The last number of months with Harano Sakura had been liberating. The vicious cycle of missions, back to the village, then off to another mission had been broken up thanks to a girl with pink hair. Currently, they were lounging around his house, she was sprawled out on the floor reading a medical textbook with scrolls everywhere, successfully overtaking his living space. But he could care less about that, he always liked to watch her eyes go wide when she read something interesting, or her brows start to furrow when something was a bit too complicated.

On their lazy days like this, he could feel stress peeling off him. It was standard and repetitive at this point, but he did not mean that in a bad way. Either they'd come back from a mission together, or his solo ones, she'd heal him up and he would throw her over his shoulder, with a nice smack on her ass. That always resulted in a giggle from her and carried her through whoever's apartment they were at and claimed her body, mind, and soul. For those things of hers were shared with him, and no one else. He would not waste those chances he was given.

"Oi, babe, you trying to tease me again?" He said while trailing his eyes up and down her body that was stretched out on the floor. White porcelain legs expanding from his sweater turned dressed she claimed as her own.

She smirked "Oh Captain, whatever do you mean?" she said teasingly while tracing circles with her fingertips along the end of the sweater that engulfed her small frame.

He jumped on the floor to tackle her after her enticing actions, their legs twisted as they both fought for dominance.

He thought back to the days before, the dark days he called them. The days when duty was all that he ever thought about. He was an Uchiha, it was instilled in them; duty, honor, sacrifice, was all that mattered. Be a good shinobi, do good by the clan, and you shall be rewarded.

He was still a hard ass in the field, as it was the same as it always was. Weakness meant people ended up dead. But off the field he felt himself become a little softer, a little kinder, thinking of other things this short life has to offer.

He was grateful for her presence, her love if he dares say it. If he were to be a little cocky, he'd like to think that he did the same for her in some small way.

"It's going to be fine, don't worry." He insisted, because maybe if he said it out loud he would believe it too. But honestly, he didn't want to be doing this either. She was officially accompanying him to a meal with some extended family for a holiday. She had been over with Mikoto and the man he had dubbed, "Stick-up-his-ass sama" as Sasuke's teammate countless times. But coming as a lover from outside the Uchiha clan, fuck he wouldn't wish that on anyone, but here we are.

They were approaching the steps to the main house. He could hear her heart pounding, but honestly, the worst was over. When word had started to spread about their relationship, Mikoto had come to his place pounding on the door demanding answers. She was the closest thing he had to a mom, and she was living up to the title.

She loved that little Sakura she told him, and there better not be any funny business or she'll have his ass. He had assured her that she had nothing to worry about as Mikoto herself had always shown him how to be a gentleman and treat a lady. These words seemed to please her, and she hugged and congratulated him.

The rest of the family, let alone the village, was next on the list. It was not so much taboo for shinobi to date, or 'enjoy', their teammates. Their line of work involved a lot of stress, and therefore stress relief. You don't even have to understand 2+2 to know what that means. But when there was a captain and a subordinate involved it did raise some questions. For any relationship that fell on the same team, it had to pass through the right channels. All members of the team had to agree to the arrangement. Otherwise, the team would be split. You couldn't have squads that counted on each other for life and death situations to have a bias within them. They had to trust each other completely.

He did not what them to split, he was finally a true captain to a team he trusted with his life that worked like a well-oiled machine. But he would understand if something had to change.
Thankfully Genma and Itachi had given their blessings, of course completely differently reflecting each of their styles.

The dirty old bastard had questioned about his sex life. Asking how an old man like himself got so lucky. 33 was not old, okay maybe he was getting there. But god forbid if Sakura thought he was old. So, he kept that bit to himself. Itachi's blessing had been in the best, yet simple fashion, to say the least. "You've been more yourself lately, I approve. Don't do anything stupid." They both still trusted us completely, the team would remain.

Team 7, on the other hand, had thrown a tantrum in the most cliché Team 7 style. Naruto had claimed he had, "deflowered" her and had challenged the dirty old Uchiha to a spar. Sasuke had at first said nothing but, "What?" Kakashi had seen them at the bar so he had his thoughts beforehand but gave him an intimidating glare when they had become official and those eyes had said enough for him to get the message loud and clear. Thankfully, her old teammates had all come around. It was much easier that way instead of sneaking about the village.

