Naruto the Oldest Soul Reaper
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Bleach. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and Bleach is owned by Tite Kudo respectively. Certain elements were inspired by various Naruto/Bleach crossover fanfictions.
Posted: December 10/2019(Tuesday)
AN1: Look everyone I am doing the best I can. I am trying to give all my stories SOME love and updates when I can ok? Read and Review! I do updates for stories I feel like! (Writing it tough!)
More of a fun chapter but it does move the story abit. I think next chapter I will try to move more of canon along but this one was a short fun one. (You can probably who it refers to by the title). This doesn't reach the next canon point (Ichigo learning what Arrancars are) but does get one of Naruto's promises done.
Today the FINAL Kingdom Hearts REMIND trailer came out and I was so excited for the DLC!
Chapter 6 Sexy Schoolgirls come face to face!
After a wonderful night lying between his 2 lovers which he knew most men would kill for a night with Naruto eventually woke up. Both Yoruichi and Nel had claimed half of his body cuddling up to him in a lover's embrace. Not that he minded getting two naked beauties to press up against him but he knew he could simply keep sending clones to manage his teaching career.
Naruto reluctantly got up making the two beauties groan in disappointment as they missed his warmth. "Yoruichi, Nel-chan time to wake up." Naruto said gently as the woman opened their eyes and stretched. They were not the least bit embarrassed to be naked with their lover while Yoruichi stretched how flexible she was by stretching her back like a cat.
"Do we have to? Can't you take a day off and stay here with us?" Yoruichi whined batting her eyelashes and leaning forward so gravity can make her girls more enticing. With how tight her clothes were people rarely saw how busty Yoruichi was but with her naked Naruto saw her higher D-cups bounce.
Naruto smiled but shook his head "Sorry but I can't skip everyday or it would set a bad example. Plus Soul Society will likely come here any day now so I should greet the relief team." Naruto told her as Yoruichi pouted.
Nel on the other hand just got out of bed and started looking for her clothes which were mixed with Yoruichi's on the floor of the bed. Nel F-cups bounce happily making Naruto smirk. "Nel can't wait to go to school with Naruto-kun! Yoruichi would you like to join us?" Nel offered as she started to put on her own bra and panties. Yoruichi had reluctantly started putting her own clothes in the meanwhile. Naruto had already changed while Yoruichi was whining. (AN2)
"Nah. I am sure one boys' fantasy for the class is enough." Yoruichi said as Naruto chuckled knowing full well most of the guys, he was teaching likely thought of his girlfriend in their free time. Naruto didn't care one way or anything but if they tried to take pictures of his lovers, he would smash their phones. Yoruichi said goodbye to Naruto by giving him a 10-minute make out session which Naruto happily reciprocated while Nel frowned and crossed her arms in annoyance.
Once Naruto was free, he saw Nel's frown and gave her a 10-minute kiss to her happiness as Yoruichi rolled her eyes and left using Shunpo. Naruto was sure some close-minded people would say he was a pig having a harem but he doubted most people even knew what their other wanted let alone how to make them happy. He knew divorce rates kept rising as people impulsively married each other without knowing what was truly in the other heart. He knew everything about Nel and Yoruichi and they in return knew about his past.
After getting dressed Nel and Naruto casually used Sonido to arrive early to school to avoid gawkers trying to hit on his girlfriend who disliked buttoning her shirt when they were together. School started son after and after getting roll call Naruto once again answered any questions aimed at him while Misato decided to take it easy. She found it immensely amusing that most of the males only bothered to ask questions about her assistants' girlfriend who rebuffed their advances with polite but firm rejections. Naruto on the hand kept a warm and cheery attitude while he charmingly avoided his fan girl questions with a smile.
"Yes Keigo-san?" Naruto asked when Keigo Asano once again raised his had up with a dopey smile. His friends around him once again sighed when everyone could se Keigo eyes wonder to Nel's curvaceous body.
"Naruto-sensei! How size bra does your girlfriend wear?" Keigo asked eagerly with everyone clearly seeing he wanted to know her breast size.
