Dance of Death 38—

In the last chapter, Amelia Bones was under pressure to bring Harry in for interrogation into the brutal assault on Umbridge. She refused even though it would undermine her own credibility and pit her against the Minister. One of the key factors in her refusal to cooperate was the fact that her own magic was directing her to protect Harry. When the Potter-Bones Tier One Alliance was ended through dishonest actions, a series of penalty clauses activated to ensure the Bones family protect the Potter family.

The same night, Harry was tricked into going to the Department of Mysteries. He managed to fight thirteen Deatheaters with 'Hit and Run' tactics before watching Dumbledore battle Voldemort. Lucius Malfoy took an opportunity to attack Dumbledore during this duel, and Voldemort killed Lucius for his interference. Harry then managed to drive off Voldemort with a rare spell that relied primarily on raw power over skill or knowledge. Several Ministry workers arrived in time to see the end of Harry's duel.

This is where we pick up.

I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters – they belong to JKRowling.

FASA owns the Earthdawn setting which has influenced many of the ideas in my stories. Many of the spells in this chapter are from the Earthdawn setting, I just put a Latin name on them.

"§Example of Parseltongue §."


Special thanks to my Beta Reader, 'Just William' for the excellent feedback and diligent work in making the story better.

Chapter 38: The End of Fifth year.



June 21, 1996

Friday 8:30 AM

Harry was getting his final check over with Madam Pomfrey. She finished the healing that Dumbledore had started and worked on repairing his right palm. It was a charred-up mess. All things considered, he was remarkably unscathed. The only real injuries he had received had been in his duel with Bellatrix and from his wand heating up and exploding. He did have quite a few bruises, scrapes, and sprains… small injuries he hadn't noticed when he was full of adrenaline.

The medi-witch shook her head. "Mr. Potter, how on earth did you manage to wade through a battle with all your limbs intact?"

Harry just shrugged. He was in no mood for small talk. He had one dreaded conversation he needed to have before he went to sleep.

Madam Pomfrey finished up with a bit of irritation. She was tired of seeing students with battle injuries. "Well, you've looked worse after a quidditch game… Do you still play?" What she wanted to ask was 'Why can't you just be a fifteen-year-old boy? Why am I always seeing you after a battle of some sort?'

Harry chuckled bitterly. "No, ma'am." That was a million years ago.

She seemed a bit saddened. "Well… try to get some rest. I'll get you a draught of Dreamless Sleep."

"No, thank you. I need my dreams." He had to review the battle with his parent's incarnations in his Dreamscape. Dreamless Sleep prevented that.

"I see. Well, it's here if you need it."

"If we're done, I have things to do…"

"You'll be staying here tonight, Mr. Potter. As the muggles say, 'Doctor's orders'."

Harry laughed. "No ma'am."

He got up, lifted his Familiar's bag, put on his bloodstained robe, and walked out. He noticed a few puncture holes and tears in the material covering the inspection table. They could bill him for the damages… or just fix it magically. He really didn't care much.

He gently looked in the bag and saw his girls sleeping soundly. At least his Familiar was getting a good night's sleep. Only it wasn't night. Great, they'd become nocturnal again… It took him two weeks to get her to sleep through the night. Two terrible weeks where she wanted to play and talk all night long. Not 'her' or 'she', it's 'them'… plural. Get it right, Potter.

Bill and Dumbledore were waiting outside the restricted area where Madam Pomfrey worked on her patients. Seeing Harry, they both rose. Harry could tell they hadn't slept and were as exhausted as he was.

Bill asked, "Harry, why don't you stay the night?"

"I need to talk to Draco. About his dad… Tell him he died." That was not going to be a fun conversation. With a sneer he added, "And deal with Billy Corbin."

Dumbledore smiled sadly, "Mr. Corbin has been taken into custody. We can fill you in on events at Hogwarts after you've had more sleep."

That sounded reasonable. Harry was so tired he found himself starting to nod off intermittently. He almost fell asleep during Madam Pomfrey's examination. But he had to see Draco first.

What was he going to say to Draco? Harry kicked around different approaches… He suddenly realised both Wizards were looking at him. Madam Pomfrey was too. When had she gotten there?

Harry took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, what was the question?"

Dumbledore was annoyingly patient. "Will you share your memories of the battle? We need to know what happened and how the monitoring charms in the ministry were somehow turned off…"

Harry nodded. "Sure… well, no. I want to discuss with my Solicitor first."

Dumbledore adopted a look of disappointment. "Time, unfortunately, is not on our side…"

Bill groaned, "Given the way the ministry has acted, Harry had every right to be careful. Harry, if you give me your memory, I'll make sure whoever sees it takes a vow to… not use it against you."

Harry looked at his mentor inquisitively. "Could a vow that open ended even work?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No. But we can vow not to share any details until your solicitor reviews it and approves it for sharing. And we can refuse to share it without immunity for you… Pending the review of course."

Harry held out his hand. "Wand."

Dumbledore handed Harry his Holly wand.

Harry conjured a small vial and extracted the memory. He gently placed it in the vial. For a moment, he stood and gazed at the swirling silvery liquid. Such precious things, memories. His eyes were getting heavy…

Bill gently touched his shoulder. "Harry?"

Harry snapped out of his distraction. "Sorry." He handed the vial to Bill.

Madam Pomfrey called out "Mr. Potter…"

Harry stopped and turned to her.

"Don't approach Draco Malfoy. Not until you've slept." Seeing Harry's sudden resistance, she clapped her hands together twice, getting his attention. "Stop and Listen! I was a medi-witch in the last war, and I've had to give the very talk you are planning. I've done this far more times than I'd like. Trust me when I say, you are in no condition to have that conversation. Telling a person their loved one has been killed is not something you do when you can barely speak coherently."

Harry knew she was right, but… "If I don't tell him now, he'll read about it in the papers… I want him to know in advance. And... I want him to know I didn't do it."

Harry suddenly realised everyone was looking relieved. They thought he had killed Lucius! Well, he wished he had. In the round room with the doors. Then Voldemort would be gone.

Bill came through with a suggestion, "Let Andromeda do it. She'll be here in a few minutes. After you get settled, she can review the memory and tell Draco what happened."

Harry realised it might be for the best… "But, the vow…" What had they agreed on? Damn, he was tired.

"Alright. Madam Pomfrey, if you have a bed in a secure location…" Harry yawned while he said it. "Bill, make sure Andromeda and my Solicitor have access to the memory. No vow needed."

