I have absolutely been smitten with the Fire Emblem series, and I hope to get Three Houses soon. Anyways, I'm starting a SYOC to create a whole new story! I will not use existing characters from the series (Maybe one or two) and will focus on getting your characters out there! I'm using one of my own existing characters as our protagonist, but I can use other characters as well! I'll put the application in the reviews or you can DM me and I'll send it to you there! Just make sure to title it, "A Heart of Old- OC Name- Class" because it helps me stay organized. I'm only accepting a certain number from each class and I hope to update soon. By the way, there will definitely be pairings and hopefully children between characters, so if you'd rather not have your character paired just say so! Well, onto the story!

Tears clouded his vision, impairing what little he could see in the darkness. The steady thump of his horse running from beneath him. He tangled his hands through her blonde mane as his chest constricted and a flurry of emotions hit him.




All three of those mixing and melding, like a mad tango is his heart and mind. The thirst for revenge, the need to find whoever did this and make them pay. The mere thoughts he was having worrying him.

This was no way for a prince to behave.

Breakfast was one of the best times of the day, in his own humble opinion. He loved seeing his mother's radiant smile and adoring gazes she gave his father. His father enveloping her in his arms and whispering in her ear, making her giggle before their meals were served. Frederick wished that he would one day find love as strong as this, over 20 years and they were still as passionate about each other as the day they met. The two wed and has their first and only child, Frederick Hale. Seventeen years passed after his birth and Frederick was the proud crowned prince from Croelia.

The feast came, delicious pancakes and waffles covered in rich, gooey syrup. Mountains of fresh fruit and jams overflowing. Drinks of all kinds from every edge of the kingdom. A feast easily able to feed multiple small villages for only 3 people. He normally tried not to think about that as he ate.

His mother, Genevieve Hale, had pale skin and gorgeous auburn locks that curled down to her waist. She stood proud with her emerald eyes shining with warmth that spread a sense of ease around the room. Her sky blue gown shifted as she stepped away from her husband and walked towards her son. Frederick felt at ease as he bowed to her and heard her soft, tinkling laughter.

"Your emblem is hidden, dear."

He felt embarrassed as she pulled out the silver necklace that proudly showed everyone the royal crest of his family, the silver shield with a ruby heart in the center connected to two silver angel wings. She fixed it atop his sash and took his hand, walking back to her husband.

Aberforth Hale looked at his two favorite people in the world, watching them walk towards him. He looked into a nearby mirror and gestured for them to join him. He saw his own cobalt blue eyes staring back and fixed his lavender hair out of his face, his smile making him look 10 years younger. He shaved this morning, so his cheeks and chin were absolutely baby soft. His fur cape draped around his shoulders and his crown barely balanced on his head, leaning a bit to the left. He felt a very familiar pull in his chest before pulling out his handkerchief and coughing into it, seeing a bit of blood. He hid the cloth before pulling his arms around the two and giving a warm laugh.

"Look at us! This... this is what a royal family should look like!"

He saw his son Frederick give one of his soft smiles and Genevieve give a huge warm one. His son was almost the perfect mix of both of them. He had his father's hair but his mother's eyes, along with the twinkle she had and a very hidden mischievous side from himself. He was much more formal than either of them though, something that he must have developed on his own. His attire was primarily cream, with the gold sash and his name embroidered in blue near the bottom corner of his top.

"Ah yes, let us eat!"

He put his arm around Genevieve's waist and seated her, watching Frederick pull out his own chair and sit. As he finally sat, the servants waiting began to serve each of them before stepping back and waiting for their next set of instructions. Genevieve waved them away with a warm smile and they departed. Well, all but one.

The messenger had been waiting awkwardly for his moment to speak with the king. Aberforth stood and saw the other two engaged in a conversation. He went to the doorway and ushered for the messenger to follow him.

Genevieve saw Abe walking away from the corner of her but paid it no mind. He would tell her about it later. For now though, she had to finish her story about that fabled red leopard.

Frederick and his mare, Evangeline, went into the closest town that had injured people to help as much as they could. His healing abilities had been improving quite a bit lately but he still had trouble healing while mounted. Evangeline seemed to get excited every time he tried and would prance, knocking him off balance. He was not the best troubadour in the kingdom but he was trying. He stayed there until sundown, then began the trek home.

As the two were making their way back, he heard a conversation and slowed Evangeline down when he heard his mother's name. Now, most people adored her so this wouldn't be a problem, but they spoke with such malicious intent, he had to stop.

"He's already on his way to the castle, and the prince is gone. King Aberforth was always a warrior so he's probably out with most of the castle people to protect her. I can't believe one of our own alerted him about our assassination attempts. It'll be harder to get to the queen but we only need one clean shot. The rest of the clerics probably went with him to keep him alive-"

The raspy voice stopped as he listened to his surroundings. By that time though, Evangeline and her rider had long since left.

He reached the castle and threw himself off of his horse, getting through the unguarded entrance and going straight to his parent's room. He knocked and began yelling for his mother to open her door. It opened a crack and he saw her green eyes peeking out before she opened the door and began to speak.

"Frederick darli-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she froze and looked down at her stomach before coughing and collapsing in his outstretched arms. She had an arrow going through her, the tip purple with an unknown substance. He staggered before getting a better grip, mute with shock.

"I'm sorry Frederick, I didn't... want you to have to see anything... that may hurt you..."

Her breathing got shallow as he lay her on her bed, scanning for any trace of her assailant. He quickly pulled out his staff and tried to heal her, but to no avail. Her blue bodice grew heavy as the blood blossomed through the fabric. She put her arm to his cheek and spoke.

"Watch after Abe for me, you're all he has left."

Finally he found his voice, weak and frightened. "Why would anyone do this to you, mother? How... How could they?"

She grimaced before smiling one last time. "Some people would do anything to get what they want. We are on the brink of war, and I fear my death may be the push for the fighting to begin. Please, stay with your father... I love you... my dear child."

Her eyes went glassy and cold as his tears stained her face.

"I love you too", he whispered.

He was going to find whoever did this to his family, no matter the cost. He never wanted to hear his proud father cry again. With that, he urged Evangeline forward.

And that's it! It's longer than what I usually write, so that cool I guess. I just have this little note here to say that if you send a character and you've read this far, tell me who your favorite Fire Emblem character is, or which game. I'll give more consideration to people who have read everything I wrote. Bye for now!