Nel huffed her cheeks in annoyance while Naruto rolled his eyes. Misato-sensei was however not so easy going about that comment.
"Keigo Asano! You just earned yourself detention after school! That is sexual harassment right there!" Misato said furiously as the girls looked pleased at the annoyed face of Keigo.
"Not my fault yours don't even compare sensei…." Keigo whispered but unfortunately the irritated teacher also heard this making her even more mad/ at the horny teen.
"Make that 3 days!" Misato amended as Keigo slumped down on his seat while the class laughed at the dejected teen. 'I am perfectly normal size thank you very much! Its not fault there are actual freaks who grow theirs that big!' Misato thought in annoyance as she glanced at Orihime and Nel with slight envy.
The rest of the day went relatively smoothly with Keigo pouting he had detention already when not even a month had started in the new semester. Ichigo was deep in concentration and paying even less attention to his school work than usual. He was worried about his Inner Hollow which kept rearing its head up at any opportunity and threatening to take over. He remembered Shinju and how he produced a Hollow Mask while keeping a Zanpaktou. He wondered if the group Shinji called the' Vizard' (AN3) could be the solution he needed.
All the sudden he heard a familiar voice call out to him from the doorway. "Hey Ichigo. How you been doing?" Rukia warm voice asked as she stepped forward revealing her in the typical Karakura High School outfit with white button up shirt and gray skirt. Her short petite frame made the rest of the class even more intrigued.
"Wha? What are you doing here?!" Ichigo shouted pointing at an amused Rukia.
"Naruto-san may I borrow Ichigo for the rest of the day please?" Rukia asked politely with a small bow as Naruto thought for a moment before nodding.
"I suppose its best." Naruto said as Misato looked up with surprise.
"Wait a minute! She can't just take…" Misato started before Naruto put a hand up with a smile.
"I will take responsibility Misato-sensei if anything happens to Ichigo or Rukia." Naruto promised as Misato just sat down with a dumbfounded expression.
Meanwhile Rukia took the distraction to grab Ichigo by the arm and literally drag him out the door she came from. She took a moment to wave to Naruto who waved back sparing Nel a curious look before she left.
Tatsuki whispered to Orihime "Who is that Rukia chick? She looks familiar…. How does she know Ichigo and Naruto-sensei?". She had a look of confusion while Orihime laughed nervously not wanting to reveal that Rukia previously wiped their memories of herself when she was captured by the Soul Society. Tatsuki Arisawa in many ways contrasted her best friend Orihime. Orihime was a busty, bright haired girl with a positive upbeat attitude. Tatsuki was however a more tomboy girl with short black hair, brown eyes and a more assertive blunt attitude. While Orihime looked very busty Tatsuki looked fairly petite with her C-cup breasts hidden underneath her clothes.
As Naruto waved off the class's concerns about Rukia he felt a shudder on his back as a familiar Spiritual Pressure approached him. 'Oh Oh… Bad time for Nel-chan to be here.' Naruto thought as he had just a moment before he was squished into a very familiar busty strawberry Lieutenant glomped him. She wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed right up against him making her chest happily squish into his muscular chest while she rested her head against his shoulder. Naruto gently pat her on the back trying to hide how much he enjoyed the Busty Beauty's affection.
"Naruto-kun! It has been so long!" Rangiku whined as she knew the effect, she was having on him while Nel bit her lip and glared at the busty woman pressing herself against 'her' boyfriend. Similar to Yoruichi had very no problem with Naruto having multiple lovers besides her but she did not know this woman and became possessive of Naruto. A part of Nel was also jealous that Rangiku bust size seemed to surpass her own with Nel herself feeling pride at her breast size.
Every girl looked at the new woman with absolute envy and shock as Rangiku liked Nel seemed to envy the 'perfect woman'. The guys either passed out with happy nosebleeds or had massive blushes of the new woman pressing herself against their sensei. Everyone noticed the size of Rangiku's breasts seemed to dwarf Orihime and even Nel's who everyone agreed had Goddess like bodies.