"Sure thing, Harry."

"I'm planning to sleep in." Harry walked back into the Infirmary. He realised halfway to wherever he was being led… he still had his wand. Well, if Dumbledore wanted it, he could come and get it.

Madam Pomfrey began giving him instructions… clothes over there… water over here… drink this… brush your teeth… place your shoes in the corner… Harry noted she was suddenly smirking at him. Looking at his hand, he realised he was holding an empty vial. He drank it without thinking. She'd slipped him Dreamless Sleep…

Harry's angry glare only made the older woman laugh mirthfully.

"I used to handle your father and Sirius Black… Now they were a handful. That was almost too easy. You are far more like your mother." She softened and her eyes relaxed in a sad way. "You're a sweet boy, Harry."

Harry wanted to see his parents… That was out now. Miserable old bat.

Seeing his dismay, she continued chuckling. Harry saw his cushioning pad on the bed. Apparently, there was never any doubt where he'd be staying.



June 22, 1996

Saturday 11AM

Harry awoke to the wonderful smell of Bacon and Eggs. Opening his eyes, he saw Andromeda and Tonks. They looked tired, but happy. Tonks appeared to be fully recovered and was chewing on something. Harry genuinely felt overcome with happiness. The fact that he had a tray of food in front of him helped him shake off the morose feelings he had.

Andromeda was smiling at him. "Good morning, Harry. I trust you slept well."

Harry sat upright. "Pretty good. How long…" He picked up his wand and silently cast 'Tempus!' Thirteen hours. He noticed his Familiar was coiled up beside him, sleeping as well. She had been fed something large. A rat, maybe? Dobby took good care of her.

"Wotcher, Harry." Tonks reached over and took the crispiest slice of bacon. "This looks overcooked…"

"Oi! I like the crispy ones!" He started laughing. She was smirking at him. He looked down and saw just two miserable slices. He muttered, "Looks like they're skimping on the bacon these days."

Tonks smiled as she swallowed the stolen slice. "Nope. They gave you six slices."

Harry did a double take. "You ate four?" He proceeded to grab both of his remaining slices and shove them in his mouth. Then he started on the eggs.

Tonks mock-glared at him. "Be glad that's all I did. After that little switcheroo in the ministry, I still have a headache."

Harry would have laughed but his mouth was full. He was famished. Tonks really was the best. He quickly swallowed. "So, I save your bacon and you eat mine?"

Tonks nodded, "That about sums it up. Tit for tat. Even Stevens. A tooth for a tooth. Bacon for bacon… And I looooove crispy bacon."

Andromeda was enjoying watching these two go at it. She vaguely remembered Sirius and Regulus acting the same way. Before Hogwarts and their houses drove them apart. Harry was like a part of the family, and he had saved her daughter. If she had had a second child, this is how she imagined it would have been. Of course, Ted said they did have a second child now… And this was the way it was.

After he finished his eggs, Harry asked the hard question. "Did you talk to Draco?" He was spreading jam on his toast.

Andromeda gently nodded her head. "I did. Narcissa, too. They're both pretty broken up, Harry. I'm glad you didn't… I'm glad you spared Lucius when you had the chance."

Harry gave a short nod. He didn't feel the same way.

"I missed the train, didn't I?"

Tonks answered, "Yeah, but it's probably for the best." She handed him the Daily Prophet and snatched up half a slice of toast. She and Harry liked the same jam. "Budge over." Tonks settled in beside him, on the opposite side of Harry's Familiar. No one wanted to wake them up… The one named Artemis was mean and vicious in the morning.

Harry nervously looked at the Prophet. On the Cover was a photo of Harry fighting Voldemort. How the hell had they gotten that? It looked more impressive than it felt at the time. It had to be a Pensieve photo. The title read:

He's Back!

Boy-Who-Lived Battles You-Know-Who!

A few other columns had similar titles:

Battle in the Ministry!

13 Deatheaters vs Harry Potter!

Albus Dumbledore, Stepping Aside?

Is Harry Potter the New Defender of Magical Britain?

Dolores Umbridge, Her Crimes Revealed!

Killed by her own Students!

Harry looked up, "You've got to be kidding me…"

Tonks reached for his second half of toast, only to have it snatched out from under her hand.

Harry shook his head… "I am so glad I'm not on the train…"

Tonks laughed, "Yeah, now everyone knows your name. That's so much different than before…" She snatched back his last half of toast while he was lost in thought. She nicked herself on a thorn, though. "ouch."

Harry was equally amused and irritated by the bacon thief beside him. "Oi!"

Andromeda found she was enjoying watching the pair. They were quite close… Given the rather morose demeanour Harry had when he woke up, it was nice to see him like this. Still, Harry needed nourishment.

"Nymphadora, stop eating Harry's food." Looking at Harry, she reassured him, "I'll arrange for Dobby to bring you more bacon."

Harry smirked at Tonks. "Thanks, Andromeda."

Before her two children started bickering with each other, Andromeda added, "Also, Mr. Felder had approved the memory to be viewed as long as you're pardoned from any actions that had occurred in the ministry. The property damage was unfortunate, but you were fighting for your life. Nothing learned in that memory could be used against you."

Harry had stopped thinking about the ministry holding him accountable… "That's good… Who's seen the memory?"

Andromeda was all business. "Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror department. They were given a viewing after Mr. Felder cleared it and agreed to immunity for the loss of life and damages. Nothing viewed in that memory can be used against you. A few of Dumbledore's 'Order' have also viewed it… The Unspeakables want a viewing."

Tonks added, "I saw it… Good thing your Solicitor insisted on the Immunity. The damages alone… Wow! You destroyed most of the prophecies. It's a good thing Oppenheimer likes you." She then finished his toast.

Harry looked at her. "Would you like tea with my breakfast, your highness?"

Tonks grinned ear to ear. "Yes, please. More bacon, too."

They both laughed. Neither were acting their age… At least the thorns kept them from slapping at each other. Andromeda wished for the hundredth time that they had been able to grow up together… Nymphadora loved playing big sister to Harry, and he seemed to enjoy it too.

She was impressed with how easily Nymphadora was able to cheer Harry up. She and her daughter both wanted to be here when Harry woke up. Bill and Remus did too, but they had 'Order Business'. Harry had a few deep cuts, but other than magical exhaustion, he was fine. He just needed a long hard sleep. As difficult as it was to believe, he legitimately defeated thirteen inner circle Deatheaters and drove off Voldemort himself.

