Ch 1. Stuck with You

"Do I look like a babysitter to you?"

A female Mobian sat in front of a large desk looking quite irritated by having her nose put out of joint. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her generous chest and side eyed the human male that stood behind the oak piece of furniture in his office.

"Agent Rouge, this is not a request this is a command. This is your job."

"No, my job is to go on missions for G.U.N and file some boring paperwork, not to babysit the ultimate, freaking, life form."

"We need to keep tabs on Shadow, he saved the world but he still tried to blow it up at one point. We can't leave him to his own devices, not yet."

Rouge clicked her tongue and crossed her legs for the fifth time,

"Why me, huh?"

"You are the most familiar with Shadow, and you are well..."

"The only Mobian in your squadron." She answered for the man."

"We are trying to intergrade him he'll be attending his mandatory therapy sessions most of the time when he is not on missions and we will compensate you for his board. Honestly, I thought you would be happy to have Shadow back on your team."

"Hey, don't try to guilt trip me here. He was fine while he didn't have his memories, he just kind of went along with whatever I said, he was helpful even, but you've never work with the guy; once he started remembering stuff, he refused to fallow orders. He is the ultimate pre-Madonna." Rouge said crossing her legs to the left rather than the right this time.

The bat stood up and went to walk out of the room. The commander called out,

"Wait, you have yet to give me an answer."

Rouge leaned into the now open door and turned an eye to the man,

"I don't have a choice, it's my job, remember?"

Rouge walked down the hall back to her locker so she could gather her things and leave for the day. As she walked, she glanced up from her phone, that she had been using to check the time, and saw a dark figure approach her. She stopped and stared as Shadow the Hedgehog passed her going the direction of the Commander's office. His black and red quills were glossy against the sun beams that shown through the long windows on the far wall, but not as nice as she remembered them being. For some reason they almost looked a little greasy in a way. Shadow didn't even acknowledge her presence and just kept moving forward. Rouge huffed,

"Not even a hello? You better get use to having me around because we are going to be seeing a whole lot more of each other, hun."

Shadow continued on as though he was deaf and didn't hear the miffed female. The bat turned on her heels and she continued as well to her destination.

Rouge walked out into the G.U.N parking garage fallowed by the hulking contraption known as E-123 Omega. Rouge was in charge of Omega as well but the bat didn't mind that, Omega didn't need much that he couldn't get at G.U.N HQ; he didn't complain, he didn't cause trouble… for the most part. He even had a function that allowed him to be travel sized, of which Rouge was about to activate and proceed to pack the robot away in her car, until the shadowy figure returned. This time he carried a packet of papers and a stony face.

"Well are you going to say anything now? Hmm? Or am I just you chauffeur?" Rouge said placing her hands on her hips.

Shadow refused to make eye contact and stated coldly,

"I am required to accompany you, nothing more."

If the bat could roll her eyes any more, they would fall out of her head,

"You mean I am required to accompany you."

Rouge finished loading omega up into her custom white and pink car and climbed in herself. Shadow scowled at the bat but was ignored. Eventually he gave in and buckled up in the passenger seat.

The whole car ride was silent as Rouge drove and Shadow took glances out the window. He had never stopped to appreciate what Central City had to offer while it was still intact, now he couldn't. Most of the roads where uneven or broken all together. Rouge had to turn down a million detours just to get to Club Rouge. They passed groups of men working on rebuilding various buildings that had been destroyed during Black Dooms take over. The city was still empty for the most part with the survivors still evacuated; not that there would be much to come back to if they did return.

Before long Rouge was pulling into a small garage just off of the night club and penthouses. The bat and the hog got out of the car and the female went to grab Omega. She used all of here strength to pull him out of the car even with rollers. Shadow just stood and watched the bat struggle then turned to a door that lead to the club. They all walked in and silently stood waiting for someone to speak. Surprisingly that someone was Omega,

"It will be a pleasure to be working and destroying quote, stuff, with you again Shadow."

Shadow didn't look at the mechanical man, he only nodded and silently said,

"Same to you."

