"Now, what does this Kanji say?"

"Umbrella..." Lilly meekly said, pointing at the page Eiji held.

"[Wow Lilly, you are getting very good at Japanese! I know it's slow going, but you will get there!]" Eiji said in English. From what Kaminari told him, it sometimes takes years before a kid Lilly's age would be fluent in a language. So most of the time, Eiji spoke in English to her. He didn't mind; he liked the practice. "[Let's pack up, yeah?]"

"Mhm..." She shrugged. Popping his head out of his cubicle, Kaminari spoke to Lilly also in English,

"[I'm almost done, when I leave let's get food!]"

"No I'm not hungry. Or maybe I might be? I got a headache and so maybe that means I'm hungry and I don't even know! I saw a vending machine earlier, but guess what? It was just eggs! Just eggs! For being famous for vending machines, Japan doesn't know what to put in them! Haha!"


Eiji and Kaminari stared with their jaws on the floor.

"...Did I offend you guys? Egg vending machines aren't that bad..."

"You just spoke perfect Japanese..." Eiji gawked, absolutely dumbfounded. He was speaking to her like she was a toddler, but she was this good?! "Perfect particles, perfect tense, Uncle Denki! Have you been making me tutor Lilly for no reason? She's great!"

"I didn't know! We always speak in English at home because I thought—"

"Is that why? I thought you were practicing!" Lilly gasped, but Kaminari was still too confused.

"Your teachers said you don't talk in class! I've been repeating your homework questions in English for you!"

"Ah, sorry... I didn't mean to—"

"This is great!" Laughed Denki, scruffing her hair around proudly. "I'm sorry we underestimated you!"

"Yeah. I would've challenged you harder." Eiji chuckled a little bit before realizing, "...You're fluent in Japanese."

"Yep." Kaminari put a hand on Baachu's shoulder. "You did good, dude! I'll do a fluency test, but my guess is that she is good to go! You won't have to tutor anymore!"

"...Oh." No more tutoring Lilly? That made him kinda sad for some reason. "I guess that's what this was for, heh. Bye, Lilly. I'll see you around."

"Oh, yeah..." Lilly sank a little. "Can we still get candy together sometimes?"

"Heh, if Uncle Denki says so then I'm sure!" He beamed with a thumbs up. "But goodbye for now."


Moping towards the dorms, Eiji let himself sigh long sighs. No more tutoring Lilly... He liked hanging out with her. Plus it was the only thing keeping his grade up!

"What am I going to do with all my free time now?"

Then it hit him. The door. The door hit him.

"Ouch! Hey! Who-?"

"Bak-Otaku! Look where you're going, dweeb!" Meiwaku sneered as he gingerly stepped over the trash by his feet.

"Wearing your hero gear? Where to?" Dusting off, Eiji payed no mind to his rudeness.

"The work study, duh."

"That's it!" He bounced to his feet like a joyful rabbit, "A work study! I have time now! You're a genius!" He attempted to hug Meiwaku, only to wind up on the floor again.

"Don't stop me from getting to mine! Give that pink fashionista a call and let me go! Jeez!"

As Eiji watched Meiwaku walk away, he slumped defeatedly into his arm.

"Auntie Mina? That's a can of worms. But who else? Uncle Deku? No, that feels like nepotism. I want to earn it!" Sitting in the dirt outside against the wall, Eiji was having difficulties imagining who would train him. Poking at the dirt and tending to a tiny garden of soybeans, Eiji sighed.

"The harvest is plenty this year!"

"GAH!" Eiji threw his stick at the voice that came from nowhere!

"Oh! Just me! Jiam! You're friendly third-year!" Beamed the boy with fabulous stubble and caramel curls. "I wasn't trying to scare you!"

"Maybe don't teleport next to people out of nowhere next time..." Baachu held his heart.

"It's not teleporting, I just like to stop time when I walk around! Anyways, I saw that sad look, what's wrong?" He crouched beside the little weeds.

"Just trying to figure out who to do a work study with." Eiji shrugged. "I want someone who will really challenge me. But I know so many heroes personally, I don't want them to treat me differently."

"Hmm... oh! How well do you know Pro Hero Shouto?"

"Eueh?! Pro Hero Shouto?! The number two hero?!" Eiji jumped at the idea! "I think I've seen him twice- my dad knows him."

"That's perfect! You're familiar, but he doesn't know you! So whatta ya say?" Beamed Jiam like the literal sun.

"What do I say?"

