Hey Guys! So here is the last chapter of Shiny Armor! Thanks for being a patient on this but since I am also writing the Long Hike, I had to alternate posting chapters. Anyway, I have loved writing this story and giving the time to really flush out my idea of Woo Bin's character. This is the last chapter and since I am planning on writing Ji Hoo's story next, I probably won't write an epilogue. So thanks for going with me on this story and I hope you liked it. Let me know what ya'll think!

"So then she did not show up this morning and didn't respond to my requests last night." Joo Eon said gleefully on the phone to one of his friends. "Which of course means instant termination… I know." He gave a dramatic relieved sigh. "Now, I can finally hire a secretary with some class and my sister can't jump down my throat about putting a good social front for father."

He listened for a moment and then let out a laugh. "Well if she had just taken me up on my initial offer, she could have an easy job and not to mention a credit card for some actual clothes. But since she refused, I was not about to have some drunkards daughter who looked more fit for the trash bin than the office." Joo Eon laughed again and nodded. "I have to give her credit though… I've been trying to get her to quit since she was promoted. I honestly thought two weeks without sleep and she would fold like a bad sheet."

"Why you spoiled little punk." Came a dry voice from the doorway and Joo Eon's eyes widened as he spotted Song Woo Bin leaning casually against the doorframe. Flanked on both sides with Yoon Ji Hoo and So Yi Jeong who was starring at him with annoyed glares. Joo Eon hastily hung up the call and stood up. Woo Bin shook his head and began to move towards him. "Arrogant son of—Come here."

Joo Eon sensing the moment when Woo Bin was about to lunge, he managed to evade his grasp and sprinted around the desk with Woo Bin hot on his heels. "Listen, Song Woo Bin, whatever you just heard—"

"Don't worry about what I heard," Woo Bin snapped as he slowly stalked towards him. "Worry about how you plan to hear anything ever again because I am about to rip your ears off your skull."

Ji Hoo shook his head, his eyes gleaming with hidden amusement. "Should we stop him?"

Yi Jeong shrugged and watched Joo Eon run another lap around his office like he was playing some awkward game of tag. "I'm actually a little impressed. I didn't think Joo Eon was that quick on his feet."

"Me either." Ji Hoo agreed but suddenly Woo Bin stuck out his foot and hooked it around Kwon Joo Eon's ankle, and the man went flying forward. Before he could get back up, Woo Bin had hauled him upright. "What offer did you make Park Myeon Gi?"

Although no-one would ever accuse Joo Eon of being a genius, he certainly wasn't stupid. He knew better to answer that question, not unless he wanted to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. And that was only if Song Woo Bin felt like being merciful. However, he was also cocky to a fault so he couldn't help smirking.

"Are you smirking- "He turned to his friends with his eyes wide in disbelief. "Is he smirking at me right now?"

"Appears so," Ji Hoo said with a shake of his head. He took a step forward and sat halfway on the man's desk. "You certainly have not changed Kwon Joo Eon. I would feel sorry for you but since your antics have overworked a woman almost into the hospital, I am not so inclined."

"Unless she is in the hospital now, Park Myeon Gi has no excuse for not reporting to work—"

"Oh shut up," Yi Jeong rolled his eyes. "Do you honestly think you're still in charge here?"

Kwon Joo Eon tried to rip himself away from Woo Bin's grasp but the man held onto him. His eyes blazing furiously. "If I find out you even laid a finger on her—"

"Really?" Kwon Joo Eon barked. "Am I really going to be lectured here by the F4 on some moral high ground? The ones who would bully and torture people just because they dared to sneeze in their presence. The group who drove one person to attempt suicide." Catching the rare flash of guilt on all three men, he smiled knowingly. "You have no right to lecture me."

"We've never touched women," Yi Jeong snapped. "And never someone who didn't have the money or power to fight back if they really wanted too."

"News flash," Joo Eon jerked himself away from Woo Bin with a scoff. "No-one has the money or power of F4 which means none of them could touch you. That was the whole point of your little group, wasn't it?"

