I know this is this actually 'Lion 2:' but this is the first adventure with Matt and Lion together so it's the first.

Also I want to point out that I made the entire plotline of my story here already well before SU Future was released, so any similarities or connections to it will be coincidence and nothing more. Like how when Matt eyes glow is similiter to how Steven glows. I had no clue of that when doing this story.

Heart of Gem

Chapter 6

Lion: The Movie

The story starts off with an entire city burning to the ground and explosions are being set off.

Some People say…

Several military helicopters are shown flying threw the burning smoked air towards a destinated locations.

You can't teach…

Their destination is the source of the chaos, a large four legged robot firing a laser beam upon the city.

An old dog…

A lone dog is then shown amongst the chaos as it raises its head with a machine like noise.

New Tricks…

The helicopters are then sudden blasted to piece by a single laser beam from the robot, each one blowing up as the beam passed them.

Unless you're…

The dog is shown again this time beside what can be assumed it's owner, with a cocky smile on her face as she looked down at her dog.

The dog then sprouted a helicopter propeller on it's bog and started to fly off towards the robot.

Dog Copter 3: In 3D

The dog is then shown flying right in front of the robot, it then stopped, turned around in mid air and fired a rocket from it's rear which blew up the robot to piece.


All of this was shown on Connie cellphone to Steven and Matthew who were both watching the trailer with interest.

"Whoa…I can see why this is one of your favorite film franchises, Connie." Steven told her friend with stars in his eyes.

Connie merely smiled as she adjusted her glasses. "That's right! In a world where humanity is pushed to the brink. It turns out that the one who is most human…Is a dog! …Copter"

As Connie said this, she tried to take her phone away but found Matthew hands and eyes glued to it.

"It's such a dumb concept and yet…I can't look away…" Matthew said as he re-watched the trailer again, as if he was in a trance.

Connie pulled the phone away from Matt a few times till she finally managed to pry it away from him and breaking him out of his trance.

"I just hope it stay's fateful to the book…" Connie said in a soft voice as she put her phone away just to be safe.

"There's a book!?" Matthew asked, wondering why ne never knew such a finances existed.

Soon the warp-pad of the gem lit up and the three gems arrived back up.

"Greetings." Garnet said as she gave a small wave to Matt who waved back.

Pearl then notice that Connie was there as well. "Oh, well hello Connie. What a surprise to see you."

"Sup, Matt. Where's Al?" Amethyst said as she waved to Matt.

"Don't know. Said something about an interview or something...And fish? Actually, that makes me think that I should go look for a job myself. Dad's loan can only go so far." Matthew thought to himself as the money his dad gave him was starting to run pretty low by now. Especially after the renovations to their new home.

"We're going to watch a movie about a whacky flying dog! Show them Connie!" Steven said, telling the gems what him and Connie had planned for the day.

"I mean…It's about much more then that." Connie said as she pulled out her phone again and showed the gems the movie trailer.

"Oh that's easy." Amethyst said as she waved the two off and then her body to glow and then change shape. Soon enough she transformed into dog-copter from the movie, but still purple instead.

Matthew was drinking from a glass when he saw Amethyst change and did a spit-take away from the others. "YOU GUYS CAN TRANSFORM!?"

"Well duh, why go see movies when you got, magic!~" Amethyst said as she hovered in the air and then turned her head into a boombox and started playing actual music.

Garnet stepped forward to Matt to explain. "Because our bodies are made of a light construct, we can change it's shape and size to whatever we wish. Some like to abuse it more then others."

"Wow…might be a bit painful for me since I am actually solid." Matthew said as he imagined himself changing shape but it ended up looking more painful then useful to him.

"Steven tried it once…" Garnet said, leaving the thought out.

"And?" Matthew asked, wanting to know how that turned out.

"I turned into a giant horrific ball of cats." Steven happily told Matthew what happened which left him with a confused yet concerned look on his face.

"Anyway, stop showing off Amethyst. Connie said this movie will be better than any magic." Steven said, trying to tell the other how much fun the movie will be.

"I…did not say that at all." Connie said unfocused as she was still a little startled by Amethyst transformation.

"And check this out! We got our own snacks!" Steven started as he walked over to his home counter, which had array of snack foods and drinks.

"My mom said I'm not allowed to buy snacks at the theatre. So, we aren't buying anything from there." Connie said with a sly smile as she found a loophole in her mom's order.

"And a protective guardian to watch over us and to take us in the theater." Steven said as he walked over to Matt to present him.