Andromeda struggled to believe it. He beat Bellatrix! Now he was joking about like a first year. Was this what the parents of mages like Albus Dumbledore saw? Insanely powerful Wizards tempered by a need for family… It was a hard reality to get your mind around.

At that moment, Dobby showed up with a very full plate of extra crispy bacon and three cups of tea. The elf just seemed to know what Harry wanted… He was bonded. Tonks and Harry were sharing the bacon and joking about. They even toasted their cups together. It was so good to see them both laughing. Were they enjoying sword fighting with bacon?

Watching Harry's zany antics with her daughter reinforced to Andromeda how normal he really was. The Daily Prophet ended up on the floor when the bacon and tea arrived. She tried not to think about how he'd react when he readthe articles. If he thought the titles were over the top… She'd have to work with him. Narcissa wouldn't be able to help for a while.

Narcissa and Draco both needed time to deal with their loss. Not that it was a loss to anyone other than them. Andromeda privately loathed the man. At least now Lucius couldn't give away any more of Draco's inheritance. The Malfoy estate was already a shadow of what it had been. Maybe that was a good thing. Draco could use a bit of Humility. Narcissa could use it herself…

Dobby had been invited up to the bed and Nymphadora had enlarged it to fit everyone without getting stuck with thorns. Harry's Familiar had slithered under a pillow to get away from the noise. Poppy caught her eye with an amused grin, shaking her head. The fact that she let this comedy continue spoke volumes to her caring about Harry. Did he even realise?

After a brief pause, Andromeda shook herself out of her thoughts and addressed a darker topic. "The ministry has opened up the investigation into the Dementor attack again. Additionally, the Umbridge investigation had been closed and the students that had cursed her were in custody awaiting a trial. Mr. Felder still wants you to refrain from discussions on the topic."

Harry looked surprised to hear that. "Fudge didn't press the issue?"

Tonks guffawed for a second. She then took another slice of bacon from his plate, ignoring her own pile.

Holding up her stolen slice, Tonks explained, "Do you expect Fudge to go against the Wizard who drove off You-Know-Who? He's not that stupid." She then enthusiastically devoured her stolen slice.

Harry looked confused. "So, one minute he wanted to discredit me… Now he's… What?"

Andromeda did that trick where she raised one eyebrow. "Politics Harry. The dirtiest business of all."

Tonks stole another slice of Harry's bacon.

Harry pointed to her plate, "Oi! Eat your own bacon!" Tonks' plate had a half dozen slices on it. Dobby covered his mouth, trying not to laugh.

Tonks shrugged, "Yours always tastes better." She then took an exaggerated bite of her stolen delicacy.

At that point, Albus Dumbledore casually walked in and joined the group. He seemed amused at Harry sharing a bed with Dobby and Tonks. Andromeda wondered how much he had heard. Probably most of it.

Dumbledore kindly asked, "I wonder if I could have a moment alone with Harry?"

Andromeda simply said, "No." Her tone was not hostile at all, but it was unyielding.

Harry looked up from his bacon battles. "Professor, you can talk in front of… my family." He tentatively waited for someone to contradict him, but no one did. Tonks moved a few of her own slices to his plate and got up.

Feeling the motions on the bed, Harry's Familiar poked her heads out from under the pillow. § "This better be good!" "No kidding…" "Maybe Dobby could feed us something?" § She slithered out and coiled up, waiting.

After everyone seemed settled, Dumbledore summoned over a few chairs and cast a privacy ward. Dobby winked out and appeared again with a fourth cup of tea.

Albus looked kindly at the little fellow. "Thank you, Mr. Dobby. You are a credit to your house." Dobby beamed with pride.

"Yesterday was a tremendous victory, Harry. You should take pride in how well you performed."

Andromeda exchanged a glace with her daughter. They were both in 'protective' mode. She'd let it play out… for now.

Harry didn't seem happy.

"If I may ask, what has you so troubled? I can assure you; any loss of life was not something you should feel responsible for."

Harry looked a bit surprised. "I thought you preferred the use of stunners and body binds."

Albus took a slow breath, then smiled sadly. "There is a time and place for lethal force Harry. Had you responded with less than you were capable, you and Miss Tonks would no longer be with us." The Headmaster looked closer for a moment. "There's something else, isn't there?"

Harry looked at his Familiar. "I blew it. The war could have been over… If I just… You were winning. Without Lucius' interference the war would have ended before it even began."

No one said anything. They had all seen the memory. They all knew that he had struggled whether to kill Lucius.

"Harry, let me assure you that your refusal to kill Lucius may be your greatest victory. Killing someone in battle… in self-defence… is unfortunate, but understandable. Murdering a helpless adversary is something altogether different."

Andromeda added, "You did the right thing, Harry. Don't ever think otherwise."

Harry scoffed, "What about the 'Greater Good'?"

Dumbledore adopted a serious, but still calm demeanour. "Do you know who the last powerful Wizard to use that as their motto was? Gellert Grindelwald. He was once very much like you, Harry. Idealistic. Powerful. Some would even say he was selfless in his ambitions. He committed atrocities in his quest to improve the life of Wizards and Witches. Any time someone says… it's for the Greater Good… be very wary. Because it implies someone will have to make sacrifices."

Harry stared at his headmaster in disbelief. "But you always seem to go after the Greater Good!"

Dumbledore took a deep breath. "I have been guilty of that… But many of my actions were intended to help the individual. Sometimes… I had to make sacrifices and ask others to as well. But unlike Gellert, I always tried to find other options first. Never have I been proud when I have been forced to overlook the needs of the individual. Wizards like Gellert, simply don't care."

Harry didn't know what to say. Sometimes he wanted to strangle the old man with his own beard. He couldn't argue about not killing a helpless man… but he wished he had fired a Confringo and ended Lucius permanently. Why did he use the body bind? Enough.

Harry pointed to the Daily Prophet, now lying on the floor. "They all think I drove off Voldemort… Why didn't you tell them you were beating him? I got lucky. The Deatheaters were trying to catch me alive… Then Voldemort gave me the first shot… He had no idea I would use that spell. I would have lost in a real duel. I saw you two fighting… No, I should have killed Lucius! Then we could have wrapped up the hunt for his Horcruxes and the war would end before it started. I blew it!"

The room was suddenly becoming quite cold. The air began to smell like an Alpine Forest. Fir trees, Oak, and roses. Crisp and clean. So much for hot tea.

