Chapter 1: Enter the Dragon
The warning we love -
NSFW, hope you enjoy!



"No. I do not want this. Do not give me this. Take it out of Ja'kal, take it back." Ja'kal paced, tail thrashing about in agitation. He turned to Serana with pleading eyes. "Ja'kal wants to eat fish, not dragons. Why does Ja'kal have this? Humans do not want a khajiit - and vampire, and vampire khajiit - in their city, let alone save them. What cruel joke is this?" He took her hands and tugged away the moment he noticed the soldiers smelled like bloodlust and anxiety, a surefire cocktail that warned they did not intend to honor their word about leaving the vampires alone.

And then a shout thundered in the sky.


Silence reigned down and Ja'kal's tail tucked between his legs as everyone looked up at the sky. He tugged Serana more insistently when the soldiers murmured amongst themselves, something about reporting this to their commanders, and grey beards; was that some sort of code to let their comrades know to strike?

All this time, and Serana seemed to be lost in wonder, enraptured by both curiosity and amusement - particularly whenever she looked at Ja'kal. He failed to see how any of this was amusing. They left the bones and the ashes behind them as they sought refuge in another distant forest, where Ja'kal honed in and attached to the sounds of serenity rather than the scenes of war. It brought home too many painful memories.

Memories that were all on the account of this blasted 'dragon' devouring inside of him.

"Your blood must have been screaming all this time," Serana whispered cryptically, and he looked back at her. She had a serious look, and he learned very quickly that he somewhat disliked serious looks - in general, that was; not Serana's specifically. She let go of his hand and weaved between the trees, her hand gliding along the trunks as she did. Was she marking them the way he did? He took a moment to inspect every one, but saw nothing engraved in the bark.

What was he thinking? She wasn't blind.

"Maybe... Maybe you should be cured of vampirism, Ja'kal."

"What?" Ja'kal's head snapped to her at that, and all he could see was the young and weary woman that was determined to hold the burden of the world on her shoulders again. He hastily rushed up and circled around her, grabbing her wrists as he adamantly shook his head. "No. Ja'kal wishes-"

"It'll silence Boats. You don't need another voice screaming at you about domination and destruction."

"Ja'kal can control it."

"Did you, with the dragon?"

That silenced him, and his jaw clamped down on him. His eyes burned and he shut them tightly, his head bowed in shame, holding her for dear life. "Serana, afa. I want to be with you."

"You will be," she chuckled, "I'm not going to go anywhere."

"But I will not be able to be with you as often. I will need to sleep where you need to be awake, and what about the castle?"

"It's... Safe to say we're not welcome there anymore anyways, Ja'kal. I really don't think it will change things between us; it'll be just like the beginning. I don't need to sleep when you're awake." Her arms slid along his shoulders and she pressed herself fully to him, kissing his forehead, lingering. "But it's up to you. I can't make you do anything and I don't want you to feel as though I'm forcing you... But..." She sighed, her warm breath seeping into his skin. It was supposed to happen with her kisses on his chest and back, and now they were here because of that blasted dragon. "I'm worried about how this will change you, someday. The Ja'kal I saw out there with the dragon was not the Ja'kal I came to... Ari."

Pride still insisted that he could do this but he knew he could not - and it conflicted him, for he often listened to his heart and not the mind. Shame did not seem like it would let up any time soon, and it bore down harshly upon him. Control himself? He could not even control the simplest desires with Serana, acting rashly and roughly even when she had repeatedly asked him to be slow and gentle.

Honest to the gods, he was terrified and not ashamed to admit that. "What does this mean, Serana? Why is Ja'kal a dragon and not a khajiit?"

"You still are," she trailed feather-light kisses down the length of his snout. "You're both. You're a lion with the soul of a dragon." Her breath hitched for some reason, and then her voice danced as she lilted. "And, if you wanted to, you could be a bat - or a gargoyle - too; you're the definition of an identity crisis right now."

"I am more like a house cat right now," he mumbled sullenly. His spirits were lifted when her mouth conformed to his, kissing him with the utmost of tenderness and reassurance that she didn't plan to run away from him. At least, not any time soon. It still did not sit well with him; he was supposed to smother her with love and passion, not more problems to burden her. "I am sorry, Serana."

"For what?" She chuckled. "You keep apologizing when you have nothing to apologize for, Ja'kal."

