Part of Me

Rainbow Haired Girl

Summary: Olivia Stark is a mutant and tries to hide it fairly well from her family until she meets one Charles Xavier and his sister Raven. She realizes it is ok to be a little bit different.

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Mn or the Avengers, but I do own Olivia Stark.

Authoress Note: I decided to do a rewrite on this fic. It was originally called Finding Your True Home, but I decided that it was best to write a whole new fic for it to flesh it about a little bit better than what I had written previously. I hope that you guys like this new rewrite. Without further ado the Prologue of Part of Me.


"Do we have a go for another test run on the flying car?" A male voice ran from above looking down through where the engine was under the hood to where a young woman was busy underneath it working on some electrical wiring.

The young woman pushed some of her dark hair back from her face as she looked at the man that was staring down at her. "Howard, being a bit over excited aren't we?" She questioned as she tightened up one of the bolts under the car.

Howard let out a soft chuckle. "You remember what happened the last time that we tried it?" He mused softly.

"1943 and it fell to the ground like a ton of bricks. Shattering the undercarriage of the car. Which by the way… with me helping you took weeks."

Howard's cheeks flushed remembering that she was only a child in 1943, but a smart bright young child that took after him which he was scared of. He knew that she had grown up to be more and more like him and it bothered him. He knew that men were going to either take advantage of her or they would be too damn scared of her. "Olivia…"

"It's fine Howard, I'm just kidding." She said with a teasing smile as she crawled out from under the car. She wiped her hands off on a rag. "It should be all ready to go." She looked up at her 5'10 brother which made her feel tiny compared to him.

Howards put his hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for checking under there."

Her lips quirked to one side. "I'm glad that I could help. Let me know how she runs okay?"

"You got it." Howard said with a wink.

"I should go and let you talk to Peggy…"

"How did you…"

"Know she was coming? Come now Howard… you aren't exactly quiet when you're talking to Jarvis."

"Ah…" Howard rubbed the back of his neck. "I have a few things to go over with her that's all."

"Which is fine Howard." Olivia said with a small smile. "Just try not to over do it okay?"

Howard smiled softly and patted her shoulder. "Try to relax once you get home… don't pour yourself over those blue prints."

Olivia let out a soft laugh. "I'll try not to Howard."


This is the end of the Prologue of Part of Me. Please leave a review and let me know what you guys think of the prologue. I will hopefully have more up soon, but I'm not promising anything. Let me know if you guys would like to see anything special. Like who you would like to see her with in this story or not. Until next time guys.