the sheer number of them was unnerving. More and more appeared and the horses grew more frenzied until Leon was tossed to the ground and lay still.

"Protect the queen," Elyan shouted before instructing his sister, "head for the trees!"

"You too, Merlin," Gwaine forced his horse in between his friend and the serpents just as Percival was also thrown.

Merlin was about to protest when he felt a sinister presence nearby. Morgana!

He turned and ran after the queen, pumping his legs as fast as they would go. He had no chance of catching up with a horse, which is why he was so surprised when he nearly collided with the one Gwen had been riding.

"Gwen!" He called, searching the forest floor and finding his friend collapsed there.

"And look who's here again. Always getting yourself into trouble, Merlin."

He didn't even have time to reply before Morgana's spell hit him and he knew no more.

When Merlin came to he was being dragged behind a horse. His eyes were crusted with sleep and dirt from the trail so he kept them closed, trying to get a grip on his situation before giving away that he'd woken by blinking them clear.

They were likely still in the forest, judging by the rustling of leaves and the feel of the plants under his cheek. Ouch- and that rock…

"Morgana please, he's bleeding!"

Gwen's voice jolted him; for a moment he'd forgotten she was involved.

"Good," Morgana replied, clearly untroubled.

"But he could be dying!"

"It's no less than he deserves!" the witch snapped, silencing her former maid's pleas.

Merlin waited a moment more before prying his eyelids apart, only partially managing to clear the dirt that clung to them. He saw Gwen's gaze on him and he shook his head, willing her to keep silent.

It was moments like these where he wished he could speak telepathically with people other than druids – though in this case he couldn't be sure Morgana wouldn't overhear. He looked at his fellow captive then rolled his eyes toward the forest, repeating the action several times as Gwen's brow wrinkled then smoothed. Did she understand what he was trying to say? Well, he'd find out in a moment.

He ducked his head and coughed, using the motion to hide a quick spell which snapped the rope tying them to the horse. Gwen moved to help him but he shook her off, jerking his chin at the other side of the road.

"Run!" He called, seeing Morgana turning back. Gwen let out a small sob but obeyed, disappearing into the trees as he stumbled to his feet. The earth seemed to sway beneath him- he had really underestimated his own level of injury.


Roots sprang from the earth at her command and Merlin found himself bound shoulder to foot; it was even more unpleasant than when Anhora had done the same.

"Come out, my Lady, or Merlin will die."

"No, Gwen-" his bindings grew an offshoot, wrapping a tendril around his throat to silence him.

It only took a few seconds of Merlin's choking breaths before the queen reappeared, kneeling next to her friend to remove the vine cutting off his air.

"That's enough!" There was a crack and a cry as Morgana whipped Gwen across the face with the reins. She repeated her spell and more roots came forth, binding Guinevere first to the horse, then to Merlin. "Now you may drag him. Fall behind and he'll die."

Gwen stumbled when the horse started moving again but recovered quickly, looking back at Merlin with pained eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"No, Gwen, I'm sorry. I should have planned better. Next time don't worry about me and escape on your own."

"Merlin, I couldn't leave you!" She grunted at the strain of pulling him and the warlock surreptitiously started making his body lighter a little at a time.

"You're the queen now; much more important than a servant like me."


"Silence," Morgana commanded, and the trio continued on with nothing aside from the noise of the forest to accompany their thoughts.

Merlin tried to stay awake but, woozy from the head wound he'd failed to identify before their escape attempt, found himself slipping unwillingly into sleep.

"Welcome to my realm, Emrys."

Merlin spun around to see a small woman regarding him from her perch atop a large leaf. The forest seemed to form itself around her – but it was not like any forest he knew. It felt… dense, with magic heavy in the air.

"Who are you?"

She smiled, but it looked more like a snarl. "Why, I'm Queen Mab. I am the spirit of this place and all the places that bring despair to men's hearts. Few have ever seen me, Emrys. You should count yourself fortunate."