"I do. You have enough on your mind; a thinker is going to think herself to death. Ja'kal is supposed to be a fierce lion, and now he is nothing more than a sniveling cub."

"Well... I mean... We could change that, since you're already halfway there. And I know how to cheer you up." Her suggestion wasn't missed when she ran her hands across his broad chest, and she peppered it with loving kisses, her gaze glowing brightly as she looked up at him with a sultry smirk. "Dragonborn or not - we defeated a dragon, Ja'kal. That's a feat worth celebrating, don't you think? And mortals witnessed it; witnessed vampires saving them. It's enough to sow the doubt that maybe not all of us are bad or bloodthirsty creatures."

His blood broiled, but he wasn't sure if it was thanks to her words, or her lips. A shuddering breath left him as she deftly untied his trousers, sneaking a hand down his waistband to brush over his pride. Instinct guided his fangs to her shoulders and he purred when she teasingly circled her fingers around the tip of his cock.

"No, no, you are still bad. The 'definition' of evil." He smiled when she laughed at that, deep and throaty. It stirred darker things lurking inside of him, and he grabbed her hand to pull it out of his pants, then circled behind her and pushed her to the nearest tree. He held her hips and pressed his pelvis to her rump. "We conquered a dragon," he murmured, and the part he worked so hard to silence had flared to life, burning him on the inside out. He reached around her throat to tear off the clasp of her cloak, tugging on the laces of her leather corset. She helped him shed it, and he rolled her crimson tunic as he glided his tongue up along her spine. He groaned against her skin and nearly sank his fangs into her when she gyrated against his groin.

Serana suddenly straightened and turned around, a seductive smirk playing on her lips as she sashayed around him. "It's your turn, Ja'kal. I do believe I owe you one."

"I did not realize we were counting." He turned to face her, grunting when a little palm on his chest was more than enough to push him against the tree. She pulled at the loose flaps of his trousers until they were down his thighs, and he swore he was going to explode when she knelt down and bit off the string to tear his loin cloth away, never to be tied around him again. He was utterly exposed, watching her lips suckle the tip of his cock as her finger tenderly ran along the bumps of his dull barbs. His head lulled back and smacked the tree trunk, and he sank his fingers in the bark, marking it for an entirely different reason now. "Serana..."

All that confidence wavered for a moment when she grasped his girth, experimentally stroking. "Is there a way to do this that pleases you even more?"

"Yes. Stroking inside of you," he hissed without another second wasted, and struggled not to thrust his hips when her low breathy laughter warmed his loins.

"You're relentless." She trailed kisses up from the tip of his cock to his stomach, to his chest, to his neck, lovingly gliding the tips of her fangs over the crook of where his neck met his shoulder. The seductive glow in her eyes - the hunger buried inside of them - enticed him, and he prayed she would allow him another taste of her.

But then he remembered something vital.

"And I know how to cheer you up."

"Serana?" He gently grabbed her biceps, angling his head away when she rose on her toes to reach his lips. "You are doing this because you want to as well, yes? You are not doing this just for me?" For a fleeting second, there was hesitance, and it was all he needed. He frowned, smiling sadly. "You do not need to cater to me. You cheered me up before without all of this, just by being here."

"True, but I want to help take your mind off this whole... Dragonborn thing. I can't imagine what it's like - how scary it must be right now. It's like turning all over again."

"It is okay-" he smiled when she frowned at that. "-it will be okay, in time; but what is not okay is making love as a distraction. I desire a union of passion with you, both body and mind - not mindless and meaningless lust." He cupped her jaw and leaned down to kiss her, almost regretting his words when he could taste the musk of sex on her tongue. He cast away the thoughts before they had a chance to bloom and gnarl around him with darker desires.

"Well... I mean..." Serana smiled slyly, fingers innocently drumming below his collarbones. She idly traced the scar that ran from his sternum to his shoulder, the scar that had changed his life forever. He wondered how bad the wound had festered, diseased from a draugr. She tethered his gaze back up to her eyes as she flattened her hands on his stomach and leaned up, whispering against his mouth as if she had been passing on a scandalous secret.

And scandalous, it was.

"We can still change that."

Ja'kal's tail perked at the insistent suggestion, surprised and caught off guard that she had actually been seeking this out and willingly confronting her fears once more. She curled her fingertips in and gently raked her nails down his abs, the swift pain now far easier to feel without a thick hide in the way. He didn't need another hint when her hand wrapped around his girth, goading him to react, and he tugged on the hem of her tunic until she rose her arms for it to be stripped of her. He was pushed back against the tree and she rose on her toes, her fangs scraping across his broad shoulder.