At their silence, he nodded and using the desk as a barrier between them lifted his eyebrow. "And don't give me the woman bullshit either. After all, I remember a certain order that came down on a young student by the name of Geum Jan Di."

At the mention of Jan Di, Ji Hoo slowly stood up and glared at him. "Don't bring her into this Joo Eon."

"Why? Because the infamous red card on her life simply became void once Jun Pyo decided to bed and wed her." He turned to Yi Jeong unable to stop the flood of words once he had started. "Or the idea that Chu Ga Eul is this perfect little angel, but in reality she actually slept her—"

"Finish that sentence," Yi Jeong broke in harshly. "I dare you."

"Her way up," Joo Eon finished defiantly. "She started low with Kang Ha Joon but managed to work her way up to you."

Yi Jeong let out an incredulous bark of laughter before he began to take a step forward but Woo Bin quickly moved to block him. "Say whatever you need to say about us Joo Eon but leave our women out of it. They had nothing to do with us at school or this now."

Joo Eon rolled his eyes. "Fine. The point is the same though. Don't be throwing punches at me for playing the game that you all started. The money and power game at the expense of people lower than us was perfected by the F4."

After a long moment of silence, Ji Hoo looked over at Woo Bin solemnly. "He's right."

Woo Bin tightened his jaw and glared at Kwon Joo Eon. "Fine. I won't kill you."

"Thank you," Joo Eon said sarcastically and gestured to the door. "Now do you mind?"

"I'm still hitting him," Yi Jeong hissed furiously but Woo Bin held him off. "Not so fast, Joo Eon. I said I wouldn't kill you… yet."

Joo Eon stared at him suspiciously. "And what does that mean?"

"It means this stops now," Woo Bin told him firmly. "Your issues with the F4 doesn't involve our wives—"

"Oh, Park Myeon Gi is your wife now, Woo Bin?" Joo Eon asked mockingly but faltered slightly at the icy gaze from both Woo Bin and Yoon Ji Hoo.

"She's mine, Joo Eon," Woo Bin reminded him coldy. "And I don't intend on letting her go. So, if you have an issue with that, then you can take it up with me right now."

Joo Eon flushed but didn't look away. The stare-off between two men revealing how deep Joon Eon's resentment over Park Myeon Gi belonging to Woo Bin truly ran.

"You know what," Joo Eon eventually shrugged. "Do whatever you like, Song Woo Bin. It is of no interest to me if the F4 adds another common woman to their less than impressive repertoire."

"Did he just call Ga Eul unimpressive?" Yi Jeong snarled under his breath. "That does it. If you don't kill him, I will."

Ignoring Yi Jeong, Woo Bin kept his eye carefully on his current target. "Make sure it stays no interest to you, Kwon Joo Eon."

The man's lips twitched angrily but he quickly masked it with a confident smirk. "So what now? Are you going to tell me to stay away from her or ask me to allow her to come back to work?"

"No," Woo Bin said quietly. "I'm telling you to let her come back to work. Only this time, you're just going to have Park Myeon Gi do her job. Not some version of your personal slave. She works normal hours, you don't call or text her incessantly, and you're going to pay her the correct salary."

"Why should—"

"I'm not asking you, Kwon Joo Eon," Woo Bin growled. "I'm telling you. Don't forget who you are talking too here… And I don't mean as an F4 member."

He paled at the reminder of Woo Bin's other life and seeing it the prince smiled at him. "Good boy." Motioning for Ji Hoo and Yi Jeong to the door, he held up his finger to Joo Eon. "Myeon Gi is taking the week off to recuperate and then she will return under her new schedule. Understand?"

Joo Eon tightened his jaw angrily but simply gave a short grunt of agreement. With that issue finally settled, Ji Hoo roughly hauled Yi Jeong forward. He didn't trust him to simply walk on without going for Joo Eon's throat and sure enough he was met angry resistance. Yi Jeong was not known for being forgiving on the best of circumstances, let alone when someone openly insulted Ga Eul.

