Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Author's Notes will be found on my profile.

It was one of those normal days in Konoha when it happened. The remnants of Fourth Shinobi War was slowly decaying into memories as the Hidden Villages progressed with renewed alliance.

Izumo and Kotetsu, as usual, were stationed on the front gates of Hidden Leaf to welcome incoming fellow Shinobi from missions and guests from allied villages and countries besides running errands for the Hokage.

Their bantering, to pass the time, came to a halt when they caught sight of a bright light suddenly radiating on the lush forest near the gates. It wasn't huge enough to alert the entire village, but Kotetsu had a signal ready if the situation went beyond their control.

Instantly on their guard, the suspicious glow vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"Don't tell me we're dealing with aliens again." Kotetsu muttered, a kunai materialising in his hand. They approached the entrance, observing the area with trained eyes.

"And I thought we have finally achieved peace." Izumo agreed, staring at the eerily quiet pathway.

The two Chūnins felt the quick rush of wind blow past their figures; leaves dancing along the breeze. They both narrowed their eyes when they felt an unusual chakra signature approaching their way. It didn't feel threatening. No hostility present yet they kept their guard up knowing it could be an enemy masking their true intent.

Izumo was about to take a step forward when a puff of smoke exploded a few feet before them.

Alarmed, their weapons were drawn. Kotetsu immediately threw a pair of kunai on the smoke's direction. There were no records of Shinobi bound to return today and to arrive in suspicious manner was certainly pushing them to be on the offensive.

The sound of metal clashing alerted the two. It was a Shinobi. Sharing a knowing look, Izumo ran behind the figure while Kotetsu summoned his mace, urging Izumo to create the opening he needed.

The smoke subsided. Izumo had formed the hand signs in rapid succession, as Kotetsu poised himself to charge.

However, the intruder spoke that stopped their movements.

"This isn't how I remember getting welcomed in the village."

Both Chūnins have their eyes widened in shock at the sound of his voice.

Another strong breeze of the wind blew the smoke away to fully expose the suspected intruder.

This time, their jaws dropped.

A man stood in between them. He wore the standard Leaf ninja uniform. But what shocked them the most was the familiarity of his face. Yet he looked different from what they remembered. Too different. They witnessed him take an official leave to discover the world with fresh eyes and no one, not even Kakashi would expect him to return like this.

The Leaf uniform. Multiple ear studs, two black ones with a silver in the middle. And a pair of smug onyx eyes.

"Did you really think I'm an enemy - Kotetsu-san, Izumo-san?" Uchiha Sasuke asked them.

"SASUKE?!" They exclaimed in unison. Disbelief present in their features as they stood, frozen.

What's this? He's back? Was he officially returning from his journey already? Izumo thought, unable to look away at the man. There was no threatening aura radiating from him. His chakra signature was normal as well. Kakashi would definitely inform his arrival to them beforehand.

And what's up with the get up? The lone Uchiha survivor never and will never wear the uniform. His clan had always special uniforms designed for them no matter the rank, unless they were Anbu.

Meanwhile, Kotetsu wondered. Ear studs?! He blinked twice to make sure he wasn't an illusion or a figment of his imagination.

Fugaku and Itachi must be twisting in their graves if they saw Sasuke donning a tacky ornament and trying to be a bad boy. Not that he looked ridiculous but knowing him - Whoever is impersonating Uchiha Sasuke got him wrong. Terribly wrong.

"Who else?" He responded, a devilish smirk gracing his lips. "One and only."

Kotetsu and Izumo could only share confused looks.

Review! I'm hoping my writing skills have improved after the seven years of absence. I apologise for being rusty as well. I haven't written any Naruto stories for a long ass time. Thank you so much!