SwiftAuditore: Hey Swifters, welcome back to second chance. This fanfiction along with my other fanfiction Arietta's story is AU and will not follow Cannon strictly so if you don't like that you don't have to read it.



Written Words

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter it belongs to JK Rowling, I don't own Peaky Blinders it belongs to Steven Knight, and I don't own any media that may appear in the fanfiction they belong to their original owners.

Chapter 3 Hogwarts

It's been a few days since we got our supplies and we are on our way to Hogwarts, we have our trunks in our pockets and we are walking to Platform nine and three quarters when we hear a group of people with red hair must be the Weasleys talking loudly about Platform nine and three quarters. Regulus and I traded looks with Tom, Orion, and Alexander on hearing that and we made our way to platform nine and three quarters then straight onto the train and into an empty compound as we had no one to say goodbye to.

"What was she thinking of talking loudly about the platform with so many Mundanes about?" I mutter

"Who knows what she was thinking, Mundanes?" Orion asks

"Mundane sounds far better than Muggle, muggle sounds like an insult" I mutter

"Now I think about it mundane does sound better, we should probably use mundane instead of muggle" Regulus comments just then the compartment door opens and there stands a red-haired boy.

"I heard Arietta Potter is heading to Hogwarts this year we are going to be best friends do you know which compartment she is in?" He asks

"She is not in this compartment but I doubt you will be friends with her if you carrying on shouting that to everyone without her consent" I retort

"We'll see about that" the boy shouts and leaves the compartment and slamming the door closed.

"He was rude and someone to keep an eye on" Alexander comments

"Yeah, we can always teach him a lesson if he gets worse," I say

"Which may likely be the case with how he acted towards us," Regulus says

"Arietta did the family magic of Potter, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans and Peverell accept you?" Orion asks

"Yes, the family magic of Potter, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans, and Peverell accepted me, which is what the bright light you all saw through the door," I answer not long after I said that the compartment door opened and a boy with platinum blond hair and grey eyes walk in with two goons beside him. They are probably going to ask about Arietta Potter

"Do you know where Arietta Potter is?" he demands

"She is not in this compartment she might be in another compartment" Orion exclaims and with that, they left the compartment closing the doors as they went. Glad that went better than it did with Ron.

"We will wait outside so you can change into the school robes in private" Regulus exclaims and the boys step out of the compartment letting me change. We switched when I was done.

We spent the rest of the time chatting about various subjects and when it was time to get off the train we did and I sat on a boat with Regulus, Tom and Orion and Alexander sat in another, Wow, the castle looks amazing Once off the boats we are lead to the castle where Professor McGonagall appears and leads us to the great hall giving us a speech about the houses and to show loyalty to whatever house we end up in and then asks us to wait.

We are now in the great hall and Professor McGonagall called names out and Orion Black, he went to the stool and sat on the stool and the hat is put on Orion's head I look at the staff table discreetly and I notice Dumbledore's eyes narrowed twinkle still there I note that to memory. The hat yells "Ravenclaw" and Orion makes his way over to the Ravenclaw table and sits down.

The next of our group to be called to the stool is Regulus black, just like with Orion Dumbledore's eyes narrowed the twinkle still there but slightly less intense than Orion. After a few seconds, the hat yells "Slytherin" Regulus goes to the Slytherin table and sat down in at the table.

The next person of our group to be called is me but when they called my name they called out Arietta Potter Shelby I walked over to the stool and sat down ignoring all the whispers, the hat is put on my head "Well you're different from the other's I've had to sort, not only are you reincarnated but you know the events of what happens in this world without you in it" The hat says

"Don't tell anyone especially not Dumbledore about what you see in my hat" I demand

"I won't tell anyone even if I could I wouldn't tell anyone, did all those events if you weren't reincarnated into this world happen?" The hat replies

"Yes it would have if no one got the idea to check the child of James and Lily Potter for being spelled or potioned anyway" I answer

"I can't believe that no one would check to see if the child of James and Lily Potter was spelled or potioned not even healers when it's their job" The hat exclaims

"Neither can I on that but it's what happens" I state

"I gotta say I agree with you on your thoughts about Dumbledore, I'm glad someone doesn't buy the act Dumbledore constantly hides behind" The hat voices

"Thanks but you should sort me now," I say

"You're right you will be able to do what you want in Slytherin!" The hat exclaims and I take the hat off and I make my way to the Slytherin table and I sit next to Regulus I notice that Dumbledore's twinkle is almost gone and his eyes are narrowed.

The next person of our group to be called is Tom who goes to the stool and sits down I look at Dumbledore and I see his eyes narrow with the twinkle completely gone and his entire face hardened, I look at Quirrell and I notice shock appear on his face for a few seconds before anger replaces the shock. It changes to a neutral face but I can tell he is still angry by is twitching eyes. After a few minutes, the hat yells "Slytherin" and Tom removes the hat and goes to the Slytherin table and sits opposite to Regulus.

