
This is my very first crossover, a Naruto x Harry Potter crossover. This isn't the one I told you guys about in Child of Hate, it's a different one. It has some dark themes here and there. It features a smart Naruto and, like most of my stories, he has a dark past and most likely an even darker future, depending on how I'm feeling.

I don't think I've forgotten to mention anything so.




Naruto was always marvelled by his uncle's tattoos.

They were intricately drawn, spread out on his back and his chest but leaving the sternum and between the shoulder blades bare of permanent black ink art. A dark brown phantom wielding two pale blue wind trench knives with burning red Swallows' spinning around his back to his arms and wrists carrying along heavy looking black chains. The complicated piece of permanent skin art looked both harmonious and chaotic at the same time.

He liked those tattoos very much, they represented all the things he wanted to say and all the things he was thinking almost all the time but could never find the words to express.

He would ask his uncle Asuma what the tattoos meant and the man would always smile, ruffle his hair playfully and tell him…

"It was for work."


Was…for work…

The little child never once prodded or poked his uncle for more than those few words, content to catching Asuma leave the shared bathroom and admiring the tattoos spread out on his back like art on a canvas.

One day Naruto asked Asuma, as they were watching a game show with the rest of the family, Aunt Akuma and Grandfather Hiruzen, if he could one day get Asuma's kind of tattoos. The exact same kind, albeit with a few, small changes here and there, and his uncle grew wide eyed.

Aunt Akuma, Asuma's older twin sister, covered her mouth in horror, then she glared at Asuma. Hiruzen only sighed in regret.

"You can never…no…you shouldnever get these tattoos, Naruto." The man whispered hotly, pointing a stern finger at his five year old nephew. "Promise me you will never get these tattoos." He grabbed the boys shoulder and looked deep into his eyes, pleading. The red haired boy didn't know what else to do than to nod dumbly, his lips clamped shut and shaking like a leaf in a storm.

That night his uncle and aunt argued for the first time since they were teenagers.

That night, their wheelchair ridden grandfather rolled himself to Naruto's room, a large space in the attic that had been given to the child as soon as he turned four. The complicated, oddly powered machines helped pull the man up the long flight of stairs from the living room to the bedroom-attic and Hiruzen wheeled himself to the great window close to his sleeping grandson's bed. Naruto woke up with a start despite how silent the old man was. Sleep still swam in his eyes and his mind was too muddle to draw a line between real life and dreams, but something still hit the child deep in his soul before he returned back to sleep.

He could still remember the old man's words.

"You're a very gifted boy, Naruto." The words would echo in his minds. The hollow smile the man gave him still sent chills down his spine, like the smile a man who already knew of his death. "You're a very special boy."

The smile of a dead man to his precious grandson.

Hiruzen stayed for a few more minutes, watching the red haired child snore soundly in his sleep

"A very special boy."

There was an explosion downstairs that threw Naruto off the bed and into his grandfather. The man pulled out his eight inch bicorn mane and cedar wood wand and pointed it at the trap door-bedroom door. He pushed the boy away and ordered for him to hide under his bed.

Yellow and red light flashed from the open trap door and pain screams resonated through the great Sarutobi house. Feet quickly stomped up the stairs and scampered up the ladder. Naruto's eyes enlarged as he saw his uncle Asuma carrying a one armed Akuma, panting like a race horse. He gently dropped her beside their father and dove back head first to attack the home invaders, hissing out vengeful curse after vengeful curse. Blindingly angry that the attackers had harmed his sister.

Naruto knew a few spells; some minor, beginner level spells, but the words that Asuma spat out, hateful hexes and curses he never knew existed…

Akuma died before Hiruzen could finish knotting up her bleeding arm. Her right kidney and her liver had been burst from a curse. She died choking on her own blood, her glassy eyes staring lifelessly at her cowering nephew.

Her gurgled apology tore at the child.

He clamped his hands over his mouth and tried to muffle out his mournful cries as tears streamed down his eyes unrelenting.

The loud noise under them tapered to a stop. A shadowy, black ball shot up into the room and rolled towards Hiruzen; the warlock effortlessly caught it before it could reach him but gasped as he saw what it was.

Asuma's eyeless head.

In his horror, the old man was too slow to see the killing curse.

The Yakuza took Naruto away and burnt the Sarutobi house down.


Kaguya told Naruto, after sifting through his memories with legilemency, that it was simply a coincidence that her gang had attacked the house of the former great warlock, Hiruzen Sarutobi, on the same night he unconsciously asked when he could join the Yakuza.

It was a lie.

It was strange how much Kaguya trusted Naruto; she said it was because Naruto reminded her of one of her sons, Hagoromo, just like another child that used to be with Kaguya reminded her of her other son, Hamura.