Her friends had all been thrilled, to say the least. He had known of the blonde Yamanaka from ANBU having to work a bit with T&I. She had been nothing but professional, but wow, was she something else outside of work. She had been the first to seek them out, right after telling her teammates she had heard from Naruto. She had barged into Sakura's apartment one afternoon while they were enjoying each other's company, reading, and laying about. She had exclaimed, "FOREHEAD!" as the door slammed against the wall and went about telling her how proud of her she was of her to get a boyfriend and that it was about damn time like he wasn't sitting on the couch listening to the whole conversation. She pointed a finger in his direction, "You better not mess this up!" This seemed to be a common theme among her friends.

This was the next big step, and hopefully the last of this crap. He opened the door to the main house and was greeted by Mikoto who ushered them in for the meal. They were seating around a large table. They sat next to Itachi and Sasuke to the left of their parents. While other distinguished members and elders filled the remaining spots, about 12 in all.

As they sat and started to converse with Itachi, he could tell her heart was still beating quite quickly for what was about to come. He reached his hand out to cover hers and drew small circles with his thumb to calm her. It seemed to do the trick.

As they ate, they were asked several questions. As being from a clan and being a well-decorated member, the elders had this feeling they could control his life. Honest, he didn't give a fuck what they said, but it would make things a lot easier if they agreed to the relationship. This wasn't even about marriage; this was them sticking their nose in his dating life. He was not looking forward to the day that.

He was stealing glances her way. She was well dressed and poised. She spoke clear when spoken to and offered intriguing yet polite conversation to the dinner party. He was so impressed, if this was flipped the other way around, he definitely would have body flickered right out of there.

As the conversational flowed things seemed to be looking up. He thought the elders were intrigued by the fact that the ex-Hokage's apprentice to be associated with the clan. She also had ANBU status and an overall outstanding reputation with the village for her healing abilities. It seemed like this dinner would satisfy the noisy old bastards for a while.

As they left the dinner, she turned to him. "I thought I was going to die in there. It was 15 or so Uchiha's vs me. I was done for if that went sideways."

He let off a low chuckle. "Oh, stop it. You know I would never let anything happen to you right?"

She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss, and who was he to not oblige the lovely miss?

As he kissed her, he thought that it was true, he would protect her at all costs. He said it from the heart, and he intended to keep that promise.

For the first time in his life. He was happy.

He was running through the forest at breakneck speed, as much as one would with the damage he had taken, and the limp he was now sporting. He was returning from a solo mission in Rain country. He could see the village gates approaching in the distance.

The village, Kohona, his home. The place that held his precious people. The reason he did this to himself day in and day out. He became this mess so that others could live in peaceful ignorance. He knew right where he needed to go to complete the mission, but he also knew where he really needed to be for himself. He tried to forget the fact that it was nearing 3 in the morning. She would have to forgive him because he needed this, he needed her.

Much like that night she stood crying on his porch reaching for him, today, he came in search of her. He banged on her door and quickly a startled, but relieved when she saw his face, Sakura had appeared on the other side. She ushered him in without a word.

She could see the state he was in. Bloodied, limping, and all the physical things that every shinobi had when returning from a battle. But this time, his eyes spoke louder than his physical wounds. She embraced him, she held him, and he lowered his head to her shoulder and just sank from there. He was on his knees hugging her around her waist, head lowered in defeat. He was holding her tight, but she was grasping him even tighter. Reassuring him she was there. She held him like that for a long time and then suggested, "Let's get you cleaned up. It's my turn to take care of you."

As she helped him undress, she healed what she could and led him to the bathroom. He was able to shower and wash the grime, the blood, and the guilt from his skin, but not his mind. He finished and she was there waiting with a towel. She helped him dry off not unlike a mother would do to a child and fetched him new clothes. She settled them on her bed where she dressed his wounds but did not ask any questions. Because she knew all too well herself, not every mission went as you thought it would. Things went wrong sometimes, and this time unlucky for him very, very wrong.

Before he would suffer in silence, drown in a bottle, but now, he knew he could not do this alone. She was his light in this world. The one that held calmness and grace that eased his mind when it all became too much. Too much pain, too much suffering, too much death. For a shinobi, he was a hard ass, detail-oriented, a machine. But as a man, he was broken, in search of, no, in need of something more. Not a solution to the problems, but a guiding hand. And here she was, offering that life on a silver platter for him. He just needed to take it. That was easier said than done as it would be selfish of himself. To claim this beautiful creature for himself, a broken monster at best. Yet day after day, here she was caring for him in ways he did not deserve. Radiating her warmth all around for him to bask in.

By the grace of God, he did not have to do this alone, because he had her. For the first time in his life, he was in love.

If any of you are here from my Reddit post I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read it! I hope you stick around for more.
