Hi Guys!

So this is it the last one! Hope your all doing ok and staying safe in these mad times.

I really appreciate everyone who has read this story and now we are at the end I am even more grateful. Its had its ups and downs but we got there. As always thank you for following, favouriting and reviewing and I have a question for you all. Would you be interested in my carrying on into Thor The Dark World. I have a couple of ideas for it and it would be no where near as long as this story. But what do you think? Worth it or not?

Cheers! It's been fun!

D.S x

Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, the Avengers or any other of Marvel's various properties


In the end they ended up in a restaurant. The Shawarma Palace. It had survived well under the invasion, littered with dust and pieces of debris that had sneaked through the door and smashed window, but the owner had been more than willing to see to their needs, welcoming them with a shaky smile and a half-hearted appeal that it was on the house, which Stark had been quick to refute. Loki had been utterly confused about what exactly shawarma was, it was not something that translated with AllSpeak and Loki didn't trust the Man of Iron to not feed him something disgusting. Though the Young Prince had to admit that when the pile of meats stacked in a strange bread with rather flavourful sauces was put in front of him, he wondered if he could find a way to have the Palace cooks back home in Asgard replicate it. He would never admit it to the Midgardian but the food was delicious.

Along with the food the reunion with his friends had been the highlight of the aftermath. Sign and Leif were both just as thrilled to see him, which lit something inside of Loki which he didn't know he was missing. His Valet was clutching his sword while Sigyn fussed over him, both covered in dust, dirt and their clothing ripped beyond what a tailor could fix. But they were unharmed, smiling and alive. Loki took great pleasure in Leif's blushing face when he clasped the boy in a hug, just like the ones Thor gave him. Arms coming around the small boy and almost lifting him clean off the ground. Sigyn had laughed at the pair of them, that is until Loki had grabbed the girl tight, pulling her in so that he could smother her. It was fun to watch her turn an interesting shade of red.

The rest of the Avengers had reassembled, all looking no worse for wear. The Captain was burnt in some places, but was otherwise unharmed, his shield down by the side of him on the floor as he tucked into several of the dishes on offer. Barton was already arguing with the Man of Iron, stuffing his face in between, the Widow watching on with mild amusement, even as she nibbled on her own meal. The greatest transformation had to be the Hulk. The great beast turning back into the puny Midgardian that appeared so frail Loki was sure the young babes of Asgard would be more than a match for him on the battlefield. What he didn't have in size though he made up with appetite, eating just as much if not more than Thor.

The three children kept to their own company for the most part, allowing the adults time to decompress and digest. Loki watched them, a smile tugging at his lips as Thor laughed at something said by the Captain, who looked thoroughly confused by his amusement. Though that green gaze couldn't help but slide to the last member of their strange party.

Amora looked pathetic, huddled in the corner, with her one remaining arm, her blonde hair a ragged mess as she watched the lot of them with venomous blue eyes. It had taken some persuasion on the Widow's part to stop Hawkeye from taking her head off with one of his arrows. He'd only ceased his attempts when Thor had explained, that Amora was Asgardian, and that even if Barton's weapon could pierce her he would have no hope to kill her. The archer had been infuriated arguing that the Widow had been able to wound her, but Loki had swiftly jumped in explaining how the ice had made Amora's limb vulnerable, making it able to be destroyed by a Midgardian weapon. Loki had been sure he would have continued with an assault no matter what they said, but after walking off for several minutes, during which the food was ordered and served, he'd reappeared, sitting as far from the Seidr wielder as he could get, much to the amusement of the Witch.

Loki had no doubt that she would have had some scathing remarks for the lot of them if she could have voiced them, though the gag, courtesy of Thor, was enough to keep her silent for now, along with the Seidr suppression cuffs and chains which were attached to her remaining wrist and ankles. Loki shivered at the sight of the things. They repulsed him like no other thing could, radiating a void that was all to willing to suck Seidr, any Seidr within their depths and devour it. Loki had fortunately never experienced having any on, though his Mother had once explained the feeling as though a leech had attached itself to her insides and was steeling away her energy. Loki only hoped his Mother would not subject him to the trauma when he returned home.

Amora been stuck in a crater in the Man of Iron's living quarters when they found her. Her attempt to flee from the battle thwarted by the Hulk, who had no issues about swinging around a one-armed woman before leaving her to sink into unconsciousness in the hole she created on landing. Loki bit his lip as Amora's eyes found his, narrowing in rage, shifting so that he caught the stump that was all that was left of the appendage the Widow had claimed in their quest for the staff.

Speaking off the staff, it was leaned up against the wall, as far from Amora as they could possibly get. It had been covered with the thickest materials Stark had on hand in his home. Sigyn and Loki had made it perfectly clear that no one should touch it. The Young Prince had expected a fight on his hands at the demands, but Thor had stepped in, making it clear that what they said should hold weight, as the only Seidr wielders within the group, that could be trusted at least, it would be foolish for them to ignore them. Loki had been forced to beat back the blush which threatened to spill onto his cheeks. His Brother had been much more supportive of his interest and talent for Seidr since the coup. However, this was the first time Thor had ever really praised or taken his word in front of people that could be considered shield siblings. It was something that made Loki intensely proud and more than a little embarrassed.

