Hey ya'll! I'm back with the last chapter of this book! I am sorry for the past delays but at least we're making some progress. Right now, I'm not in the best of spirits. My beyblade stadium didn't come and it was supposed to come TODAY as I am typing this; I am on hold at my local post office to get to the bottom of this. Oh yeah, yesterday, I turned 22. So yeah, my birthday was yesterday… let's get into the FINAL chapter of Mobian Huntsmen Dos! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All characters, music, and etc belong to their respective creators!

The scene opens with Jaune Arc who is sleeping during the night in his team's dorm room. His ringtone "It's a Big Ursa!" plays, waking him up. He quickly grabs his Scroll to answer but to hear noise for six seconds till the call ends from Ruby.

"Uhh… Ruby?"

Later on, Team JNPR walks at dawn towards their Bullhead.

(-Music: Silent Exhalation [ Sen no Kiseki ]-)

"I'm sure they're fine." Pyrrha Nikos says reassuringly to a worried Jaune.

"You think?"

"Probably a butt dial…" Nora Valkyrie added.

"Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission." Lie Ren states.

"We're gonna be deputies!"

Jaune bore a grim expression. "I just got this feeling... I don't know."

The Spartan glances at him with a worried look on her face. "Jaune…"

Suddenly, alarms ring out as they see the city up in smoke.

The Blonde Knight narrows his eyes. "We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!"

As the team heads toward their Bullhead as Jaune does a headcount.

"Ren, we'll make it to that village another time. Take us into the city!"

As the Bullhead takes off, Mercury Black, Cinder Fall, and Emerald Sustrai watch nearby.

"You don't think…"

"Sure looks like it."

Emerald faces Mercury. "That's still days away!"

Mercury shrugs. "So? What do we do?"

The camera pans to a close-up of Cinder's face before she makes her decision.

(-Music Ends-)

Team SSKT and Team RWBY are surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu.

"Hey Tails; what are our odds of getting out alive?" Sonic Takamaki inquired with a sheepish chuckle.

"Do you REALLY want an estimate Sonic?" Miles "Tails" Prower asked with an incredulous look on his face.

"We've faced threats bigger than this. Stay focus and be prepared to attack when they do." Shadow Yaminagi said firmly as he gripped Arondight tightly.

"Let's even the playing field. Shadow, hand me the emerald." Knuckles Kaji says as he holds his hand out. "You four better brace yourselves! You're about to experience the power of what a Chaos Emerald can do!"

(-Music: Worthy Rival, Written and Read as "Friend" [ Boku no Hero Academia ]-)

He did just so, the Ultimate Life Form hands him the grey emerald and then he looks at Team RWBY with Ruby Rose giving him a nod. The red echidna Faunus closes his eyes and then the emerald's shine gotten brighter and brighter. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. The emerald unleashed a flash of light as the two teams were enshrouded by the light which caused the Grimm to turn into dust. As the light disappears, team RWBY and SSKT were surrounded with grey auras.

"Wow…" Ruby was in awe of the power flowing through her.

"So this is the power of the Chaos Emeralds… I feel like I can do anything now…" Weiss Schnee added being in a similar state of surprise.

"This power… it feels… so overwhelming…" Blake Belladonna croaked being flabbergasted.

"Ahhh yeah! This is STUFF!" Yang Xiao Long says excitedly, she couldn't wait to test out her Chaos powers!

"Your abilities have been enhanced and you've been gifted with new abilities. So try not to go overboard with them." Knuckles says as he tosses the emerald back to Shadow. "Now, let's clear this city out!"