"My mom only allowed me to even go without her or dad if I had a protective guardian watching us." Connie explained why they had Matt watching them.

"I'll have them back before 6." Matthew said as he thumbed himself with a small smirk.

"Speaking of which, how are we going to get there? Didn't you say your getting your jeep washed by Steve's dad today?" Connie asked Matthew as he mentioned it when they asked him to supervise them.

"Good point, I honestly thought it would be done by now…" Matthew said as he pulled out his phone and saw a text from Greg, Steven's dad.

"Hit a snag, will take longer. Everything is okay." The text said, Matthew just gave a concerned hum at the text.

Steven grabbed all the snack and put them in his cheeseburger backpack. "Don't worry guys, I got it covered. Today we are going to travel in style!"


"You have a freaken pet lion?!" Matthew shouted in a surprised tone, and he wasn't the only one as Connie was surprised as well.

And indeed, there was a lion there, sleeping on the sand near Steven's home. Only difference was that it was completely pink from head to toe.

"Lion is sorta like a pet. He does his own thing most of the time though." Steven said as he cuddled up beside the pink lion's mane.

Lion himself appeared to be eating a lizard of some sort. "See, who knows where he got that." Steven said with a carefree attitude.

"I have several questions and concerns." Matthew told Steven with a hesitated raised finger.

"Wow Steven…Everything in your life is so awesome and magical…The most exciting thing in my life is tennis practice…" Connie said with a depressed tone as she grabbed a stick and recited some tennis moves. Ending with a made up 'Overhead Deathstrike'.

"Heh…Tennis…" Matthew snorted to himself in amusement. But his smile disappeared from his face when he saw Connie glare. "…Sorry."

"Well I think Lion thinks we should hurry and go." Steven said and soon enough all three of them bored the giant cat.

"I'm still unsure about this Steve…" Matthew said a bit nervous to be on the king of the jungle's back.

"It's fine, I do this all the time with lion. Now LET'S GO!" Steven said as he pointed forward…But Lion didn't move.

"Uh…Lion, I want you to take us to the movie!" Steven asked his pet, but the cat still wasn't moving.

"Okay…You're not listening to me…Heheh Lion isn't trained very well, but I'm not trained very well either." Steven said, feeling a bit embarrass that his pet wasn't listening to him.

Then as if some kind of magic word was spoken, Lion dashed off. Running along the sands of the beach.

Steven and Connie were laughing as they rode Lion while Matthew clung on for dear lift on Lions mane.

Lion then made a turn and then started running towards the sea water. "Wait that's the sea, not the theatre!" Matthew said as Lion ran towards the water and…started running atop the water.

"You can walk on water? Why don't you tell me these things you do?" Steven scolded as Lion continued to run atop the water surface.

The four continued to run atop the water, going by several seagulls and a fishing boat. To which Matthew gave a carefree wave to the fishermen there. "Sup."

At this point even Matthew was enjoying the somewhat magical ride on the pink lion. But then he noticed something as he looked back. "Aren't we getting pretty far away from the city?"

"Maybe it's a shortcut?" Steven said, as even he himself wasn't sure what Lion was doing or thinking.

Soon enough Lion's eyes started glow as he let out a large roar, sending several ripples of energy that soon formed a portal in front of them.

Lion then proceeded to run directly into the portal with his three passengers screaming at the sudden act. The three clung to life as they were going through a wormhole of some sort.

"Has he ever done this before?!" Connie asked, scared of what was going on.

"No! This is new!" Steven said as he was equally scared.

"Well whatever it is, DON'T LET GO!" Matthew said as the last thing he wants to find out what happened if he is free falling in such a place.


The scenery of a large opened space cavern could be seen. Soon A pink portal opens up with our three characters and pet lion jumping out of it.

Lion then made a skid on the water which made Steven, Connie and Matt fall off him and into the water below. Luckily it was very shallow.

"Are you okay?" Steven asked as he helped Connie up from the water.

"That…Was really cool." Connie said in a very quiet tone as she pushed her wet hair away from her face.

"And now I'm wet…Joy." Matthew said sarcastically as he stood up from the water and shook some of it off his himself.

"Rawr." Lion roared to garner their attention as he was atop a set of old stairs. The three ran after him to find themselves in a large arena like place.

"Whoa…Is this like…One of those magic gem places?" Connie asked as the three looked around the place.

"Looks like it, it has the same architecture as the other gem places I went to." Matthew said as he surveyed the area more till the arrived in the middle of it and a small pedestal with a hand print and pink gem on it appeared.

