(Here it is. My first Knack fanfic since I've played and beaten both Knack and Knack II so many times that I've officially lost count. LOL Hope y'all enjoy!)

Project H.K.

By: PurpleCobra247

Rated M for adult language, violence, minor use of alcohol, and sexual content

Chapter 1: The Arduous Assessment

Vargas Log #21997

Five years. Five peaceful years since the defeat of Xander, Gundahar, and Rothari as well as any perilous Ancient Weapons and life's never been better for us all. Since then, we've never received any more coercions to our world and it's all thanks to the hard work of Knack, Lucas, and Ava.

It's obvious as to what Knack's been up to, but as for Lucas and Ava, I was shocked to learn from Ryder that his one and only nephew is actually dating the newest leader of the Monks. Somebody had to take Xander's place and Ava was the only aspirant to fit the bill perfectly. So far, she's playing the role just fine. She was nervous about it at first, but she came through after her first year since Xander's death. Any brand new monks that were enrolled never even vacillated to ask how the former leader died. She explained it in full detail every time, just as she's always been. Lucas was always by her side the entire time and it just makes me feel all warm inside. Reminds me of my relationship with Charlotte back in the day. Loving, peaceful, ardent… "all the biggies" as Lucas calls it. Heh, heh. That's another thing about it. Regardless of him being a mature adult, his sense of humor has never lost its touch. I've already prayed for many more compassionate years between the young couple to be tranquil and so far, those prayers have been answered.

As for me, well… getting older for me means losing more and more of my energy that's kept this lab going all these years. Even after working extremely hard creating Knack for over 20 years, I still had that burst of energy. I'm literally five years away from turning 60 and my body's already got the sensation of having absolutely no stamina. Hell, I even find it harder to stand up from sitting for an unsurpassed amount of time. With that in mind, I'm… I'm making the most arduous assessment I've ever had to make within my entire career and I hate this 'R' word more than the rest of them that exists in the dictionary: Retirement.

God, I hate it, but it has to be done and there's only one way to do it…

That's where Doctor Vargas had to stop writing for a moment to wipe away his tears of sorrow. He just couldn't believe that it was finally that moment in his life that he had to retire from his lab and everything with it, but that didn't include his work on Knack. As he just sat there looking at his unfinished journal log and then, a massive file that laid right next to it, many thoughts came through his head about how this mystery solution would turn out for everyone at Newhaven.

How will people react?

Will they like it?

Will Lucas accept it?

Will… everyone accept it?

That last thought made Vargas shiver just a little bit, but soon regained the confidence to see this project through no matter what the outcome. Of course, there was one minor flaw…

"I have to show Knack, but I don't know if he'll keep it a secret." With that in mind, he continued his log with the following:

I'll have to finally get this project up and running. I'll admit that, at first, I was going to use this when the goblin threat became relentless, but then, I was glad I didn't. Knack needed to have these powers to take on new elements like the clear crystal, wood, fire, metal, and ice. When the High Goblins and the Ancient Weapons were upon us two years later, again, I thought about it and then, reconsidered for the same reasons. Now, with no threats among us that would require him to absorb those elements, this is finally the perfect opportune time to use it. The only question is will Lucas accept this as well as the rest of Newhaven? They've grown to honor and respect Knack for years since his creation, even when he's over 30 feet tall. Even the councilwoman just gave full citizenship to him not too long ago. Since that's the case, I'll have to say that I'm not too nervous about… retirement… anymore.

Once I get this project off the ground, superannuation will be a breeze. Yep! I found a different word meaning 'you know what'.

Benson Vargas Out

"(Sigh)…Got that off my chest easily." Doctor Vargas said to himself as he closed the notebook and focused on that massive file. "Now, here's hoping that this will go by without any problems. I'll have to fetch Knack first." After that last word, the doctor carefully got up from his chair and headed towards a pair of metal double doors, which opened automatically, and he smiled instantly when he saw Charlotte and little Knack alone in the living room. They were watching TV together. With that scene before him, he casually approached them both, immediately getting utmost attention from Charlotte first. "Hello, Charlotte-dear."

"Hi, Benson." His wife greeted with respect, which got Knack's attention by just having him watch with observation. "You've been in that lab since after breakfast this morning. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's just fine. I was just writing my first log entry since Knack's creation and I got a bit sidetracked for a moment. I had just come across a project that I never got around to, but now, I feel this is the perfect time to finally pull it off. As you already know, I'm retiring soon and I don't want this lab to go down with me. I wanna keep it running with two new owners once I've made it official."

"Two? You mean…?"

"That's right, Charlotte: Knack and Lucas." This made little Knack jump up with his arms in the air with glee. It's the best he could do since he can't talk in this small form. "Ah! You seem excited about it, Knack. Glad you feel that way." The relic creature held up a single finger, telling him to hold on while he gathers some relics, so he could speak his mind about it. While he was gone, Charlotte had to ask her husband:

"This project you speak of… it only effects Knack, doesn't it?"

"Right again, Charlotte. I'm hoping you will approve it once you see it and so will Knack." The doctor paused as he looked all over the room for Lucas, but to no avail. "Where's Lucas?"

"You don't want to know, but let's just say that Lucas was long overdue to 'show Ava how much he cares about her', if you catch my drift."