"I … I have never tasted anything s…such as this," Leif muttered from beside Loki, who was staring at the bread covered meat, sauce leaking from the bottom to spill onto his plate. "How do y…you suppose it is m…made?"

"It's only a collection of cooked meat and vegetables," Sigyn said, even as she took another large bite of her own meal. "We have similar in Asgard."

"But none taste l…like … like …"

"Perhaps it is the sauces," Loki picked at the bread, pulling a piece off to stuff into his mouth. The rich flavour of cooked meat, steamed vegetables and a blend of heat and spices washed over his tongue. "The ingredients are coated in it; it changes the flavour."

"Man, I wish I had a camera," the Man of Iron snickered at the three of them. "Aliens eat human food and are baffled. It'd go viral."

"None of this is to end up on the internet Stark," the Widow warned.

"I know, I know, but still, it would be worth it. The memes alone."

The thump of the door of the Shawarma Palace being pushed open had the whole group turning. Loki frowned at the sight of the head of Shield, Director Fury. His clothes were pristine, his long black coat billowing out behind as he stalked into the restaurant, his remaining eye widening slightly at the sight of the lot of them eating.

"Enjoying yourselves?"

"We just saved the world Nicky, we deserve this," Stark said, snatching another bread wrapped meat selection.

"I don't doubt you'll make sure of that," Fury muttered, one eye surveying them, hesitating on the Asgardians, narrowing as he saw Loki before finally landing on Thor. "I take it you're here for those three troublemakers."

"Indeed," Thor inclined his head, wiping his mouth on a napkin before standing to bow to the Director. "Thor, Crown Prince of Asgard."

"Director Nick Fury of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, Shield."

"Well met Director Fury."

"I see you've been making yourselves at home," Fury nodded at the surroundings, one eye narrowing at Romanov and Barton, who sent a cheeky wave until they settled on Amora. "But I think you have something which belongs to us."

The Witch shifted, and Loki was sure she was smiling under the gag.

"I know not what you speak of."

"Let's cut the crap here, your Highness. Amora, she's a criminal of Earth, hand her over."

"Yeah, just demand the crazy alien from the Viking space gods. Great idea Nicky."

"Your comments are not wanted nor appreciated Stark."

"I am afraid that what you wish cannot be granted. Amora will not be left in the custody of Midgard."

Loki fought hard to keep the awe off his face. Thor was stood tall, shoulders back and spine straight. Even with his battered armour and singed cape he looked regal, every inch a Prince and Thunder God.

"I'm sorry, I think I misheard you."

"I did not misspeak, Director Fury," Thor said. "Amora, while her crimes against Midgard are grave and will be answered for, was a fugitive of Asgard and co-conspirator in a plot to take down the royal family. She will answer to our justice."

"You think you can take her away from us?" Fury asked. His words were accompanied by the sound of rushing feet and suddenly the room was stormed by black clad Midgardians, the metal machines known as guns already aimed at the Crown Prince. "I think you might be underestimating us here your Highness."

"Fury," Captain America hissed, coming to his own feet. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Just some insurance. I don't want this to get nasty," that eye found Loki, Leif and Sigyn. "Especially around children."

"I think its rather too late to spare us your concern," Sigyn snapped. "Or did you forget that we fought at your side during the Witch's invasion."

"All the more reason that I would rather do this calmly. I know we have no hope of taking you down," Fury said to Thor, who had not moved from his position, though Mjolnir was ready at his belt if needed. "You're an alien, a powerful one, we've already been on the receiving end of one of your kind." He nodded to Amora. "Even the little ones we would have trouble containing."


"So I would rather you just hand over the prisoner. She invaded us, killed hundreds if not thousands of our people. Don't we deserve to give out our own justice?"

The air was thick with tension. Loki cast a worried glance around at the assembled Avengers. Captain America was stood, fists clenched, glancing between Thor and Fury, as though unsure as to what side to take. Stark remained in his seat, stuffing his face full of the shawarma as he watched the show unfurl before him. Banner had strategically retreated out of sight, but Loki could sense his presence in the other room, not doubt trying to keep himself calm. On any other occasion Loki would have been thrilled to see the man, 'Hulk out' as he called it, but right now they did not need the green beast. Barton and Romanov were also still seated, but Loki noted the bow which was by Barton's side and the Widow was stiff and ready. Loki was sure if things descended into a fight, the pair would not fall on their side. Fury was their leader and they were soldiers. The Avengers may have assembled but they were not a team yet.