Omega walked off in a random detection and Rouge stayed behind staring at the dark male.

"What's your problem?" The bat spat out.

Shadow made contact with the bat's aqua eyes with his own piercing red ones,

"What are you implying."

Shadow stayed collected even though he was obviously irritated. Rouge placed a hand on her hip and another on the bar counter, that could honestly use a dusting,

"I thought you sorted your whole soul search thing out," Rouge threw air quotes into the atmosphere with her fingers, "why you still acting like an ass."

Shadow stared through the bat and with his cold, blood colored eyes. They had a staring match until Shadow broke it by turning his head and focusing on one of the many bottles on the bar racks,

"Just take me to my room and I'll get out of your hair."

Rouge was about to come back with a sassy remark but realized that what Shadow had said implied, that he knew how he acted and how it looked to others. Did that mean that Shadow does this stuff on purpose, Rouge thought. She slowly lowered her wings that had lifted in defense but now looked like they were balloons the were deflating. She turned to the pent house elevator and motioned for Shadow to fallow.

The elevator was very fancy in comparison to the party aesthetic of the club. There was gold trim all around every edge and the buttons shined brightly, not worn down from over use. Golden shutters closed the two Mobians in and then the elevator went up. They got to the top floor and entered through a green door. Rouge opened it up and reviled that they were on the roof. Off to the side a small building with a slanted roof stood. Rouge opened up the second door and then walked in the tiny home. The walls were bare and the floor was furniture less. Cob webs littered the ceiling and dust bunnies made their homes in the corners of the room. Shadow glanced around then turned to face Rouge. The female thought he was about to speak to her but all he did was pluck the key to the loft area out of her hand. She huffed and was about to leave the broody male to his own devices when she realized,

"When is the mover getting here so I can tell them where to go?"

Shadow had been caught off guard by the question, and gave Rouge a look that the bat had never seen from the dark male.

"What?" Shadow questioned

"The movers... with your," the woman realized her mistake halfway through her sentence, "where is your stuff?"

Shadow blinked confused,

"All my belongings are on me."

Rouge stared in disbelief at her team mate,

"What about a clothing, or a bed. Don't you at least have a sleeping bag; what have you been doing for the past 5 months?"

"Sleeping in trees... or in abandoned buildings." Shadow stated as though it should have been obvious, "I will make do. There is no need for concern. Not that you would give it."

Rouge shot Shadow a confused look of her own at his comment but in the end turned and left not wishing to be around him any longer. Shadow was alone. He cringed at the dirty floor. The dark male went to the bathroom and found that fourteenthly the bathroom did have a towel. He wet the cloth and wiped himself a place off on the ground. It looked like he was sleeping on the floor tonight.

"Good evening mister hedgehog please take a seat."

Shadow looked down at the cushioned chair then back up to the woman wearing a purple blouse and black dress pants. She had brown and gray hair cut into a clean bob. She was thin but short for a human. Her eyes where brown as well but oddly bright for the color and her age. The woman continued to smile patiently,

"Go on, the seat isn't going to bite you."

Shadow looked straight through the female who he assumed was Julia judging from the name plate on her desk. The other human in the room was becoming irritated with the hogs off putting behavior,

"I suggest you do as Dr. Baker says."

Shadow glanced over to Towers but then made a noise of detest with his nose,

"I would prefer to stand."

"Agent Sha-"

Commander Towers was cut off by Julia,

"It's alright Commander, I'm not going to force Shadow to do anything he does not want to."

The dark hog rolled his eyes,

"Too late for that."

"Why you little..." Towers barked out until he was halted yet again.

"Abraham could I talk to Shadow... alone please."

The man saluted before he left the room and soon it was only this little woman and the ultimate life form. She reformed here happy face,

"Welcome agent Shadow, my name is Julia Baker and I've been assigned to be your counselor while you are working with G.U.N. You may call me Dr. Baker."