Sasuke died of food poisoning just a month before Kaguya's Yakuza could invade the Sarutobi residence. If he was still alive, he and Naruto would have been the same age.

Hagoromo and Hamura were executed after they had attempted to usurp Kaguya from her throne. That was a few years ago.

The thing was…the two brothers planned their usurpation all wrong…

Kaguya smiled serenely, looking up into the blank purple eyes of her adopted son. Around her broken form were several black and red cloaked bodies, among which were Obito, Madara, Zetsu, Toneri and Danzo. The pale eyed princess felt tears slither down the corner of her eyes, she blinked hard. "For some reason…I always knew you would be the one to kill me."

The ten year old boy remained silent. The woman's eight inch rosewood with veela core wand poked down hard on her forehead, Naruto grit his sharp teeth.

You're a very special boy…

"The underworld is now yours…my precious, little boy…" she said in a raspy voice. She blinked out the proud tears once again and bubbled out. "I'm so proud of you."

Five years of living as a Yakuza, the youngest in history.

Life was violent.

Life was accursed.

Life was short.

That life was not for a child…

He stopped being a child after he saw the life leave his aunt Akuma's eyes.

You fail to learn and you die like a flea bitten dog, Leaders child or not he was not exempted from the initiation, the raids, the mass beatings or the killings.

"You're my special little boy."

"Avada Kedavra." The boy spat and blasted a shining, toxic green light straight into the woman's forehead. She died instantly.

He straightened up and turned around to the remaining Yakuza members that had stormed into the throne room of the Leader. His knuckles were bruised and his short sleeves showed the red and black tails that were speckled with blood that wasn't his own. Whispers rippled through their ranks as they saw that it was the Leader's son that had killed over twenty high ranking wizards and witches, most of which were littered around the boy as she stood over his dead mother.

The first person to fall onto his knees and swore his allegiance to the new leader of the Yakuza was the purple with black ring eyed sorcerer, Nagato. The members of the Akatsuki faction of the Yakuza followed suit without hesitation. Then the Konoha nine and team nine. The ROOT faction of the Yakuza dropped to their knees and vowed to serve their new leader.

Roughly a hundred and counting Yakuza members inside and outside the throne room bowed to Naruto and pledged their loyalty to him.

It was funny how, when the world was fighting against Voldemort and his Death Eaters since the moment Naruto was born, none of the blood shed reached magical Japan; rather, the Yakuza was the one causing havoc and wresting control from the leaders of magical Japan. Voldemort was killed when Naruto was six, a year into his life as a Yakuza. By that time, the magical gang had cemented their place as the undisputed leaders of Japan, not only magical Japan, with a notoriety that was feared all over the globe.

So much so that no Death Eater ever set out to fight them for control over Japan, even though the gangs main focus was on the magical realm of the country.

There were formal political organizations that led magical side of the country; a Minister of Magic, a board of wizards called The Five Kage, several departments in the Ministry of Magic, a great bank situated in Kumo, a solid justice system and plenty of employees that worked to maintain law and order in the country, deeper down into the inner workings of the magical side of the country the Yakuza pulled the strings…

…and Naruto was at the helm…


One year later

"Lord Leader, I still don't understand why you wish to go to Britain." The head of the Akatsuki said in a deep voice to Naruto. They were in the well-lit office of the Yakuza boss; the blood red haired boy was sitting behind a desk with his elbows on the table and his fingers laced together, placed under his small nose as he looked at the eight remaining Akatsuki members, seeing as Obito and Zetsu were long since dead. The Akatsuki were wearing their signature black with red clouds cloak, standing in a row before the desk while Nagato stood forward a little, a way of showing his leadership over the others. The boy wore a well-fitted short sleeved, black suit shirt with black shorts that reached his knees, red suspenders held them up. He also had on blood red socks that went up to his mid-shin and red sneakers, the best Muggle designed shoes in the market. The window of his office had pictures of former bosses hung up on the walls and a massive window stood behind Naruto, showing the stormy rain that poured down in Konoha.

The clothes he wore showed the long sleeve of tattoos that wound down from his the darkness in his sleeves to his wrists. Two tails, one red and the other black, twisted around both of his arms and if he was to take off his shirt it would show two foxes curled up together in a foetal position with their five other tails, of which the two Yin-Yang styled foxes shared, wound to the front of the boys torso, though never meeting and leaving the sternum to his navel free of markings. The foxes were painted red and black with a fierce snarl on their powerful maws. Between each intricate tail were licks of blue fire and red water, woven peacefully through his arms and torso. It had taken four months to complete the boy's gang tattoo, and that was only because Kaguya had ordered for him not to be given any pain killer during the process of getting the tattoo on. His adopted mother had said that each gang tattoo represented their respective member; her tattoo was that of a white winged angel with pale eyes and wielding a scythe made out of bones and blood. Kaguya had said that the foxes tied him to his mother's clan and the red water and blue fire tied him to his father's clan, all of which perfectly synced in his body.

