They meet frequently for lunch, chat often on the phone, and Rey's even worked up the courage to go over to his worksite to see him a time or two. It goes about as well as she'd been expecting—catcalls, whistles as she enters the site. But as soon as Ben walks over, dead silence. She likes that.
Not a peep from the crowd when he steps close, and murmurs, "I'd give you a kiss, but I smell like I've been working for twelve hours."
"Have you been working for twelve hours?" she asks. Rey wouldn't put it by him, from what she's started to understand about him, he's dedicated to his work.
Ben laughs and shakes his head. "Only six."
"Oh, that's not such a big deal then," she breathes a moment before pressing up onto her toes to close the gap between them.
Ben's arms come up and wrap around her like he'd been expecting her to do exactly what she'd done—anticipating it, even, and Rey likes that too. She likes that he anticipates kissing her. Though lately, she's wanted a bit more from her tall, broad, Diet Coke drinking, almost-boyfriend.
Their kiss is soft, gentle, and by the time Rey pulls back, Ben's a little flustered and his cheeks are stained red. She likes that too.
"I'm heading to lunch. Want anything?" she offers before reluctantly stepping out of his arms. Thought he did smell like he'd been working, it wasn't a bad smell and mixed with the scent of his cologne and him, she'd found it downright appealing. Dressed in grungy flannel, rough jeans, and workboots, he looks like he fell out of her dreams and into her world.
"Pastrami, extra pickles on the side, and a—"
"Diet coke," she finishes for him. "As if I'd forget."
Ben's eyes crinkle as he smiles down at her. "I owe you one."
"Pay me back later—I like salami," she teases, definitely meaning more than just the sandwich.
"I'll remember that."
"See that you do," Rey replies with a wink. She can feel the stares of the other workers on her, fortunately, she is wearing an oversized suit jacket today, so her ass is covered. "I'll be back in a jiffy."
"Might have to drop it off at the office. I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few hours."
Rey frowns. "You can make it up to me later."
"With salami?"
Rey laughs. "With salami. Be safe, Ben."
"You too—walk safe, that is."
"Given that I'm prone to tripping, that's timely advice."
"And why do you think I gave it?" he drawls. Okay, so maybe she'd almost biffed it big times, more than once, while in his presence? It wasn't like she actually fell and, besides, she'd had Ben there to save her from herself. "Avoid the worksites," he adds, before glaring around at the looky-loos who all suddenly had more important things to be doing than ogling the cute office worker.
"Read my mind. I'll call you later?"
"I'd like that," he says before giving her a little wave. His hands are so big and the gesture is so sweet that it's almost comical. She likes this man way to damn much, that's for certain, but Rey's beginning to wonder why things haven't moved on to the next level.
While they'd kissed on many occasions, Ben almost seemed to be holding himself back. Was he worried about her opinion of him? Or did he not want to rush her? God knows, he'd said he worked for what he wanted, but this slow burn shit was beginning to wreak havoc on Rey's mental health.
Every night, she dreamed of him—of all the things she wanted to do with him, and of all the things she wanted him to do to her. And every morning, she'd wake up more amped up and horny than before. It was frustrating. Maybe this time, he was waiting for her to take the first step?
Sure, was a big difference between coming over and introducing himself and, ya know, starting an intimate relationship with someone. Distracted, as ever, by thoughts of Ben Solo as she walked along, and she forgot his advice and nearly pitched herself into the uneven concrete.
Rey barely recovered her balance but redoubled her concentration on walking. Later, when work was finished, she'd figure out a solution to this 'problem.'
She calls him later, just like she said she would, and this time she tries to make things a little flirtier than usual.
An obvious "What are you wearing?" doesn't seem to register with him because Ben replies with a "Jeans and an old t-shirt."
Rey tries again. "So, about that sausage…"
And that seems to flick a switch in his mind. "Oh. Sausage… Yeah, meant to say, I have the perfect thing here for you."
"The perfect sausage?" Rey purrs.
Ben hesitates before answering, "...Yeah, at least, I mean, I hope you'll enjoy it."
Okay, not exactly the sexiest response in the world, but she can work with that.
"Well, what would you think if I came over right now, for some 'sausage'?"
Ben coughs a little. "The place is a bit of a mess, but give me a bit and that'd be fine." Also, not the sexiest reply in the world. She's about to toss the whole idea when he adds, "I'd love to see you. Do you have a pen, I'll give you my address."
