Don't Own Rwby, Only The Oc
"Powerful Creatures Speaking, like a dragon or a god"
"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."
(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)
My forehead slams against the table as I let out an annoyed groan. "Urrgh! It's not in here either!"
"You will find it eventually..." My sister assures as she turns a page in her book, reading the first couple of lines before her face gets tinted slightly red. "o-oh wow..."
"Hrm?" I hum as I warp to the other side of the table, looking at the book from over her shoulder. "Did you find something?!"
"He released his essence deep within her, she moans in pleasured bliss as her walls are dyed white. 'I-It's so warm! I-I'm going to have your ba-"
June slams the book shut, a slightly horrified expression on her face and the earlier redness reduced to a stark white... paler than usual actually.
I tilt my head slightly. "What's that book about?"
She audibly swallows, glancing around the room and making a low whining sound. "Uhhhh... Its..."
She pauses for a moment, eyes rapidly glancing around the room. "It's a cursed book- Yeah! A cursed book!"
"If it's cursed then why are you reading it?" I ask. "Aren't you subject to the curse?"
She is silent for a few more seconds.
"The curse..." She pauses as if thinking what to say, but she wouldn't lie to me! She is probably just collecting her thoughts to tell me about such a horrible curse! Or maybe she is having a panic induced flashback... "Uh it doesn't affect... women?"
I slowly blink. "What?"
"That's right! It only effects men and those of unspecified gender! You are incredibly lucky! If I hadn't closed the book that fast you would have been subject to its curse!" She exclaims.
I frown slightly. "What is the curse anyways?"
"You would... Turn... into a woman?"
I let out a horrified gasp and stumble backwards. "W-WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE A BOOK LIKE THAT?!"
"Beeecause... it has... collector's... value?"
She nods and continues. "I-I mean, you don't see many magic books beyond spell books, do you, Sean?"
I gasp as I realize something. "D-DID YOU GET CURSED BY THE BOOK?!"
"No, of course not." She scoffs. "That's stupid- *Ahem* Luckily, I was a woman before I discovered this book... as it is now, I am reading it purely to read it... if it is cursed to only be read by women, maybe it has something inside it men should not know of..."
I tilt my head. "Like a woman's code?"
"YES! A womanly code, exactly!" June exclaims.
"Then shouldn't Neo and Emilia read it as well?" I ask.
She freezes.
The corners of her mouth turn upwards as she starts madly cackling. "PHAHAHAHAHHA!"
She continues laughing for about ten seconds then wipes away a tear. "You know what? Sure, I'll get them to read it... but maybe after you solved Neo's sadness, hm?"
"O-Okay..." I frown as I walk around the table, picking up the book I was originally reading to put back on the shelf.
I move onto the next book.
"I FOUND IT!" I exclaim with childish joy.
"You did?" June hums. "Congratulations..."
I read through the spell quickly. "Alright, so I need Blood of any kind, some powdered silver, and I need to create a magic circle with a crystal ball in the center..."
June wordlessly holds up a crystal ball.
"Did you... know exactly what to do for the spell?" I frown.
"Yes." She snorts. "But if I just told you, you wouldn't learn anything!"
My right eyebrow twitches slightly.
I pull the orb and its stand towards me with a pout. "hag."
The word hag appears and shoots her six times in the torso.
"W-Words hurt, S-Sean." She absentmindedly whispers.
I cross my arms over my chest, "Yeah. But not as much as this."
I float up and across the table then headbutt her as hard as I can.
"Ack-" she doesn't have aura so her forehead turns slightly red as mine is completely fine.
She rubs her forehead. "Do you want to fight or something, little shit?"
"Nah. I have better things to do." I hum as I pick up the book and crystal ball, then walk away.
She clutches her heart. "Dear gods when did you get such a sharp tongue?! You shouldn't be able to hurt me in this way!"
I continue walking with a pep in my step and a hum.
"The fact that you don't mean to do it makes it worse!" She calls after me.
I glance over my shoulder as I place the crystal ball at the center of the magic circle. "Why are you even here?!"
"Rude." June states as she continues floating around as if she was lying face down on a bed, kicking her legs behind her like she was a teen waiting for a call from their school crush. "I just want to make sure you are doing it right!"
"Also, I sort of want to see what Neo's parents look like to sate curiosity."
"Mn." I hum as I look down again.
I look to the book. "Alright... letsseehere..."
I stand up and hold my hand above the orb, palm facing downwards.