"You can't take In Ha for her daddy-daughter date tonight if you kill him." Ji Hoo quickly reminded him.

"That would imply me getting caught." Yi Jeong snapped but finally allowed Ji Hoo to propel him outside. Woo Bin began to follow but paused to shoot him one last warning. "Don't underestimate me, Joo Eon. I may have changed some over the years but not that much. Keep that in mind going forward when you interact with my woman or when you talk about Chu Ga Eul or Geum Jan Di in the future."

Joo Eon rolled his eyes but Woo Bin knew his point had been made so he forced his rage down over the revelation of Joon Eon propositioning Park Myeon Gi. He wouldn't throw him into the river just yet.

When Woo Bin walked into his bedroom he expected to find Myeon Gi still asleep but was surprised to find her on the floor doing some sort of weird contortionist stretch. He cocked his eyebrow and briefly enjoyed the view of her backside up in the air while her legs hung over her head. "What are you doing?"

She turned her head at the sound of his voice and gave him a tight smile. "Trying to get some feeling back into my legs."

"Uh sweetie," Woo Bin's lips lifted into a small smile. "I may be wrong but I think this is the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish then."

Myeon Gi slowly lowered them down with a groan. "It usually helps to stretch them out but I still feel like a toy which has been scrunched up."

"Uh-oh," Woo Bin teased and extended his hand to help gently pull her up. "That's not good. You can't afford to lose any more height."

"Ha-ha," Myeon Gi stuck her tongue out but gave him a quick grin before sobering worriedly. "Were you able to talk to President Kwon? Am I fired?"

Woo Bin sighed and wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. "Yes, I talked to him. And no you're not fired."

At her questioning expression, he rolled his eyes. "I only talked just like I promised."

Grinning, she stood on her tiptoes which barely allowed her to reach the hollow of his throat and she placed a lingering kiss into the soft flesh. "Thank you."

"It took restraint though," Woo Bin grumbled and she snorted into his skin. "I bet."

"And you remember your promise, right?" He asked her sternly and she nodded. Before he had left this morning, they had a long conversation over her returning to President Kwon as his secretary. Woo Bin initially wanted to her just quit. He had more than money to pay for Myung Ri's school ten times over but Myeon Gi had refused to let him. It was the one last thing she felt like she needed to do in order to truly move on from her father. To know that she had gotten them out of the poverty and pain he put them in.

Although he didn't like it, Woo Bin had understood her desire to cut her father completely out of her life. So, he agreed she could return to work but only after she took some time off to rest and let him confront Joo Eon about his treatment towards her moving forward.

She would stay on as his secretary but only with the proper salary and no more working past healthy limits. Feeling better knowing that she could continue to pay for her sister's school and maybe regain some dignity in her job, she hugged him in gratitude. "I love you."

"I love you too," Woo Bin pressed a kiss into the top of her head but something in his voice bothered her. Myeon Gi leaned back and scanned him carefully. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Woo Bin said with a smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Myeon Gi cupped his face and stared at him. Her gaze narrowing at whatever she saw looking back at her. "Tell me."

Woo Bin shook his head and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "Nothing really… It's just something Kwon Joo Eon said to me."

Myeon Gi tilted her head in confusion. "What did he say?"

"About being hypocritical," he replied quietly. "About how I didn't have the right to criticize him for treating you so badly when the F4 had made it almost an art form by doing the same thing to other people." He winced and looked up guilty. "He's right, Myeon Gi. We never cared about who stepped on or who we tortured growing up. Someone daring to buy a coat we didn't like was enough to get us to turn the whole school on them. Even now we still don't let anyone think they can get past us or push us…" He looked at her and she was surprised to see almost a sheen of fear in his eyes. "I'm not a good person, Myeon Gi."

She was silent for a moment, her gaze turning hard with a fire he had never seen from her before. "Yes, you are. Don't ever say that again."