"Now I know why your blood burns. I should have figured something was different, the night I turned you."

"Burns?" Another scrape, and he shuddered. "To drink?"

"Mm-hm. I thought it was just a khajiit thing, but there was something... Powerful that spoke to me, that night." She kissed right on the apple of his throat, and he grabbed the tree trunk as his heart gradually beat it's way up to his mouth, anticipating the pain the moment she'd sink her fangs in him. She suckled a patch between her teeth and then chuckled as she released, sticking out her tongue at him as she slammed down on her heels. "Mouthful of fur. I guess I can't do everything you do."

"This?" He bent down and wrapped his tongue around the front of her throat, the thicker spines gliding across the bruises beginning to form on her neck. He nibbled skin between his teeth, mindful of his fangs, and struggled not to smirk when the hand around his cock squeezed harder as a repressed moan bubbled in her chest. She nodded, chin bumping against his jaw. His hands wandered up her ribs as he paid loving attention to the crook of her nape; all this talk about blood had him curious how she tasted, and his fangs elongated, protruding from his lips. "Can I bite?"

Serana immediately tensed and she withdrew, keeping him away as she gently pushed him by his chest. "I'd... Rather you not. I'm sorry."

"Oh." He retracted his fangs - the back of his mind wondering when he had ever even learned to exert control over them - and smiled warmly to set her worries at ease, when that familiar stench of fear burned the inside of his nose. "That is okay, I was just curious. Can I still kiss your neck?" Her gaze fell, and she released her hold of him as she absentmindedly massaged the side of her neck. He carefully watched, committing the spot to memory, and took his sweet time when she nodded, granting him access as her hand fell. He gently sucked in a patch of unblemished skin and nibbled, drawing a gasp from her.

"This part always feels good," she admitted ever so softly, "I wish I could do it for you."

"You do not need to copy everything Ja'kal does. There are still some things that please khajiit differently than humans."

That seemed to pique her curiosity, and he cursed himself for it when she had pushed him away again, searching his eyes. "Like what?"

"Serana, afa-"

"I want to learn too, Ja'kal. It's not fair if you're the only one learning my body, and how to please me."

"Pleasing you is what pleases me."

The flat look she gave him could make any man or demon sweat. She crossed her arms and took a step away, and the distance honestly sent a painful pang straight to his loins. "We're not doing anything until you teach me something about you. What happened to indulging in 'fun and love and passion'? Can I at least know why it's difficult for you?"

Ja'kal felt foolish, sheepish, when he normally never had. He glanced over his shoulder and grabbed his tail, bringing it around his torso. "Because Ja'kal has always been a giver. He is not experienced at taking. This one grew up learning how to serve others, as that was to be my role in the kingdom and... It is very strange to be selfish like this. It is strange to be loved - why love a useless cub who was nothing but a burden?"

Serana came back - thank heavens - and ran a finger down the tip of his tail, eliciting a shudder from him. Her gaze snapped up to him in an instant. "I'm not 'experienced' in taking either, as you know, but it feels nice to, doesn't it? When someone makes the effort to make you feel... Loved, as everyone deservedly should at least once in their life; it doesn't matter who or what they are. Do you agree?"

Heat pooled at his face and he nodded, watching her little finger trace up and down his tail. Every little tingle was sent to fuel the blood rushing and pounding behind his cock, and he clenched his teeth as he struggled to stay put, the longer she stroked his sensitive tail. He was supposed to indulge and arouse her, not the other way around. When she stepped forward and trailed all the way to the end of his tail, experimentally touching just above where his tail attached, he purred as bundles of nerves awakened, and his hips jerked forward.

Hums danced in the air, and Serana's smirk flooded his vision. "Duly noted."

Enough was enough. He pulled by her wrists to capture her lips, thrusting his tongue past the sweet crevice of her mouth. His nimble fingers made short work of the buttons of her pants and he slid past her waistband, roughly squeezing her rump until he drew a whimper from her. She held on to his shoulders and caught him off guard when she had jumped and hooked her legs around his waist, a sultry smile spreading when he turned and propped her against the tree with the utmost gentleness that his impatience could manage suffering through.