Leif shifted at his side. Loki was surprised when he saw his Valet move so that the sword he had gifted his was within easy reach. Seidr curled around Sigyn, poised and composed in her seat, but ready to defend a Prince of Asgard if necessary. The two glanced at him and smiled. Loki felt warmth infuse him and he prepared his own Seidr. It was low but he could still summon his knives and the foreign feeling of ice under his skin would come if he willed it.

"You are correct Director, I would much prefer for things to be resolved without the use of violence," Thor said, surprising Loki with his cool demeanour. Moving from his place he gripped Amora's arm, dragging her out so that the chains which held her arm and legs in place, along with the Seidr suppression cuffs attached to them rattled. "Amora has attacked your world, she should be made to face your justice, as is your right."

Loki was surprised. He was sure their Father would not approve of Thor handing Amora over to the Midgardians. Not that they did not have a right to her life, she had killed plenty of Midgardians in her invasion, by law they had a right to a say and even the incentive to petition Asgard for the right to solely deal with her. Not that the Midgardians knew or cared to know about the intricate phrasing of Asgardian law.

Fury nodded, stepping forward as though to take Amora from Thor, though suddenly, the Crown Prince jerked the Witch back, earning a muffled squawk and fierce glare from the prisoner.

"But pray tell me Director, what exactly will you do with your prisoner?"

"What do you mean do? Arrest her, have her face court and -"

"Yes, yes, I have no care for your legal system," Thor airily waved away Fury's explanation. "I meant after that, once her punishment has been decided. Will you cage her? Kill her? Or something else?"

"What we do has nothing to do with you."

"But it does," Thor said. "If you wish to cage her, no matter how strong you build your cell, it will not be able to keep Amora contained. To kill her would be the same, no weapon forged on Midgard can piece an Asgardian, so again you would need our help."

"She seems harmless right now," Fury pointed out.

"The cuffs and gag are of Asgardian design and make," Thor said. "If you wish to continue using them without my presence that will have to be brokered with Odin Allfather and I do not believe he will be willing to hand over Asgardian technology to a race who do not understand just what they hold within their grasp."

"You tell him Pointbreak," Stark cheered which earned him a round a glares and a reprimand from Captain America.

"We can handle Amora, what we do and how we do it is no concern of yours," Fury stood his ground. The black clad Midgardians armed and ready to answer if he said the word.

"But it is," Thor shook his head. "When Amora breaks out of your custody, and she will break out, it would be inevitable that she would turn her fury on you. I have fought by the side of your warriors, they are powerful and skilled, but even with all of their might they could not have brought down Amora alone. Not without our help." Thor looked at Loki. "It was my Brother and his natural powers which held the Witch in place long enough for the Widow to injure her. It was my Brother with tracked Amora, halted the Tesseract from keeping the portal open and thwarting Amora's plans. Director Fury, without my Brother, a Jotgardian you would not have won this invasion."

Loki stiffened, then huffed and sent a glare Thor's way. "Jotgardian?"

"Would you have preferred Asstun?" Thor raised an eyebrow. Loki pouted but inside he laughed, that was what he was wasn't it? A Jotgardian, a Jotun, Asgardian, he was proud to be both, so he shouldn't be ashamed to be classified as such.

"So you're saying we have no hope to contain her?" Fury asked.

"Indeed, it would be foolish to assume that you could contain or even kill the Witch. Once she freed herself Asgard would have to be called and I do not know how swiftly we would be able to answer your call."

"You would abandon us?"

"No," Thor said. "But it takes time to travel to Midgard, even with the Bifrost. There are other means, but I do not think the AllFather or AllMother would approve of their use, at least not for a number of years yet."

Sigyn nudged Loki's shoulder and smirked. Leif sent him a sympathetic look while Loki tried to beat back a flush.

"It would be safer for your people, for your planet if you did not keep Amora here. Asgard can contain her, kill her if that is what is decided. You would risk your people for your pride."

It was in that moment that Loki caught a glimpse of the King his Brother would one day become. Standing before an opponent, not just with his hammer ready to do battle, but using reason, logic and words to stop a battle before it could descend into one. Loki knew right then and there that one day he would gladly serve this king, follow him into the very depths of hell if he asked.

The Director took a breath. "Stark, could you build a cell to contain Amora."

"Hard to say," Stark said, leaning back in his chair so the front legs lifted from the ground. "She's got that weird magic thing, which still needs to be explained to me and I need some scans of the emo Prince." Loki bristled, but Stark paid little heed. "But from what I've seen there's not much on this fair planet that could keep her in check. Vibranium maybe, but I doubt with have enough of that to make a spoon, at least on hand."


"She's powerful," was all the Widow said. Barton just glared, all the while itching to take a hold of his bow and shoot.

"The risks of keeping her would be too high," Captain America chimed in. "The safety of civilians is our top priority."

It was obvious that none of them had given Fury the answers he wanted, but in the face of such conclusions he sighed. "Fine, but I can't walk away with nothing. The World Security Council will have my head. We want the Tesseract and the staff."