"Yep, defiantly magic gem place." Steven said confirming the other two hypotheses.

"Lion…Normally I am all for this kind of stuff but…This isn't the movies." Steven said, not sure why Lion brought them here to begin with.

"Rawr." Lion simply said back. "What does that mean Lion?! What does that mean?!"

"What if…He brought you here for a reason?" Connie wondered as she was inspecting the hand pillar.

"It's an animal…A wild animal add that? I doubt it's that smart." Matthew said unimpressed as he crossed his arms. Lion merely growled at him which made him jump back a bit in fear.

"Lion, No! Matthew is not food!" Steven said as he was patting Lion back to calm him down.

As Steven was doing this Connie was looking around the place then her eyes went to Steven. She then grabbed his hand and put it on the pedestal to which it started glowing pink.

"Connie! I thought the gems told you about magic gem stuff safety 101. Don't touch anything!" Matthew said strictly as he knows full well what touching stuff in a gem place could lead to like the lava Temple him and Al went to.

"Sorry but…I think it likes Steven." Connie said as she acted on her guess that the place was connected to Steven somehow.

"AHHH! My hands stuck! It won't…come off!" Steven said as he attempted to pull his hand off the pedestal but it didn't budge, even when Matt and Connie went to help it was not moving.

"Man…that's really stuck on good. I…Guess we have to chop it off." Connie said jokingly.

"On it!" Matthew said with a sly smile as he went along with Connie's. He then pulled out his gem weapon and raised it menacingly over Steven.

"WHAT?!" Steven franticly said, hoping they really didn't mean to cut his hand off.

A few second later something emerged from the ground and floated upward. It then opened up and revealed a large collection of swords of all kind of eras.

"HOLY SWORDS!" Matthew said in a surprised tone as he hasn't seen that many swords before, not since the time he visited his uncle Benny in Texas…He's a hunter.

"NOOO!" Steven cried out in fear, the previous joke of chopping his arm off still in his head.

When Steven said that the sword went back into its container and went back into the ground again.

"Whoa! How did you do that?" Connie asked excitedly as she faced Steven.

"I don't know." Steven replied, not sure himself why the swords appeared.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Connie asked as she was shacking Steven around.

"I'm not so sure that's a smart idea Connie." Matthew said as he was getting a bad feeling about all this.

"Umm, Okay." Steven said as he closed his eyes and tried really hard to do…something. But nothing happened.

"Hmmm…Maybe if I…" Connie started to say as she started poking Steven in various spot on his body.

"Wait, stop! I'm ticklish!" Steven cried out as he was laughing at Connie poking him.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asked, why Connie was poking and pull Steven all over.

Sudden several sets of different kinds of armoured appeared from the ground, some from different kinds of Human era while some looked alien.

"Whoa, look at all this armour!" Connie said amazed by the sets of armour that appeared.

"Press my nose, press my nose!" Steven asked excitedly, wondering what pressing his nose would reveal.

"Boop!" Connie said as she 'booped' Steven nose.

The armour went back in the ground next came up a set of large pink cannons.

"Are those light cannons?!" Steven wondered as he thought there was only one.

"Why does it sound like you seen one before?" Matthew asked as Connie stretched Steven mouth. Making cannons disappear and revealed the next item.

"Axes?" And the next.

"Spikey chain balls!" "Flails." Matthew corrected them as she poked Steven again.

"A giant…Penny?" They three said in confusion.

"Does that mean it's worth more then a regular penny?" Connie wondered as she tried to figure out the worth of a giant penny.

"Why do I feel like this is a missing museum artifact…And I also wonder what said museum would pay for it." Matthew wondered, what with him and Al always worrying about money, this Penny could be worth a lot.

"Well that would make…'Cents' Heheh." Steven joked with Connie laughing with him.

"That's not…heh…funny Steve." Matthew said, trying to hide his own laughter from Steven bad pun. Matt can't help but love puns.

"This is so great…But I get the feeling though I'm not supposed to be here." Connie said a bit sad as Matthew went over to the penny to try and move it.

"Welcome to my world Connie." Matthew said as he tried to pull the penny but it proved to actually be heavier than it looks.

"But I want you here, and Matt too! I mean I don't want to be 'here'. Lion want us here. I want us to be at the movies! And I want to see lots of explosions!" Steven told his friends. The moment he said explosions, the lights went out, the pedestal let go of Steven and sank back underground.