"Want to work for the number two hero with me?" He held his hand down, donning a smile on his face that could melt a heart of stone. This was an opportunity Eiji would never forget.

"Yes! Please! Introduce me!" He said as he accepted the hand lent to him.

"Hahaha! I thought you'd accept! I'm heading there now, grab your gear! We haven't a second to lose!"


## Ground Zero Agencies

Exhaling nervously, Meiwaku entered the bustling building. This was the first time he's seen Ground Zero since the incident, and they hadn't had much time to talk about that proposal...

Of course Meiwaku wanted to be a paid intern for THE Ground Zero! But that came with other problems...

"Uni-Hair!" A shout spiked Meiwaku's panic. "You got those papers?" Bakugo said as he gestured with his head for the teenager to follow him.


"Don't tell me you sat on your thumbs all weekend!"

"No, I showed mumma but... she, umm..." Bakugo squinted at Meiwaku with a scowl.

"She didn't sign the papers."

"No, she didn't say no or nothin! But she uh..." Meiwaku turned red as a tomato as he figured out the words to say. "Well, uh, she um... she wants you to do something before she does. Ugh, this is so fricken stupid." He growled in embarrassment.


"She, uh... wants to..."

"Well?! Spit it out!"

"She has some concerns... so she wants to, uhh... talk to you..."

"...? Your mother wants to interview *me*? To give *you* a job?" Scoffed Bakugo. Meiwaku was right, this was ridiculous!

"To be fair, she uh, didn't know I was doin a work study or nothin... because I didn't tell her." Blinking at his intern a few times, Bakugo smacked himself on the forehead.

"Teenagers... Okay, fine! What is she so concerned about anyways?!"

"Jus' the part in the warranty that resolved the agency of any fault if I was to, 'lose life or limb or when acting upon heroic guidelines.'" Shrugged Meiwaku as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's not a guarantee that you're gonna lose limbs! It's just saying that if a villain hurt you it's not on me!"

"Yeah, but she ain't into that 'villain hurtin me' bit." He sighed before bowing his head and saying, "I know this ain't conventional, but it'd really mean a lot to her if ya told her I ain't gonna die."

"Yeah yeah, fine."

"She can meet ya after work. Oh and uh, maybe don't talk too much 'bout Ground Zero Agency." He shifted awkwardly, "Because um, she might be uh... more willing to sign if ya talk like a local agency! Yeah!" Said the teen awfully suspiciously.

"Oh, ~thank you~ for giving me interview tips! Anything else you can tell me!"

"Be formal or somethin. She might be convinced if you talk nice. Don't swear!" Sweat Meiwaku.

"I was being sarcastic, dimwit. Now will you get back to work! There's an agency to run!"

"Yes si- uh, Ground Zero."

## Todoroki Agencies

"Tada! Welcome, to Todoroki Agencies!" Jiam announced for the entire office to hear! "Shouto's office is right down this way, come on!" As Eiji followed the third year around the office spaces, he asked aloud,

"Jiam? Why are you doing this for me? I appreciate it but I'm confused."

"Hm? You have a good personality, also I'm about to graduate. Shouto won't pursue new students and most students are too intimidated to approach him. You seem like the perfect candidate!"

"The perfect candidate?" Eiji cocked his head.

"To keep Shouto company!"

"...You're doing this for him?"

"I know, that's sounds selfish, but I couldn't let him go without training at least one more student. He's got great insight! You'll learn a lot from him!" He smiled as they came up to the large sliding doors. "That is... if he'll accept you. He's a picky guy..."

"So, how can I make a good impression on Shouto?" Eiji asked as he nervously fixed his hair.

"You're gonna need to do several things to make him even consider you, and then it's a maybe..." Jiam shivered at his memories. "But that's why I'm here for you! I'll prepare you for anything he might ask you!"


"First thing, act mature! He has mixed feelings about 'taking care of kids'. If he begins over sharing, just listen! Oh! And just because he isn't showing emotion doesn't mean he's disinterested, so keep that in mind."

"Geez, he seems really intimidating..."

"Ah, once he decides he likes you there's no way you can go wrong! Now let's get in there!" Jiam slapped Eiji's back. Taking a deep breath and shaking his limbs out, Eiji stood tall and opened the door with vigor!

"Mr. Shouto! I am here!" He declared with fake confidence!

"Don't be so loud-" Shouto just barely glanced up from his paperwork before immediately standing upright. "-Bakugo Eijiro."

"Yes sir! Forgive the interruption!" Eiji said with stick-straight posture, bowing robotically.