Andromeda stood up. "No, Harry. Had you killed Lucius, nothing would have changed. Someone had to have freed him… He was not alone, and I suspect my sister had been there all along. Watching. Had you killed Lucius, Draco and Narcissa would never really forgive you. They might honour the agreements you made at the will reading, but that's all. No real loyalty. You would always have to watch over your shoulder. There would also be questions around you going dark… No one who saw you spare Lucius would think that."

Harry hadn't considered that there may be another Deatheater present… "Your sister… She broke her neck… I think." He was sure at the time…

Dumbledore sadly address the question, "Bellatrix Lestrange is barely human, Harry. The blood rituals Voldemort had used on her… Every time she fought, she breaks bones and damages her nervous system… But she regenerates. Humans are not meant to move so fast. A broken neck… No. It would take a decapitation or the complete destruction of major organs… heart, lungs, brain…"

Harry saw the pained look on Andromeda's face. Voldemort had destroyed her sister.

Looking sadly, Dumbledore confirmed what Harry was beginning to suspect. "We have not seen the last of Bellatrix Lestrange." Dumbledore noted this deflated the young man…

"But don't let that overshadow the good that came from last night. The Department of Mysteries is analysing the portkeys carried by the Deatheaters you defeated. Perhaps now they can close the 'back doors' that Augustus Rookwood built into the ward scheme when he was an Unspeakable. This had long been a concern."

Peering over his half-moon eyeglasses, Dumbledore emphasised, "Harry, you saved Nymphadora from certain death. Take pride in that if nothing else."

Harry looked at Tonks and they shared a smile. Yes, that was a victory. The portkey information was unexpected… But he had saved Tonks.

"Professor, the portkeys… How did it work at Hogwarts? I know the cup was already a portkey… but the pen?"

Dumbledore suddenly looked sad again. "The pen was a medical portkey I set up for students with serious medical conditions. The ICW required it and I failed to consider it. I confess to not scrutinising the medically challenged in this regard. Once created, I suspect young Mr. Corbin had a second portkey attached in Hogsmeade. He possessed two other portkeys as well, but they were blocked by the Hogwarts wards."

Harry suddenly recalled how Billy had tried to get him to sign his autograph book on the train and in Hogsmeade. Each time he had a quill, not a pen. That little shite…

Harry asked, "What happened to Billy?"

"Mr. Corbin is in custody. He behaved as he did because his parents and younger siblings were being held hostage. He feels a great remorse over his actions."

Harry gritted his teeth. He knew…"You're letting him off, aren't you? Is he in custody or protective custody?"

Dumbledore calmly asked, "Would you see him sent to Azkaban for trying to save his family? He wouldn't last three days there."

Andromeda suddenly exploded, "Why do you always go so far out of your way to defend and protect the guilty? You'll never change, Albus Dumbledore."

Dumbledore solemnly reminded them all, "Nymphadora had already been captured when the portkey was activated. This was Voldemort's final attempt at getting the prophesy regarding Harry. Had Mr. Corbin failed in his task, your daughter would have been slain and Voldemort would have recovered the prophesy himself. And Billy Corbin would have been an orphan."

The mood had suddenly turned sour. Albus realised that Harry had far too many people harm him and get away with it. But this was different…

Dumbledore changed the topic. "Harry, I wonder if you will tell me why you didn't kill Lucius Malfoy?"

Harry thought for a moment. Whatever. "He was helpless. And… He was Draco's dad."

The Headmaster adopted a self-satisfied look… "Of course. Did you know that I taught Lucius' parents? His father, Abraxas, was a proud and obstinate man, but he wasn't cruel. Not until he took the mark. His mother… was kind. Virginia Burke. She was a gifted witch and a proud member of the Ravenclaw house. She was patient and kind and enjoyed tutoring other students who were struggling. Unfortunately, there was a Betrothal contract…"

Harry tilted his head, "What does that have to do with my sparing Lucius Malfoy. Or Billy Corbin?"

Dumbledore gave a very slight grandfatherly smile. "It's easy to seek vengeance on strangers and people you have no connection with. Imagine how hard it is for me, having taught all the Deatheaters and their parents. Their brothers and their sisters. Even a few of their grandparents. Your friendship with Draco should give you some insight."

Harry started to say something but stopped. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. If the Headmaster was hinting at something… it wasn't obvious. Just that he felt bad about fighting old students. Harry kind of understood that. Yes, Dumbledore felt a lot of guilt… but a rabid dog should always be put down. Right?

The Headmaster gave an exaggerated shrug. "You see, Harry… there are no easy answers. I'll never forget the sadness on Virginia's face when she attended her son's trial… Or her look of resignation at her husband's funeral. That poor woman never deserved the hand she was dealt."

Harry considered it a moment, then added, "Lucius weaselled out of paying for his crimes with that damn Imperious Defence. That and his money." Both Harry and Tonks grimaced.

Dumbledore gently said, "There is more than a grain of truth to the defence, Harry. But I know enough about Lucius' activities to know he was guilty of many terrible choices and never paid his debt. Until yesterday morning, that is. That's when the bill came due."

Dumbledore let that sink in. Lucius was dead… killed by the master he had served.

Dumbledore chose that silent moment to make his offer. "Harry, you mentioned having luck on your side with the Deatheaters. You also admit to feeling that you would not have succeeded in a duel with Voldemort. I believe you are only partially correct.

Harry shook his head. "No, sir. I can't match him in skill and I'm only his equal in raw power."

"You defeated thirteen Deatheaters. Even if they had been casting the killing curse, I believe you would have prevailed. Defeating Bellatrix was no minor feat. Admittedly, Voldemort is still beyond your reach."

Harry knew he was correct. He resolved to wait and see where the Headmaster was going with this.

"Your problem is that you don't have a fighting style of your own. You emulate your mother when using Charms and Elemental magic, and your father with Illusions and Transfiguration. While they were both capable combatants, they weren't you. Your thought process, skill, and proclivities are different. Not to mention your raw power."

Harry knew he was hinting. "What are you suggesting, Professor?" He just wished Dumbledore would stop hinting around and get to the point. It was infuriating how dramatic the Headmaster could be.

Albus had that twinkle in his eye. "Come back to Hogwarts next term. Let me train you. I believe between Filius and myself, we can get you to a point where you are able to own your own against Voldemort."