Okay, this was going somewhere! Rey hurriedly drags her phone into the kitchen, stretching the cord as long as it will go as she dives for a pen. They hadn't been seeing each other for that long, so going over to his house for the first time was kind of a big deal.
"Okay, it'll take me at least 30 minutes to get to your place from Brooklyn, but I'm on my way, okay?"
"I'll be waiting. See you soon," he replies.
"See you soon," Rey replies before starting to panic as she realizes that it is fucking laundry day, which means she has exactly three things that were nice enough to wear, and one of those things is on the small side on her now.
After hanging up her phone, Rey bolts into her tiny bedroom and fishes through her underwear drawer to find what she needs—red bustier, matching cute panties, sheer black thigh highs. Rey looks around her room like somehow Rose is going to pop out and give her a pep talk or tell her to stop freaking the fuck out, but no such luck.
So, instead, she dumps her intimates on the bed, rushes to take a quick shower and shave before drying off, brushing her messy hair, and pulling it up into a sleek looking chignon—or her best efforts at a sleek looking chignon, anyway. She adds a little makeup to her eyes and some gloss to her lips as finishing touches.
Next, she dresses and, just as she'd thought, the bustier was a little small, but it manages to make her tits look nice, so she's not going to complain. The panties are similarly a bit small, but they'll do—and the thigh highs. No garter belt needed because they have elastics in the tops, so hopefully, they'll make it all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
And for the finishing touch… Rey thinks as she stands before her closet. Her hands dive in and she pulls out a long, black trench coat, which is exactly what she wanted.
"I hope he likes this…" she thinks nervously and almost calls Rose for a quick chat, but decides to channel her friend's positivity instead, slips on her heels, grabs her purse, locks her door, and heads out into the evening.
The subway ride over is filled with tourists and locals, the latter with their heads fixed in newspapers or books, and the former looking around like the tunnel underneath the East River is the most amazing thing they've ever traveled through in their life.
Rey keeps to herself. Gets off at Union Square, switches at the station, takes the Q train to 57th and walks the rest of the way to Ben's, which is at an apartment complex just outside of the Upper Eastside. It's a nice area and Rey's more than just a little jealous. No doorman at Ben's, so not that fancy. She pulls up to the entrance to a tall brick building, buzzes the number for his place and before she can even gather her thoughts, she's in the elevator and heading up to the 19th floor.
Rey stands before his door—1901. It's a rich, reddish color, and the numbering is gold. She pauses for a beat, tries to calm her frantically beating heart before she knocks…
And a voice calls from inside, "Let yourself in! I'm just in the kitchen."
Rey's face scrunches up at that, but she does as she's told. Little strange that I'm coming over for sexy times and he's in the kitchen… Maybe he's cleaning? she thinks before stepping into his apartment—which is huge, by the way. At least three times the size of her own, with hardwood floors, what looks like a carefully decorated interior, and the cutest little corner table that obviously is used for Ben's things as his wallet and keys are resting there, so she places her purse there too.
Rey keeps her shoes on, even though she notices that it looks like there are slippers by the door for guests. The heels are part of the aesthetic and she'd feel half as confident without them. She's got great legs, this she knows, and they look even better in heels.
Her shoes click down the hallway as she gets a brilliant idea. She decides to ditch the jacket and meet Ben in just her underthings. She's nervous, so it seems like a brilliant idea. Rey shucks the jacket, walks back to the entrance to hook it by the door, before turning back around to face her destiny.
She manages to find the kitchen on her second try—the first puts her right in the washroom, so she checks her hair and makeup and both are still good, so she straightens up and walks straight into the kitchen. Only to find Ben standing there.
A huge fucking salami.
Oh my, God, she panics. He really meant salami and not his dick. Sweet fucking Lord, I need to…
But it's too late, Ben starts to turn around as soon as he hears her enter the room, salami in hand as he moves around. Rey feels like the world is moving in slow-motion. It's like a traffic accident and she's powerless to stop it. At first, his face is sweet as he fixes her with a smile, then his brain catches up with his automatic gesture as his eyes dip and…
"Hi," she squeaks.
His jaw goes slack, lips parting as if he'd been meaning to say something, only for the words to stop dead on his lips. His eyes flutter as he gives his head a small shake like he can't quite believe what he's seeing.
"Salami," he finally says.
"I thought you meant…" she sputters.
