It's time for this story to come to a warp and for everyone to come to term with this character as today we end this and get down to finishing other stories so once this is over I am going to start on other stories so I can at least make sure I'm up to date on most of my shit, in the mean time hope you all enjoy this chapter in Ultimate A and will continue onto my plans after this.

Ultimate A

Chapter 10


Z High School

This was it the final battle and the final time the two would be faced to faced and for one of them it would be the last day on this planet they would live. The two knew this was the only outcome and as the auras from both of them became more intense so did they power between the two and as the clouds passed over the moon covering the area in darkness did the two move and as they clashed blades the surrounding rubble was blown away and the ground underneath them cracked with the light shunting down upon the two as they were at a stand still with both giving each other glares.

"You couldn't have jus stayed dead. You just had to make this difficult," said Samuel as he won the power struggle and Chase was thrown back but was upright the next second and ducked underneath a sword swipe.

"I won't let you win. Not again, so do me a favor and BURN!" He gave a swipe as the energy from his sword turned into flames and flew straight at Samuel who slammed his sword into the ground causing a mountain of earth to rise up and block the flames.

"Is that the best you can give. You may have gotten an upgrade, but your attacks are still predictable," Samuel said as he laughed with glee.

But he stopped the next moment when the earth in front of him was cut in half forcing him to jump to the side as Chase came rushing through the rubble with flames dancing around his body as he disappeared in a flash and was behind Samuel whose eyes widen, before he went for a strike only for Chase to disappear once again, causing Samuel to become angered.

"You feel it don't you. This feeling of not dread, but anger…good, because yours fail in comparison to me. And I'll show you," Chase appeared in front of Samuel who had his sword raised with purple energy being wrapped around it and growing making its size bigger then himself. While Chase simply held his sword at a downward angel to where the tip touched the ground as a light shimmer of blue energy started to flow through the dragon symbol with the energy flowing through his veins and traveling through his arms and to the rest of his body as he had his eyes closed and time around him slowed to a crawl as he slowly opened his eyes while speaking his killing move.


In that next instance time went back to normal and as Samuel went for his downward slash he was blinded for a split second by a blue light, before the sound of flesh being cut was heard and all was silent. With the purple energy dissipating and his sword falling to the ground net to him as he fell to his knees with a large cut appearing on his chest, then blood started to splurge everywhere with Chase looking down not with joy, but sadness as he put his sword into its sheath and looked at the back of Samuel.

"I never wanted this Uncle, in fact I always thought our first meeting would be one of joy….not sadness," Chase said.

"Ha, you really are like you father. He never held hate nor vengeance for those around him. It's one of the reasons he was so well liked, it's the reason he was chosen to hold that sword, because those two feelings could never mix with Rage… the end he held the rage of balance and me the rage of fear," Samuel had tears coming out as he recalled every moment up till now and how it was all on him, from being banished, to wielding the blade of fear, to the destruction of his clan.

"A part of me still hates you, still despises you and yerns to end you….but that part of me is not here nor will it ever be. The part of me you faced is one that looks at you with the same eyes he did the first time he saw you….happiness," Chase then put the blade back into his sheath from which floated back to him as the power around him disappeared and he started to walk away.

"Thank you…..Chase," Samuel closed his eyes, but reopened them as his veins pumped out in black and the sword that lay beside him exploded in darkness, before in the next instance the two disappeared and appeared behind Chase mid swing about to cut him in half, but as time slowed to a crawl Chase finally opened his eyes which had a swirling ocean blue with a slit in the middle as faster then even Samuel could follow he had unleashed the final move.


Blue flames was all Samuel saw before he fell to the ground his blade lay in front of him split in two with the dark purple aura around it flowing out and disappearing as the eyes of Samuel slowly reverted back to there original color. And as the sun began to rise over then horizon, Samuel let one small smile grace his lips before his body began to turn to ash as the flames consumed him and wiped him off the realm of existence.

Chase was in the same position as when he drew his blade and as the fire burned around him, the armor which had appeared around him along with a sort of wings that formed from the dissipating flames before he fell over and his sword clanged on the ground as it lay next to him with his eyes slowly closing feeling the exhaustion set in.

"Find peace Uncle….." Chase layer there in the ruins of his once promising high school as the fires around him continued to burn around him.

"Oh my dear little boy, look how far you've grown. So young yet so powerful and still room to grow. Soon we will meet and when we do your true self will be revealed," the voice that spoke to him and gave him the name said with gentle smile that showed much more.

Present Time

"And that's about all I can remember after that battle my limit was finally reached and for all I know it's Monday," said Chase as he looked at .

"So your events did not lead you to remember anything else," asked Adam.

"No sir, nothing about the death of many of the students in fact that building was empty and my memory of city hall being attacked never existed," said Chase as he looked at the Doctor with a blank look.

"Well you have just woken up from a massive coma and some memories might not fit-"

"Stop. I know your no Doctor and your real name isn't Adam, so I'm just going to ask you this once. Who are you? What do you want with me? And most importantly…where the hell is my sword," Chase no longer had a neutral face as from the start of his story he saw the face of Adam looking for any surprise or disbelief, but throughout it all he had none only a blank look as he stared into his very soul.

