
"Welcome to the premier of Ghost Station, Amity Park's radio channel on all things ghostly! This is your host Isamu Diaz, along with real life ghost-buster Tina Tori to inform Amity Park and the world about predicted ghost attacks, ongoing ghost attacks and everything you need to know about ghosts. To you Tina."

"Thank you, Isamu. We're having an exciting premier right now with two ghosts currently battling above our heads, which easily qualifies for our 'current ghost attacks' segment. The blue-haired, guitar-wielding spectre is none other than former pop-star Ember McClain. The second ghost is the infamous Danny Phantom and between the two of them I don't know if we'll have a station after this. I've seen some nasty ghost fights in my time but this one takes the cake." An unearthly shriek resounded through the building. "Ouch. Ember's sonic attack just took out our ghost shield! Um, could you take over a moment? I need to grab my ecto-gun.

"Right, this is Isamu and is laying down some cover fire. Ember doesn't look like she'll be a fan of our show. Tina! Look out! Whew, good thing she dodged but if anyone would like to donate some new chairs after this, Ghost Station would appreciate it. Ouch. Phantom just retaliated with some sort of ice-ray against Ember, freezing her guitar to her hands and preventing her from using either."

"Tina…here…oh, yes, clever move. Aaannnd…it's over, he's sucked her in what appears to be a Fenton Thermos, a device made to suck ghosts into a container and keep them contained but unharmed."

"And it looks like Phantom is leaving as well," Isamu said. "Well, at least we're still on the air. No technical difficulties so we can keep reporting the newest news to our listeners. Everyone's fine. We just need new chairs. And those were cheap anyway. Oh, now the GIW decides to show up. No…no not the…!"

The Ghost Station dissolved in static.

"Our apologies, we did have some technical difficulties back there. Thank you to everyone who stayed tuned in, this is Isamu Diaz."

"And this is Tina Tori, who would like to personally bill the GIW for the two thousand dollars of damaged equipment."

"Isamu here. With the main fight over, the GIW out of our hair and no current ghostly matters going on, we're taking questions from any curious listeners who want to know what we're all about or just ask us things. Yes Mr…"

"Jordan sir and I was wondering if you'll be like a weather report, but for ghosts? Cause ghosts keep making me late for work when I don't know where their fights are. And I'm skating on thin ice at work, you know."

"Then, you'll want to stay tuned to Ghost Station every morning at 7:30, 8:00 or 8:30, whichever fits your morning commute. That's the time we'll keep track of all current ghost fights, where they are and what detours to take to keep you out of a mess none of us want to get stuck in. Next question, from a Mrs…"

"Ramirez. Are you going to hunt ghosts?"

"Tina here, and I'll leave that up to the current professionals. While I've busted some spirits in my time and will do so again if need be, we've finally got enough ghost hunters out there right now. I'm here to learn and report first, shoot only if I have to."

"Isamu here and I'll second that. Between the GIW, the Fentons, the Red Huntress and possibly even Danny Phantom, we've got all the ghost hunters we need and a few we don't. Next?"

"Sam Manson: exactly what is your position on Danny Phantom?"

"Isamu speaking: That is a very good question. It's also something we're keen on figuring out ourselves, because the evidence is all over the place. I'm certainly not enough of an expert or authority to tell you whether Danny Phantom is good or evil."

Tina added, "And while I do have some authority on the subject of ghosts as a former ghost buster, even I cannot go so far as to definitively say whether Phantom is good or evil. To that end, we're leaving it up to our special guests."

"So this is your official invitation: ghost experts, ghost hunters, ghost scientists, psychological profilers and you. We invite all to our station to share your evidence, observations, experiences and insights so that we may all decide, once and for all, this critical question. Is Danny Phantom good, or evil? This special program begins at 5:30 and ends at 6:30. First to call, first to come and let us all know: are ghosts good?"

"Or evil?"