He closes his eyes and snorts a little before turning to put the sausage back on his cutting board. To his credit, it looks delicious, as does the super rustic-looking bread he's obviously picked up at a bakery. She'd eat the shit out of it if she wasn't so humiliated.
"I meant the sausage. But I'm flattered you came all the way over here for a lot more than a sandwich," Ben drawls, clearly more than just a little amused at the situation.
"I thought it was a euphemism!" she cries, cheeks heating with embarrassment. It wasn't. He didn't—oh shit! This was so embarrassing and here he was, legitimately making her a sandwich and not at all trying to tempt her with his salami.
Ben laughs a little before holding his arms out. In an effort to hide her embarrassment, she walks over and slowly steps into his embrace. She ducks her head so he can't see how humiliated she is.
"I'm such an idiot."
"No, no you're not. I'm flattered, really."
"Flattered about what?"
"That you think I'm able to think up something tempting enough bring you over here in your underwear."
Rey looks up at that. Fixes him with a glare. "You have got to be kidding me. You know, you're you, right?"
"And I've just been lusting after you for months!" she blurts before her head can catch up to her mouth.
At first, he says nothing and Rey starts to stammer, thinking she's said something wrong, but he gently hushes her with a soft touch to her lips.
"Tell me more, Rey," he urges against, lips a hairsbreadth from her own, and she feels that command right down to the tips of her toes.
"Oh, well. I mean…"
"You haven't thought about it?" he wonders. "We can go back to the sandwich—if you want?"
She glares. "Well, of course, I have. But never with an audience."
"Ahh, but you should know by now how much I enjoy having an audience of one—tell me. Don't be shy."
Rey's tangles her hand in the fabric of his shirt, breathing deep as his masculine scent wraps around her while she works up enough courage to tell him what he wants.
Rey nibbles her lip, but manages, "At first, you were my secret. You didn't seem to notice, so I could just watch and make up stories in my mind for how you were, what you liked, how you liked me…" she trailed off.
It really was so silly, but then he'd gone and taken his shirt off and she's about fallen out of her office chair. The obsession had only ramped up from there. And then he'd given her his favorite book. Invited her out for a pastrami sandwich. Taken her on walks through the park. And never pushed too hard, like he had been waiting for her all along.
And now she is there, in his kitchen, and he'd warned her—he was a patient man, but he'd get what he wanted. And whatever he'd been doing to her, whatever he is doing to her right now, is absolutely working.
"And does reality match up to the picture you painted in your mind?" he asks as one of his hands slides up her back, over the soft fabric of her bustier, before trailing over the curve of her neck. He gently tilts her head back as he waits for an answer.
"Gosh, does it ever," she says, pressing her cheek into the solid feel of his palm. He's like an anchor in a storm and whatever's brewing between them feels almost chaotic like soon it'll be billowing out beyond either of their control. She likes that. It excites her. Rey has never felt like this about anyone before—didn't know this kind of overwhelming passion existed outside of the movies.
But Ben makes her feel things she'd never imagined were possible. He feels impossible. But he's solid and real and she's in his arms. And, maybe, it's time for her to start working for what she really wants too.
Ben dips his head, and she thinks he's going to kiss her, which would be wonderful, but it would absolutely distract her from what she wants to say next, which is, "But there are some parts that I wonder about."
"If they live up to the picture I have in my mind," she clarifies.
"Some parts?" his deep voice hitches on the word.
"I mean, I did come here for 'salami,'" she breathes, and it's Ben's turn to blush, but he recovers quickly.
"Well, stay with me. And let me put your mind at ease," he murmurs.
"Okay," she whispers. "I did come all this way..."
"And I wouldn't want this outfit to go to waste," he adds.
"Certainly not."
"Did you know that red is my favorite color?"
Rey swallows. "I do now."
"You look even better than you do in my dreams, and you look fantastic in my dreams," he admits as Rey realizes that maybe, just maybe, he's been thinking about her just as much as she's been thinking about him.
He's changed into slacks and a soft, cable-knit sweater since her phone call, and he looks good enough to eat. Rey takes a quick peek down and realizes he's wearing loafers without socks, which is kind of adorable. And as she watches him, she realises he's watching her right back.
"Take a turn for me?" he asks.
Rey licks her lips, considers, nods, and pulls away from his arms. She steps back a little, so he can see all of her at once before she slowly turns before his rapt gaze. It's palpable, the way he looks at her. Her skin prickles, her core clenches, and she starts to understand that, while she'd come over here with every intention of seducing him, he was doing a very good god damn job of seducing her back, in his own, quiet, intense way.