"...Jiam, you failed to tell me the student you were introducing me to is a Bakugo." Shouto said as he reached into his draw and pulled out a paper and stamp.

"Sorry, Shouto, sir. I thought it'd be better if he introduced himself to you—" Jiam's jaw hit the floor as Shouto stamped a paper and gestured out the hall.

"Welcome to Todoroki Agencies. We will be briefing soon. Follow me." Shouto said with a welcoming bow.

"Uh... th-thank you so much, sir! It's an honor to be doing a work study under the number two hero!" Stuttered Baachu as he followed behind. Laughing quietly to himself he whispered to Jiam, "Heh, you got me good! I was so nervous, but I had nothing to worry about! That was a good prank." But Jiam looked more confused than ever.

"...He let you in? So easy? It took me weeks..."

"Haha, maybe I just have that hiring personality! Or uhh, employable personality? Whatever! Come on, let's hear what he's got to say!" He said with a hop and a skip towards the main room. Standing frozen, Jiam mumbled once more,

"I don't understand..."

"Allow me to catch you up to speed, Bakugo Eijiro." Shouto said as he presented the boards along the walls of the main room. They looked like the cork boards of a madman conspirator, with red yarn connecting photos in convoluted ways. "We are currently searching for one of the escapees. It has been difficult in attempting to locate him, and we have reason to believe this is due to his quirk."

Pointing to the projected screen to his left, Todoroki continued,

"Jigen Yaku. Quirk: Technopath. He creates intricate machines and is possibly be the most technologically intelligent person we have record of." Eiji didn't like the sound of that.

"The most intelligent person alive?" He gulped, only to get a laugh from Jiam.

"Ha! Thankfully, no! He's only smart when it comes to his machines. But that's still a huge threat..."

"He believes that humanity is a plague on the Earth, and deemed himself the passer of it's judgement." Shouto said without any emotion, sending shivers down Eiji's spine. "He tried and failed to destroy Tokyo, but luckily Deku, Ground Zero and I were able to stop him before he activated the weapon. But if he had..." indicating seriousness, Todoroki slowly inhaled though his nose, "We would not have been able to disarm it."

"..." Gulping fearfully, Eiji stood tall and nodded. This was big stuff. He needed to be a help not a hinderance in times like these...

"We are severely understaffed, and could use as much assistance as possible. So, Bakugo Eijiro, I'll give you this choice, for I know this was not the work study you were envisioning." Todoroki said stoically as he held the acceptance paper out to the boy. "Will you join my team?"

Staring at the invitation in front of him, Eiji thought a moment. This wasn't training, this was a real villain trying to hurt people. It was something most teenagers don't have to worry about...

But that is what being a hero is all about: going into danger so others could live a normal life without worry.

With a bow, Baachu accepted the call.

"I'll join the team."

"Good." Nodded Shouto at his two student, "Let us begin."

## Dingy Bakery

Poking his food and adjusting his hat, Bakugo reread the texts between he and this extra. He had been sitting here for ages, she said to meet him here right? Despite Uni-Hair's stupid advice, Bakugo actually followed it and changed into a "presentable" suit and tie. But honest to God Bakugo was going to blow up this itchy tie any second!

"Where is she?" Bakugo grumbled as he looked around the restaurant under his reading glasses. So far, not even a waiter had noticed he was Ground Zero, which was good and bad. She might not recognize him either...

Wait, that woman looked related to Uni-Hair...

"Bakugo Katsuki?" She asked nervously. Her voice sounded oddly familiar...

"Don't recognize me?" He gestured to the hat and glasses, making her shake her head violently as she sat down.

"No no, it's fine. Ba-Ba warned me you liked to keep a low profile." She smiled before plopping a stack of papers onto the table. "I'll just cut the chitchat and go straight to the point, yeah?"


"I'm worried my son is going to die working for you."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. Yep. She was a classic worry wart, wasn't she? But clearing his throat as he straightened his tie, he answered formally, "I didn't instruct him to go after that villain at the Cultural Festival. However, he did well acting on his instincts."

"I know my Ba-Ba is capable at what he does, and I know you think that also: You agreed to meet with me." Well, at least she wasn't underestimating Uni-Hair. "I just want to make sure you are fully aware of his medical history, and maybe we can change some things in the waivers?"

"Medical history?" Scoffed Bakugo, "Look, I'm not fu—" Right, he needs be professional. Sitting up straight and adjusting his tie he spoke nicely, "If he has routine medical needs we won't prevent him from attending to those."