"Spirits of old, hear my plead, I wish to speak with the ones who's souls have been freed, the one who I seek is known by the name... Cooper Torchwick!"
The orb flashes brightly, a purple glow flows down each line of the magic circle, eventually casting a warm purple light across the room.
The orb dims, followed shortly by the magic circle.
June floats down slightly with a hum, observing the magic circle and orb. "Hmmm... well, that is interesting... care to try the other?"
"D-Did it not work?"
"Try the other parent?" She shrugs as she goes back to lazily around the room.
"Alright?" I frown as I hold my hand over the orb again.
"Spirits of old, hear my plead, I wish to speak with the ones who's souls have been freed, the one who I seek is known by the name... Cosmo Politan!"
The orb flashes again, the magic circle glowing brightly- only to dim like the last.
"…" June is quiet as she floats down, landing next to me.
She holds out a hand over the orb. "Gadreel."
'wait what? she didn't need to do the chan-'
My blood boils briefly as a hologram of the one person I hate the most appears above the crystal ball.
The corners of June's mouth tilts upwards at his screams, then he fades from existence as the magic circle is interrupted by her foot, scratching a gap in the silvery red line.
The ambient magical energy of the circle... and myself... dissipates harmlessly into the air.
She picks up the crystal ball. "I must speak with mother."
She turns around and begins walking away.
"W-Why won't it work?" I whisper as I stare at the floor.
She glances over her shoulder. "Do not worry, little brother of mine, your big sister will get to the bottom of this!"
"M-Mn..." I pitifully hum.
The door closes behind her as I look down to the floor. 'b-but now what?'
I lifelessly look up at the ceiling.
I let out a long sigh and just decide to go back to my room.
I stare blankly at the wall beside my bed as I lay front-down.
'mn. I-I wish Neo was happy...'
I glare at the wall. 'but why didn't the spell work? It worked with him... so, why not with Neo's parents?'
The words my sister said as she waved off my concerns come to my thoughts again... 'She tried to wave it off... but I'm not stupid... there are really only a couple reasons why that spell shouldn't work... one: they are in a state where they can't respond... such as having their soul trapped in an object... perhaps even having their soul destroyed... if I find out it is either of those... whoever did it is going to regret ever existing... but, there is another way it wouldn't work...'
'they could still be alive...'
'now, I don't know if they were captured, mind controlled, or willingly left Neo- if it's the latter, dark god forbid- but N-Neo said that they loved her! So, it probably isn't the last one meaning I don't have to get violent. Or they could have willingly left her for a good reason... like they had no choice but to do so... like some gang is after them and they are staying away from Neo to keep her out of it... I'd accept that as well.'
But none of that changes the fact that despite my best efforts Neo was still made sad because something I did...
'Alright, what the hell is that noise?!'
"Piss..." A voice hisses on the other side of my door. "Clair, you give it a try..."
The door to my bedroom is sent soaring across my vision and crashes into the wall that the head of my bed is against, the warm blue symbol of a lock on its center quickly fading as the magical energy in the spell is dispersed.
I look to the door to see a long-haired blond in a Mystralian maid's outfit, her hair tied up behind her head in a ponytail as she has a clenched fist extended to where the door was moments before. "Milady, I have successfully unlocked the door!"
Emilia is standing to the left of her, a look of slight annoyance on her face, but otherwise is just simply dumbfounded at the fact that this other girl punched my door off its hinges... not the action itself, as that would be quite simple, but at the fact that she seems to have thought it was a good idea.
"…" she shakes her head slowly and sighs, then looks over to me and points dramatically
"Sean! You're coming with me!" Emilia exclaims. "This is a kidnapping!"
"…" I slowly blink.
Wind howls through the icy tunnels of Emilia's 'Secret Base', my back rests against the cold ice wall as we gaze over the snowy tundra near her home.
"What's wrong you little shit!" Emilia growls, smashing a small ice cycle off the wall with her hand. "I'm tired of you being so... quiet."
"I'm sad..."
"I'm aware." She scoffs. "That's why I stole you! Your sister told me that you were, I'm just asking why?!"
"I made Neo sad... she just wants to be alone now."
"Well, why is she sad?" She asks. "You really aren't giving me much to work with here."
"I... made the mistake of not seeing where the conversation was going and it eventually landed on her parents, then, about an hour ago I tried to use a necromancy spell I found to speak with their souls, but it didn't work... now I just feel helpless and mad at myself because it seems like even my best efforts are coming up null."