Rangiku was a fairly tall woman roughly the same height as Nel with very generous measurements and curves. She chose to make the fairly plain Karakura High School outfit into something sexual similar to Nel. She was tall enough that the mini skirt appeared to be extremely short with her black knee length socks only enhancing how long and slender her legs were. She did wear the standard white button up shirt that appeared several sizes too small for her massive Breasts. Naruto estimated with a close look she had to be at least a G-cup surpassing his lovers and he was sure almost every woman that ever lived. Luckily for her shirt she left nearly half of them unbuttoned revealing a massive 'valley' for her cleavage to breathe. Naruto was sure if she actually tried to button up her shirt her chest would pop the buttons due to their size.
"Hey Rangiku-chan. It sure has." Naruto answered awkwardly as he could almost feel Nel's killer intent and his student's various levels of shock or in the guys' cases arousal. He could not exactly blame his students as Rangiku could wink at normal men and make almost every guy pass out from joy alone.
Rangiku held onto him for a few more seconds before letting go only to grab his arm into her chest sliding into him contently. "You promised you would show me around Naruto-kun." Rangiku pouted with a cute look in her eyes and biting her lips gently. This got a even bigger reaction from the class.
Naruto could see several Soul Reapers outside the class peeking in with either blushes or annoyed expressions. He sent them a glare saying 'if you come in you will be skinned alive.' Luckily, they got the hint as Rangiku alone would be hard enough to explain.
Naruto could almost sense judgement from his female students after publicly declaring Nel was his girlfriend only to have another busty babe snuggle into him. From the guys he sensed mostly jealously.
Misato mouth was wide open as she gaped at the scene before coughing and asking "Uh… Naruto-san could you introduce us to your…. Friend?". She had a hard time thinking of who this woman was and more importantly how her chest fit on her body! They seemed to defy physics itself!
"Yes Naruto-kun, please introduce this woman…" Nel sneered as Naruto started to sweatdrop. He knew Nel would not actually do anything but despite his harem he knew Nel had shockingly high levels of jealously of Naruto meeting new women.
Rangiku sent a mocking smile at Nel as if saying 'aw does someone feel abit immature compared to me?' as Nel and Rangiku glared at each other with Rangiku still holding Naruto's arm.
"Well…. Rangiku-chan is a good friend who I promised to show around when she came to visit this town." Naruto said ignoring the looks of disbelief sent his way. Nel flat look told him she didn't believe him wither. "Misato-sensei I think I best leave and fulfill my promise to Rangiku-chan." Naruto added as he looked at Misato who still looked out of place.
Misato was about to say no before she noticed none of the students even looked remotely interested in class anymore. The Girls could be seen looked with envy at Rangiku amazing chest or the guys could be seen trying to discreetly peek more of the busty blonde. She almost noticed it was almost lunch anyway so she figured why not.
"Alright Naruto-san. Please enjoy your tour…" Misato said awkwardly as Nel glared at Rangiku before latching onto Naruto's other arm.
As Naruto slowly walked away Keigo inner pervert saw the 'Goddesses' leave and knew he had to act. The unspoken bro code said you should never go after another man girlfriend in this case Nel. However, it appeared that Rangiku could not be Naruto's girlfriend if Nel was already his. This made in his mind Rangiku single.
"Please wait! Goddess of mine please let me help you with your shirt buttons!" Keigo pleaded as he leapt hands first into Rangiku's chest. Rangiku backhanded him without even looking with a look of annoyance on her face.
"I have no time with silly boys." She taunted as she continued to walk snuggled into Naruto's arm. Keigo still had a stupid expression on his face seeing someone like Rangiku in real life more than paid for his broken nose.
The class looked at Keigo with open disgust and embarrassment as Misato coughed and continued with the class.