"Absolutely not," Thor barked. "The Tesseract is the property of Asgard. It was placed on your planet for safe keeping, your ancestors too primitive to understand its power. Now that its security has been compromised it will be returned to Asgard."

"I can't just let you take it."

"You have no choice," Thor said and Loki noted the way his hand strayed to his hammer hilt not pulling out the great weapon, but the threat was clear. Fury eyed it.

"I thought you didn't want this to get violent?"

"I do not, but I think this needs more than words to reiterate. The Tesseract is too powerful to remain on Midgard, you saw the damage it was capable of when in the hands of those that would use it for evil ends. It will be safer in the vaults of Asgard, away from those which could cause mischief."

"Not all of them," Sigyn smirked at Loki, who rolled his eyes while Leif laughed.

"It is also the only way we will be able to return to Asgard," Thor went on. "The AllFather would be most displeased if the return of his youngest son was delayed due to Midgardians fighting for something they should have left well enough alone in the first place."

Loki had to beat back his need to point and laugh at the way Fury's face contorted. The Midgardian was seething, Loki was sure, if he could, he would have fried Thor with his gaze alone, but he was smart enough not to push his luck with the Asgardian. Loki watched as Thor drew himself to his full height, staring down his nose at the Director. It was a look while odd on Thor, Loki could become used to, it was a nice change to see his Brother using his head and not his hammer.

"Fine," Fury spat. "You keep the Tesseract as well. The staff is ours."

"That would be just as danger -"

"I already have to explain to the Council, along with the rest of the world that we don't even have the being that killed so many of our people," Fury said, one remaining eye flashing with irritation. "The least Asgard can do is give us something which will make their loss meaningful in some small way."

Thor winced and Loki sighed. His Brother was soft hearted at his core, a warrior that truly did believe in the principles of helping others. It was an endearing quality and was what allowed their people to put their faith in their Crown Prince, knowing that he would always fight for them, come hell or high water. But it was damn annoying when used against him in negotiations.

"I see your point Director," Thor glanced at the covered staff, sitting innocuously by the wall. "I still hold to the belief that it would be better off away from your planet, but it is understandable that their must be some form of wergild. I will explain it to the AllFather."

"Thor, you mustn't," Loki stood, ignoring the eyes which landed on him. "The Midgardians cannot hope to protect the staff. It is powerful."

"We're not going to leave it laying around," Fury said.

"I'm sure," Loki snorted. "But that thing has an energy even I don't recognise, something dark, watching?"


"What do you mean Little Brother?" Thor asked.

"I don't know," Loki frowned. "I felt, when I finally managed to stop the Tesseract, an energy flow through the staff and eyes watching me, like they could see me."

"Great, more hocus pocus."


"Loki," Thor spoke softly, but Loki shook his head.

"I can't explain it Brother, its just a feeling, but something is strange about that staff."

"Be that as it may it is still the property of Earth," Fury said. He turned to Thor and glared. "The Tesseract and Prisoner are yours, the staff ours, are we agreed?"

Thor remained still, face passive. Loki almost wished he would reach for his hammer and proudly proclaim that Midgardians had no right to demand anything from them, but Thor had come far in the last year and instead bowed his head.

"Very well."


"I'm sure the Midgardians will not be careless in their care of such a powerful weapon," Thor said, sending Loki a smile before fixing his blue eyed gaze on Fury. "It would be most embarrassing if Asgard had to come down and fix any problems that could occurred if the proper procedures weren't in place."

"Oh burn."


"We will keep it safe," Fury gestured and one of the black glad Midgardians bounded over and claimed the staff.

"Don't remove the wrappings," Loki said as hands started to fiddle with the clothes which securely held the staff. "Don't touch it with your bare hands, like I said, somethings strange about that thing."

"We will take your words under advisement," Fury said, though Loki was sure they were dismissed just as quickly as he turned away from him. The black clad Midgardians retreated leaving Fury alone with the Avengers, three Asgardians and Jotgardian. "When will you be returning to your planet?"

"I have some preparations to make and I would like to be sure that the people of Midgard are safe before we leave, but within the next few days."

"Great. Stark, they're staying with you."

"Me, why do I get baby sitting duty," the Man of Iron exclaimed.

"Because I don't want to deal with them, and you have a big enough tower. You might want to fix the sign though; you can't see the monument to your massive ego as well without it."

"It is not a monument! That building is a feat of engineering that you should appreciate for its artistry and -"

Fury walked away, leaving a sputtering Stark behind, Captain America fruitlessly trying to calm him down, while Romanov smirked, and Barton out right laughed.

"Midgardians are strange creatures," Thor muttered, sitting back down to tuck into the remains of the shawarma.

"You have no idea Brother."

The next few days were a blur of activity. Whether it was due to the force of Fury's word or simply the fact that they had no where else to go, Thor, Loki, Leif and Sigyn ended up at Stark Tower. The building had survived the invasion pretty much intact, apart from the sign, the A the only part of the Stark's name remaining on the side, but Loki thought the loss improved the overall look of the building.

