Hello, My name you should know by now and I have created and wrote stories in which you all have enjoyed or commented on. You have said that my spelling is all types of wrong and I agree and tried to go back. To change for you, but I have finally realized I must not change for you but for myself and with it I introduce this new story. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

The New era

Once upon a time in a world divided not by hatred, nor by anger but by the fear brought upon not by an army of men and women. No but by the strength of one being, that is known throughout ITS time and ITS history. Causing those who stood up to it to face there death in ways which put fear into the many and called forth the question.

Is this our fate?

To die under the rule of such a terrible force, to bow before IT. Never know what true freedom feels like, to never feel safe and truly at peace. This question raced through the minds of those not to afraid to summit like so many others, but sooner or later they to bow before the true God….expect for one.

One man. Who holds no fear for IT, because he was born not to fear, but to anger. The anger every mortal holds and for each mortal that holds it, they can use it as a form of energy for there own dreams and with those dreams comes forth the key. The key to salvation and hope.

Lands of Time

"You know no mortal has ever come this close to truly challenging me and for all it's worth I thank you for this fun match," The thing which spoke towered over the barely standing man who was on one knee keeping his balance with a sword that was barely being kept together.

"Glad I could give something as disgusting as yourself entertained after the millions you murdered couldn't," the man who was on the verge of death looked up at the man who for decades caused fear and death to the lands in which he was born in and could do nothing as this monster killed everything that was precious to him. It was like this thing was trying to test him with every lose. First his father, then his mother, and Finaly both of his siblings, but through it all he never grew fearful as it was never in his nature to be afraid. Instead his anger which he was known for grew to the point he was a walking bomb.

"Any last words before-," but was caught off as in the next split second he caught two arrows with his finger tips that were centimeters away from hitting both his eyes."Well it would seem your spouse would like to join our little game," it turned around to come face to face with a women with hair Snow White and skin that shined with the sweat and blood from the war which was occurring around them and as the silver armor plate she wore was barely clinging to her body the once long brown pants now turned shorts showed the bandages wrapped around her right leg.

"Gotcha," was all she said as she shot another arrow only this one held a small bag and as it drew closer to the monster it titled its head only for the bag to glow along with the other two arrows as a sudden surge of lightning power courses throughout its body, but if he was feeling any sort of pain he didn't show it as he raised its sword which was twice the size of either of the two and covered in blood.

"Storm," suddenly the lightning surges from his body to the sword and shot into the skies as the clouds rolled in and suddenly lightning started to strike the ground and both them started to jump out of the way as fast paced bolts of lightning struck the ground for five minutes straight and the only two humans in the close area were side by side as the monster just had a mocking smile as it watched the two exhausted and near death.

"Why'd you come," asked the man as he tried to stand in both of his legs.

"Come on Alex after everything that has happened you don't think for a minute that I wouldn't be there for you," she said as she loaded another arrow.

"Amy get out of here this is my fight," the now named Alex said as he fully stood up and started to walk towards the monster who also started to walk to him.

"I know whatever I say won't mean much, but know I'm here for you," said Amy.

"I know and for all it's worth I'm sorry," said Alex as he started to walk towards what could possibly be his death, but then he was turned around and his lips met the lips of Amy as the two kisses passionately.

"Then your gonna need this," Amy said after she Separated from the kiss and pulled a white cloth from her bag.

"Amy is this." Alex's eyes were wide as he pulled the cloth of a sheathed sword one of which shined with pure light and had markings on it of a small blue dragon.

"So you found the blade. Hmm this might get interesting," the monster then stopped before raising his blade and it started to glow an soft purple aura."Death," a stream of purple energy flew straight for Alex and Amy.

"Watch out," Alex pushes Amy aside and raises his sword. Though when the blade made contact with the purple energy there was a sudden explosion and Alex was sent crashing further away.

"ALEX!!," Yelled Amy as she got up and was ready to run towards him, but the sudden feeling of something behind her caused her to stop before spinning on her heels and jumping back while also loading an arrow though a sudden burst of wind stopped her moments and her bow in two as she was sent flying back to a now standing Alex as blood sprayed from her chest.

"AMY! God no please don't go Amy please. Stay with me, STAY woth me!" Alex tried all everything to stop the flow of blood coming out of the only person left that kept him in tact.

"This is your fate. This is the end all and be all in your world. To be killed by the people who were here to see there creation be the ones to end it. You could run, you could hide, but in the end fate is waiting at the end just as it was in the beginning," the monster stood just across from them as he raised his blade into the air one more time.