Naruto sent a glare at the Soul Reapers outside the door as he slammed it shut. "Not a word." Naruto warned before saying "Tell Ichigo and Rukia to meet everyone at Ichigo's house later tonight to discuss everything.". Before anyone could dispute his words, he used Shunpo to vanish with the two women around him.
"Captain." Renji started before Toshiro just grunted.
"Just do what he says." Toshiro said as he had secret orders from the Head Captain not to antagonize his sensei.
Naruto appeared outside one of his homes with Nel and Rangiku still glaring at each other. Naruto sighed before he looked at Nel. "Nel-chan please go home for me." Naruto asked as Nel gave him a shocked look while Rangiku smirk grew bigger.
"What?! You expect me to leave you with this bimbo alone?!" Nel shouted as Rangiku crossed her arms with a huff. Coincidently her large chest bounced as if proving Nel's point although Nel's own impressive chest also bounced as well.
"Aw I see. Naruto-kun likes the new rather than the old." Rangiku teased but shuddered when Naruto's eyes grew cold as she let go of him in fear.
"Rangiku-chan. I like you but do no presume to know my feelings for Nel-chan." Naruto said coldly before his eyes turned warm again. "Nel-chan. I made a promise and I don't go back on my word. I promise you nothing is going to happen between Rangiku-chan and me today." Naruto promised as Nel looked deep into Naruto's eyes and saw no deception in them.
Nel nodded stiffly only to moan when Naruto wrapped her close and ravished her mouth. Nel jealously quickly faded away when she felt his love again. Rangiku stood there awkwardly with some envy and curiosity on what else Naruto could do especially with that passionate of a kiss.
After a minute Naruto pulled back with Nel giving him one last kiss on the lips for good luck before she used Sonido to vanish back to Urahara's shop. She planned to tell her harem sister Yoruichi all about Rangiku.
Naruto smiled at Rangiku who huffed putting her hands on her hips in impatience. "So Naruto-kun wher do you want to go?" Rangiku asked as she snuggled back into Naruto's arm with Naruto not doing anything to shake her off.
"How about I go to my home and make you lunch? We do have to meet your team and Ichigo alter today after all." Naruto suggested as Rangiku blinked in surprise.
"How bold of you Naruto-kun! Asking a fair lady into your home. I mean this is our first date after all!" Rangiku teased dramatically as Naruto leaned in and smelled her hair.
"Maybe I don't want to share you with other guys today?" Naruto suggested as Rangiku heart beat faster.
"If your girlfriend heard you say that she might get jealous." Rangiku noted with some amusement as Naruto had a sly grin on his face.
"Nothing is gong to happen besides lunch." Naruto said before adding "tonight." As Rangiku bit her lip in anticipation.
Naruto chuckled at his busty companion before he entered his home letting Rangiku marvel at his house before he started making lunch for the both of them. While Rangiku sat down leaning back in her chair to look at his house in amazement Naruto checked her out with the corner of his eyes.
He truly loved his current lovers but he could freely admit Rangiku had feminine charms what were likely the best he ever met. Her teasing and overall looks made her perfect blend of seductive and ravishing. She appeared to not even try to hide her good looks knowing full well she had guys by the ear with just a few sweet words and leaning forward. He saw her crossing her legs making her thighs even more tempting but he knew his promise to Nel and he had personal standards like not going for one-night stands.
Rangiku could sense Naruto was eying her up and she honestly was loving the attention. There was a certain point where leading guys was no longer fun but everything about Naruto excited her and she honestly cared little he already had a girlfriend or even possibly multiple lovers. She knew in her heart of hearts one way or another she would get him to claim her like she craved.
Naruto soon finished making lunch and started serving it up for the both of them. It was simple sandwiches with fries, mixed vegetables and gravy but judging the nearly drooling expression on Rangiku face it was more than enough. Naruto sat across from her as she tried to give a puppy dog look patting to the spot next to him as he chuckled but shook his head.
Rangiku pouted but took her first bite of food and nearly rolled her head back in pleasure. "This is so amazing I am sure I came back to life." Rangiku told him as Naruto nodded his head.
