Steffy Fights Back

Steffy was crying tears of joy as she stood and hugged everyone. she was so overjoyed she was able to keep her daughter after all. she hugged Carter one last time as she started giggling.

Hope and Liam were stunned! they had lost thier daughter once again but this time, the law was involved. Liam held a sobbing Hope as they watched Steffy leave with her father all smiles. Hope went out of the court room and attacked Steffy trying to choke her while yelling obscenities at her.

Hope: you fucking bitch i hate you! you stole my baby from me! i hate you!

Liam: Hope get off her! stop!

Voice: ENOUGH!

Hope was yanked off Steffy who was sporting a bloody cut on her forehead and a bloody nose. Hope turned to see the judge had been the one to yank her off Steffy and was frightened!

Judge: Mr. Walton, i am rendering no supervised visitation for Hope Logan or Liam Spencer EVER.

Hope: no please your honor...i was upset...

Judge: upset? you would have killed Ms. Forrester if i hadnt pulled you off her. i will take back my verdict and i want you in a mental institution effective immediately. guards come restrain Ms. Logan immediately and send her to the Sunshine Institute. Mr. Spencer i am also taking your parental rights to both minor children and giving Ms. Forrester full custody. for Phoebe's birth certificate it will have her adopted mothers name on it instead of Ms. Logan.

Hope: Liam, mom someone please help me!

Steffy: i think i hit my head harder than what i assumed i should go to the hospital. dad can you take the girls home and have Wyatt drive me.

Hope: give me my daughter Steffy, she's my baby not yours!

Steffy: she deserves better than an unstable mother who cant even control her temper.

Hope: she's my flesh and blood Steffy! i am her real mother not you! you will NEVER be her mother!

Steffy: i am her mother in every way Hope and i seriously pray you get the mental help you despretly need

Hope: first you ruin my love life, then you ruin my reputation, my fashion line, and now you ruin my chance at being a mother to my own child!

Steffy: take some resposibility for your own actions Hope, and maybe one day you'll be allowed near my little girl.

Hope: she's my daughter! she's my daughter!

Steffy: not anymore. she'll be safer with me and her sister Kelly and i swear Hope, come anywhere near her or me and i will have you behind bars for kidnapping.

Hope: kidnapping my own child? lame excuse.

Steffy: goodbye Hope, goodbye Liam. i seriously pray you both get the help you deeply need.

Judge: take Ms. Logan away.

Brooke: your honor please, she was very upset about losing her own child to Steffy of all people.

Judge: i dont care. the law is the law and i am deeply concerned about your daughters' mental state.

Brooke: she would be fine if she had her daughter...

Judge: i've asked around and studied her past, and had to dig up yours and quite frankly Ms. Forrester i am surprised your daughter wasnt committed to the nut house a long time ago when she was popping pills.

Brooke: the medication was prescribed by the doctor and she was dangerously stressed because of Steffy!

Judge: the way i understand it, Steffy and Liam were in the middle of a divorce and your daughter didnt get what she wanted and had a mental breakdown. she sought no help and decided to do things her way.

Brooke: you obviously dont know the real story...

Judge: i know enough, and have seen enough today to render my verdict final. Ms. Logan will never see that child again as long as i am breathing.

Brooke left angry, knowing she had lost the battle but would not be kept from her grand-daughter as she headed to Steffy's to see Beth only to find nobody home. she tries calling Steffy but her call goes to voicemail as she heads to her house to try and get some answers out of Ridge.

meanwhile Hope was currently wearing a restraint jacket and being forced inside Sunshine Institute. she tried fighting against the guards but they were too strong as she was thrown into a white room.

Hope: hey you forgot to take this thing off!

guard: Ms. Logan please remain calm or it remains on for the duration of your stay.

Hope: please remove it.

Doctor: go ahead Wills. she wont cause us any trouble will you Ms. Logan?

Hope: thank you doctor.

Doctor: of course, now your schedule will be easy to adjust to while you're here for the next eight years...


Doctor: thats what the judge wrote here. now every morning nine am breakfast, one pm lunch, and six pm dinner and nothing is by choice. between breakfast and lunch is excersize and snacks and between lunch and dinner is recreational time. we give you three choices of something to do. after dinner is tv time and bathroom utilization. eight pm is lights out.

Hope: my daughter, will i be allowed to go see her?

Doctor: you wont be able to leave here for a long time and as for seeing your daughter, you have also been delivered this envelope.

Hope: uhm okay...a little privacy please?

Doctor: you're no longer entitled to privacy. read and return the papers please.

Hope read the papers to find she was anulled from the marriage with Thomas and was granted custody of Douglas. the second set of papers had her crying as she found all rights to Beth and Douglas were stripped and given directly to Stephanie Forrester! Thomas was in jail and since Douglas's step-sister was going one place the judge sent both children to the same place. Hope started screaming and cried as the guards restrained her and the doctor gave her a sedative.

Liam had recieved the same papers earlier than Hope and could not believe how fast things went from heaven to hell. Hope was in an institution, her line was a failure, Steffy now owned Forrester Creations so Brooke was now jobless and homeless since Steffy had bought her grandfather's home and banned Brooke's entry and anyone associated with the Logans.

Brooke was staying in her own place she had bought not far from her sister Katie. she knew Steffy had bought the mansion and threw out her stuff on the curb where Brooke had to fight off reporters and grab her things from the lesser people trying to take her clothes and jewelry.

Steffy had her mother move in so she could have more help with Phoebe and Kelly. Taylor had taken her old bedroom she used to share with Ridge and even kept some of Brooke's nicer jewelry for herself.

Ridge had left with Eric and Quinn and last anyone heard Eric and Quinn parted company from Ridge. Steffy was playing with both her daughters when Taylor walked in and sat on the floor with her beloved granddaughters. she felt remorse for Thomas, for losing his mind and neglecting Douglas and for Ridge for his indecisivness. Douglas came down the stairs aand plopped down by Steffy beaming like he had just won the world.

Steffy: hey buddy, so do you like your new room?

Douglas: yeah, i love it Aunt Steffy.

Steffy: well since your my newly adopted son, you deserve the best toys.

Taylor: amen to that.

Douglas: since you adopted me, like Hope, does that mean i can call you mommy?

Taylor was stunned as was Steffy, but Steffy responded quickly.

Steffy: only if you want to. how about i get a big picture of your real mommy for your room so you can always remember what she looked like.

Douglas: yeah!

Steffy: okay you go pick out your favorite picture and i will have it done by tomorrow.

Douglas ran out and up the stairs. Taylor turned to Steffy happy but concerned.

Taylor: are you sure thats wise?

Steffy: i want him to be comfortable here, and even if he wants to call me mommy, its up to him.

Taylor: i dont think its a good idea, what if he ends up like Ally?

Steffy: he wont, he's a strong kid and i think being in a more stable environment will help.

Taylor: does Liam know you moved?

Steffy: i put the beachhouse in his name and moved all mine and the girls stuff out. then my favorite move, buying grand-dads house and kicking Brooke to the curb.

Tsylor smiled knowing her daughter was now on top of the world. Steffy finally had everything she ever wanted minus a loving and faithful husband.

Liam wanted to see Kelly and Beth but could not find Steffy. he phoned Brooke who was screeching about Steffy kicking her out and immediately knew where Steffy was as he headed to Eric's house.

Brooke was trying to find a way to get the rest of her stuff or at least get Steffy out of the house. Liam couldnt even get past the front gate and was now at her house.