(-Music Ends-)

(-Music: Welcome to the Darkness { Iku City } [ Chaos Legion ]-)

Sonic grinned as he revved into a spin dash and this time, white blades formed around his spinning figure and he took off as a flash and sliced through the Grimm. Shadow jumped in the air fired 5 white Chaos Spears which obliterated the Grimm. Knuckles' aura intensified as he placed his hand on the ground which created a grey glyph which increased in size. This created large white flame pillars then rise diagonally from four points within the glyph, trapping the Grimm in a pyramidal cage of fire. A final burst of flame gushes from the middle of the glyph (Infernal Prison: Grey Chaos Version) which incinerates his foes. Tails took flight with two Nevermores flying behind him. After evading attempts of trying to consume him, he stopped flying and stayed in place and closed his eyes. The two large avians went full speed towards Tails with their beaks open, he opens his eyes as he unleashes a powerful electric blast (Magnetic Storm: Grey Chaos Version) which violently electrocuted the flying Grimm into ashes. Ruby plants Crescent Rose on the ground before kicking away the Grimm, Yang propels herself upwards, performing aerial bombardments with Ember Celica on the Grimm before three Giant Nevermores send her crashing to the ground. Blake slashes a Beowolf with Gambol Shroud before firing on the other approaching Grimm. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade. Yang, back on the ground, sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. As Ruby finishes slashing at a Grimm, she notices the King Taijitu ready for the attack, until she also sees Nora flying on her Magnhild hammer towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

"Nora Smash!" She cried with a gleeful smile on her face.

Then Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren soon follow.

"Let's move!" Pyrrha leads Nora and Ren to the fray.

"Okay, who's first?" The Blond Knight asked, feeling ready to take on any Grimm. But then his confidence was soon gone as he turned face-to-face to a giant Ursa standing behind him. "Oh-oh-okay, you're first, huh? Okay, no, that's fine. Totally fine, done this before, done this before…"

Jaune unleashed a battle cry as he slashes the Ursa several times before it falls. Pyrrha smiles, as she notices his improvement. A few feet from the fallen Ursa, Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias arrive, flashing their badges.

"Nobody move! Junior detectives!"

"We have badges so you know it's official!"

Ruby gasps as she sees Beowolf coming straight for the two boys. "Duck!"

She fired a round that was an energy orb from Crescent Rose that blew up the charging Grimm. Her eyes became like stars of excitement when Ruby discovered a new ability.

"How did you do that?! I never seen your weapon fire energy shots before!" Jaune says being surprised and then he notices her grey aura surrounding her. "And what's that aura around you?"

"It's a long story. May-"

She was interrupted by a fleet coming from the Atlesian Military, consisting of dropships deploying Atlesian Knight-200 units and the flagship of James Ironwood. Sun and Neptune react in awe of the fleet as Sun drops his badge to the floor. As Team RWBY looks up in the sky, an Ursa takes the opportunity to attack Ruby from behind. However, it is gunned down by a dropship's machine gun. As the robotic Knights deploy, they start gunning down the Grimm. Two of the Knights are stampeded on by a Boarbatusk, but a separate group of three Knights fire on an Ursa and another Ursa has fallen from a Knight's punch. Cinder nods her head, signaling Mercury and Emerald to attack the Grimm as she walks off. As an Ursa receives the business end of Talaria, at least half a dozen assorted Grimm stand in front of Emerald. It turns out that Thief's Respite is actually a pair of bladed, revolver-shaped pistols firing Dust particle lasers at the Grimm. The Grimm pack learn this the hard way when all but a single Ursa fall while charging at Emerald. Emerald quickly transforms her pistols into kopis blades, flipping and slashing at the rampaging Ursa to kill it. Out of the opening comes Zwei, followed by Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck in a damaged Atlesian Paladin-290.

(-Music Ends-)

(-Music: Caffeine [ RWBY ]-)

An airship arrives, dropping off Team CFVY and Professor Peter Port. A tall and athletic-looking young man with shaved-short black hair and tanned skin, who wears mostly pale-green and brown attire. He has a long short-sleeved robe, which he wears on one shoulder over a black muscle shirt. The robe is fastened at the waist by a leather armored belt with two pouches on it. He also wears brown pants and black-and-green boots. His left arm bears a 5-layer sode which extends up past his shoulder. His weapon is affixed to his back with a padded brown strap slung over his shoulder. He also wears a pair of bracers as well as a pair of black gloves with green plates on the backs. He is "Yatsuhashi Daichi". He is surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he swings his mighty greatsword on the ground, unleashing a shockwave. Alongside Velvet Scarlatina, a young man who had boy with dark skin and dark, messy copper hair that has a long fringe and a cowlick. He wears a sleeveless, muted orange zipper vest with black lining and a high collar, a pair of black jeans, and brown, laced shoes. His eyes are pure white, showing that he is physically blind. His arms are covered in scars, and he has a vertical scar on his lips. He also wears a pair of long black gloves and has several pouches attached to his belt. He is "Fox Alistair". Both of them respectively kick and punch the Grimm, and Fox unleashes a combo of slashes and punches that make a spiked Ursa explode, impaling the nearby Grimm with its spikes.