They weren't alone, Captain America joined them, while Barton and Romanov dropped in and out, no doubt ferrying back and forth between the Avengers and Shield. Banner was cautious, sneaking in and remaining in the labs as far away from people as he could get. Loki had tried to talk to the man, he was fascinated with the way he transformed and the feeling of Seidr he carried. He wasn't alone, Sigyn was itching to get her hands on him and do some tests and scans, but they had been warned off by Captain America and Stark, who claimed he didn't want to have to rebuild his Tower yet again if they set off a Hulk out.

Stark had set right to work, Loki had watched on the big black tablet that Stark had called a TV the many interviews, stating that he would help in the restoration of the great city of New York. Displays of the invasion were shown along with pictures of some of the Avengers fighting, which had worried the Captain but Romanov had explained that there had been far to many witnesses for Shield to cover things up and the world was demanding answers. There was a mixture of reactions to Thor, especially as Amora's origins were revealed. Some claimed that it was unfair that she was being 'extradited' they called it and wanted the Government to do something. Stark had had several calls and Thor had disappeared for a few hours one day, but the state of things did not change. Amora would return to Asgard along with the Tesseract, there would be no appeal.

Loki, Leif and Sigyn didn't have much to do after the invasion, which was a good thing as the first thing they did upon reaching Stark Tower was fall into beds, which had been begrudging provided by Stark and slept for twenty hours. The exhaustion of their flight through Yggdrasil and the invasion finally overwhelming them and forcing their minds to rest. Upon emerging the three were relegated to the Tower and told not to leave, which Loki found infuriating. They had proven themselves in battle, surly that was enough to prove they could wander around Midgard, but Thor had been insistent and the three could be found in almost permanent residence before the TV.

The interviews were interesting and Loki was intrigued with the way Midgardian leaders conducted themselves, looking like they wouldn't be able to even lift a small hand axe, let along any of the weapons that most of the Council of Nine and his Mother and Father could wield. Loki wondered how the Midgardians could have faith that such puny looking people would be able to protect them. But what really captured the children's attention were the cartoons. Stark had put them all, grumbling about how kids shouldn't just watch the news all the time. Loki would have been insulted, but the brightly coloured shows that filled the black tablet had been captivating. He should have thought of it as demeaning, childish and not something a Prince of Asgard should indulge in, but he so wanted to know if the black haired youth would truly be able to catch all of those little creatures and become a master, even if he seemed completely incompetent.

To be honest Loki enjoyed the time, not only because of the entertainment but the company. Sigyn and Leif made the whole isolation much more enjoyable than if he had been alone and Loki had some experience with that. There weren't many noble children around Loki's age, most either much younger or older so it was refreshing to be around his peers, social class none withstanding. Sigyn, once passed the hard exterior was funny, with a sharp tongue that rivalled Loki's and drove him up the wall. But she was kind, encouraging Leif to overcome his stutter and ensuring that Loki didn't fall into too much mischief, though not disinclined to join in. Loki had thought she was going to choke when he had turned all Stark's liquors to Bilgesnipe piss, turning the man's face a bright shade of puce when he'd drank the unfortunate concoction. Though it may have also stemmed from when the man of Iron had donned his suit and chased Loki around the Tower, destroying many of the windows he had just replaced.

Leif though finding the joke funny, had fussed. Loki had on first meeting the cooks son found it an annoying trait, but throughout the whole mess that was their adventure in Midgard he had come to apricate it for what it was, genuine concern, a rare thing indeed within the realms of nobility. It was warming in a way that Loki didn't understand, though that came from lack of having received such emotions from a peer for most of his life. Sure, he had acquaintances in the Cohort, boys that should have grown into men with him. But most only wanted him for one thing, his title and all the privilege that came of being a friend of the Second Prince of Asgard and only Brother of Thor. It had been a hard pill to swallow when he was younger, but now Loki would never replace those lonely years for anything, not if it brought him a true friend like Leif. Some one who did not care for him because of his title, privilege or power, but because he was Loki. The Young Prince's assessment of his friend was firmly put in place on one of their latter days on Midgard.

During a veg out session on the soft furnishings before the TV. The children were surrounded on all sides by a variety of what Stark called, 'enough candy to give even baby Viking space gods a sugar high' Loki had turned to Leif.

"I will have words with my Father, I am sure he will be able to place a good word in with General Tyr for you."

His Valet blinked, Sigyn sending them both an annoyed look before her eyes flicked back to the TV, content to ignore them.

"My P…Prince?"

"There's enough evidence to give you a good showing," Loki went on, a smile that didn't reach his eyes stretching his lips. "A simple spell and I'll be able to show Tyr exactly what you can do with a sword. He'll have to accept you after that."

"M…My Prince I d…do not understand. What a…are you -"

"Getting into warrior training of course," Loki said, hoping that it sounded as airy as he hoped. "You said that they wouldn't take you last time, but they'll have no choice now, you've proved yourself. Maybe one day you can become part of the guard and -"

"Are you firing me Prince Loki?