Emilia is silent for a moment as she seemingly processes what I said.
"Well, you're wrong." She says with a frown.
"P-Pardon?" I ask.
"That wasn't your best effort... but this will be."
She grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet. "Clair!"
The girl who had been sitting next to us in silence stands up as well. "How can I be of service, master?"
"Please alert my mother that I will be going to Vale, then quickly come back here so we may teleport."
The girl bows her head, lifting up the corners of her skirt slightly as she does so. "As you command."
Then she disappears, the only thing left behind is a small gale that ruffles my hair.
"Oh? You couldn't see her move?" Emilia asks with a cocky grin. "She ran right past you~"
"Why are we going to Vale?" I slowly ask.
She just gives me a simple smile. "Well, Neo's parents were Grimm hunters, right?"
"I realized that they keep documents for their missions... so we are going to find out what exactly their mission was and where exactly it took them... then we might have a lead on what happened to them..."
I gasp slightly, then hug her. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
She blushes. "W-Wh- I-I did not consent to these hugs! Stop immediately!"
A knife is held an inch from the throat of a suited man as three children- now teens, I suppose- grin menacingly.
The white haired boy speaks up. "Hello~ my name is Alucard! I presume you have heard of me on the news?"
The man's eyes widen briefly. "B-But I-I haven't done anything that warrants killing!"
"Nono, you misunderstand... we won't kill you... provided you give us the information we need." The white haired girl smiles.
She looks to the last member of their group, a black-haired girl who hasn't said anything yet. "Isn't that right, Luna?"
The girl simply nods.
"Now~" the white haired girl hums. "Where do you keep the huntsmen records for over ten years ago."
The boy holds the knife up to the man's eye as he pauses for slightly too long.
"T-The archives!" He hisses. "W-We keep records older than five years in the archives!"
"O-Or you could just search our S-System with my password."
Three pairs of eyes lock onto him.
"Oh?" The white haired girl asks. "That would be helpful, yes."
The man is dragged over to his computer and dropped in front of it.
He unlocks the computer causing the two white haired teens to look to the black haired one.
"…" the boy is silent.
"Well, Luna, if you would please search through that~ we are looking for times between February Fifteenth and- for safety- the end of May on the year Fifty-Three A.W."
"As you command, my mistress." The girl nods as she moves past the suited man, causing him to flinch slightly as her red eyes bore into his forehead.
"Move." She whispers in a dead-sounding tone.
He flinches and quickly shuffles out of the chair, allowing the girl to sit down.
She wordlessly begins tapping away at the keyboard.
"W-What do you hope to accomplish?!" The man asks
"Hrm, well, we are going to do some... I think it's called 'detective work'... take a break from the killings! Though I mean... people could still die if we don't like what we find there..." The white-haired boy states menacingly.
Another machine beside the computer springs to life.
A piece of paper slowly slides out of the side, then followed by another... then another
The black-haired girl stands up and gives a slow nod as she takes the papers. "I have followed your earlier instructions milady I have found the location... additionally I have printed all cases of missions in the area."
"Very good, Luna." The white-haired girl grins before slowly turning to look to the suited man.
"N-Now that you got what you came f-for you'll leave, r-right?"
"Hrm, yes... I think we will." The girl hums.
Her red eyes gleam in the darkness. "You are going to cover all of our tracks and will not remember anything that occurred here."
"Milady I have already hidden my activity." The black-haired girl announces.
"Hm? Swell!" The albino girl grins.
She glares back at the suited man. "You won't remember anything that has transpired here!"
"I won't remember... anything that has transpired... here." He dumbly repeats, eyes glazing over as the girl's eyes flash again.
The boy holds out a hand, then clenches his fist, causing the man to fall unconscious.
"Let's go..." He frowns as he turns to the door and walks away.
"Hrm..." Emilia hums as she looks over the map, Clair and I looking over her shoulders.
I slowly blink and step away, Clair following my action.
"You aren't very good at that..." I frown.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" She snaps, glaring over her shoulder quickly for a moment.
She looks from paper to map repeatedly.
"Milady... if it is needed, I know how to find locations of maps via coordinates." Clair speaks up.
"I. can. do. it." Emilia hisses through clenched teeth.
"Then do it." I state with a half-lidded frown.
"Hmph." She scoffs as she goes back to looking over the map.