He had no reply to that and she laughed at his silence.

"You must beware, Emrys. The Priestess takes you to the Dark Tower, but the tower is not a real place. It is the heart's rest, the mind's deepest fear, the stillness in a hummingbird's eye… You have a Mind's Eye; you must learn to trust it."

"Stop talking in riddles." Why did everyone do this? Is it just something that happens to magical beings as they age?

"Then I shall speak in rhyme. Heed my words which you concern, or one of you will not return."

She disappeared, her mocking laughter echoing through the forest until it too faded away and Merlin was torn from his dream by the sensation of sand scraping his cheek.

He woke to the blazing sun and oppressive heat of a desert. At least, he supposed it to be a desert. He'd heard of such places but had never comprehended what it meant for there to be nothing but rocky sand as far as the eye could see- well, sand and a giant ominous tower in the distance.

Somewhere above his head he heard Gwen's heavy breaths as she pulled him along. He had to do something- preferably something that didn't get one or both of them killed. Looking down the sharp edge of the dune they traversed, he spotted the remains of those who had failed to survive this land.

Here goes nothing… Merlin silently apologized to Gwen before throwing his weight to the side. He slipped easily over the edge and started plunging toward the bleached white bones and upthrust swords of what had once been a group of fighters.

"Merlin!" Gwen tried desperately to brace herself and pull him back up.

"You should let me go, Gwen, I'm not worth it!" He called, preparing to sever the root-rope tying them together.

"No!" the queen cried, shaking her head as tears gathered in her eyes.

Morgana huffed and resolved the situation herself, cutting the rope with a sharp motion of her hand and a flash of golden eyes.

Surprised, Merlin still managed to slow time well enough to avoid actually impaling himself. Instead he positioned his body so the sword pierced his bindings and slid through between his arm and torso.

He forced himself to remain still and silent despite Guinevere's heart-wrenching scream and the scuffle as Morgana forced her to keep walking.

Waiting until well after he could no longer hear them, Merlin magicked away the roots and eased himself up. Avoiding the bones, he picked his way toward the tower knowing he couldn't return to the upper path without being spotted in a moment if Morgana happened to look back. On his way he picked up a cloak and sword that looked serviceable enough – they would serve to disguise him somewhat in this situation where he couldn't afford to cast an aging spell.

He'd moved as swiftly as he dared but still his quarry was nowhere to be seen when he reached the tower. Still, it was obvious where they'd entered and there didn't seem to be anyone guarding the place.

He pulled on the salvaged cloak, sword hanging from his belt, and raised the hood. Hopefully if Morgana saw him she would once again blame Emrys instead of Merlin- though she'd be right either way, of course.

Thankful there was no door to make noise and give him away, Merlin crept into the tower. The place had clearly not been cared for; the corridors were dark and laden with cobwebs and rubble. He soon realized he wouldn't be able to see without making some light, something he was loath to do in this situation, but then Mab's words came to him: You have a Mind's Eye; you must learn to trust it.

A Mind's Eye… He'd used it before, but rarely. It disorientated him and left him vulnerable while he was viewing the path ahead. Still, it was the best choice to find Gwen quickly and get them both out safely.

He braced himself against an archway – out of immediate sight in case Morgana should look his way – and let magic show him the way ahead through twisting stairways and passages. His stomach roiled as he sped along the route to stop abruptly at the doorway through which Morgana was pushing her victim. Gwen resisted but she was weakened by grief and the past day's forced march.

Merlin pushed himself away from the wall, wrenching his focus back to himself, and used his Mind's Eye to navigate the dark. He took the stairs two at a time, coming upon Morgana as she descended.

He took the witch unawares, using magic to pull her forward and ducking as she sailed over his head down into the gloom behind him. Her cry of surprise echoed up and down the stairwell, then silence followed. Merlin didn't wait, already opening a door to reveal Guinevere standing with tears in her eyes and fingers in her ears.