The process hurt like hell.

He no doubt looked and acted like a true boss, but some of the Akatsuki, and the rest of the gang, found it hard to get passed his age. The thing that sobered them up was that the same eleven child that sat before them in the bosses seat had incapacitated several ministry workers, killed twenty eight high ranking wizards and the immediate former boss of the gang, a witch that was considered to be the Goddess of Magic.

No doubt Naruto was a fast learner; five years under Kaguya's direct tutelage and being taught at the side by the current Minister of Magic, Hyuuga Hiashi. A prodigy that was seen only once in a lifetime, but it still couldn't explain why a ten year old boy could storm into the Ministry of Magic with a training wand he got from Konoha, kill the guards and work his way towards Kaguya, who was meeting with Hiashi in his office. Training wands were underpowered for the reason that the children that used them wouldn't be harmed by uncontrollable or intentional magic, but Naruto had used it cast over eighteen killing curses, a Patronus, a silver shield, several banishing spells, numerous body lock hexes, a number of disarming spells and an array of other spells. Admittedly, he made use of his fists a few times, enough to make his knuckles bleed. When the core of his training wand had melted as he faced off against his adopted mother, he rushed to the goddess with blood in his eyes and disarmed her, with a lot of physical and mental effort, and killed the veela with her own veela core wand.

The only people that knew why he was so gifted was Kaguya and Hiashi, and the former was dead while the latter had been sworn to secrecy by the former. Naruto could give a few guesses on why he was as good as he was with magic but he didn't really care much about it. His gang respect his strength, that was enough.

"Boss, is it that you want us to open a base in Britain?" Konan drawled, her eyes dull and her face stoic.

"I received a letter this morning from Albus Dumbledore." Naruto said to the assembled wizards and witch, not really answering the dark mages question but at the same time answering it with a low twinkle in his large purple eyes. A few more Yakuza trickled into his office, bowing their heads to Naruto, which the leader accepted with a small nod back, and they walked to behind the Akatsuki. When all his high ranked gang members had all entered he looked to the person at the back, Omoi, and the dark skinned boy closed the door, clicking it shut. The boss cleared his throat and said again, for those that had just arrived. "The Headmaster of Hogwarts sent me a letter," he looked over them, gauging their reactions; the gang members silently shared looks with each other and looked back at their boss. "He formally requested I enrol in his school." Hidan bit down a terrible curse and Kisame spat at the ground in disgust. A corner of Naruto's lips quirked up and he looked at them curiously. "Yes, Kisame…Hidan…"

"The balls on that guy." Kisame muttered angrily. His face contorted into a vicious snarl and he growled. "They want you to enrol in Hogwarts?"

"Don't they know who the fuck you are?" Hidan said, his fingers curled and shook. "Do you want us to kill him, boss?"

Naruto scoffed and waved for them to calm down. "I doubt he doesn't know who I am, Hidan, and no, let the man live." His purple eyes snapped to the girl standing behind Nagato, the head of the Rock wizards and witches of the Yakuza, Kurotsuchi, and he nodded for her to speak.

"Assuming you did not know magic-which is untrue-" she added when Kisame looked over his shoulder with blood red eyes. The rest of the Akatsuki did so as well, glaring hatefully at the girl for even saying such a thing, none more so than the heavily offended Shark wizard, undead necromancer, the rinnegan sorcerer and the paper enchantress. Kurotsuchi coughed and continued. "Does he think we don't have our own School of Magic?"

There were two magical schools in magical Japan; The Suna Academy for Magically Gifted Boys and Girls for children ranging from three years old, nursery classes, to eleven, junior classes, and The Konoha School for Aspiring Witches and Wizards, for children ranging from eleven to seventeen. Each one dated back so far in history that their origins were somewhat confused. They proudly stood at the same level as Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Drumstrung. The very same high ranking gang members in the room had all passed through at least one of the two magical schools.

"I'm sure a man of his age knows of our magic schools." Naruto replied, his cool, lazily half-lidded eyes calming the Akatsuki down. "He wrote that my grandfather, Hiruzen Sarutobi, an old friend of Dumbledore, applied to Hogwarts when I was just handed into his care. He wanted me to attend the school."

The gang members all knew that their leader had not gone to any formal learning institution to learn magic. All the knowledge the young man had accumulated was passed down to him, orally and in written, by his adopted mother and Hiashi Hyuuga. Although, a wizard in the country had to have a certificate to get a good government job, a few people did not pass through the education system and turned out fine, like Nara Shikaku, who was the Head Auror in the Ministry of Magic. The closest to Hiruzen's age right before he died coughed and looked at Naruto for permission to speak. The boss nodded and Homura, one of the late Sarutobi's former friends, said. "Knowing Hiruzen, there was a reason he wanted you to go to Hogwarts and not Konoha."