Shadow continued his silence. Julia scanned the Mobian over looking for any sign of a reaction, but in the end found none. She handed the hog some papers,

"Here are some information packets about myself and what we plan to do while you are in my care. Feel free to read over them. We will be seeing each other every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday either during your work day or after, deepening on when Commander Towers deems it okay. We will start tomorrow, now, do you have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, can I go?"

"Well I-." Julia tried to get out.

"Great." Shadow didn't allow the woman to speak further. He turned around and left the room.

Shadow woke up with his face stuck to the hard wood floor. He groaned and rolled over popping his spinal column back into place. The dark male looked at his G.U.N issued communication watch the time was zero five hundred hours. Shadow pulled himself from the ground and got ready for his day the best he could. He pulled a tooth brush wrapped in toilet paper out of his quills. The bristles were worn down and he was overdue for a new one. He brushed his teeth using only water and force. Shadow hated to be dirty. It was bad enough when he had to use the black arms transport system, which was more of a gel than anything. The hog may not have been able to stomach it if it hadn't been for the fact that it didn't leave behind any residue. Maybe it had been the years of forced decontamination or the sterile environment he was used to for the sake of his late chronically ill friend, that made him this way. he had essentially a slight irrational fear of germs and a great irrational fear of filth. Irrational because the hybrid was incapable of becoming sick, even strong poisons that could kill a person within seconds had minimal effect on him. However, Shadow was not certain whether he could still carry illnesses and transfer them to others. Shadow stopped his thoughts and pushed them to the back of his mind. What did he care he thought to himself, its not like anyone cares about him that way. Not even those who he believed he could trust, really had his best interests in mind. Shadow finished with his teeth and laid the brush down after rewrapping it. he ran his hands through his quills attempting to fix them to the best of his ability. Shadow left the loft and locked the door behind himself. He didn't have to report to work until seven thirty and he was positive Rouge would not be awake yet. Shadow huffed at the thought of having to wait for that bat so she can keep her, she-devil, eyes on him. Shadow smirked to him self and felt a hint of rebellion coming on.

"Agent Rouge, you had strict orders to accompany Shadow!" Commander Towers stated sternly to the bat and Omega as they entered the control room.

"What?" The bat asked in defense, "it's not my fault if he skips out on me"

Towers turned to see Shadow standing by himself off in the corner, pretending as though he wasn't listening. Towers turned back to the female,

"Well at least he did as he was supposed to do."

The tall human suddenly whipped back around to the brooding hog,

"But That still doesn't excuse you going against G.U.N's wishes. You are to be chaperoned at all times."

Shadow, pft, under his breath,

"I'm an agent not child. I don't need a chaperone."

Towers patients was warring thin,

"Yes, you do. We can't have you just waltzing around here unsupervised"

Shadow raised his normally deep but soft voice,

"Doesn't anybody register the fact that I took down black doom. I saved the world. Am I always going to be treated like a convicted criminal?"

"Need I remind you that you also attempted to destroy that world that you saved. And you stole government property. And you were working with Dr. Eggman who is an enemy of the state!" Towers shouted back inches from the hedgehog's face.

Shadow hated the that this man was in his personal bubble. The hog was just about to let him know about it with a chaos spear when a soft voice was herd from the door way.

"Towers, May I see Shadow now or is this not a good time?"

The man straightened his back, then cleared his throat. His pale slightly wrinkled skin turned a light pink in the presents of the woman,

"Yes Dr. Baker that will be fine."

Shadow was once again in the woman's office. And, she once again asked him to take a seat and he once again refused. She sat herself in a red cushioned chair and acted as though Shadow wasn't being blatantly defiant,

"How are you today Shadow?"

The dark hog was becoming more and more fed up with this woman's upbeat behavior,

"Cut the shit, so I can get back to work."

"Oh, so you would rather be working than be here? Do you like to keep busy?" Julia said placing her chin on her folded hand.

"Yes of course." Shadow was suddenly unsure to which question he had just answered; maybe both.

"Is that why you showed up today two hours early, and by yourself?"

The hedgehog was silent and stared off into the distance deciding to ignore the woman as to not let any more information slip.

