Chapter Seven: Why I Chose You (Part 2)

Ten seconds after teleporting, the rangers found themselves at the base where they saw Allan and Lance.

"Professor, we're back, I'll explain what happened," said Leo as he walked towards him.

"No need, I already know, take a look." said Allan as he pointed up, when the rangers looked up they saw what looked like a television, but it was floating, then it came down to eye level.

"It seems the news team reported the incident, let's see what they say." said Lance.

"Good morning and welcome to Alistar News," said a man in a black suit and next to him, there was a lady wearing blue. "I'm Van Steinfield and joining me is the lovely Elaine Ross, earlier today at the Alistar City Zoo, there appeared to be an attack by an unknown being," as he said that, the screen behind him showed footage of Mayase and the Antrics. "From what can be seen, it appears to be some experiment gone wrong, but with this attack came a group we thought we'd never see again, the Power Rangers."

"I wonder what they have to say about us." wondered Aaron.

"You know something Van, I was just a little girl when the Power Rangers disappeared, and as I was growing up, I always hoped they'd come back, and become the beacons of hope just like they used to be, " said Elaine. "But after seeing what happened today, I feel ashamed of myself for believing such a thing."

"Wait, what," said Leo surprised.

"I agree Elaine, the Power Rangers were supposed to be those who defended the world from the threats of the supernatural, but look at this," said Van as he turned around to face the screen, then it showed footage of the ranger's fight. "According to the video surveillance shown from the zoo, four of the five rangers let themselves get easily trapped by the enemy, and the only ranger who wasn't trapped, the blue ranger, was panicking on the ground while the monster and her accomplices threatened the lives of five civilians."

"What's going on?" asked Taylor. "Why are they only mentioning the times Mayase trapped us, we saved lives too you know."

"It's most likely an attempt to discredit you," replied Lance as he turned to her. "We already know that the people of this time aren't really fond of the Power Rangers."

"But fear not citizens, the enemy was sent packing thanks to the brave efforts of the RDA," said Van with a smile as once again footage appeared on the screen. "According to the footage taken by our news team, the RDA were able to successfully evacuate many civilians out of danger, they freed the rangers from their predicament and rescued the five hostages, and while all that was happening, what did the Power Rangers do, they made themselves burdens. Listen up rangers, if you're watching this, realize that you are no longer needed here, you were good in the past, but that was a long time ago, what happened today is proof of that."

"That's it for today folks, until next time this is Van Steinfield, and Elaine Ross, signing off." said the two as the video ended.

"Well that couldn't have gotten any worse," said Allan. "It seems you've gone from defenders of the world to public enemy #1."

"I'm sorry guys, this is all my fault," said Tyson as he lowered his head.

"That's not true, it was a bad situation," said Kendrix as she walked up to him. "There wasn't a thing you could that didn't result in someone dying, you couldn't have done anything about it."

"I guess, but I'm a Power Ranger now, the thing I've wanted to become for so long, and when I finally achieve it, I can't do a damn thing to save anybody," said Tyson. "I didn't know what to do and I panicked, just as people needed me the most, if it wasn't for the RDA, they could've all died, and it would be all my fault." he said as he began walking toward the hallway.

"Tyson, where are you going?" asked Aaron with a worried tone in his voice.

"I'm heading to my room, right now I just want to be alone," the blond haired boy said as he disappeared into his quarters.

As Mayase and the Antrics were making their way through the woodlands, a few of the Antrics had worried looks.

"What are we going to tell the master?" asked one. "We failed to eliminate the rangers."

"Let's not talk about," replied another. "I don't even want to think about what me might do."

Soon, they reached the cave, as they entered, they saw Beodra laying down on the ground, his eyes were closed and his hands were crossed below his head, Mayase and the others assumed Beodra must be sleeping and the Antrics breathed a breath of relief since they didn't have to tell them what happened right away.

"It seems you've returned," said Beodra startling the others, his eyes were still closed, which implied that he was just relaxing rather than sleeping. "So, how'd it go?"

"Master Beodra, please forgive me," said Mayase as she kneeled down and lowered her head. "We were unable to defeat the rangers, I thought I had them, but I failed,"

"I already know," said Beodra as he opened his eyes and stood up. "I watched the human's broadcast" he pointed to his left, as they turned, they saw a large screen. "Though it's true you have failed to eliminate the rangers, it seems that your little game with the blue one has turned the people against them."

"So, does that mean-" began Mayase.

Beodra then went over to where Mayase was, knelt down and held Mayase's chin. "You were able to this into a great opportunity Mayase, thank you." he said with a smile.

Mayase's face turned red when she heard those words, she then turned her face away from Beodra. "R-Really, you're welcome master, a-anything to help you achieve your goal."

"Now, all we have to find the best way to turn the human's distrust and dislike toward the rangers to our advantage." said Beodra

As Tyson walked into his room, he removed his glasses, and layed down on his bed, as time passed by, thoughts began to race inside his head. 'How did I ever believe I could be a ranger, the first time I fight a serious opponent and I blew it and pretty hard too if I must say, I wish Flynn was still here, he wouldn't screw up like I did, I bet he'd-' his thinking was interrupted by a sudden knocking on the door.

"Come in," said Tyson as his door opened and on the other side was Leo.

"Is this a good time?" he asked.

"Sure I guess so, here sit down," said Tyson as he sat up straight on his bed and beckoned with his hand for Leo to come and sit. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened at the zoo."

"There's no need to apologize," said Leo as he sat down next to Tyson. "It's just like Kendrix said, you were in a bad situation, if I'm being honest, I don't think I'd know what to do either."