"Come with me!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door. She fought him for only a moment before her eyes widened. He shushed her before she could call out his name. He didn't know if Morgana had been injured by his attack but he wasn't staying around to find out.

He grabbed the torch their foe had left behind and climbed the tower as quickly as he dared, Guinevere right behind him. He hadn't really thought this part out, but he was hoping there'd be a room that connected to another staircase or- there! The two of them ducked into a large empty room; gargoyles stared at them from the perimeter as they paused to regain their breath.

"Gwen, do you trust me?" He murmured, avoiding her gaze which was still pinned to him in disbelief.

"Of course, Merlin," she assured.

"Good," he nodded, "that's good… ehm, I'm going to… do something that'll help us escape and it'll be a bit… weird."

Gwen stared at him, not knowing how to respond.

"I'll just… I'll just do it." He threw his head back and called "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!"

Merlin risked a glance at his friend and found her clearly taken aback but not outright disgusted or afraid. He swallowed, willing his body to stop trembling and remain upright as he once again threw his gaze ahead to find a safe exit. He did not see any sign of Morgana but didn't want to waste time searching further.

"We need to go up," he said, and Guinevere nodded. Her eyes couldn't seem to leave his face and Merlin looked away. "We'll take the staircase on the other side of the tower," he gestured toward the door across the room and strode forth.

On his second step the floor sank and an arrow shot out of a gargoyle's mouth to narrowly miss his nose.

"Merlin!" Gwen started forward but stopped when he raised his arm.

"I'll test it first; follow behind me but not too close." He pulled the sword from his belt and used it to probe the next stone before moving onto it, then the next and the next. They discovered five more traps in this manner before the both of them reached their destination safely. They paused by the door, slowly letting out their held breath to release some tension before Merlin unlatched the door.

"Ready?" Gwen nodded, sticking close to him as they ascended the stair. The climb was interminable, and their torch was growing dim when they heard a loud 'thump' above them as the tower shuddered slightly.

"What was that?" Gwen stopped, clutching his sleeve.

"A friend," he assured her, one hand on her shoulder, "I promise he's a friend. You don't have to be afraid."

Her brow furrowed but she nodded again, resuming her climb.

It was soon afterward they reached the end of the stairs, exiting the tower onto a large balcony. This section of the tower was shorter than the rest which continued for several floors above their current location.

But it wasn't as if Guinevere noticed, seeing as their was a dragon perched on said balcony.

"Get back!" She called, trying to pull her friend back into the tower.

Merlin grabbed her shoulders and steadied her. "No, it's alright! This is the friend I was telling you about!" He turned to the dragon, "I'm glad you could get here so quickly."

Kilgharrah pinned the warlock with a piercing gaze. "Of course. The Dark Tower is not a real place, Merlin, it is-"

"The heart's rest, the hummingbird's eyes; yes, so I've heard. Could you take us back to Camelot?"

Gwen let out a squeak but made no further protest as the dragon huffed and lowered himself.

"You know I cannot refuse you. Let us be quit of this place."

Merlin helped Gwen onto the dragon's back then took his own place, Kilgharrah lifting off immediately.

The dragonlord glanced at his friend, both dreading and anticipating what she would say about all this. She seemed tense, but he had no idea what she was thinking. Would she hate him after this? Would she tell Arthur?


He flinched as the sound interrupted his panicked musings.

"I'm so glad you're alright."

Merlin held his breath, unable to respond and break this moment where Gwen seemed to be accepting him.

"You are alright?" She turned as much as she dared, hair whipping across her face as she tried to check his condition.

"No, I'm fine! And, are you alright?"

She smiled at him, and he hesitantly returned the gesture.

"Yes, Merlin; thanks to you."

Merlin heart soared as if he were the one flying.

They had a lot to discuss, but for the first time in a long while he felt like everything had turned out right.