Loki blinked at the blunt question without the usual stutter. Leif was staring at him, face blank.

"W…well I don't want to, but -"

"Then there will be no need to t...talk with General Tyr as I already have a job."

"But Leif, you could join the guard, become a warrior. You -"

"That won't be necessary."

"Leif -"

"Prince Loki," Leif said, shifting on the cushions so he could look the Prince in the eyes. Loki marvelled at the will he saw there, an unshakable resolve that would make most squirm when Leif put on some more years and had grown into his full height. "I have no need to join the guard, or for warrior training, I am happy as I am serving you. Please do not take that away from me."

Loki gaped, mouth popping open as though to argue, but no sound came out. After a moment of silence he croaked out "why?"

Leif smiled, "Because you're my friend and I would rather be happy serving my friend for the rest of my days, than work at something that would ensure that I would never see him again, only in passing the hallways of the palace."

His eyes burned and Loki blinked furiously to stop any tears from falling. He wasn't usually such a cry baby, but the words were heart felt and sincere and Loki was left in no doubt that Leif meant them. The boy was wiling to stay by his side, even when Loki was offering an opportunity unlike any other. Becoming a warrior or guard was something that most lower-class boys aspired to be. They were paid well and received expert training from some of the best warriors of Asgard. Being a servant, for most was seen as women's work or for those with little skill with weapons. And Leif was willing to turn it down simply because it would take him away from his friend.

Loki rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand before smirking. "You sure you can handle it?"

"Indeed, my Prince. I will endeavour to be sure to keep up with what I am sure will be further adventures that will require me to protect your royal back. We would not wish to upset the Queen."

Loki laughed, Leif joining though both boys were swiftly shushed by Sigyn who threatened to remove certain parts of their anatomy if they didn't keep it down.

Things settled into a comfortable daze, however as all things, they must come to an end and sooner than Loki would have liked Thor had declared their business finished and that it was time to return to Asgard. Leif was relieved, though understandably nervous, no doubt his Mother would have a few choice words for him when he returned and not all of them would be good. Sigyn had smiled, looking forward to seeing Eir. Loki couldn't for the life of him think why the girl would be so excited to see the old hag, but Sigyn was just as harsh as the old Asgardian that Loki would have believed that she was some how related to the battle axe.

For his part, Loki was equal parts excited and nervous. He missed his parents, the action of the past few days pushing thoughts of them away, but now that it was over he just wanted to be wrapped in his Mother's arms, Father standing beside her as one of his large hands rested on his head. It was a nice fantasy and Loki would have loved for that to be his homecoming, but he was pretty sure that his Mother would probably be waiting with a harsh clip around the ear and Father ready and willing to put him over his knee, something he hadn't done since Loki was a very small child.

It was with some trepidation that he got out of the black armoured car which Stark had provided for their transport. Following Thor who held Amora tight by her chains, Leif and Sigyn just ahead of him into a park.

"You really must have Nicky wrapped around your finger Thor," Stark said as he and Banner climbed out of one of the metal cars, painted a flashy red, much nicer than the one he'd provided Thor and the rest, though there's did come with a driver. Happy was an interesting Midgardian, who thrilled in entertaining the Loki, Leif and Sigyn when they quizzed him about the voices coming from inside the car. Captain America, or Steve as he had insisted they call him, pulled up on a two wheeled contraption that growled so loud Leif winced. Barton and Romanov hopped out of a familiar black beast, the Widow picking up a small black case when she held by a handle, leaving the engine running as they followed the alien group further into the park. "How'd you manage to convince him to shut down central park for this?"

"I merely explained that we would be leaving from the largest open space in the city and if he wanted us gone sooner rather than later, he would make one available to me."

Stark bust out laughing along with Barton, Romanov quirked an eyebrow while Banner and Steve shared long suffering looks.

"Man I would have loved to see his face. Oi, Harry Potter could you put the memories in a pensive for me."

"I have no clue as to what you speak Mortal," Loki sniffed imperiously, subtly flexing his fingers to send out a trickle of Seidr which acted at his command to turn Stark's hair bright pink. The squawk of indignation along with Barton's cackles of laughter were enough to have a smirk breaking through Loki's façade.

"Hey, using magic against the lowly Mortals isn't fair," Stark pouted, pulling at his now brightly coloured locks.

"Loki," Thor tried to admonish, but his lips twitched in the face of Loki's serene smile.

"How do you know it was me, it could have been Sigyn."

"Don't drag me into this."

"The Lady Sigyn has far better manners than you and more thought into what she uses her Seidr for."

"Uptight you mean."

"Just because you're a Prince doesn't mean I won't hit you. Remember who will have to treat you when you wind back up in the Healing Halls."

Loki swallowed, quailing under the glare Sigyn sent his way, sure that the Apprentice would be more than willing to make his life hell again if he ended up under her care.

