Prologue-"Another day on Tracy Island was drawing to a spectacular close as the summer sunset bathed the calm shores in its red and orange hues. Another day in the lives of the Tracy brothers in their roles as International Rescue."

Epilogue - However it was no longer March 11, the last time they had walked together in the sunset and witnessed the day's end. It was now the evening of March 13 on Tracy Island and much had changed during that time.

Despite the rumblings,anxiety, reliving of nightmares, fatherly advice and the events all of it had caused in the last forty eight hours, Alan Tracy still walked hand in hand with Tin-Tin Kyrano.

Prologue -"The waves lapped the beach gently and the tropical flowers from the garden his grandmother and her Father tended with such care, gave the air a sense of romance. Alan took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to him."

Epilogue -Unbeknown to them, each Father sat alone on his balcony watching them walk, Jeff Tracy sipping yet another glass of that one hundred year old whiskey and Kyrano drinking a glass of saki before he retired to the kitchen to serve dinner.


Jeff Tracy's thoughts as he watches Tin-Tin Kyrano

My God this whiskey is good and I think I've earned the right to drink the whole damn bottle these last few days.

Tin-Tin, I see you walking here tonight with my son and I thank God for the fact that you are now in his life in a close way. You are like a daughter in my eyes, the daughter I never was lucky enough to give to Lucy. Not that I regret any one of my sons being born a boy.

Actually I don't think I could have been a good Father to a girl. Too much military in me I think.

I certainly could not have done what your Father did with you without a wife. I don't know how he did it without your mother to help but somehow he has made you the gentle sweet child that you are and nutured your ability to somehow control that wild fifth son of mine. I'll always be grateful for that.

Alan is a handful Tin-Tin as you will really come to know when he becomes as dependent on you as I was dependent on Lucy. You will need to be his rock when he is afraid, and Alan is afraid often. He is not a person who will readily tell you when things bother him and I'll have to give you some advice about how to deal with that one day.

You will need to keep your sense of humour up with his pranks and they won't go away I'll warn you. After twenty years, old habits won't lie down in him. I know he has played many a prank on you and I understand he gave you a very hard time with some sort of ransom note when you were thirteen years old. Yes Tin-Tin I know because my mother told me. My mother knows everything. Believe me when I say that. My own dignity is no longer intact because of that woman. I still can't look her in the face knowing she knows about what I did in Kansas with Lucy that night. I don't know what Dad must have thought of me back then. I can't even bring myself to think about it.

As for his temper, well all I can do is wish you luck with it. It's hot and it's quick and it's his trademark. I hope he never has cause to make you cry over silly arguments. I did that to my precious Lucy and I don't have the temper he has. If he makes you cry please forgive him. I wish I was sure that Lucy forgave me but something told me last night that she had.

He is a difficult son but a fiercely loyal and brave one. His bravery and lack of concern for himself worries me as I know it will worry you as our lives go on as International Rescue. He will always be there for you though, that I am sure. I know he has an eye for women but since he has been with you, I have seen his eye look only one way and that is to you.

I don't know what dreams he has for himself, he is far too impulsive to plan anything and more than likely he will take you along one wild and wonderful path if you can stay in his life without losing your sanity. You will be one up on me if you can.

I hope I live to see the day that boy of mine settles down with you and you have children together.

Not too soon though Tin-Tin. You keep on being careful when you need to be together. Alan won't think he has to worry about it. That's just not in him unfortunately and for that I apologise. I have experienced it myself and tried to make him see the danger. He hasn't I know.

I know this sounds awful Tin-Tin but my one dream is that one of your children proves to be the handful that he is so that he grows to appreciate how I have felt these last twenty years raising him without his mother.

That's been hard little Tin-Tin and you'll have your work cut out for you.

Nothing pleases me more than to see you with my son like this. I truly wish you much happiness in your life with Alan... and I'm glad you are kissing him like you are right now.