The penny too went underground, taking Matthew with him. He barley got a word out before the floor swallowed him up.

Next something came out of the ground; it was a cylinder like object with several barrel holes on it and spiky crystals on top of it. Soon more spikes formed out of the ground as Connie and Steven looked around scared.

"Should we be worried about this?!" Connie asked, not feeling very safe with the current environment and the fact Matthew got eaten by the ground.

"Uhh…Lion doesn't seam worried. Although we should try to get Matt out from the ground." Steven said oddly calmly as he saw Lion was just as calmed as well.

The robot spun its bottom around and locked in as it started glowing yellow and having electricity sparking from it's top.

It then fired a ball of electricity at the two as they scattered for cover against the robot. The robot spun its bottom again and it started glowing blue, with a mist forming around it's top.

"Steven! Look out!" Connie cried out as she saw the robot going after him as it fired a ball of ice the froze the ground and spike Steven hide behind.

"Steven! What do we do?!" Connie asked fearfully as the robot spun it's bottom again, this time red with fire forming at it's top.

It was about to fire a ball of flames at Connie when something erupted from the ground, hit the robot and made it fire towards the ceiling.

Both Steven and Connie looked at the new hole in the ground to find Matthew clawing his way out, his eyes glowing red showing that he was in a very bad mood.

"Next time…WARN ME WHEN YOU ARE CHANGING THINGS!" Matthew shouted angrily at the two kids.

"Sorry! Behind you!" Connie apologized and warned as she pointed behind Matt.

"Huh?" Matthew wondered confused as he turned around and was face to face with the robot which was yellow again. It started charging its attack as Matthew just stood there, stupefied.

"Oh…RUN!" Matthew shouted as he jumped for cover, narrowing avoiding the attack.

It kept switching elements as it fires a few times at the three, till they all managed to gather around for another fire ball fired at them.

Matthew summoned his weapon and tried to deflect the ball but it ended up just blowing up in his face, sending the three back with soot marks on them.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go home now. PLEASE!" Matthew said as he helped the two up, just as Lion walked up to them.

"LION! Please get us out of here!" Steven panicky asked his feral pet cat.

Lion passively looked at the three then at the robot then back at them. He lied down as a sign for them to get on.

"Wait but…The penny!" Matthew said as he pointed at the hole, he came from which still held the giant penny.

"You really want to stay here with that thing?!" Connie asked as her and Steven jumped atop lion while pointing at the robot which was ready to attack again.

"…You drive a hard barging Connie. Next time." Matthew said as he looked back at the penny one last time before joining the other two atop the cat.

Lion jumped away, avoiding another attack as he let loose another roar that opened up a portal. The cat jumped through it into another place.

Thankfully this time they appeared at their targeted destination…The movie theatre. The ticket taker looked out her window in surprise seeing the four appear out of nowhere like that.

"What?! Now you take us to the movies?" Steven asked angrily that his pet decided to take them to the right place now.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. And we got time to spare too." Matthew said as he finally was relaxing. He checks his phone and indeed they were a good ten minutes early.

They got off lion while Connie touched a small burn mark on her cheek and recoiled by the pain. Matthew glared at this as he reached into Steven hamburger-backpack and brought out the first-aid.

"If your mother asks, just say you tripped. Got it?" Matthew said as he was carfully applying some medical care for Connie, and then Steven.

"Thanks Matt. I will…" Connie said to Matthew, appreciating his care for them but sounding upset about something.

"Well…We're here. Shall we go in?" Steven asked, as he grabbed a can of juice and placed in on one of his burns.

"No…That's okay. Let's…Let's just forget about it." Connie said depressingly.

Steven was confused at first, but then he realized why Connie didn't want to go anymore was because of him. "What? Oh…I'm…I'm sorry Connie. I ruined everything didn't I?! I don't even know why you still hang out with me. I mess stuff up all the time."

"I don't know why you hang out with ME! I am so much less…Interesting then you! And obviously you have some sort of… 'magical destiny'. Why would you even care about someone like me…" Connie replied her own thought on why Steve even hangs out with her.

"You two are both dumb you know that?" Matthew said, making both kids look at him with confusion.

"Connie, Steven deals with crazy magic gem stuff all the time so he probably doesn't really know much about a normal life is like. And Steven, Connie lives out a dull life in and out and crave more then just that. The way I see it you two are great for each other. Connie can help bring more normalcy into Steven life while Steven brings more exciting magic stuff into hers. Take it from me kids, you will need at least one good friend in life to help you through the tough times. And I think you two are perfect for that." Matthew told the kids, explain how the two are perfect for each other.