"Turn it back Brother, we do not have much time."

With a put-upon sigh Loki undid the spell, much to the relief of Stark. They headed into the heart of the park, surrounded trees, glass and flora a complete contrast to the glass and stone buildings which encased the natural paradise. As they reached a squared off piece of land, one that was sufficiently hedged by tall trees did Thor stop, jerking Amora to a halt so she stumbled in her chains.

"This will do. Do you have the Tesseract?"

He asked the question of Barton and Romanov, the latter stepping forward with the small case she held, opening it so the familiar glowing blue cube was revealed. Loki felt the Seidr emitting from it, just as powerful as from the roof of Stark Tower, though calmed, like a gentle lapping of waves against the shore and not the overwhelming tsunami that had swamped over him when it had been directed at the portal.

Romanov came closer and Thor met her part way, taking the Tesseract from the case to hold it in one hand. Loki's eyes flicked to Amora, who was staring at the cube hungrily. He readied his own Seidr, just in case the Witch had any ideas, though he doubted it was worth the effort, the restraints would be enough to ensure that Amora wouldn't be accessing her Seidr any time some.

"You sure you know what you're doing with that thing?" Steve asked, also eyeing the Tesseract with trepidation.

"It is simply a matter of will and direction," Thor said, stepping away from the Widow. "The Tesseract can travel through space, though usually quiet unconsciously you can also direct its flow as long as you are careful."

"Rather you than me," Stark snorted. "Though it would be cool to travel to Viking land, see what you have to offer."

"Then I extend an invitation to you all," Thor bowed his head. "For the trouble that my Brother has caused, and the danger brought to you by the Witch's hand. You may visit Asgard any time you wish."

"Right back at you big guy, you come on down to little old Earth when you can. But maybe next time the pipsqueak could have adult supervision."

"You are aware I am older than you are?" Loki said much to the delight of Stark.

"Age is but a number. Maturity is earned."

"Then you are severely lacking."

"You have my thanks, Man of Iron," Thor interrupted before things could continue to escalate, knowing that Loki and Stark could snipe at each other for hours if left unchecked. "But I believe it is time for us to be going."

Thor gestured and the three children scampered over to him. Loki took his time, taking in the sights and sounds of Midgard. He did not know if or when he would be able to travel to this realm again. He hoped it would be soon, Midgardians were interesting creatures and he would be fascinated to learn more about them, but now was not that time.

He came to stand at his Brother's right, Sigyn and Leif on his left. Amora was in front of them so Thor's body was between her and the three youngsters, something which Loki was grateful for.

"Hold on tight to me, if this is anything like Dark Energy than this could be bumpy."

They did as instructed and Thor transferred the grip he had on Amora's chains to her shoulder, fingers clamping hard.

"Farewell Avengers."

"Farewell," Loki mimicked while Leif and Sigyn bowed their heads, then they were engulfed in a bright white and blue light and Loki could see nothing.

It felt like he was flying, things rushing by him at a speed he couldn't comprehend. The grip he had on Thor's wrist was deathly tight, he was positive that there would be indents in his Brother's armour he held on so tight. He couldn't see or hear Sigyn or Leif, even Thor and Amora were indistinct around him. He could almost liken it to travelling through the Bifrost but much quicker and Loki felt if he wasn't holding on to Thor he would have ended up lost in the far reaches of space.

Just as it all was starting to become too much Loki's feet landed with a hard thump. The sudden halt of movement was jarring, sending Loki almost to his knees, luckily he was saved from such a fate by Thor's arm.

"I am never doing that again," Loki turned to Sigyn, whose hair was a mess, the usually fraying braid of blonde hair practically falling out, the remaining locks which framed her face mussed. A distinct green tinge tainted her skin and Loki wondered if she was going to be sick. Leif didn't look much better, unable to stop the wobble as he tried to take a step away from Thor.

"I...is travelling by Bifrost like that?"

"Its a little smoother, but some find it rather sickly," Thor said.

"Then I don't think I will b...be leaving Asgard for the f...foreseeable future." Leif bent at the waist, Sigyn placing a comforting hand on his back.

Loki righted himself, shaking off the last of the vertigo. Thor stood tall and proud, the Tesseract still tight in one fist, Amora's chains in the other. The Witch was scowling over the gag, the journey not to her liking. Loki could agree that the mode of transport was rather abrupt and if he had greater control and skill he would rather skywalk then use the Tesseract.

"Welcome back my Princes. I see all has gone well."

Startled, Loki saw the impassive gaze of Heimdall directed at them. He was stood by the consul of the Bifrost, golden eyes boring into the lot of them face impassive, even when he turned it to Amora. The Witch jutted her chin, defiant even to the end.

"Aye, good Heimdall," Thor said, striding forward, Amora forced to trail behind him. "Has the AllFather been informed?"

"Since I saw you gather on Midgard Prince Thor. I also saw fit to pass messages to Lady Eir and Mistress Vigdis"

"You told my Mother?!" Leif's horrified squeak was enough to distract Loki from his own sense of impending terror.