Kyrano's thoughts as he watches Alan Tracy

I enjoy moderation in all things but tonight after dinner I think I may need to have several more of these drinks to deal with the news I received from Tin-Tin this morning.

Mr. Alan I hope that you will not feel disappointed in the fact that I worry about my daughter being involved with you. Not that I believe my precious little girl is destined to be involved with anyone else. You two were born to be together and I have known that for a long time, since you were both quite young in fact.

You enjoy speed in everything that you do, this I clearly see. You are quite a wild young man.

However, you are like your Father in more ways than either of you know but Mr Alan you differ to your Father in that I respect him greatly. I watch you now to see if you will one day be the same in my eyes.

I can also say that I am now most worried over the fact that you and Tin-Tin are together in the physical way. My heart still beats irregularly after she informed me of this before breakfast.

I do not want anything for Tin-Tin that she does not want for herself and well frankly Mr Alan, the risk is there for her when you unite with her as one. I see her walking with you down there and know that within her you have been and the risk has begun. Your Father's story of your mother has given me more lines on my face than I care to think about. I wish she was not alone in taking care. She is still a child without her mother. She is not ready to be a mother herself Mr Alan. Why can you not see this?

It is hard for a young girl to grow up without a mother to help in ways that a father cannot. I know you would know what I meant if I told you that. You have done much over the years to distress her in this way Mr Alan and whilst she does not think I know the things you put her through, I do know.

Somehow, despite it all, Tin-Tin sees qualities in you I do not seem to see. I have come to accept that I have to trust my daughter's instincts about you Mr Alan despite what I sometimes see of you at this beautiful island.

I fear your quick temper will give Tin-Tin much sadness when the first feelings of passion die away and I tell you Mr Alan... they will. That I know from experience of the heart.

My own wife left me alone when she no longer had feeling for me and that caused me great pain. There will not be a day that I am alive that I will not fear you may do the same to Tin-Tin. I know from watching your Father cope with you over the years that you have an eye for more than one in the physical way. She has only ever experienced this way with you and is still very vulnerable. I implore you from my place here on this balcony to think carefully each time you are together.

I am sorry Mr Alan, my concern for her comes from my own heart and this is not your fault and is no reflection on you or your upbringing. Your Father brought you up well. It is only my fear for her as her Father that makes me feel as I do.

Tin-Tin is an intelligent person. You should always take this into account when talking with her and being with her. She can do anything you can do if she puts her mind to it despite her gentle exterior, and she is a strong and capable person. But you know that already Mr Alan in your experiences together these past months in International Rescue. I know you will have a life together but it frightens me as to what path that life will follow.

You will need to be careful with my Tin-Tin. This I warn you for your own sake. I am her Father and I am watching you with much trepidation Mr. Alan. She is a beautiful woman but a fragile one and her heart, once it is broken, I do not think would ever mend.

Tin-Tin's heart is larger than all of her being and within it beats a love for you that is bigger still. I hope you understand what a lucky young man you are that she has grown to love you as she has. Maybe one day, I will grow to love you too Mr Alan, not as the son of your Father but as the man who is destined for my Tin-Tin and who will give me the grandchildren I wish for in years to come.

I am entrusting this most precious part of me to you Mr Alan to take into your life and give you much love and happiness. Tin-Tin has given this to me for many years and I am happy to share her with you now.

However I tell you this Mr Alan. If you ever hurt my little girl, despite my deep and dear friendship with your Father, I will never forgive you.

Kiss her now Mr. Alan and hold her close.


The Spirit watches

The spirit of the hand that never had the opportunity to rock the cradle of her youngest son had risen on March 12 that year, in a way that could not be explained by any of them. It had planted words that were the beginning of the new Tracy generation between Alan Tracy and Tin-Tin Kyrano.

"If love is what you feel in your heart take it with both of your hands before it passes you by.That is what life is about."

The Spirit now at peace


Author's note - Well that's the story done now. I hope my contribution to the FanFic has been worthwhile and I hope the anti-Alan's realise there are some of us who still love him even though he is a brat.