"That's fine to want to be by yourself, introversion is completely normal. I believe though that you are purposely cutting yourself off from everyone, and seclusion can be very harmful to your mental state," Julia stood up and walked to her desk and began to rummage through a drawer, "and I believe that is one of the reasons why you are trying to distract yourself with work. I think you need to start this healing process with a hobby; something you can do in your free time. So, what do you like to do?"

At this point Dr. Baker had found the file she was searching for and also some candy. She held a piece out, offering it to the dark hero. Shadow stared at the piece of chocolate then locked eyes with the woman,

"Why does everyone find enjoyment out of making fun of me? Do you like to try and embarrass me? Am I joke to you?"

Julia blinked confused,

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not crazy. I'm not mentally disturbed I'm just fine. The only reason I have been forced to attend these assign sessions, is because G.U.N wants to punish me; drag me through the dirt. I don't need a shrink. Next thing you know I'll be carted off to the loony bin."

The woman's eyes became concerned,

"No one is calling you crazy. You don't have to be insane to see a therapist. And honestly your thoughts on mental health seem to be very... archaic. I'm here to help you, you can trust me."

Shadow didn't know why he was even listening to this woman anymore. He sighed, giving in. There was not much he could do without causing himself more trouble.

"I don't have any interests other than work. I like to be useful I suppose."

Julia scrambled to recollect herself, remembering her previous question. She was about to try and think of some activity to suggest until she registered what Shadow had said,

"Do you...not feel like you're useful?"

Shadow stiffened his back at the accusation. The Dr. took the hint and decided to change the subject,

"Anyway, I understand you are having some issues with your friend Rouge."

"She is not my friend." Shadow spit out like venom.

Julia wrote something down on her note pad,

"And why is that, I thought you two use to work well together?"

"Yes, use to. That was before I regained most of my memory."

"Did she do something?" Julia questioned.

Shadow looked off to the side,

"It's what she didn't do."

The small woman was now excited, she was getting somewhere. She threw her papers back in her desk then said,

"Well, your first homework assignment is to talk to her about it. Figure out what went wrong then report back to me on Wednesday."

The woman's enthusiasm was throwing Shadow off.

"We will worry about the paper work later. I want you to be comfortable in you new living arrangements next time I see you, so you better come through for me."

She winked at the male and a timer on the desk went off. She ushered Shadow out of the room saying her goodbyes and then leaving a stunned hog out in the hall.

The rest of the day rouge trained Shadow on how to do mission reports and various other mundane tasks that G.U.N required. Shadow found it boring but also kind of relaxing in a way. Of course, Rouge had pretty much conned Shadow into doing a couple of her reports for her, claiming it to be "practice". Just before the days end, all of Squadron Nine, which were all the teams Towers was in charge of, filed into a tiny briefing room to discuss their various field work assignments for the week ahead. Sixteen human soldiers, two Mobians, and one gigantic robot were packed together like sardines. Towers was just about finish when he sniffed the air suddenly forming a grimace on his face,

"What is that? I keep smelling's like wet dog."

All the humans in the room tried smelling the air and caught a slight whiff of what Towers was talking about, but their noses were nowhere near as good as the Mobian's. Rouge side eyed Shadow who was keeping a poker face, prying to any god that would listen that the subject would be dropped. Luckily it was, and all the soldiers and agents left without another word. Shadow fallowed Rouge out to the parking garage and once they were alone the bat faced Shadow,

"You know you're not too ultimate for showers, right?"

Shadow froze and stared trying not to seem embarrassed.

"You better start being clean because I have to be stuck with you every ride to work and back. You're taking a shower as soon as we get home. You're lucky I didn't say something back there."

Shadow lowered his head and clenched and unclenched his fist nervously,

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" Rouge asked annoyed.

Shadow looked defeated he would just ignore her but if the Commander noticed today, he would definitely notice tomorrow.

"I can't because I don't own shampoo or soap. If I take a shower with just water, I'll end up smelling worse... not to mention my quills will look terrible and tangled."

Rouge shot her eyes open in surprise,

"You don't own… You don't have anything do you?"