"I have been told I am a decent cook." Naruto said smoothly as Rangiku gave him a disbelieving look on her face.
'Yeah if I ate his cooking every day, I feel my chest would not be the only thing big.' Rangiku thought as she continued to munch down her lunch.
After finishing off their lunch Rangiku batted her eyelashes at Naruto and asked seductively "So do yu want to show me your bedroom?". She leaned forward allowing him a clear view down her shirt.
Naruto merely raised an eyebrow and smirked saying "Why? To break my promise to my girlfriend and to break your virginity?".
Rangiku leapt up in surprise making her chest bounce nearly uncontrollable as she pointed at Naruto in accusation. "Are you accusing me of being a virgin?!" Rangiku screeched as Naruto shrugged.
"Nothing to feel ashamed about." Naruto said lightly as Rangiku growled and walked up to Naruto. She put her face right next to his and looked indignant.
"Do you know how easy it is for me to make a guy pass out? Would a virgin be able to do that?" Rangiku asked challenging as Naruto looked at her amused.
To her shock Naruto used her hand to grab her skirt covered butt to pull her close and rubbed it several times. She gasped and moaned while her face turned red with pleasure and anger.
"With a body like that it would not be hard to do so." Naruto whispered hotly in her ear as he stopped rubbing her butt but moved to her hip as she lost the ability to speak. "I can tell a virgin when I see one. You might act like a slut or at least dress like a woman who isn't afraid to seduce but I can tell you have yet to let a man take you or have you take a man into your bedroom." Naruto said as Rangiku was driven silent he figured her biggest secret.
"Don't worry my dear Rangiku-chan. This makes you even hotter knowing you are pure and not experienced." Naruto admitted as Rangiku felt her hips start to grind against Naruto's before he pulled away. Her body felt frustrated and angry as she glared at him. "Remember I have a promise to my girlfriend. Plus, I don't do one-night stands so if we do end up in a bedroom you better make sure I am what you want." Naruto told her as she bit her lip in frustration.
"I guess you are right. I am acting abit too fast. Most guys see me once and dream about me but never have the courage to get to know me better. The rest are creeps who would brag about bagging me in the sack." Rangiku said with a sigh as Naruto gave her a warm hug to her shock. She felt herself return the hug feeling a different kind of warmth flowing through her.
"Just to let you know. This isn't a no for us being in a relationship just not right now." Naruto told her softly as she nodded before he let go. "Now we have a few hours to spend before the meeting. How about a movie?" Naruto suggested as Rangiku nodded eagerly. Naruto riffled through his impressive collection before selecting the Lion King a personal favorite of his. He was the oldest being in existence but he felt humans still made entertaining things like Disney Movies.
As soon as he popped in the DVD he and Rangiku went to the couch in the living room and sat down. Rangiku instantly snuggled into him while Naruto relaxed. Rangiku eyes gleamed in excitement as the movie started. Naruto had watched this movie hundreds of times before so he was more interested in the Strawberry bombshell next to him. Besides her body he quickly noticed she was not the ditzy, flirty blonde everyone seemed to think she was. AN5:
Rangiku cried when Mufusa died with him letting her snuggle into him closer. She seemed delighted by the Hakuna Matata song, her face got dreamy when Simba and Nala had their love song, and openly cheered when Simba was crowned the new King of Pride Rock.
'More than a pretty face with boobs that defy reality.' Naruto noticed as Rangiku just smiled at him as they just enjoyed the rest of the time next to each other.
AN2: I am making my own sizes up. Bleach does not have any official sizes for girls just implied that Rangiku likely has the biggest breasts with every other girl varying below her.
AN3: I know the actual spelling is 'Visored' and 'Vizard' was just a mi translation by Viz Media but I like the spelling better so I am using it for my canon heading forward. (either way its Soul Reapers with controlled Hollow Powers)
AN4: Yeah, I made Rangiku a virgin who acts seductively and knows what to do. Her bkdy does most fo the talking after all.
AN5: Rangiku is not just a face and boobs after all.