The last of our group to be called is Alexander who goes to the stool and the hat yells "Ravenclaw" and he takes off the hat and goes to the Ravenclaw table and Sat next to Orion.

"Remember don't look into Dumbledore's eyes until we have mastered occlumency" Regulus voices quietly to me and Tom and we nod. I look down the staff table and my eyes lock with Professor Snape's eyes I let Snape read my surface thoughts.

"Professor Snape please don't tell anyone what you have read from my mind. I will explain those thoughts when there is no chance of being overheard" I think knowing that Snape is reading my surface thoughts, I see Snape discreetly nod at me and then I kick him out of my mind and focus on not looking him in the eyes either "Don't look into professor Snape's eyes as he can read minds as well" I voice quietly to Tom and Regulus. We watch as Dumbledore stands up from the staff table

"Welcome!" he says "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" Dumbledore says and sits back down at the staff table. All sorts of food appear on the table.

"I didn't think the girl who loved would be in Slytherin" Draco exclaims

"How am I the girl who lived? I was way too young to have done what people claim I have done" I ask

"You are the only one to survive the killing curse the scar is proof," Draco says

"Who says it is proof it could have come from a piece of rubble from the house collapsing and hit my forehead that way. So it isn't proof at all" I debunk

"Arietta is right Draco, Lily Potter could have found some way to protect Arietta from Voldie which could have required her to sacrifice herself there are rituals in existence that do require sacrifice to work so it is entirely possible" Regulus explains with that we focused on getting food onto our plates and eating food. Once everyone had eaten dinner and pudding the food disappears.

"Ahem, just a few more words now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start of term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest in the grounds is forbidden to all students. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well" Dumbledore begins with a twinkle in his eyes in the direction of Fred and George Weasley.

"I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death" Dumbledore announces

"What is Dumbledore up to?" I ask

"Your guess is as good as mine," Tom says

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song" Dumbledore exclaims I watch as the expressions on the teacher's faces became fixed they don't want to sing the song, wonder if I can get away with not singing with a wave of his wand lyrics appeared in the air I guess if the teachers can't get away with not singing I have to sing "Everyone pick your favourite tune, and off we go" cried Dumbledore

The whole school sang the lyrics to the song and everyone finished the song at different times. I finished the song as fast as I could and the Weasley twins ended last it's obvious they chose a funeral march "Ah music," Dumbledore says wiping a tear from his eyes "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot" Dumbledore voices and the prefects of each house stand up and lead the first years to the dormitories.

After walking down several corridors we stop at a blank door on the wall. "Traditions," the Slytherin prefect says and the blank door swung open and we made our way into the Slytherin common room. Once we are all in the prefect arranged us in year order. Snape walks into the common with his cloak billowing behind him.

"Your house is a place of pride, power, cunning, survival, unity, and peace. As members of Slytherin, I expect each of you will be looked at with fear and suspicion by the students in the other houses, the professors and the headmaster. Salazar Slytherin was known for his power and his standards for those in this house. You have the potential for power and the rest of the world will envy that." Professor Snape voices

"Outside these walls you will act as one body with one purpose house unity. The ones that fear you will have no trouble in pitting you against one another and that is how they pick you off. You will have no mercy outside the Hogwarts dungeon. You all will aid your housemates if they are in danger or if they need help outside of this dorm room. That is all" Professor Snape explains Professor Snape walks up to me and asks me to talk with him in his office and I agreed.

I follow him into his office and I take a seat when he suggests it, he takes a seat as well after casting a privacy ward and a silencing ward so we can't be overheard. "You can explain your thoughts now that we can't be overheard" Professor Snape says

"Before I tell you can you swear an oath that you won't reveal what I say as while I trust you to keep it secret I'd rather not risk the chance Dumbledore or anyone I don't want to know finds out the truth" I start

"I Severus Tobias Snape hereby promise on my magic that I will not reveal any information Miss Potter Shelby says to anyone without her permission so mote it be" Severus says

"Thanks, now in order for my thoughts to make sense I should tell you that I am reincarnated, in my first life there were books about this world, now I won't tell you about them only that things are going differently already which is a good thing" I start and pause to let that information sink in.

"Why don't you like Dumbledore?" Snape asks

"I don't like Dumbledore for two reasons, the first reason is that he stole me from my biological parents of this life and dumped me on the doorstep of the potters, Lily and James blood adopted me which is why Potter is in my last name. The second reason is because of all the spells and potions he put on me" I voice and I get my back and I brought out the inheritance test I took and I handed it to Professor Snape who took it and read the results of the inheritance test. He hands it back after reading it and took a few minutes to process it.

"That's a good reason to not like Dumbledore. I will teach you Occlumency Every Sunday after Dinner. In the meanwhile read this Occlumency book and work on building a mind palace to organise your thoughts, memories and emotions" Professor Snape exclaims handing me a book on Occlumency.