"Like it?" she asks.
"Love it," he assures her.
Rey's eyes dip again and she realizes just how much he'd enjoyed her little display. She steps close again, presses her stomach into him and grinds. And, to her eternal pleasure, Ben lets out a little growl before reaching out to still her.
"Give me a second?" he asks before stepping back and towards his sink to wash his hands. Once that's finished, Rey kind of shifts from foot to food, wondering what's coming next when he turns. His big body devours the space between them as he reaches for her, skims his hand over the back of her neck, before his lips find hers.
Ben's a miraculous sort of kisser. To Rey, it feels like he's almost imprinting on her soul, kissing her with a grace and thoroughness that leaves her reeling. His lips, she decides, were made for kissing and she has the presence of mind to wonder what other things they might be good for.
Eventually, Ben pulls back to ask, "Do you have…?"
"Protection? In my purse," she blurts out.
"Perfect," he says and Rey assumes that means they're moving to the bedroom, but she underestimates Ben's intentions—and his strength, as he doesn't let her go, just slightly turns her around before scooping her off the floor like she weighs nothing.
"Let's go," he says, lips pressing against her brow.
He carries her all the way down the hall and she's able to reach out and grab her purse before he turns and marches them both directly into his bedroom, and what a bedroom. Massive king, navy sheets, a gorgeous view of the city, an en suite… but she doesn't take in much more because he's shifting her in his arms again, setting her on her feet before he stops to take his sweater off.
"Fuck," Rey whispers without meaning to as his shirt flies off. He really is fucking spectacular. Still has a bit of a tan from the summer, but it's faded a little. She can count the freckles and moles on his skin and she loves it—wants to trace the path of them with her tongue.
He doesn't take his pants off, whether to keep control over himself or to make her feel more comfortable, she's not sure. Just takes a seat on the edge of the bed before holding his hand out to her. Rey lets him pull her close. His hands reach up to pull at the fastenings of her bustier and eventually she turns to give him easier access, but she doesn't let the fabric fall, just holds it to her chest as she steps away.
With a coy look over her shoulder, she finally lets her bustier fall to the ground before slowly hooking her fingers in the waistband of her panties as she bends, ass high, before she slides them down her legs. She turns to face him, wearing nothing but a pair of heels, some thigh-high stockings, and a smile.
Ben breathes deep, broad chest expanding as if he can't get enough air in his lungs. His eyes seem like they're looking everywhere at once as Rey resists the urge to cover herself, but the niggling self-doubt disappears at the disbelieving look on his face, the way he kind of has to run his hand over his jaw like he can't quite fathom she's real and right in front of him.
No one's ever looked at her quite the way Ben's looking at her now and it makes her feel brave, and powerful and…
"Beautiful," he manages before reaching out again. Rey takes his hand and lets him pull her between his spread legs. "I was wondering…," he starts before his words trail off.
"What?" she urges, desperate to know even a little of what he's thinking.
"I was wondering if you're open to oral?"
"Giving or receiving?" Rey asks, though she's a little embarrassed. She's never been asked this question before, never been given head either, now that she thinks about it, and she starts to wonder whether it'll be more of the same when Ben interrupts her thoughts.
"Both, but right now, receiving."
Rey swallows thickly. "Are you asking if you can give me head?"
"No, Rey, I'm begging," he murmurs.
"Oh," she replies, feeling a little weak in the knees. "That would be... I would like that?"
"Is that a question?" he smiles.
"No, I just… I've never."
"Fuck," he curses, which he doesn't do often, so it catches her off guard. "Seriously?"
"Seriously," she deadpans.
His hand skims over her leg, gently prising her legs apart as he slides his fingers along the inside of her thigh. "Allow me to be the first?"
"Please," she says, her turn to beg this time.
He looks up at her with a smile before he leans back while pulling her forward. Rey shimmies, heels falling off as she crawls over his big bod, legs spread across his muscular abdomen as she climbs… and climbs…
Author's note: If you're enjoying this and you'd like to read more, the more explicit content will be over on my account on Ao3 :) This site doesn't allow hyperlinks, but you can search on Archive of Our Own for Diet Coke by Pacificwanderer (my other screen name) or CNichole should be searchable too. Thanks for reading and for your reviews! I appreciate it so much!