Andromeda groaned, "Albus…"

The headmaster held up his hands. "Hear me out. Your spell arsenal is quite impressive. You have natural talents that I haven't seen since… Well, an exceptionally long time. You are clearly an 'Ambi-caster', but you don't use that in combat. Your mother was as well, but she lacked the coordination you seem to have in abundance… Filius has never trained an 'Ambi-caster' and would relish the challenge. Once you find your rhythm, you will be a force to be reckoned with. I'm offering to apprentice you and train you in Battle Magic. Amongst other things."

Harry couldn't help but be suspicious. "What's the catch?" It seemed too good to be true. So, it probably was.

Albus Dumbledore smiled. "You will prepare for your NEWTs over the summer and you must earn 'Outstanding' scores in Charms, Transfiguration and Defence. Since you seem to enjoy Runes… that'll be optional."

Harry thought about it a minute. That was aligned with his own goals… "Anything else?"

Dumbledore looked immensely pleased. "Yes, you take advanced Potions at Hogwarts."

Harry exploded, "Hell No! Snape is the worst… I'll find another trainer…"

Albus interrupted Harry's rant. "Professor Slughorn has agreed to return and will replace Professor Snape as the Potions master. Pending your inclusion in his class. He seems most excited to continue your education."

Harry calmed immediately. "I do like professor Slughorn. He's an amazing teacher…"

Albus adopted a reserved look. "I do have a few other conditions I need you to agree to."

Harry tried to raise one eyebrow like Andromeda… he failed but managed to raise both in an odd little display that only Tonks seemed to pick up on.

Albus laid down the rules. "You will have to be respectful of the faculty. No openly rebellious behaviour. I am aware of your past differences, but while you are a student here, you must behave accordingly."

Harry considered it, "I'll agree as long as disciplinary decisions go through you." Seeing the Headmaster pause, he added, "I don't trust Snape and I will walk out of this school and never look back if he tries to treat me the way he did for four straight years. If he starts insulting my father or my godfather… I'll make sure everyone in our world knows he's the man who passed on the knowledge that resulted in the death of my parents."

Seeing Dumbledore considering the request, Harry added, "Would you like me to share some of the insults he's hurled at me over the years? I won't take it again. I also haven't forgotten that he killed Franklin… but if he avoids me, I'll do the same. For a year."

Dumbledore looked confused, "Franklin?" He was searching through the different students…

Harry reminded him. "The snake that used to watch my back when I was being cursed. Which brings me to my girls. They stay with me and I'm not letting anyone have their venom or scales or whatever. My girls are kind and sensitive. If anything happens to them, I won't let it go."

Harry chose to ignore the startled whispers of his Familiar.

§"That would be rude!"… "You tell him Harry!"… "Who does he think he is?"… "Oh please, Fuzzy face hasn't said anything about us."… "Then why is Harry having to defend us?"… "He's just making sure."… "That's why we love Harry."§

Dumbledore brushed his beard with his right hand. "I… see. I can understand your… concerns with Professor Snape. Perhaps it would be best if the two of you avoid one another. Very well. All punishments will go through me. However, I will also allow any instructor you are learning from to have similar disciplinary authority."

Harry thought for a moment. "Fair enough." He liked Professor Flitwick and Slughorn. Dumbledore would realise he had forgotten McGonagall at some point, but a deal was a deal.

Albus continued. "Your Familiar, lovely though she may be, is quite dangerous. She can accompany you to my training sessions, but it will be up to each individual instructor to allow or deny your Familiar's presence when you are with the general student population. Which brings me to the next point. You may not attack or harm another student. If provoked, you must walk away. No matter the provocation. As should your Familiar."

Harry had expected this. "I'll walk away until someone starts throwing curses at me. I will defend myself. And my Familiar." Seeing deep concern on the Headmaster's face, he added, "I won't kill someone for a 'leg lock' jinx. I'll even try not to kill someone using lethal curses, but I won't ignore it."

Deciding to clarify, Harry simplified his stance. "Self-defence only and I'll make every attempt to keep my response non-lethal."

Albus thought that was fair. "I believe we can work with this. I'll have you staying in one of the apprentice quarters. It'll be smaller than the one you and Draco shared, and situated near Professor Flitwick. Your own mother stayed there during her brief apprenticeship with Professor Flitwick. Before travelling to France and training with the Flamels."

Harry had a point of exclusion to make on the condition. "Professor, if the war comes to Hogwarts, all restrictions come off. I won't hold back with students or teachers who follow Voldemort. I won't play that game."

After three long seconds, Albus Dumbledore reluctantly agreed. "If the war comes to Hogwarts… We should both be decisive with our responses. But only if fighting breaks out."

Harry suddenly had a thought, "What about Draco?"

The Headmaster furrowed his brow. "It may be best if… you and Draco appear less comfortable around one another. It was noted that he wasn't invited to your OWL party… so he should be able to re-integrate and supply you with information."

Harry understood. "I see."

Dumbledore made one other request. "Please know that some of the Deatheaters who perished in the ministry have relatives at Hogwarts. Theodore Nott, specifically. There are other students related to Jugson, Avery, and Travers. Most are not close relations, but you should still avoid them."

Andromeda had been listening intently and had decided to let Harry negotiate his return. She had planned to insert herself if she thought it was unsafe or unreasonable. Up until now, she thought it was a good discussion, but a line just got crossed.

Andromeda asked, "What will Hogwarts be doing to ensure my ward isn't targeted by these students? I want assurances, Albus. Otherwise… he will not be returning."

Harry could tell Dumbledore was unsurprised. "Andromeda, rest assured that the entire faculty will be on the highest levels of alert. To be frank, after what happened to Dolores and at the ministry, I expect those students to stay quite far away from Mr. Potter. In all honesty, I suspect many students will be avoiding your ward."

Andromeda looked surprised, "Why do you mention Dolores? He has been exonerated."

Albus looked tired. "Because many students saw Mr. Potter staring down Inquisitors as he walked through the halls. They also know he never backed down from Professor Umbridge. Additionally, there's a rumour in Slytherin House that Harry was in the Theatre alone when Professor Umbridge and her followers crashed the party. This rumour persists despite the many witnesses that said that Harry was with them when they escaped."


Dumbledore then looked directly at Harry. "You see, Harry, not all of the Inquisitors were of the same mind set regarding your torture and murder. Four of the Inquisitors wanted no part in what they believed would happen and one of the four proceeded to contact Professor Snape to petition for help on your behalf. They all resolutely maintain you were there, while many other students maintain you were not."