"I'm worried about his heart problems." Juni slid the papers around and pointed at a list of medical records. "I don't want you to look down on him, but I need you to understand this— that way you can guarantee he won't get hurt." Scanning through the papers, Bakugo put it down without looking at it all and rubbed his eyes under his glasses.

"I can't guarantee he won't get hurt." He said plainly.

"..." Silent, Juni tapped the table a moment. "...I understand that, but that makes me cautious about signing these papers." Bakugo was completely exasperated by this extra! But he restrained himself. Act professional...

"I offer not only experience for your son, but also pay. This is a great opportunity for him." He smiled forcibly, speaking through clenched teeth.

"..." The look in her eyes squinched skeptically. "You just want him for the money, don't you?"

"When did I imply—"

"You want to pay him minimum wage to put him in harm's way? I'm sure the work he's doing is earning your agency plenty!" She probed. She wasn't wrong about her son's contributions, but that wasn't the heart behind this at all!

Finding it more and more difficult to keep his professionalism, Bakugo sneered, "While you aren't entirely wrong, my agency isn't—"

"You are! You're doing this for money! Just like the other heroes in my city!" scoffed Juni as she held her head. "You only do what's right if it's in the job description, don't you?"

"I'm not—"

"This is the reason our society is standing on the shoulders of vigilantes, teenagers, and a dozen old-school heroes! It's 'heroes' that use taxpayer dollars to fake caring about kids or the elderly that drive me cra-!"

Bakugo was *this* close to snapping.

"I'm *not* exploiting fifteen-year-olds for a buck. I'm not doing this for money." He said as he tugged at his formal, chafing clothing. "I will do my best to keep him from getting injured, but it doesn't serve anyone to—"

"I know what kinds of evil are out there, so don't sugarcoat it. I don't want him getting killed."

"I'm not-"

"I'm not going to sign these papers. Ugh, I knew from the beginning this was a bad idea..." She mentally withdrew from negotiations.

"..." Bakugo started to grind his teeth. She wasn't going to sign these papers no matter what he said! She just wasted his time! "Look here lady-"

"I'm sorry about how this will affect your agency. But my answer is no." Juni said, gathering her things.

That was it.

Standing abruptly and slamming his hands down on the papers, Katsuki snapped,

"Your kid's gonna see shit too one way or another, and I'd like to make sure that when the time comes, he DOESN'T die! This ain't about convenience or money or any of that shit!" He growled, yanking his tie from his neck, tossing it aside- "Gah- this goddamn monkey suit! Let me tell you a thing or two, lady-!" Bakugo pointed at her face with a scowl, "Your son was kidnapped last summer, yeah?!" Juni looked like she was in shock at what she was seeing.

"How did you kn-"

"The ASSHOLE who went after him happens to be *your* ex, so it's not my fault if he needs someone like *me* to teach him how to prevent that from ever happening again!"

"..." Juni was speechless.

"And you know what?! I get it. We all worry about our kids. But there is LITERALLY NOTHING you can do to protect him!" He shouted, "All you can do is use all your power to make the situation better! But I'll give you a fucking news flash: It. Will. Never. Be. Enough. So let me FUCKING train him!"

"..." Juni said nothing.

Oh shit. Immediately he sat down and pursed his lips. Bakugo messed this up big time, didn't he? So much for professionalism or hiring Uni-Hair...

Much to his complete surprise, she... snickered?

"Hehe, oh! So *this* is the real you? What was with the suit and tie earlier?"

"...Eh?" Bakugo shook his head, blinking. She wasn't screaming back at him? In fact, she almost looked relieved that he snapped.

"I wasn't gonna sign my kid away to some fraud hero. Though he could do without your colorful turns of phrase."

"Sometimes you can't have it both ways." Bakugo exhaled a growl, eliciting a scoff from his table partner.

"Respectability isn't your first language, is it?"


She gave him a glare of deeper investigation and respect. "I didn't know you were a parent. Gives us a reason to protect the city, doesn't it?" She smiled as though it was something they both understood. Squinting, Bakugo felt that sentence was a bit... off.


Deflecting, her eyes darted. "Ah, uh, well, us -the people!- fellow humans, who care, and- Oh my! Look at the time. Well, thank you for clearing up my questions! I feel way better about signing these papers ahaha~" She quickly scribbled her signature on the papers and slid out of the booth rather quickly. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Bakugo." She quickly bowed.