"Myeon Gi—"

"No," she broke in hotly. "Listen to me. You are a good person. You may have some bad sins in your past, Song Woo Bin but you grew up. You changed but only a little. Because you were always a good person. I have heard the stories about the F4. You were their compass when they tried to go too far. You never let the pranks get out of hand."

He shook his head stubbornly. "We did once. A student went to the roof—"

"I read the article," Myeon Gi snapped. "He was already dealing with his parent's divorce and his little brother intense modeling career. Who by the way, was also a creep, so there were some issues in that family long before the F4 became involved. Geum Jan Di saved him but Ga Eul told me that she also heard from Jan Di that she remembers you running up to the roof during the chaos. She didn't know who you were at the time but after she got to know you, she realized you were coming up to rescue him."

Woo Bin's eyes widened in surprise. He never realized that Geum Jan Di had seen him that day. At his continued silence, Myeon Gi sighed and knelt in front of him with a tender expression. "Listen to me. That alone tells me you are nothing like Kwon Joo Eon. Which I already knew from the moment I met you... It never would have occurred to President Kwon to pull alongside up a woman and give her a ride home without expecting anything in return, protect his friends, or to lovingly play with his goddaughter for hours."

"She's cute," Woo Bin mumbled and she smiled. "You are the best man I know, Song Woo Bin. The F4 has to play the game that you were born into so you all did what you had to in order to protect each other. You might have made some immature mistakes but you grew from it. Kwon Joo Eon hates that because he's incapable of doing the same thing."

Woo Bin was quiet for a long time but eventually gave a relieved sigh and drew her in between his legs, burying his face into her chest. "Thank you."

She ran her fingers through his hair with a quick smile. "Good. Now don't ever talk bad about the man I love like that again."

He chuckled hoarsely and gave a nod. "Noted." Rising to his feet, he drew her back into his embrace and she was pleased to see the heavy weight lifting although she knew he still felt somewhat guilty. "I love you." Myeon Gi assured him. "Flaws and all."

Woo Bin gave her a long deep kiss in response. "I love you too. Flaws and all."

"Flaws?" Myeon Gi pouted. "What flaws?"

"You're stubborn."

"I am not."

He raised his eyebrow and she held back a laugh. "Well only when I am right."

"Uh-huh," Woo Bin nodded and began maneuvering them back towards the bed. "And you don't like to admit when you're wrong."

"Is this your idea of seducing me?" Myeon Gi asked with a surprised yip as he threw her down onto the bed and immediately crawled up over her with a wolfish growl. "Yep."

"Your technique needs work," she grumbled but still didn't try to move away as his lips began a slow trail down her neck with a husky laugh. "You won't be complaining when I am finished… Trust me."

Myeon Gi giggled as his hands quickly began to get work and she moved to fully embrace him. "You're not a mafia prince, you know."

He stopped briefly to stare at her with a quizzical smile. "I'm not?"

"No," she whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're a mafia knight."

"A knight?"

Myeon Gi nodded with a lingering kiss, "Yes. That was what I thought when I first got in your car when you refused to let me walk home in the rain. You were my very own rich, incredibly cocky knight."

Woo Bin briefly grinned despite his new intense stare, and then all teasing aside, he took her mouth back under his and whispered his love for her until she couldn't take it anymore. With no longer any fear, Myeon Gi gave herself completely up to him.

"A knight, huh." Woo Bin muttered later as he held her while their bodies cooled. Myeon Gi nodded sleepily. "My knight in not so shiny armor."

"My armor is shiny," he protested playfully. "Look at my car."

"Well, I guess that's true," she said thoughtfully. "I mean really, the only reason I even started dating you was because of the car."

"Just for my car?" Woo Bin asked and her eyes gleamed in amusement. "Well, there are few other perks that came along with you too."

"Such as?"

"Oh… This and that," Myeon Gi teased with a giggle as he quickly rolled her back underneath him. "Are you going to ever let me out of your bedroom?"

"Not until you have to go back to work."

"I don't go back until next week."

Woo Bin leaned down to brush her lips, his dark smile making her shiver in anticipation. "Exactly."