Harry thought a moment… Yeah, a few stepped out. Daphne Greengrass, Adrian Pucey, Pansy Parkinson, and Millicent Bulstrode. But that raised the question…

"Professor Dumbledore, if they were so sure I was there, why didn't they tell the Aurors?"

Albus looked grim now. "I suspect they were also a bit relieved to be rid of the most violent and feared members of their house. But I would hypothesise that the primary reason was that they, like Billy Corbin, had let their fear dictate their actions. To be clear, they were terrified of crossing you. You may very well be the most feared student at this school."

No one said a word for a good thirty seconds.

"Well… That's just silly." Harry changed the subject, "So, you mentioned that I'm an 'Ambi-caster'. What's that?"

Dumbledore was glad for the change in topics. "An 'Ambi-caster' is a Wizard or Witch who could cast nearly as well with his or her off-hand as with their primary. I've even observed you writing left-handed from time to time. Additionally, you appear to possess the required reflexes and coordination to be a dual-wanded fighter. One of the many opportunities for improvement I'd like to explore next year."

Harry smiled. "I assume you won't be taking away my wand."

Dumbledore chuckled for a moment, then said, "No, Harry. I confess that I thought you would be less apt to get into trouble without your wand… I was gravely mistaken." As he rose and turned to leave, he asked one question he was curious about.

"The spell you used to drive off Voldemort… I'm curious where you learned it."

Harry tried to remember what Penelope had told him… "It's Black family magic. It originated with the Alaric family… I believe. Black now, though."

Albus sighed. "Ah. Well, that would make sense. The Alaric's were known for their Battle Magic. They also possessed a high affinity for Divination. Well, when you're ready, come by my office and you can use my Floo to travel home. Andromeda. Nymphadora… Thank you for your time."

Albus Dumbledore walked slowly away whilst considering what he had learned. Watching the memory of Harry using a Body Switching Charm on Nymphadora resulted in his sudden understanding of what happened to Dolores Umbridge. James once used the same Body Switching charm when he was in an ambush… All the cards fell into place. Remembering the look of horror on Harry's face when he saw the report on Dolores' injuries… and his refusal to kill a defenceless man that Albus knew he hated… It was a relief to know Harry had not given into darker impulses. He still was perplexed at how Harry somehow managed to Apparate within Hogwarts. No, that was impossible. Occam's razor*… He likely had another student use Polyjuice to impersonate him…

The spell he used to drive off Voldemort was a new mystery. No other Blacks had used that spell and Harry is a terrible liar. Albus recognised it the moment he saw the memory. He also knew the Alaric family eventually became the Grindelwald family. How had Harry gotten his hands on that specific spell? A spell that had never been replicated. A spell he had seen first-hand and knew how devastating it was.

That specific spell cemented his suspicions. For months now, Albus had been quietly looking for evidence of Lycoris' survival… Hoping his hunches were wrong… Once he began looking, the signs were there. But you had to look very, very closely. You had to know exactly what you were looking for. And you had to look around those who would endanger her daughter in the past and grandson in recent years. He doubted he'd ever succeed in catching that unbelievably paranoid and cunning woman without aid. He had tried too many times in the forties and fifties and failed. If she were still alive, that would mean she was even more elusive and harder to catch than… Empathy from a sociopath… Perhaps he should reach out to a few old allies from the war with Grindelwald. Unfortunately, few still lived… Dan Akee might still be alive… somewhere. They had fallen out of touch.

But, then again… Did he really want to? It would be a massive distraction that, given his previous experiences, would likely result in failure. Potentially, the loss of life of friends and allies. Allies that he needed now.

Also… The enemy of my enemy…

Perhaps he would have a large glass of Fire Whiskey.

DoD 38—


Headmaster's Office

June 26, 1996

Three powerful Wizards were meeting quietly and covertly. Albus Dumbledore, Saul Croaker, and Fritz Oppenheimer were gathering to discuss the coming war. It was a small group due to the need for secrecy. After Rookwood's betrayal, Saul was far more careful with who he trusted.

Saul began with the wards. "The portkeys we recovered helped us identify and remove a 'back door' that Rookwood had built into the wards. We discovered three other questionable elements in the designs… There may be other vulnerabilities we haven't found yet. Quite frankly, Rookwood was a brilliant Unspeakable and was the leader in many of our rituals."

Albus had expected this. "Saul, perhaps we can build in similar safety measures for Mr. Potter and his friends. If the war turns against us… I fear for their safety."

Saul looked suspiciously at Dumbledore, "What did you have in mind, Albus?"

"Removal of the Trace. Immunity to the ministry wards. An echo to prevent the ministry from accurately tracking him. And his closest friends. I've already adjusted the wards at Hogwarts. I'd like to see that undone."

Fritz took that moment to make a dark proclamation, "The ministry will fall. I'm more than ninety percent certain. We should begin planning for the collapse."

This alarmed Albus. "How long…?"

Fritz focused for a moment. "Eleven to twenty-four months."

Saul grunted. "Shite… That's not very specific, Fritz."

Fritz shifted uncomfortably… "It depends on whether or not… Albus dies during the coming school year."

Albus smiled and chuckled for a moment. "My death has been predicted before, Fritz. I fully intend to survive this war and have a peaceful retirement."

Fritz pursed his lips. "With all due respect, Albus… I've never predicted your death before. I'd say you have a… slim possibility of survival, but that's all. The ministry will fall regardless. We need to prepare for the worst."

Albus agreed. "Very well. Mr. Potter will be training with me next year. I advise you to train him over the summer, Fritz. He is truly a gifted Wizard. His unusual Divinatory talents could make the difference…"

"Ha!" Fritz scoffed. "Nothing unusual about it Albus. I'd say it's genetic. The eyes are a dead giveaway."

Albus rolled his eyes, "Fritz, do focus on the 'here and now', not on ridiculous conspiracy theories. Harry is destined to battle Riddle. We've all heard the prophecy. He must be trained."

Saul thought they were being optimistic. "That's all well and good, but we also need to ensure that we have escape routes for refugees and those targeted. This is going to be a rough ride even if we're well prepared. Albus, I need a list of individuals that require 'extra' protection. We'll begin quietly adjusting the wards and we'll remove the trace as well as any locator signals."

Albus handed him a list he had prepared.

Saul looked over the list. "I'll need blood or hair samples. Preferably blood, but hair will allow a lessened immunity."