"Yeah your right Matt! I just want to know what it is like being a normal kid sometimes." Steven said a bit happy at Matt speech.

"That…is very mature of you Matt…Your right, I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks Matt." Connie said as she realized that Matthew as right. Steven probably doesn't know what it means to live a normal life like she has.

"I will take that as a compliment Connie! Now let's go watch a silly epic movie about a helicopter dog!" Matthew announced with a pumped up fist, with Steven and Connie cheering.

However, before he could even take a step, he was frozen solid by a blast of ice. Both children gasp in shock and turned to see what froze him.

There trying to squeeze itself out of the portal Lion made, was the robot that was attacking them earlier.

"Oh, come on! Why is it still chasing us?!" Steven shouted in exhaustion, having enough of this robot already.

"Lion, do you have any ideas how to beat it?" Steven turned and asked his pet lion for any ideas.

Lions eyes then started to glow along with his mane a she lowered his head towards the two kids. Suddenly a handle spurted out of his mane.

Steven and Connie eyes look on in amazement as Steven grabbed hold of the handle and pulled it out to reveal a long curved sword.

"YOU HAVE A SWORD IN YOUR HEAD!? WHY DO YOU NOT TELL ME THE THINGS THAT YOU DO?!" Steven shouted both angrily and excitedly at Lion.

Back with Matthew, his eyes started to glow again as crack soon formed on the ice around him. Sudden it exploded to pieces, freeing him from his icy prison.

"MATT'S GETTING UPSET!" Matthew shouted angrily as he was gasping for air from being frozen.

Matthew freed himself just in time as the robot finally freed itself from the portal. It then started to rotate its bottom at high speeds and started firing off all three elements all around it in a storm of chaos.

"Duck and cover!" Matthew shouted and jump away from a blast and hide behind a car.

"What am I supposed to do with this?!" Steven asked panickily as he looked at the sword in confusion.

"LOOK OUT!" Connie cried out as she grabbed the sword handle and used it to deflect a ball of electricity right back at the robot, making it stun for a bit.

Both Steven and Connie realized how they could beat the robot and smiled at each other.

The robot managed to fix itself as it fired another ball of electricity at the two.

"Forehand!" Connie announced as she started to use her moves of tennis practice to deflect the attacks with Steven.

"Back hand!" A ball of ice was deflected towards the car Matthew hid behind. Luckily, he didn't get frozen with it.

"Overhand Death strike!" The shouted as they deflected a ball of fire at the robot. But surprisingly the robot moved to the side to avoid the ball of fire.

"I don't think so!" Matthew shouted as he quickly jumped behind the robot and used his own weapon to deflect the ball of fire behind it. Unlike before Matthew knew how to deflect it better this time/

"REVERSE OVERHANDED DEATH STRIKE!" Matthew shouted as he deflected the ball of fire right towards one of the robot barrels.

It started to glow red and smoke started to form on it till it finally exploded it array of red, blue and yellow colors.

"…Just like tennis practise…" Connie said in silent amazement.

"Magical destiny practice…" Steven whispered as well in amazement.

"Practice or not. I am never making fun of tennis again…Think you can teach me a few moves Connie?" Matthew asked as he relaxed and leaned against one of the few intact cars there. His eyes going back to normal again.

"Sure…But first let's go watch a movie!" Connie said with Steven cheering.

The three walked up to the ticket counter with the ticket girl was hiding. She poked her head out to see if everything was okay and saw the three there.

"Two kids and one teen for Dog-Copter 3 please!" Matthew happily asked while raising three fingers.


"Whoops make that two kids, one teen and a pet." Matthew said, this time raising four fingers instead.

And that's the end of that chapter. And with SUF over as well along with this whole pandemic. I will try my best to keep you people entertained with new chapters as soon as I can and to help get through this thing. I hope everyone is staying safe and to try and enjoy life as much as you can in this time. Till next time, bye!


Raysphere99: Thx I just hope it wasn't too cliché to put in. And trust me Matthew has a lot more going for him then just his temper.

OMNISENSEI95: Thx! Honestly, I find the stories that ppl like to re-read to be the best ones. So I hope to keep that up!

Kyrogue23: Thx for the compliment, I was honestly worried I made that scene to cliché or something. I am not very good at expressing emotions like that. Also the reason Al held onto her was to try and weigh her back down. He underestimated the power of magical clouds. By that point they were already way to high up in the sky.