Watching her dip out of the restaurant, Bakugo's clear confusion shone from a mile away. What the hell was that all about?!

He got his bearings, shifting his eyes from the spinning pen left in her wake to the door and back again.

"She... signed them? Crazy town. I thought the kids were bad, but the moms are worse..." Gathering the papers he mockingly muttered under his breath, "Heroes aren't doing their jobs! Society is on the shoulders of vigilantes and teenagers! What's she on? Hmph."


The gears were grinding in his brain.

"...Gives US a reason to protect the city?" He mumbled aloud. "She's not...? Is she?"


"Kirishima." Immediately, Bakugo shoved the table away, threw his cash onto it, and stormed out the doors! His phone rang and rang until the slowest man on earth finally picked up!

"Hey bro, wassup—"

"It's her," he spat, looking for whichever way she went, "She's the one we've been looking for!"

"..." Kirishima didn't comprehend. "Clarify please."

"I met with my intern's mother today, and damn, she's marking everything off the list!" He said, thinking of everything that she just said. Kirishima almost couldn't believe it. Bakugo found The One?!

"R-Really bro?! Oh my god! That's- bro! BRO! What's she like?! What did you talk about?!"

"She's a single mother worried about the city and her kid and the elderly and- she's very protective! Not to mention her physique! Why didn't I notice before?!" Katsuki shouted as he stomped in circles.

"Aw bro, this- THIS IS HUGE! When are you meeting her again?!" Bounced his best friend.

"Don't know. She forgot to sign the dates on the papers. Usually that wouldn't be important but I could drag her back..." He squinted to the sky, plotting and scheming.

"Perfect! And when you do you can-"

"Accuse her as being the vigilante!" Bakugo shouted with a feral smile.


"What? What were you thinking, Shitty-Hair?!"

"Sigh... nothing." Kirishima should've known. "Just, ugh... I mean, you sure she's the vigilante?"

"Yes! I recognized her voice! It's her!" Katsuki couldn't believe this! Shitty-Hair was doubting him?!

"Okay okay, so you're 99% sure she's the vigilante, but-! What if she's not?"


"Bro, then you'll be missing out on a great opportunity! ...Of uhh, getting her kid as an intern..." That made sense.

"Fine. I'll be sneaky about it. But she IS the vigilante."

"Okay okay, but don't get ahead of yourself."

"We'll see about that..."

## Meiwaku household

As Juni sighed and plopped her purse down on the rack, she peeled her shoes from her feet and fumbled into her house. But much to her surprise... there was the smell of something burning!

"Oh my God!" She ran into the the kitchen with panic in her veins when-

"Mumma! Just me!" Her son settled her down as he hid the burnt food behind his back. It was charcoals. Literal rocks. "I uh, made dinner."

"...Wow. You shouldn't have."

"Oi! I'm tryin here!" He tossed his spatula into the sink. "You want white rice? The top half is still white."

"Hehe, what made you come home? Isn't it a school night?" She hugged him.

"Since you ain't always around 'cuz of work I thought I'd visit while you're here."

Suddenly, a tenseness came into her shoulders and sweat sprinkled her brow.

"Oh, yes. My job! Uh, I'll be going into work tomorrow! So, don't worry about me!"

"Also, I wanted to know if ya... signed the papers?" Her son asked meekly. She could tell by the look in his eyes how much he wanted this.

"...Yes I did." Juni smiled sweetly. "Interesting man. No wonder you want to work for him. He reminds me of Ground Zero!"

"COUGH! Cough- ayum, mhm. Does he?" Basuji choked on burnt rice.

"Yeah. Only more... human? Some heroes act like they're too important, but this Bakugo guy isn't good at acting at all." She snickered before settling down. "...Please keep yourself from getting hurt."

"Yeah yeah, mumma. Course."

"And... don't go out at night." She smiled weakly.

"Huh? Why not?" He asked as he ate lukewarm rice.

"I feel... times are changing." Something about the air, the things she was discovering, the affairs of the world, all of it was coming to light. And Juni didn't like it one bit... "It's getting dark. Maybe you should head back to school."

"Eh? But ya didn't eat-"

"I'll have some later. Love you. Now go home, Ba-Ba."

"Okay." He kissed her head, "I'll see you Friday."

Watching him leave their home, Juni's posture sank as the sound of silence filled the room. The deafening silence... As the sun dipped out of the sky, she retired to her room, slid on padded gear, and pulled a mask over her eyes...

...Slipping out the back window.

And the house was silent once more.