Epilogue: Sweet Justice

A/N: Sorry I'm so late on this. I have the first chapter of Baby (Grandpa) New Year's written and it just needs a proofread, but I decided to have at least one epilogue before fully wrapping up this story. I was originally going to do a series of epilogues but decided on just one because this is the only epilogue that will have an effect on a future story down the road. Expect the next story to start in just a few days!

December 29th at the Lucky Toes bar...

It was very late in the evening to the point that it was almost morning as Stan Hopps was wiping his bar down and getting ready to go home to spend his morning sleeping before opening the bar in the evening again. The worry of Nick Wilde possibly suing him was still on his mind, but he hadn't heard anything in days. He let his nephews drug the fox and beat him in his own bar. He wasn't a fan of predators himself and figured that the fox decided to not bother suing since a predator has a much lesser chance in court.

It was then that to Stan's surprise, his brother Stu came walking through the door with a strange lady bunny on his arm. "Hey, brother! Two Squirrely Temples for me and this lovely lady right here."

To say Stan was surprised would be an understatement. "Stu?! What the hell are you doing with another woman?!"

"Oh, you know how it is Stan. At some point, the honeymoon is over. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, but I need some excitement in my life y' know?"

"I hear ya," Stan replied. "Me and the missus haven't been on the best of terms lately either."

The lady then excused herself. "Pardon me, gentlemen, I need to use the facilities."

"Sure thing, lovely," said Stu. He then turned his attention to Stan. "So, I hear you got a little room in the back for folks who... want a little privacy?"

Stan chuckled. "Stu! You devil you. Sure thing brother." Stan then presented the drinks. "You think she's in the mood?"

Stu pulled out a very small envelope full of white powder, made a small tear and poured it into the drink. "She will with this."

Stan winked at him. "I saw nothing, brother."

The lady then came back and both she and Stu raised their glasses. "Cheers!" They clicked the glasses together and she took a sip. "You put the white powder in?" she asked Stu. It made Stan's jaw drop.

"Yup!" Stu replied. "Your Squirrely Temple is a little sweeter thanks to some artificial sweetener." He then turned his attention to his brother. His happy facade turned to anger. "But you didn't know that. Did you Stan?!"

Stan started to stutter. "Wh-What's going on?!"

"You thought I was giving this lady a roofie and was going to take advantage of her in the back, didn't you?! Do you know who this lady is?!"

"Wh-Wa.. I-I... No! I don't!"

The lady bunny acted offended. "Why Stan! You don't recognize your aunt Molly?"

"Also known as 'Judge Molly', "Stu added. "You just allowed a roofie situation in front of a judge. That's not gonna help your case much."

Stan was furious. "Why are you doing this?! What kind of brother are you?!"

"I know Nick thinks he can't win his case, so I'm suing on behalf of him!"

"This is entrapment!"

"It's called a hustle, brother. Y'know, when I found out Nick was drugged in your bar, that worried me greatly. I asked myself, 'How often did he allow this?' and then, I asked the question I was afraid to find the answer to... 'Would he allow this to happen to others? To my own daughters?!' "

"N-Now wait a minute Stu!"

"68 of my daughters are over 21 now. Many of them married. I asked them if any of them had a date that wound up at your bar. Twenty -Six of them did. Lucky for you, they all remember leaving the bar,"

"Of course!" Stan replied. "I wouldn't let anything happen to my nieces!"

"What about other women?! What about that room in the back?! Do you think we're stupid?! Stan, I'm gonna let it be known what's going around here and if any women speak out, you won't just lose your bar, you'll lose everything."

Stu started to walk out with the judge. "Goodbye, Stan. I think Nick's gonna like this place once he's the new owner."

Stan was furious. "What?! So that's it?! C'mon Stu! We're family! You're my brother!"

Stu looked back. "I have no brother!" He then slammed the door behind him. Within moments, he opened it back up. "That is to say, I have many other brothers but as far as you go... Oh, you know what I mean!" He slammed the door again, then opened it once more. "Oh, and dad says you're out of the will." He slammed the door again only to open it a few seconds later. "And also... Ah crap! I forgot what I was gonna say. I don't think it was important anyway so... bye!" He slammed the door again and finally walked away.