A teenage girl with fair skin, short dark-brown hair and dark-brown eyes. She has wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts as a dark brown and transitions to clothes consist of a long, cocoa-colored shirt with a dark brown waist cincher. She wears long, dark brown trousers with ribbons on the left side and a brown belt with cartridges. Above it, she wears another cocoa-colored belt of cartridges with a gold crosshairs buckle. What appears to be a drape of black skirt hangs on her right side. She wears a pair of dark brown, high-heeled leather boots with buckles. She also dons a number of accessories, such as a bracelet with black roses as decoration; these are accompanied by black gloves and necklaces. She wears a beret of a darker brown and a pair of black, wire-rimmed aviator sunglasses. She is seen holding a black shoulder bag with gold studs, which is held by a bandolier strap; the bag is her weapon, [Gianduja], transforming into an oversized black and gold minigun. She is "Coco Adel". Coco gives Fox a light pat on the butt. She glares at the Beowolf in front of her as she spat on the ground. "You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die."

Coco, after swatting away its right hand, kicks the Beowolf in the crotch. She, as it falls to the ground and looks at her, leans down and slams her bag onto its head. She effortlessly swats away more Beowolves, and the rest of Team CFVY resume fighting. Velvet steps forward, about to open her box.

"Hey, come on, you just spent all semester building that up. Don't waste it here." She says to her teammate with a small smile on her face.

Coco then transforms her handbag into a giant minigun, and starts firing, slaughtering the advancing horde of Grimm, including a Death Stalker and three Nevermores. Port and Oobleck regroup at the opening, nodding their heads. They fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm, while Glynda Goodwitch mops up the remnants and immediately closes the opening with the power of telekinesis. Then a blue mist formed as it came from Sonic who spinning Caliburn.

"荒れ狂う風が私の刀に入りますように (May the raging winds enter my sword!)!" The blue hedgehog Faunus says as he opens his eyes.

He charges at the snake Grimm's lower end, slashing it. "一 (One!)!" A grey mini tornado rose from the ground.

Sonic performs a dash and slash attack. "二 (Two!)!" A green wind flashed through the King Taijitu.

The blue hedgehog Faunus does a downwards slash on the Grimm causing red wind to come from the ground. "三 (Three!)!"

Then he did a slash as a blue wind which were struck through the King Tajitiu. "四 (Four!)!"

Then an upwards slash on it's chest releasing a cyan colored wind. "五 (Five!)!"

Then swung Caliburn to unleash a purple crescent which hit the creature. "六 (Six!)!"

Then Sonic appeared behind the damaged Grimm as his Aura expanded as Caliburn's blade had a white glow on it. He did an all-around slash releasing a yellow wave that was created out of air. "七 (Seven!)!"

"七つの風が私の敵を粉砕して踊りますように! ソウルサージ:扇ムジンケン

(May the seven winds dance crushing my enemies! Soul Surge: Ougi Mujinken!)!" Sonic cried as he sheathed his sword.

The King Taijitu was enshrouded in seven colored tornadoes that caused the being of darkness to be dust scattered in the wind as the tornadoes dissipated immediately. As Tails, Shadow, and Knuckles went to their leader, their grey auras disappeared.

(-Music Ends-)

Later on, everyone meets in the pavilion as Roman Torchwick is escorted by Mercury and Emerald towards an Atlesian airship.

"Oh, I can't believe that you caught me, you've really taught me the error of my ways." Then he gives a scowl to an Atlesian Knight, who grabs him by the arm. "He-hey, watch the hat!"

Emerald and Mercury then approach Ruby and they smile at each other. Team JNPR is seen exchanging smiles, Sun and Neptune bump fists, Team CFVY likewise smile at each other, and Port and Oobleck do the same while Glynda watches from behind. The camera then points towards the orange and pink-colored sky.