"Fate. You call all this blood shed, these countless lives which were innocent. FATE!"Alex stood up holding the blade that had both the blood of himself and Amy, who while still breathing were slow intakes.

"I still find it interesting that I feel no fear from you, after all I have done and all I am, why is there still no fear," the blade glowed once more in a purple aura."doesn't matter I guess because your end is…Fate!," Then with a final swing a crescent blade of purple energy bigger then the one previous sped towards Alex at blinding speed. With Alex getting into the basic sword stance.

"It's not fear I radiate for I never feel it. The only thing to sense is the ANGER!" Suddenly the sword flowed a bright blue and a flash of blue light clashed with the purple energy as a massive smoke cloud blinded everything in the area.

"So you finally unlocked the blade. Hm, welcome to the true fight," the monster raised his. Sword and got into a snakes stance as the monsters eyes burned a purple fire while burning blue eyes stared right back.


Present Time

Blue eyes as clear as the bright sky and the clear ocean as the sound of an alarm was blaring through the room. And those eyes looked around the plain white room and the small hand cuffs chaining him to the hospital bed as he let out a small sigh and the window next to his bed was open as he felt the wind blowing into his room and the flowers next to his bed. The kid no older then 16 touched the scar on his chest as it was deep and was the noticeable thing about his very athletic body. Suddenly his door was opened and a man wearing a simple tailored suit and a pen and pad walked in and pulled up a chair to sit right in front of his eye view.

"Hello and good morning Chase. I'm glad that you are awake today, because as of today I have been assigned to not only get the information of what certain events have occurred in the past few months along with deciding your fate," said the well dressed man.

"Fate? What fate? In fact what am I being charged for and who are you. Where are my parents," asked the now named Chase as he looked around his room almost as if searching for something or someone.

"Oh silly me, where are my manners. Hello my name is Dr.Adam Lee Fate glad to meet you Chase," the now named Adam said as he extended his hand out in a form of formal gesture that had Chase raising his eyebrow."As for why you are here, why that's to solve the events that had occurred at Zeno High school," Chase's eyes suddenly grew wide as the events that occurred nit even a day ago came to his mind.

"Wait what," Chase looked at the man with winding eyes.

"Yes, so let's not waste anytime and get right to it. Tell me everything that occurred," asked Adam.

"Wait, I'm not saying anything until you tell me what the fuck happened yesterday," asked Chase as he tried to get up but the handcuffs held and he somehow felt them burning.

"Do you not remember the events that occurred yesterday and led to the deaths of many student body and teachers," asked Adam.

"WHAT! Who died. WHO!," asked Chase as he tired with all his strength to break the handcuffs but he felt his strength diminishing with each tug.

"Oh boy don't tell me that boulder messed your mind that badly," said Adam.

"Listen I don't know about any attack that happened yesterday so please leave and try to find my-," but whatever he was about to say was cut off once the tv was turned on and the scene he saw silenced him as it showed the destroyed high school of Zeno city falling to the ground in flames.

"Yesterday there was an attack at city hall that caused half the building to be torn down and the next thing anyone knew a huge explosion occurred at the school with many students injured or dead along with others being stuck in the rubble," said Adam as he looked at the sceen with Tears in his eyes.

"Wait so what does this have to do with me," asked Chase.

"Because Chase you were found underneath most of that rubble with barely any scratches and dozens of bodies around you though tests have proven them to not be any student but in fact the ones responsible for this attack.

"I-I-I don't even remember most of yesterday it was all just a blur," Chase admitted as he held his head.

"Well if we must then let us try and recover what is left of it," said Adam as he sat back down.

"What do you mean," asked Chase.

"I mean tell me everything. Your life's story your road down this path and how it led to the death of dozens of fully grown men dead around the feet of a high school kid," Adam then lifted his notepad and pen.

"I don't even know where to start or how to begin," wondered Chase.

"Start from when it all began, from your first day in life," said Adam.

"Well then I guess we will have to go back before," said Chase with a small smile.

"Before what," asked Adam.

"Before my current family, my foster family. To a time when everything was perfect and right in the world,"

You are at the end to the first chapter in this new story of my that you can call an else world story. One which I have had in my mind for a while and though this first chapter may not make a lot of sense in the future it will with future chapters and the ones which I hope bring this story closer and closer to loving this story of mine. Comment and see you next time.