Albus looked cautiously at the Senior. Unspeakable. "Before I supply that, I will require a magical oath that neither of you will use the samples for any purpose other than creating an immunity to the ministry wards and tracking rituals. Once completed, any remaining samples will have to be destroyed."

Fritz groaned, "Why do you need that? We're all on the same side here."

Albus just smiled. "And your vow will ensure that we all remain aligned."

Saul didn't want to dicker over this. "Very well. You'll have the vow. Now… How is your Horcrux hunt proceeding?"

Albus knew this was going to be an exceptionally long meeting.

Dance of Death—

Grimmauld Place

June 23, 1996

After returning from Hogwarts, Harry knew the war was heating up. He planned to be at the front of the war, not hidden away behind others. To do that, he needed to become even better than great. He needed to be the next Dumbledore or Grindelwald. He needed to cross the threshold between great wizards and legendary wizards.

Albus offering to train him was a plus. His parent's incarnations had passed on most of their knowledge, but training in his Dreamscape wasn't the same as training awake. Timing… balance… so many different factors would need to be tweaked. And Dumbledore mentioned finding his own style... But he needed 'Outstanding' scores on three challenging topics. He had the skills and could likely get an Exceeds Expectations with minimal effort. But an Outstanding on a NEWT required a great deal of preparation. It wasn't enough to know the material, you must be able to write a grammatically correct essay on numerous topics. An essay that was written perfectly…

Harry planned to focus intently on his NEWT studies and let his survival studies take a backseat. The more he thought about it, he needed to brush up on the discoveries in the last twenty years and polish up his writing skills. Hermione could help. No Potions training until next term. He added two four hour sessions a week in Divination studies with Mr. Oppenheimer. He'd keep up with Runes and Curse-breaking… primarily because he really liked the subjects. Every spare minute would be spent with Ginny.

Hopefully, no one would mind that Dumbledore twisted a few arms to let him take his NEWTs at Castelobruxo. They have their NEWT tests in mid-August. That gave Harry about seven weeks to get ready. Madam Bones pushed the request through. Fudge was 'soon to be removed' from office and Amelia Bones was the likely replacement. By the end of July, the ministry would have a strong and determined leader.

In the here and now Harry had a critical meeting to set up. The sooner the better.

Dance of Death—


Private Conference Room

July1, 1996

Harry was sitting comfortably in the conference room with Bill. He had condensed the walking staff he made when he was first immobilised by the thorns down to about a foot and a half. It still bristled with Wyld magic as well as his own blended pattern. He knew he was taking a risk in giving it up.

Suspended in a glass tube was the Basilisk heartstring that had been extracted from the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets in his second year. There was enough harvested to make three wands. Harry chose one of the three at random… it just seemed like a good fit to him. But all three were probably equal in potency. He had a few horns and fangs in his vault if needed.

An elderly man with a thick beard and long white hair pulled back over his head and down to his shoulders was escorted into the conference room. Harry and Bill rose and greeted the man.

Harry extended his hand, "Mr. Gregorovitch, thank you for agreeing to this meeting."

Bill gave a simple nod, saying, "It's an honour."

The man had a thick Eastern European accent. "Stop buttering me up, I'm here now… let's get down to business, shall we?" He sounded gruff, but he had an amused look on his face. His eyes were sharp and focused.

Harry liked him. "Mr. Gregorovitch, I'd like you to make me a wand. A unique wand and I have all the ingredients."

The man reached out and picked up the shaft of wood Harry had brought with him. "What kind of wood is this?" He was closely examining it.

Harry didn't want to say it was a piece of wood from a human/rose hybrid magically created just after a merging.

"Well, umm it's pretty dark and has thorns… So, I guess its Blackthorn."

Gregorovitch looked equally amused and offended. "That's not how it works, young man. If we go by colour, I think I would call it 'Bloodwood'… But you are the customer. I'll humour you. 'Blackthorn' that's not Blackthorn…."

"Now, the core…" He lifted the glass tube and peered closely at it. He looked as if it was some form of mystery to be solved.

Harry let him inspect it a moment.

The elderly man said, "This is not a Dragon Heartstring…" He then raised his eyebrows and waited, looking at Bill and Harry.

Harry knew he had him. "No, sir. It's a Basilisk heartstring. I killed it myself."

The man seemed disappointed. "Then it is most likely worthless. The crow of the rooster disrupts and destroys the magic. Do you have a horn instead? That should be magically intact."

Harry had never heard that about the heartstring. On a Dragon, it's the most magically powerful part in a wand. but he didn't use a rooster, so… "Mr. Gregorovitch, I killed the Basilisk with a sword… not a rooster. But I do have a horn, if required."

The old wand maker suddenly lit up. "A magically intact basilisk heartstring… Amazing… I wonder when the last one was harvested... fashioned. If ever…"

Harry was suddenly concerned. "Well… I don't want a wand that's sensitive to rooster crows."

Mykew Gregorovitch laughed deep and heartily. "You are an entertaining Wizard, Mr. Potter! No, the Basilisk was already dead. A rooster's crow would do nothing… The beast is dead, and its magic was undisrupted at death. Amazing. Keep your horn… This is all I need."

After reviewing the wood again and carefully handling it to avoid the thorns. The wand maker held it up beside the core. He looked log and carefully. He gently set the wood and the core down.

He looked curiously at Harry again, "The wood and the core are somehow related. There are trace amounts of venom in the wood that's been rendered inert. A bit of… phoenix tears as well... Yes, I can make this work. I can make this work very nicely." He then smirked at Harry. "This wood is infused with your blood, am I right?"

Harry almost didn't want to answer. Could it be used against him? "Yes sir. I… maybe this isn't a good idea. I can use a different wood."

"No, no, no, Mr. Potter. This is the kind of pairing A wand maker dreams about… I will personally guarantee you no one will touch this wand but me. And my reputation is more important to me than anything else in this world. My reputation is what will make me immortal. As will this wand." He had a suddenly hungry look on his face. "You will use this wand to destroy your British Dark Lord…"

Harry thought about the way his wand locked with Voldemort's due to the cores. "That's the plan, sir."

The old man suddenly looked confused and slightly suspicious, "Why not use your own wand. Holly and phoenix feather… a rare and immensely powerful combination."

Harry hated sharing so much… but enough people already knew. "Voldemort's wand and my own share the same cores."

