? Years ago

Dark clouds rolls in across the blood red skies, as fires and agonizing screams of terrors and pain echoes throughout the lands. Lightning strikes the ground as two powerful demons gods unleash hell upon the world.

The male was 1.76m, Yellow golden eyes slits, Black slightly brown mid short hair, sharp fangs sticking out of his lips as he smiles with glee, a sharp jaw line, four packs, strong muscles to back it up, big horns like a bull symbolizing as a crown, boney demonic devil bat wings, clawed hands and feet and a long devil's tail like a dragon.

As for the Female; she was 1.70m, Purple rouge eyes, long silver hair, heart shape face, E breast size, Small devil horns like a cow symbolizing as a crown, boney demonic devil bat wings, clawed hands and feet and a long devil's tail also like a dragon. The two demons wear nothing but loincloths to show off their sexy bodies to the world.

But all evil as to come to an end, an old man of wise holy power slain countless demonic minions with his holy sword and staff of true pure heavens light.

The sword managed to wound the demons, but the staff did much more. "Demons of the unholy lords, begone from thy surface of the earth!" The spell it the demon couple engraving a scare on their backs, the mark of a demon summoning circle.

"Oh heavenly lord of god, grant me the power to turn these vile demons to Stone!" The old man chanted, as the staff in his hands glowed pure light blue and with a wave of the old man's holy weapon, pure energy light burst out from the staff and hit the two demons.

With their final breath, the demons swore they will be back to rule, and absorb every demon that comes into their path and claim them as their on.

Their final form they took was a loving embrace with each other while grinning towards the elder, for they will have the last laugh. And be victorious.

Time has passed and the world soon forgotten the two demons vows, the statue was bought, traded and stolen over the years. The last time anyone has heard of it was that it was stolen 150 years ago in a small town that many have heard of.

Gravity Falls, Oregon.

Hello everyone welcome to my new GravityFalls story, if you'renot mature enough to read this then don'tread it, if you'renot interestedthen don't bother to read it.
I donotown therights to GravityFalls Alex Hirsch true ownerand creator of Gravity Falls.

Either way I hope youguys enjoythis new twist at the northwest mansion Mystery/nior