"Tonsh jer," she chuckled in his tongue, her smirk growing lopsided as she teased. "I know how difficult that was for you."

"Tsk!" Ja'kal clicked his tongue off the roof his mouth, grinning when her infection spread to him. He had made a conscious effort to refer to himself the way humans naturally did, and she made a conscious effort to refer to his language the way khajiit naturally did. Could she stop doing these strange things to his heart? He was going to explode if she became any sweeter - and zaji - to him. "Teasing me has become your favorite hobby, next to reading."

Reading. She was always reading. It gave him an idea for another day.

Serana got her revenge as she squeezed her legs tighter, her ankles hooked over his tail, her pelvis pressed to his. He sucked in a deep breath and purred in her neck as she tilted her hips up and down, the subtle movements taunting him from the smallest friction. He dug his fingers harshly in her rump until he forced a gasp out of her, using the momentum to slip his tongue past her lips once more. He thrust his hips against her, growing rougher and needier and desperate to be inside of her every time he was stopped by wretched fabric once again.

Their hitched breaths and ragged gasps intertwined with the music of the night, as crickets and torch bugs buzzed louder, and colorful leaves fell around them - shook out of the tree every time he pumped against her. He couldn't wait a moment longer and clawed at her waistband, crudely pulling at her pants until they bunched up at her thighs.

"Serana," he murmured with reverence, peering into her eyes as he prayed she was just as ready and done with all this foreplay. The way she chewed her lip, a hint of fear burning in his nostrils, nearly sucked what strength he had left in his knees. "Would you... Not like to?"

"Um... Just be extra gentle, please? You worked me up a lot more last time."

Oh. Right. That was very, very true, with how much time he'd spent with his fingers and his tongue. He looked down as he positioned himself, undeniably eager for how much tighter she'd be, and soon chastised himself for the thought. He dropped his forehead on her shoulder as he sunk just the tip inside, sucking in a long and harsh breath. "When will Ja'kal finally be able to think about going gentle and slow? It is shameful that it is not my first thought and want. Why do I always want to hurt you?"

Serana stiffened a little, then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly as her torso stretched. Her lips brushed the shell of his ear. "I don't believe that you do it out of a want to hurt me, Ja'kal; you're eager, and you're not the only eager one. I wouldn't be doing this right now, otherwise, if I didn't want you just as much." She gently nipped the tip of his ear, sending a pleasurable shudder through him. He could feel her grin then. "Duly noted," she hummed huskily, amusement buried in the undertones of her low voice.

And then she did that strange thing to his heart once again.

"You don't have to be so harsh on yourself. Give yourself permission just like the way you helped me give myself permission too; it's okay to be you. It's okay to love yourself, and it's okay to let someone love you." She pulled back with a warm smile and angled her head until her nose conformed to his snout, her glowing eyes staring straight into his as if she was looking through the window to his soul. For some reason, there were flickers of pain here and there, but they were few and far in between. Another hot blooded rush shot through him, when she shot back his own words at him.

"I hope one day, I will be able to help you see what I see, because I know you do not believe your ears right now."

Ja'kal let go of a breath he hadn't even known he held, and it noisily swooshed out of his lungs. Words. So simple, and yet it was as if hers held some sort of magical power, lifting a burden off his shoulders that he hadn't even known he carried. To hear that it was okay, was... Liberating. Validating.

"Serana ari jer, Ja'kal."

That made him soar, and it whisked his whiskers as his mouth set in a swift and toothy grin. "Ja'kal ari jer zath." He glanced down, and then he panicked; he hadn't realized he'd slowly sunk inside of her, and he kicked himself for not realizing sooner why pain flickered across her eyes, earlier. He was about to withdraw until she leaned back to rest against the trunk, and looked down where they were joined. That pain was replaced by a flash of hunger, and she chewed the corner of her lip. He wanted to do that.

So he did.

Ja'kal sucked her bottom lip between teeth and cautiously entered inch by inch until his pubis was pressed to hers. A shaky breath left her. She closed her eyes as her head lulled back, and she clung to his shoulders, nails biting him.

"Love me," she murmured hotly, "love me over and over again until dawn breaks." Something else was going to break until then. "Love me until we can't take it anymore." She unhooked her ankles and pulled him close, reaching under his arm until she grabbed hold of his tail. He purred and nearly sank his fangs in her when she stroked ever so gently, sending a wave of pleasure straight to the tip of his cock. He began an easy rhythm, pacing his thrusts until her eyes opened once again, their gazes locked. She tugged on his tail as she hunched over and bit down on his shoulder, and his hips jerked sporadically as the piercing pain melted way to white hot electricity pulsing beside his eyes.