"Alright, so... hear me out... why don't we just search ALL of Anima..." Emilia finally says.
I look over to Clair. "Clair, please just do the locating for her."
"If my mistress does not wish me to do it, I will not do it." She responds.
I look to Emilia. "Emilia. Just let her do the damn locating."
"No! I have my pride to worry about!"
"Emilia." I warn.
"FINE!" She scoffs. "Clair you can do it..."
Clair walks over to the map, looks over it briefly, then pulls out a pin and immediately pokes it into the map.
I look down at the map to see the pin just on the large metallic dragon shaped continent's back
"Man... that was easy... such a shame that someone made this take MORE THAN THIRTY MINUTES, EMILIAAAA!" I roar.
"H-Hey... I want to draw this investigation out a little s-so I can spend more time with you..." She whispers.
"Are you trying to manipulate me into not being annoyed- hell, even feel sorry for yo-"
"No!" She exclaims.
A brief moment of silence passes over us.
"B-but if I was? Hypothetically would it be working?"
"I'll take that as a maybe." She hums as she turns away from the table.
"Emilia... a thought occurs..." I mutter.
"Wow! An entire though?! You must have been pretty startled!"
"What are we even going to find by going to a place they went missing at TEN YEARS AGO?!" I ask.
"I dunno... but speaking with their souls failed, so this is the next logical step."
"What about scrying?"
"Pfft- do I look like I can just toss around high-power divination spells?! Besides, we would need like a strand of hair... or something..."
"Neo? She shares quite a few similarities with her parents..."
"Mn... wouldn't work... we would just scry her." She shrugs. "Besides, we don't have access to the spell, why are we even talking about it?"
"What if we get a spell that lets us see events in the past?"
"Sean... you know I love you, but that would be even harder to do than just scrying them... but perhaps not as hard as scrying into other dimensions... which they are probably in knowing our luck..."
"You think they are trapped in the underworld?" I ask.
"Hrn... something like that I guess... maybe a pocket dimension?" She shrugs. "Buuuut probably the underworld."
"Well?" I ask. "We should hurry up and go there... maybe we will actually find something..."
"I'm so excited!" I grin as we walk through a forest of pine, fir, and spruce trees, making our way along the twisted and overgrown dirt path.
"What's with the excitement?" Emilia slowly asks.
"Maybe we can figure out what happened to Neo's parents! Then, if we drag them back to her, she'll be absolutely OVERJOYED!"
"Yep. It'll be pretty great to see her that happy." Emilia hums as she tilts her head. "She'll probably cry a lot as well."
"C-Cry?!" I hiss.
"You do know people can cry from joy, right?" Emilia deadpans.
"U-Uh... well, now I do!" I hum as I smile brightly
Emilia lets out a good-natured sigh and shakes her head. "So, what are we doing first once we get there?"
"Well, first we should question the older people in the village..." I hum as I slowly plot the next steps in 'Operation: Save Neo's Family'. "People under twenty most likely wont remember them seeing as how ages one through ten didn't actually exist at the time they disappeared-"
"Oh, we could always waterboard a one year old, that'll definitely get us answers." Emilia scoffs.
"which is why I didn't include them you little-" I take a deep breath and continue. "Ages eleven through twenty were too young so they probably didn't remember much, why would you remember two random huntsmen coming to your village to clear out grimm, so it's probably best to target someone in the thirty to forties range... they should be able to tell us the information we need."
"Then?" Emilia asks.
"Hrm... depending on their answers the plan could differ..." I shrug. "So, I don't really feel like planning out hundreds of different scenarios... but the basics are 'go where they were last seen, or in the direction they were last seen going in', or 'walk aimlessly in a direction using grimm to fan out and search for anything remotely important looking'."
"Seems pretty reasonable." She shrugs. "And to get the elderly to tell us what we want to know, I'll turn their fingers to sand one by one!"
"Or I could just dominate them... so they tell us accurate information instead of fear induced lies." I scoff with a half-lidded glare towards the side of her head.
"But that's not as fun, Sean." She pouts.
"Milady, Young Master, it should be just over this hill." Clair announces as she brushes some dust off the front of her maid attire."
I grin brightly and dash forwards, cresting the top of the hill only to freeze in place.
"Sean? What's wro-" Emilia runs up beside me only to cut off mid-sentence as we both look onwards.
We stare in eerie silence, gazing over a host of crumbled stone walls, burnt houses, and destroyed buildings.