"Really?" asked Tyson surprised, Leo was one of the rangers Tyson looked up to the most, he idolized him above most rangers, in his mind, Leo could do no wrong, and to hear him say that was quite shocking.

"Yeah, really." replied Leo.

"Hey Leo, can I...ask you something?" asked Tyson a bit hesitant.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why did you choose you me?"

"What?" asked Leo a bit confused at Tyson's question.

"When Flynn couldn't become the blue ranger and I stepped up for the role, why did you choose me?" asked Tyson.

"What do you mean, everyone said you can join us," replied Leo.

"I know, but when I first wanted to join, Allan, Taylor, and Kendrix seemed to disagree, but you didn't," Tyson explained. "Then when Aaron told them why I should join, you immediately said I could join, which convinced the others, so why did you say I could."

"Yeah, I remember saying that," said Leo as he thought back reminiscently. "Well, if I have to say why, I guess it's because you and I are the same."


"You're a Power Rangers fanboy right?" asked Leo in which Tyson nodded. "So what do you know about how I became a ranger?"

"The info I get on the rangers comes from the Ranger Archives, something I found by mistake while doing an assignment, it gives me information on almost everything Power Rangers related," said Tyson. "As for you Leo, the archives say that you, Kendrix, and the other galaxy rangers arrived on the Planet Miranoi, it was then you encountered the legendary Quasar Sabers, though at first, your older brother Mike was the wielder of the Red Quasar Saber, but after he fell into a crevice, you took the mantle and you became one of the best rangers ever."

"So is that all they say about my origins?" asked Leo.

"Pretty much," replied Tyson.

Leo then chuckled. "Well, if that's true then it seems the archives don't know as much about me after all." he said which surprised Tyson.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, after I obtained the Quasar Saber and became the Red ranger, I felt unworthy, I didn't earn it, I was just around when there was no one else to inherit it when its original owner wasn't able to, because of that, I trained everyday in order to make myself worthy of the power I've been given," Leo explained. "Then, when I realized that Mike was alive, I wanted to give him back the Quasar Saber, I mean, it was his to begin with after all, it was him who earned it, it was him who was seen as worthy by it, not me, but then, he told me something."

"What did he say, what did he say?" asked Tyson impatiently since he was well into the story.

"Cool your jets there," said Leo as he smiled. "He told me that I was the person meant to wield it, that destiny doesn't make mistakes, when I heard those words, I got a feeling that he was right."

"Wow, so cool, but what does that have to do with me?" asked Tyson. "You said that we were the same.

"We are, we both obtained a power we thought we weren't meant to have, but in the end, it was destined for us," he explained. "When you wanted to be the new blue ranger, I sort of saw myself in you, you even obtained it by sneaking around where you weren't supposed to be just like I did, but in all seriousness, there's no need to doubt yourself, we all make mistakes, even rangers and even me, but it's those who use their mistakes as a way to better themselves are those who can become truly great, understand."

"Yeah, I understand, and here I was looking down on myself," said Tyson as he stood up. "Thanks Leo, I really needed that."

"Hey, what are leaders for," said Leo as he too got up.

"Hey Tyson!" exclaimed Aaron from the other side of the door.

"Yeah!" said Tyson.

"You feeling better yet?"

"Yup, I'm doing just fine now, thanks to Leo."

"Good, because I think you want to see this," said Aaron as Tyson and Leo came out of the room and followed Aaron into the main area, there they saw everybody looking at a tall robot with a cyan exterior and one yellow eye and one red eye, most of them didn't recognize it, but Tyson and Aaron did.

"Wilbur!" the two boys said together.

"You know this robot?" asked Allan.

"Yeah, that's the butler robot that serves my family," explained Tyson. "Aaron has gotten the chance to see him when he comes over."

"So, what exactly is he doing here?" asked Taylor.

"I don't know, I'll ask him," replied Tyson as he walked over to Wilbur. "Wilbur, what are you doing here?"

"Well young sir, you said you were going out for a walk one night, and you haven't come back home since," Wilbur explained. "So I used my tracking device to find you, so here I am."

"I see, so that's how, well, as you can see, I'm okay, you can return to the house," said Tyson.

"Forgive me, but I cannot do that, I've been programmed to keep you safe in the house while your parents are absent, so you must come with me, if you decline, I have no choice but to take you by force," said Wilbur as his hands fell into his arms and out came as cuffs.

"Oh no you don't," said Lance as he took out a wristwatch device and pushed a button, as he did, a section of the roof opened and out came a laser that fired a blast at Wilbur, once it did, Wilbur stopped moving and his eyes dimmed in color until they were black.

"Uh Lance, what did you do?" asked Tyson as he tilted his head. "Why is he not moving, you didn't-"

"Worry not Tyson, I merely used the laser to deactivate him," Lance explained as he walked over to Wilbur. "I have to reprogram him so that he won't remember anything that happened, and by the way Tyson, Wilbur said that your parents aren't in town right, so how long will they be gone for?"

"They'll be gone for 2 months," replied Tyson.

"Great, I'll be in my room if you need me," said Lance as he dragged Wilbur into his room.

"Well now that that's over, what are we going to do about Beodra, we now know he's not alone, he has Mayase as well," said Kendrix. "Her attack on the zoo and the plan she had was quite bold, there's no telling what they might try to do next."

"Well it doesn't matter what they try," said Tyson as a big smile formed on his face. "Because we're the Power Rangers and we'll stop them!"