"I thought so too and I did a little digging in my grandfather's family history. His only relation, albeit a very distant niece of his, is a woman named Minerva McGonagall. The woman is many years younger than he was and my grandfather regularly writes to her about me, but I am not sure if she is aware of my current position. I doubt my grandfather would want me to attend the school simply because his niece is there; he has a number of distant relations in Konoha. I wonder, but I also doubt, if it has anything to do with Harry Potter." Naruto assumed, slightly screwing his lips to the side in thought. The baby was currently a year old and his location was a heavily guarded secret, nothing that Naruto couldn't attain, of course. As far as he knew, he was not related to Harry whether it was through his paternal or maternal side of the family. "Regardless, I will be going to Hogwarts; I have already sent back my response." His eyes narrowed and he held up a hand when he saw his subordinates begin to disagree with his resolution. "My decision is final."

"Naruto, sir," Sai called from close to the back, raising his hand to get Naruto's attention. "Will you at least allow us to accompany you there, even if it is to serve as your guards?"

"I will decide on that later. For now, I will be going to the bank for my grandfathers will," six years had passed and the will was still intact in the Great Kumo Bank. Besides the small loads of cash stashed here and there around the country that belonged to the infamous gang, Naruto had been frequently called by the bank as soon as Kaguya died on the matter of his grandfathers will. He had been postponing the visit for a whole year. "And I will also be going to get my wand fitted."

Up until that point, the young red head had been using his adopted mother's rosewood with veela core wand, mostly because it did not reject him like it did whenever he used it before he initially when he picked it up from the ground and also that he was too busy with matters concerning his gang to get a new wand. Naruto was not completely comfortable with using the same wand that had killed his uncle and his grandfather, but it was all he had while he was swamped with gang business. Now that the situation had normalized somewhat, giving him some breathing room and time to rest.

"Kakuzu and Sasori, I want you to contact Gringotts and open a bank account for me."

"How much do you want us to put in there, boss?" Kakuzu asked and Naruto waved lazily.

"Whatever amount you think I may need while I'm there. And another mission for you is to find a suitable place for me to live, preferably a mansion with plenty of land; I don't care if its old and the land is dying, as long as magic can restore it. Konan will help with finding a good house. Let me know if you find one." The two accounting officers of the Yakuza boss bobbed their heads with Konan, the only female in the gang Naruto fully trusted to have his back, most especially because she looked out for him when days were dark. The purple haired woman placed a hand over her heart and bowed slightly in appreciation. "I will appoint a representative that will take over in my stead while I'm away." He stood up and the gang members bowed their heads. He flipped his hand and motioned for them to leave his office. He opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out his mother's wand. He pointed it to a door to the left of him and said. "Accio broomstick."

A coal black broom with white and red tipped broomsticks shot out from the storage room and Naruto deftly caught it with his left hand. He looked over the first ever broom he bought as a Yakuza boss with a lopsided smile. The Wind Kraken IX was a spectacular piece of magical technology created from Oto by Kabuto Yukushi, a magical technician and medic. Naruto had personally commissioned the grey haired man to create the broom and ordered for it to be the only one in existence, with Naruto's ninth edition of the Wind Kraken being the last in the Wind Kraken line.

Kabuto was smart enough to know what would happen if he attempted to make another Wind kraken.

The boss slung the broom onto his left shoulder and sauntered out of the door.

Five minutes later and he reached the roof door.

"Impervius." The boss muttered, pointing his wand at the broom stick and at his clothes. The charm could only repel water and from inanimate objects but was not as effective when used on a living creature. He would have to dry his body when he reached his intended destination. He dropped his broomstick onto the ground and transfigured a pair of thick, flight goggles from the door knob of the door before him and snapped it on. Then he adjusted his suspenders and double checked to see if his clothes were truly water proof; he hated the feeling of wet clothing on his body.

Naruto kicked open the door and hopped onto his broomstick, shooting out of the building roof in a boom of sharp wind and into the evening sky towards Oto to get his wand fitted.

Authors note

What do you think?

You could say I released this story to just meet up with the update day I set. I initially planned to update Child of Hate but I couldn't meet up and I had this story in my computer for like two months now, not the oldest but it's an idea that's been burning in my mind for a really long time.

Next update is going to be on Sunday and hopefully on that day I will post Chapter 20 of Child of Hate.

The next chapter of this story will feature part one of how Naruto invaded the Japanese Ministry of Magic. I'll be mixing bits of 'Naruto' into this story, like some Aurors knowing hand-to-hand and such. Next chapter also has his wand fitting and his experience in the Hogwarts train.

Well that's about it :)

Leave your thoughts in a review, if you please. Stay safe, wherever you are in the world, and I will see you when I see you.