"Well they certainly train you like they used to huh," the voice Adam used was gone and a more deep tone and older sounding voice took its place as the man stood up and removed his tie just as his face gained a slight blue, before reverting to a more older one. As some brown locks were still there but gray can be seen in most parts and his face held small wrinkles.

"So you survived, I knew I felt something off about you when I woke up, but I thought it was me being exhausted," said Chase.

"Well as a General and commanding officer of Sector 51 it is my duty to withstand certain punishment luckily the armor I brought was enough to take his blows or I would have died," said the now named General as he shifted his hat.

"So mind explaining what you are doing here and why you decided to be the first one to wake me up," asked Chase as he tried to get up but felt no movement in his lower body.

"Well it's simple in a sense that you may soon come to understand," the General walked up to him and moved something from behind a chair as it was something wrapped in cloth.

"I assume my sword," Chase asked.

"Yes a unique item one that has been told in legend, but the truth of the matter is it's not the only legend," said General.

"And what do you mean by that," asked Chase.

"I mean Rage and Fear two very different powers at war for ages, but not the only ones to come here. To settle here, what you know is much but not a lot though whag I know changes for you," said General.

"What do you mean General," asked Chase.

"I'll tell you in due time, but for now I'd like to offer you a spot on my team," said General.

"Team? What team are you forming General," asked Chase.

"A special one really, known not to many as of now, but will be soon. Though to the few that do know of them you can call them Trinity," said General.


"Three warriors, saviors….heroes of justice and the ones we call when things like this happen," said the General.

"No offense General, but your offering me horse shit," said Chase.

"Trust me when I say it's not in fact our organization has been in existence far longer then you may think. How do you think we knew about your village, where it was located, but most of all how to keep such news like a forest fire a secret," Chase looked at the General with a small glare.

"So I get you want me to join this little group of yours, but you haven't told me why it's needed," asked Chase.

"Right now you need know nothing, but what I am offering. In the mean time I'll give you time to rest and enjoy your days, because sooner or later a time will come where you'll face something even your blade can't cut through," the General opened the door and started to walk out.

"One last question" Chase looked the General in the eye as he gave a smirk."What's your actual name" with the general having a small laugh.

"Ace. Good bye Chase," Ace then started to close the door, but Chase decided to say one last thing before he closed it.

"Ultimate…call me Ultimate I mean I got to have a nickname don't I," said Chase as Ace didn't respond and only gave a sly smirk before closing the door and walking away from the room as his telephone rang.


"Did he accept the offer"

"I didn't stay long enough to hear a response"

"Ace you know damn well we need him"

"I know Alicia and we will. But you must have patience, because he did just get done with his battle"

You and I know he has already recovered by now"

I know Alicia, but onto other matters how is he doing"

"Well he's recovered enough that he's back into his training"

"Tell him to take a rest and that missions for him have been stopped for some time….tell him to rest for once."

"You know he isn't going to like this"

"He needs it, he's been pushing himself to much lately."

"Well his vitals have been higher then normal"

"My point. Now how goes it down in Brazil"

"Well apart from burning rain forests and destruction far and wide id say it's going swimmingly"

"Have you found him though"

"No, during the whole mess he was taken away by someone and we are in the process of trying to locate him"

"No I need you to stay with him and make sure he is fit. I'll send someone to find him"

"And what about you"

"I'm needed elsewhere, apparently things are becoming even more interesting with each passing day. First a swordsman, then a burning man, some golden alien, unknown UFO's and of course let's not talk about crystals in the middle of the Caribbean"

"I told you Ace, things would change either for the good or bad"

"Let's hope for the good. Contact me back when the search teams have found anything and tell Rex enough relaxing and get back onto the field," Ace said as Alicia just laughed before hanging up and existing the hospital as many news crews were at the front and rushed to him, but were blocked by a black SUV as the door opened and he entered before driving off.

Chase was at the window looking down at the SUV as he thought on what the man said and as he looked at the covered sword he could feel its power and the call of the spirit inside of it trying to communicate with him as he had not been able to connect with A or the dragon within. Though as he thought of the sword his thoughts drifted to the third spirit the one he had met and was given power from, the one who helped in defeating Fear.

"Guess it's gonna happen either way," thought Chase as he unwrapped it and a note fell out and as he looked at it the sword gave a small hum.

"You damn right it was," The dark voice said.

"Chase are you okay, what happened after that final blow everything went dark, then the next moment we found ourselves back in the mind scape," said A.

"Can't really explain it, but I felt something another spirit and it gave me power unlike anything I've ever felt and the power it was-,"

"Rage," Sajd the dark voice as Chase looked at the dark figure.

"How did you know," asked Chase.

"Because that's something we haven't felt in a long time. Not since our creation…..what was the name you spoke," asked A.

"What?" Asked Chase.

"The name to that of which you unlocked Rage," asked Daegon as Chase had a far away look in his eyes.


The end of this story is now and the first of many has been told more shall be written and right now the second part will be written, but at a later date for now enjoy this and re read if you want tell me all the flaws because I know there is a lot and I will improve, but for now I will see you all next time Ice out.