Pressure steadily built, but not fast enough. His impatience from before added to his impatience and desperation now, needing to reach the peak and step over the edge to fall and finally experience pure bliss. He could die a happy man if he just had it once with Serana. Blood trailed down his chest and he groaned when her fangs retracted none too gently, calling out to something sinful inside of him. She hummed as she licked her lips, her chin a beautiful mess, her eyes glowing brighter than ever before; and her whisper broke apart his last restraint, freeing him from his cage.

"You don't have to be gentle anymore, Ja'kal." She pulled on his tail as she wrapped her hand around his nape, burying her fingers in the back of his mane as her heated command slipped past her stained lips. "Fuck me."

"Serana," he whimpered pitifully, resting his head back on her shoulder as he thrust harder into her, the sounds echoing in the chilly night air. A thrill surged through him when she had whispered scandalous things in his ear - the complete opposite of what he wanted to do for her, much less ever expect from her. His entire body felt as if it was set on fire with every dirty little secret, and a coil wound taut in the pits of his belly. She arched and moaned his name, syllables broken in between ragged gasps, her breaths forced out of her throat every time he rocked in and out of her.

Bestial instincts took over and he pulled on her rump to meet him on every thrust, and he fell apart when she raked her nails down his back, mixing scorching pain with pure pleasure as she made his muscles dance at her command. "This," she husked her confession, "this is what I thought about, that night you caught me pleasing myself."

Still clothed, roughly taken against a tree, tainted by dragon blood and dirt and who knew what else? Honestly, he imagined she would have fantasized a sweeter coupling.

And it brought no small amount of pride to hear her honesty.

"Ja'kal is relieved," he murmured as he rested his forehead against hers, feeling and absorbing her sweat. "For he was not always innocent in his thoughts about you, too."

A sweat-slick smirk danced upon her lips, and her eyes fluttered shut as another quiet moan graced his ears. He pushed closer until her legs were split wider, his fingers digging into her legs; she was starting to slip through his hands from the sweat that collected on her skin, and he buried his snout in the crook of her neck as he chanted within his mind not to bite her. He grew ever closer and he growled when her nails raked lower, setting the sensitive bundle of nerves on fire when she touched and played around the area where his tail attached.

"Serana," he chanted her name, growing ever more passionate and desperate and reverent. He almost marveled at how this lithe little woman didn't have any broken bones with how aggressive he treated her. Her body suddenly froze, and her arms snapped up around his shoulders as she muffled her moan in his neck, her hips jerking sporadically. Her inner walls tightened and clung to him, pulsating, kneading, and he groaned at how close he was, desperate to join her. His body refused to, until she came up and kissed him ardently, slipping the command past his lips.

"Come with me, arina."

Ja'kal pressed hard against her mouth as the coil broke, and he thrust deep inside of her one last time as pleasure overwhelmed him. He was nearly blinded, if not for the thoughts that screamed in his mind to force her to submit to him and cry out his name because she was in pain, and not pleasure. His blood demanded that he conquer this powerful and mystical creature, to show who was truly stronger, and his fangs grew dangerously close to the pulse fluttering under the base of her jaw.

'Dominate her. Make her submit!'

"Shut up Boats," he growled, "can you not tell when you are not wanted? You are most annoying. Ja'kal will annoy you back by making more love if you will not stop being rude."

Silence fell. Serana framed his head and gently pushed him away to look at him, caught in between bewilderment and amusement. Her voice quivered with poorly repressed mirth. "J-Ja'kal... I'm not sure it works that way, and I don't think it cares about being polite." She smirked wickedly, eliciting a groan from him when the magnificent afterglow - finally, he finally came and it did not take an era - was utterly ruined by the over-thinker's question.

"Are you sure it's Boats, and not Dragons?"

It drove the point home and solidified his new reality. Ja'kal sighed dejectedly. "Dragonborn... A new chapter of this one's life."

A beat.

"Ja'kal cannot wait to throw this book over the battlements."

Serana laughed.


Afa - please

Ari - love (verb)

Tonsh jer - thank you

Zaji - sexy

Ari jer (zath) - love you (too)

Arina - love (noun)