(-Music: Believe In Yourself [ Sonic CD ]-)

Afterwards, Team RWBY, Team SSKT, and Zwei are sitting (with the exception of Knuckles and Shadow) on the edge of Beacon's landing platform, overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake.

"We did it. We foiled Dorkwick and Egghead's plot and saved the day with style!" Sonic says with a big grin on his face.

"Couldn't have said it any better than that Big Blue!" The flamboyant blonde girl said agreeing to his statement.

"Not only that, we got the Chaos Emerald. Now, the matter is of how we can find them before Eggman does…" Shadow says pulling out the grey Chaos Emerald from his pocket.

"Those things have HUGE kick! Never felt so charged up like that before in my life!" Yang said feeling quite ecstatic about her first time experiencing the power of the Chaos Emerald.

"Now I understand the seriousness of why it's important to you four about those Chaos Emeralds. If they were in the wrong hands; then the world would be in even worse shape. And they're your way back to your dimension." Weiss says. "To make your search easier, I'll do whatever I can to find them for you."

"Much appreciated Weiss. Anything you find, let us know." Tails said with appreciation but then a lightbulb appeared above his head. "Eurika!"

"What did your brain come up now T2?" The azure hedgehog Faunus inquired.

The kitsune Faunus grew a bright smile on his face. "I can upgrade my A.I.'s code so that she can full pixelated body like Nicole's nanite body!"

"Who?" The four girls said in unison.

"To simply paraphrase it, she's another friend of ours." Knuckles states as he yawns. "So for now… I am down for some sleep…"

"Ditto." Ruby chipped in as she yawned as well.

The two teams along with Zwei walk back to Beacon's main campus feeling successful that they conquered the evil for this day. You all have earned it. But we know for evil, evil never sleeps.

(-Music Ends-)

(-Music: The Resurrection of Mephiles [ Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 ]-)

Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald meet discreetly at a rooftop.

"All in all, I call today a success." Cinder said with a dark smile on her face.

Emerald bore a scowl on her face. "Those stupid kids really made a mess of things."

"Yeah. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out the tunnels. You still think the White Fang's gonna listen to us?" Mercury inquired with crossed arms.

"No, but they'll listen to me." Said a voice belonging to a tall Faunus with auburn hair that spikes backward in a windswept way. While most of his hair was red, he had streaks of brown. A noticeable trait of his appearance was the mask he wore, which obscured his entire upper face above his nose. Behind his mask was a scarred Schnee Dust Company brand mark across his left eye, which was bloodied with a gray iris and a singed eyebrow, as opposed to his remaining blue eye and brown eyebrow. His Faunus heritage was that of a bull, as he had two reddish-black horns, one on each side of his head, also seemingly slanted back. He wore asymmetrical black, long-sleeved, double-breasted stylized high-collared blazer with slit sleeves along with red thorn sigils adorned with a white crest that lined up on his left shoulder. His suit jacket had crimson lining atop his red shirt, with red thorn sigils atop a black flap attached to the bottom of the left hem and his wilting rose emblem on the back over an emblazoned white sigil resembling the curved stems and flower of the deadly nightshade plant. His blazer was half-buttoned, exposing a red shirt with a black line running parallel to his collar under it. His mask was whitish-tan with red, Japanese style, horn-like symbols decorating the front and two slits on each side presumably to allow for vision. This is a redesigned version of the Grimm masks typically worn by most members of the White Fang. He wore long black dress pants, black shoes with red soles and black gloves with red sigils resembling the Greek letter Ω (Omega), the last letter in the Greek alphabet. He wore a black belt with white domino marks on it. His color palette generally consists of black and red. He is "Adam Taurus".

(-Music Ends-)

Knuckles and Yang were walking together in the Beacon Academy courtyard towards the mysterious swordswoman, who saved her before.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The mysterious swordswoman removes her mask, revealing herself to be "Raven Branwen", similar to Yang in appearance. This surprised Knuckles quite a bit as he looked at Yang and then back at her.

"Yang, we have a lot to talk about." Raven said.

The camera cuts back to Yang, whose eyes have turned red, then cuts to black.

[ To be Continued… in Book 3 ]