The old man began laughing. "Of course you do! That explains why you used a different wand in your last battle. It was curved and the one you have now is straight." He was still chuckling. "I will make this wand. It will be one of my finest… certainly my most unusual."

With a sudden fire behind his eye, Gregorovitch proceeded, "Now, you do know that I follow the grain. Unlike Garrick Ollivander, I do not force the wood into a shape that isn't natural… Of course, he only uses wood with straight grain. We are both master craftsmen, but we differ in our approach. This wand will have a bit of life to it. Basically straight, but a few knobs and knuckles. Slightly thicker, than your Holly wand. I don't favour 'whippy' wands, even if they do have a few very minor advantages. I also don't build in handles… it'll all be one piece with a side that is slightly thicker and fits better in the hand."

Harry thought that sounded like a handle, but he kept that to himself. He did want to reassure the wand maker that he had seen his work.

"Mr. Gregorovitch, I saw a few of your designs in use by Durmstrang students… Viktor Krum…"

"Yes, yes. Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring. A particularly good wand. This one will be slightly straighter and a touch thicker. Knobbier." He gave Harry a conspiratorial look and asked, "What did you think of it, Mr. Potter? Victor's wand?"

Harry answered honestly, "I thought it was beautiful."

"Yes… of course. Why else would you have called me out of retirement?" He seemed immensely pleased. "My wands are a work of art. My sons are exceptionally good wand makers… but I have a bit more experience."

Gregorovitch went back to business. "Which arm do you prefer to cast with?"

"I'm apparently an Ambi-caster. Next year, I'll be trained to fight with two wands."

"That is… interesting. You own a Holly and Phoenix wand… Powerful and tends to be aggressively defensive. In a month, you will have a Basilisk and Thorny… blood wood... black thorn... whatever wand to pair with it. I suspect it will be very aggressively offensive. You're wands will be complementary, neither is passive... Use your current wand. Show me defence and offence. With each hand."

Harry conjured a target and cast a piercing curse at it from each hand. He then cut it in half with a cutting curse. Then, in half again, from the other hand. After that, he cast a Shield charm from each hand. He finished with transfiguration cast from each hand. When he was done, he looked at Gregorovitch and waited.

"Your current wand functions slightly better in your left hand. Make sure you switch it around from time to time. Very well rounded, but then it's a phoenix feather wand… Your right hand seems to be more aggressive… by a very slight degree. You are also right eye dominant. But you seem acceptably accurate with your left hand… but perhaps not quite as accurate as your right. Fairly common for an aggressive wand… Your new wand will prefer your right hand likely. Again, make sure you use it in each hand from time to time. Yes, right-handed. How tall are you…? Five foot seven? Eight? I expect you will reach five foot nine… possibly five foot ten. Proportional arms... Average hand size… Yes. All very standard."

Harry mentioned, "I do prefer a fast wand. If possible. Especially if it's offensive."

Gregorovitch scoffed a bit but didn't dignify the statement with a comment. Clearly, it was a stupid request. Bill chuckled a bit.

The wand maker seemed to be finishing his thoughts. "I'll keep your wand between nine and half and eleven inches. The wood will guide me. Garrick would refer to it as 'unyielding', I'll call it 'Durable' and 'Combat Ready'. And yes, Mr. Potter, all my wands are fast."

Gregorovitch seemed to be considering something…

The wand maker suddenly looked at Harry with a large grin. "Five hundred Galleons. And believe me when I say, for this wand, that's a steal."

Harry did the math in his head… That was the equivalent of… Twenty-five hundred pounds**. Not cheap, but much less than a car. He didn't want to haggle, and he doubted the wand maker would accept less.

"Alright. But I want your word of honour that these ingredients will only be used in this wand. Any leftovers will have to be destroyed."

The wand maker smiled savagely and held up his own wand and said, "I vow to honour this agreement and protect your 'Blood Wood' and Basilisk heartstring." They all felt magic accept the vow. It wasn't deadly like an unbreakable vow, but it still carried weight.

Still smiling, the old wand maker said, "Meet me in a month. I will give you a wand that you can use to kill your 'Unnameable' Dark Lord."

Harry shook the man's hand. "Thank you, sir."

Gregorovitch was still smiling. "You say 'thank you' now… but it is just words. In one month, we will meet again, and you will say it… with your heart." He emphasised the last part.

Harry gave a slight nod. "I'll see you in a month."

Dance of Death—

*Occam's razor – Also known as the law of Parsimony is used to solve problems. It states that "The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one." It's not always right, but it usually is.

**Harry has the conversion rate wrong. In my stories it is 40-50 pounds to the galleon. Harry originally thought it was 5 pounds to the galleon. He learns the truth in Casting Shadows.


The scene with Harry and Tonks fighting over bacon was based on watching a pair of siblings steal 'skittles' from each other one year at Halloween. It was all good fun as there was more than enough to go around. When the skittles eventually ran low, it got serious! I thought it would be nice to show Harry and Tonks in a sibling type of relationship. I'd love to read a story where they grow up together. Maybe I'll write on one day. If anyone knows of a good one, do share.

The memory had to be shared, but Mr. Felder sneakily added the clause where 'nothing viewed could be used against Harry'. That meant the switching charm couldn't be admissible if anyone chose to go after him for Umbridge's assault. It was bound to come out, now Harry had a level of protection. Assume the paperwork was written perfectly for the memory. That's what they do.

The Gregorovitch scene was a challenge. I wanted him to be excited at the prospect of creating one last and extremely powerful wand. A wand carried by Harry Potter who was coming into his own. It was like having an opportunity to create a masterpiece that will outlive you. This will be his final masterpiece. Remember, he was an adult when Dumbledore and Grindelwald were teenagers.

This chapter wraps up Harry's fifth year. The feedback and reviews have been amazing, and I try to respond to them all. Thank you for the encouragement and for pointing out where disconnects exist between Dance of Death and Casting Shadows. It's hard to write a prequel before finishing the primary story line. I'll be far more careful going forward.

I plan to take a brief pause now and tighten up my year 6 and 7 outlines before writing the next chapter. I deviated from the original outline in several areas and a re-write of the Year 6 & 7 outlines is needed to keep the story flowing. During the next few weeks, I'll try to build up a buffer in this story and Casting Shadows to aid in timely releases. Expect a delay for a short period of time, then alternate releases between my two stories. Maybe even a Chimera Rising release if I feel the need to write something different.

Thanks again.

Next Chapter: Year Six – The Apprenticeship.