Shadow shook his head.

"Gods Shadow, why didn't you say anything?" Rouge stated exasperated, and feeling like a jerk for not noticing sooner.

"I… didn't want pity. And the only person I could have asked for help from was you, and well… you've angered me lets put it that way," Rouge looked confused at the dark hog, "besides its embarrassing enough for a man to have to ask for financial help from a woman."

Rouges face of concern was suddenly rage. She reared her hand back and popped Shadow across the jaw,

"Where do you get off saying sexist shit like that?"

Shadow was honestly stunned he did not expect such a reaction to, his knowledge, a seemingly innocent statement. The dark hog growled,

"What the hell did I do to you… sexist?"

Rouge stopped her out burst upon seeing the hog's honest confusion. She moved her eyes over him until it hit her like a ton of bricks. Shadow was created and raised in the fifties. Another thing the poor male was having to deal with; culture shock. Rouge turned her head and sighed,

"I'm sorry for hitting you, but we will have a talk about this later. Right now, lets go to the store and pick up some stuff for you."

Shadow was about to protest when she shot him a glance while loading omega in the car,

"You can pay me back later."

During the drive it started to rain. The bat had the windshield wipers at max speed and was still having a hard time seeing. She was intent on watching the road until something caught her eye. Shadow was once again staring out the window but this time he was hunched over with his ears slightly drooping. He looked… small. She couldn't see his face but she imagined his frown. She realigned her focus on the road but without warning Shadow spoke,

"Why didn't you tell me about my past when you woke me up in Eggman's base?"

Shadow continued to look out the window. Rouge's eyes bounced back and forth between the road and the male. Her brows were creased and her mouth was a gape. She suddenly made a sharp turn, hydro plaining into an abandoned parking lot and parking the car. The action cause Shadow to jerk and grab on to the emergency handle above his head,

"What the hell? Why did you…"

"Is that what this is all about? Do you think I hid stuff from you on purpose?"

Shadow was wide eyed. His ruby irises scanned the woman,

"Yes, that is exactly what I think… am I… wrong?"

Rouge laughed under her breath,

"Very. Shadow when I woke you up, I was under the impression that you were dead and had been for five months. I wasn't sure if you were really you. I was even more confused when the whole, you protentional being an android clone that Eggman had created, thing happened. And another thing, I'm no expert or whatever but I'm pretty sure that when some on has amnesia you're not supposed to influence their memories."

Shadow looked deep into the female's aqua eyes, searching for the truth,

"But not saying anything is the same as lying… I…"

Rouge looked away a little guilty,

"Well… before that happened you and me were not really friends… I just knew you from when I was working undercover to dig up dirt on Eggman's schemes. I know that doesn't excuse it but I felt like we became close after all that. I don't know. I guess I could have handled it better as well."

Shadow looked deep in thought. Had he miss read the whole situation? He had forgotten that everyone thought he was dead, maybe he too was… wrong.

"I apologize for causing this misunderstanding." Shadow whispered.

Rouge's jaw was almost on the floor she hadn't ever expected Shadow to apologize. The hog was smart after all, maybe if he could change his tune so easily with just logical reasoning, then perhaps there was hope for him yet.

"I'm sorry too. See there, now we're even. Let's get you to the store now, you need a shower stat."

Back in G.U.N headquarters Dr. baker was on a call. The woman pointed an accusing finger to the air as she spoke over the receiver,

"No. No. Look, I don't believe you have given me all the information on agent Shadow that you have. Why would you withhold information from me, I'm his psychiatrist?"

She waited and listened to the voice on the other end but was becoming impatient,

"No! I don't care. If I'm going to help him, I'm going to need lab reports, medical history, any information you can give me. I was under the impression that this was just a case of depression, this is much deeper than that. No, I can't just give him meds and send him home! I thought he was a criminal you wanted to help him Intergrade into… I see."

The feisty woman turned her nose up at the voice,

"I don't care! Have his files on my desk by tomorrow!"

With that Julia slammed the phone down back onto the hook.