"Indeed, she has been most distressed."

Leif swallowed nervously and even Sigyn worried at her lip.

"Lady Eir has been worried for me?" she asked. Heimdall nodded. "Did she ... well did she happen to mention..."

"Your family as of this time have not be notified of your absence. Though I am sure that she will see fit to do so once you are returned to her."

Sigyn fidgeted and Loki could understand why, Lady Eir was a battle axe, kind in her own way but ruthless. Loki was sure Sigyn would not be dismissed from her apprenticeship, but she would not be walking away scott free. None of them would.

"The request for transport was also added, but it has been slow in arriving."

"Walking the bridge will be no hard ship. Thank you Heimdall."

"Prince Thor."

Thor, either uncaring or ignorant of their fear passed Heimdall and moved onto the Rainbow Bridge. The three children trotted after him, Loki took a deep breath as a familiar scent reached his nostrils. He'd never took great notice of it before but Asgard had a spicy smell, fragranced by the flowers and various fauna that decorated the surface, sweetening the wind and giving it its own distinct flavour. It was most prevalent on the Rainbow Bridge, where the towering golden spires of Asgard were lit up with the glow in the distance, not blocking the wind which beckoned into the Void below them.

Thor strode down the Bridge, intent on his destination. Loki, Leif and Sigyn had trouble keeping up, but the Young Prince was grateful that they didn't have horses. The walk would at least prolong the inevitable. Amora trailed behind him. Loki swore he saw those bright blue eyes flick to the edge of the Bridge in trepidation. He couldn't help but wonder what the Witch had seen when she fell. How had she lived? What had she done? And how exactly had she ended up on Midgard after all this time?

The distinct sound of hooves broke Loki from his thoughts, glancing up he could just make out rapidly approaching shapes tearing down the bridge, kicking up dust in their wake.

"I see them!" Horses became visible out of the indistinct mass, nostrils flaring as they were pushed hard by their riders.

"Are they there? Are all of them there?"

"Aye. Thank the Norns."

The shouts were proceeded by the front horse suddenly being pulled up short. It was close enough for Loki to make out the colour, a bright white which gleamed in the glow of the Bridge, the golden saddle and bridle distinguishing it even more. Loki however stalled, feet halting as the figure dismounted.


Frigga's call was like a stab wound to the heart, his chest ached, and tears pricked his eyes. The Queen of Asgard, having abandoned her steed, forcing the rest of the party to do so ran down the Bridge. "M…Mother?"

The Queen's eyes were fixed on him, the usual flowing gowns which adorned her a rumbled mess, the regal woman that was usually so fastidious in her appearance was rumpled and haggard, which became more pronounced at her approach. Loki felt Leif and Sigyn take several steps away from him, no doubt not wanting to get in the way of whatever wrath the Queen would dish out. Loki winced as fierce eyes took him in, the lips that were usually curved into a soft smile were hard and thin. He'd crossed a line, he knew it, he wasn't stupid. Going to Midgard was foolish and could have gotten himself, Sigyn and Leif killed. But he'd done it anyway and placed the burden of worry upon the woman who loved him unconditionally.

She strode by Thor, content to ignore her eldest and his prisoner until she was towering over Loki. The Young Prince had never realised how tall his Mother was, nor how frightening she could be.

"I see you have returned," she said, more statement than question which made Loki wince.

"Y…yes," he risked a glanced at her, but swiftly averted his eyes to the pulsing glow of the Rainbow Bridge beneath his feet. "I … Mother I'm sorry, I should never …"

A rustle of cloth and Loki prepared himself, his Mother was a kind woman, but she was not above disciplining him, he only hoped she would not take him over her knee with such a crowd watching. Only warm arms encircled him, enveloping him in a tight embrace that would have squeezed the air out of Loki's lungs if he wasn't already holding his breath.

"You stupid boy. Stupid, stupid boy."

A splash of something hot trickled down his cheek and Loki opened his eyes only to be faced with his Mother, the Queen of Asgard, crying into his hair. That was enough and Loki felt his emotions swarm him. He didn't care that he was in the middle of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall watching from the observatory, Thor with Amora just beyond them with Odin approaching quickly with a contingent of Einherjar. Sigyn and Leif were witnessing the whole scene though Eir and the fearsome cook which was Leif's Mother were quickly descending on them. Loki gripped onto Frigga tight, burying his face in her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mother. I'm so sorry."

"I know, I know you are. This isn't the end. You're in so much trouble, so, so much. I'm taking your Seidr, perhaps some time with it locked away will force you to learn some responsibility and brains."

Loki winced, but was surprised when hands took his face, tilting it up so that Loki was confronted by his Mother's watery smile. "But I'm glad your home."

Loki shook, bit his lip and flung himself at her. She was right, he was home, this was his home. Whether Jotun, Asgardian or Jotgardian wherever his family was would always be his home.