We silently walk into the village, passing crumbled tiles, rotten and destroyed buildings, toppled trees, overgrown gardens,
Clair walks over to one of the buildings and lifts a decrepit and burnt sack doll from the rubble. "Mn..."
"This is..." Emilia whispers. "Disappointing..."
"UGH!" I growl. "This was our only lead! Now what are we supposed to-"
"The Grimm didn't cause this..." Clair notes cutting me off.
Emilia and I both quickly snap our gaze over to her. "What?" "What did you just say?"
"The Grimm didn't cause this..." She repeats as she haphazardly tosses the doll to the side.
"How... can you tell?" I slowly ask.
She looks down at a small skeletal hand just barely peeking out of the ground, across the forearm are dozens of large divots in a circular shape.
"The grimm... don't eat what they kill." She states with a small frown. "Nor is this a bitemark from any animal I know of... plus, there are signs of explosive and fire damage... while fire is the most common element grimm use, not that many actually have access to it..."
I frown slightly. "And how old is it?"
"Probably well over a year at least... two or three, perhaps... maybe even nine or ten." She states as she stands up. "Just not less than one."
Emilia scratches the back of her head. "All of the missions to this place were pretty old, right? All abruptly stopping about eight years ago... so we could safely assume that the last mission was of a group of huntsmen finding this place in this state, and reporting it back to whoever sent them here..."
"Mn." I hum as I hold my palm upwards.
Hundreds of bird-sized nevermore spew from the palm of my hand and swirl around me.
"Search the forest, come back if you find anything pertaining to our mission." I command.
They scatter outwards, flying off in all directions as they go off to complete my command.
Emilia crosses her hands in front of her face as several barely swerve around her, the black masked birds ruffling her hair as they fly by.
She lowers her arms and pouts slightly. "Rude."
"Sorry, just trying to get them to fan out as quickly as possible." I shrug.
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Yeah..."
I slowly look around. "I guess... the only thing left to do would be to wait?"
Emilia smiles slightly, then nods as the ground below her quickly turns to sand and flows towards me.
It swirls and condenses as it splits down the middle and flows around me, then it forms into a chair that hardens into sandstone and scoots forwards, forcing me to sit down.
A second ball of sand raises before me and melts into molten glass, then reforms into a table as it rapidly cools.
Emilia sits down across from me as she creates another sandstone chair.
She lets out a dreamy sigh and smiles. "Ah yes, our first real date finds itself in the middle of a destroyed village... effervescent."
"Clair, can you please retrieve the basket." She commands to the blond haired assassin now maid.
"As you command, my lady." The maid bows as she reaches into a small bag at her waist and pulls out a large picnic basket. "Would you like the Linen as well?"
"Yes, please." Emilia nods.
A white sheet of cloth is tossed over the glass table as she places down the basket.
"Would you like a sandwich, Sean?" Emilia asks.
I smile and nod. "That sounds pretty good!"
She smiles as well. "I'm glad you think so... I had Clair go out and grab them when we were getting into our Alucard and Camilla personas... I heard many good things about the store."
"Oh?" I ask.
She pulls out several triangle-like sandwiches with the crust cut off. "These have cheese, ham, peperoni and bacon."
"ooooh!" I gasp. "May I have some?"
She slowly nods. "You may."
I reach out and take a sandwich and take a bite. 'so good!'
"Do you like it?"
I absentmindedly nod.
"I'm glad." She smiles.
"Y'know... Emilia..." I slowly begin after I finish chewing a bite. "Do you think we are actually going to find any clues out here?"
She looks out to the destroyed village. "Well, Sean... probably not... but anything is possible... your mother appears to be doing her own research as well, but she, like my mother, is stuck in the past so she probably hasn't thought of this... so it is possible we do actually find something."
"So, while they are busy scrying, we are following leads to their last known locations." She explains.
"I wish we could scry..." I sigh. "That would make this so much easier..."
"It would..." She agrees. "But it's not about being easy, it's about finding Neo's parents!"
"I really didn't think you would care." I hum with a small head tilt.
"Of course, I care! Neo is my friend! Spending time with you is just a bonus!" She exclaims.
"Alright..." I hum, taking another bite of the sandwich.
The sound of a heart monitor reaches my ears, the sterilized smell and white ceiling quickly making themselves known to my other senses... I grimace slightly as a light metalic taste reaches my taste buds and an aching pain passes over my entire body.
"Ngh- mnnn." I groan as I fully take in my surroundings.