"Lucas is having sex with Ava." Knack came in with his handsome deep voice as he stood at a height of 6 feet and 9 inches. Hearing this made Charlotte blush.

"Knack!" She spat out with embarrassment. Vargas went wide eyed with shock.

"It's the truth. He told me that it's something you humans do for overriding pleasure."

"Oh, my God…"

"Heh, heh, heh! That's Lucas for ya." Doctor Vargas said with humor. "You're not jealous, are you?"

"I'm a living creature made of relics. How can I be?"

"Well, you may be made of relics now, but…"

"Huh? What are you hinting at?"

"A project that would help with my retirement… and benefit you as an individual. Can you keep it a secret until we get to it?"

"From everybody or just Lucas?"

"Both." Charlotte admired this scene between creator and creation. She loved how peaceful it has always been since Knack's birth. "What do ya say? Wanna try it out?"

"I'd love to see it first before I make a decision."

"Of course. Charlotte, you'll keep it confidential as well, yes?"

"With all my heart." The genius wife replied with scrupulousness.

Several minutes later, back in the mansion's lab…

"Within this heavy file is the project I've been keeping quiet about for all these years." Vargas started as he held up the seemingly heavy file before Knack and Charlotte. "Before I reveal it to you both, I must confess: I've literally been back and forth on whether or not to use it against Gundahar the first time around and again when the High Goblins, the Ancient Weapons, and Xander became a threat later on."

"Obviously, you never came around to them both times." Charlotte pointed out with crossed arms of disappointment. Knack only frowned in the same manner. "That depends on the contents of this mystery project."

"Prepare to see why I held back both times." Doctor Vargas settled down the file before he opened it and an overwhelming amount of formulas and blueprints were carefully being scattered all over the table, shocking both Knack and Charlotte, but the relic creature dared to take a closer look by himself as his creator continued. "Behold: Project H. K."

"Project: H. K.? Does that stand for… Human Knack?"

"Yes, exactly. All these formulas and blueprints of it represent my hard work throughout many decades. After I solved the mystery of the relics and created you, Knack, I had to see what you were truly capable of from that presentation. You were amazing then and we needed you in this relic state in order to keep Newhaven and Monte Verde safe from danger. Now that those threats are no more, we can get to turning you into a true being among the rest of the citizens. Rest assured, though, that you'll still be yourself in terms of your formidable powers and personality."

"…" Knack was speechless. He didn't know what to think of this and continued to slowly scan through all 45 papers alone, having his creator and Charlotte watch with confidence and confusion respectively.

"No wonder you've been going back and forth about using this." She started with full observation written in her voice. "Knack wouldn't have been able to pull it all off if you had."

"Exactly." Vargas agreed.

"Has turning Knack into a human version of himself been a long-term goal for you or was it just going to be a test of trial and error?"

"Trial and error."

"Makes sense. No need to explain why."

"So, Knack…" The powerful relic being heard Vargas and stopped his frantic scanning by picking up the main blueprint to take a closer look while his creator approached him. Charlotte kept her distance as usual to admire the interaction between them with a smile. "…what do you think? Would you feel comfortable being human for the first time?"

"…" Knack just couldn't speak, despite the fact that he was tall enough to do so. He had to make absolutely sure he wasn't imagining things. Vargas sensed this factor and chuckled.

"Heh-heh, I know it's a lot to take in, but trust me. You'll still be you, no matter what. Like I just said to Charlotte: It's a trial and error test to see if it'll be a hit with everyone here at Newhaven. Having them see you as a human being for the first time would make them just as flummoxed as you are now, but I'm sure that, with time and patience, they as well as you will get used to it and discover that it's not so bad after all. And you just might have fun along the way. I've developed this because I want you and Lucas to run my laboratory when I officially announce my retirement within a month from today. You both will share full responsibility of it with Ava's assistance. What do ya say, Knack? Are you up for it?"

"…" He still didn't speak right away, but carefully placed down the blueprint and turned towards his creator with a regal glare of acceptance and a handsome smile to match. Vargas returned it with confidence before Knack finally spoke his mind after a full minute:

"Doctor, after everything that happened since my birth, it's actually no surprise that you would plan to turn me into a human at some point after everything blew over. To be honest, I've always wondered what it's like as a human. I mean, I feel entirely human already, but there are some things that you all can do or experience that I can't and I'd like nothing more than to finally gain that opportunity to do so. It wouldn't even matter if it was permanent or not. I'll still take a chance to be the impossible. I'm already your greatest creation. Time for you to make me your most phenomenal one." Hearing that entire speech from Knack made Charlotte quietly leak tears of absolute exultation with a compassionate hand to her chest while the doctor kept his eyes watery in the same manner before he embraced Knack with honor, which made the relic being return it without hesitation. It lasted for another quick minute before Benson Vargas gently laid a hand on a relic at the shoulder.

"Knack, after that statement, there's nothing more for me to say except that you've accepted this project with all the rectitude I expected from you. While Lucas is still busy with Ava and Ryder and Katrina away on business, let's go ahead and get this project underway. Charlotte, I'll need you to help us out."

"With pleasure, Benson-dear."

With all that set in stone by Knack himself, he was ready to become the very thing he'd always dreamed of.

No amount of risks could to take him away from it now.

To be continued…