The hospital at beacon...
'I'm safe...'
'I managed to defeat it...'
I look down at my arm to see an Iv stuck into the inside of my elbow causing me to cringe. 'h-hate needles...'
"O-Oh my gosh! You're awake!" Someone exclaims.
I look up to see a small faunus girl with fox ears, about my age, in white clothing. She gaps and rushes out of the room.
"Miss Gundy!" I her hear cry as she rushes down the hallway.
'oh right... she was the nurse's apprentice... I had forgotten about her...'
I sit there in silence for about five to ten minutes.
There is a knock at the door.
"u-uh please come in!"
A man with silvery white hair and brown eyes walking with a cane that screams steampunk slowly steps into the room.
He gives me a slow nod. "Hello, miss Rose... my name is Ozpin... I am the new headmaster."
"I-I know." I squeak. "I-I went to this semester's assembly."
He slowly nods and sits down at a chair my bedside. "I assume you know why I am here?"
"N-No?" I ask, not even lying.
He slowly nods as he unrolls a newspaper he had carried in here. "I see..."
"Massive pillar of light explodes warehouse and covers most of downtown Vale."
"W-What?" I his. "I-I..."
"So, you know about this, hmm?" Ozpin asks with a small knowing smile. "Now, miss Rose... what would you say is your favorite fairy tale?"
(Pov: Sean)
"So, have the birds found anything yet?" Emilia asks as she finishes crafting a large gazebo from sandstone to shield us from the overbearing sun.
I mean, we don't actually die due to sunlight anymore, but sunburns are sort of annoying...
"Not yet... apparently..." I sigh as with a wave of my hand I create a miniature grimm wyvern about twice the size of my hand.
It scurries around the table and lets out a miniature shrill cry.
I wince and cause it to detonate in a puff of smoke.
'T-that just reminded me of Neo... her familiar is a wyvern...'
"Oi!" Emilia grins as she roughly sits back down across from me. "Want to do something fun?!"
"Mn?" I hum with a slightly sad smile.
"We're gonna play a game!" She exclaims as she smiles brightly.
With a wave of her hand she creates a small flat board of sandstone on the glass table... it's about three feet long and wide, and about an inch thick.
"The rules are simple." She states. "You create a miniature grimm for yourself, then you create a miniature grimm for me and release control of it... then we have them fight to the death."
I slowly nod. "Sounds easy enough..."
"And fun, right?" Emilia asks.
"Sure." I shrug.
"ALRIGHT!" She grins. "May I have a small person grimm?"
With a wave of my hand, a grimm about four inches tall appears. "You are released from my control."
"You are now under my control~" Emilia hums to the miniature monster.
"May I equip my boy?" She asks as she picks it up with a small menacing smile.
"Sure? You are going to use sand to do that, right? Just don't change the sand in the middle of the fight."
I wave my hand and summon a small panther, slightly bigger than the man. "Mine is bigger to take into account whatever nonsense you are adding."
"Fair enough." She shrugs.
She creates a little suit of armor and a sword out of sandstone over the grimm humanoid.
"Alriiight!" She grins as we both slowly look up to each other.
"Fight." "Fight!"
Heyo, how are all of you doing this fine afternoon? Anyways, here, have this new chapter. I hope you enjoyed this! well, i have literally nothing prepared for next week, Card hunter is chilling at around 700 words and 'A Bizarre adventure' is chilling at just under 1k... so all in all, i'll probably post another drabble in 'flame's trash' i have a couple stories sort of prepared one with a saiyan from planet vegeta finding himself of Remnant with a little screen that tells him how good he is at using a transformation, and another using that divinity system monster huntersman had... but i couldn't decide what i wanted him to be a god of so i have like two versions of it... the Saiyan story totals to about like 12k words (Plus 7k-ish words for an alternative story that had a different sort of gamer system that was scrapped... i'll only be posting the 12k one because the 7k one is literally just the same thing... like literally just copy pasted mostly word for word up till about 6k words.) if i remember correctly, and the two divinity rwby stories total to about 9k-10k combined... plus i was toying with the idea of turning 'Remnants of the world' (the chapter 2 story) into a full story, but chapter 2 of that only has 600 words... though i have altered chapter 1 quite a bit if i finally decide to post it... anyways I'm off to sleep probably... see you all in either 'Cardhunter Reshuffled' (If i get my shit together and complete the chapter) or in my trash can. Bye!