Chapter Four: The Wedding
Hey guys, just so you know this is the final chapter to this fanfic! There will be one final short before I continue the Princess of Auradon,(which is where a lot of this plot has come from in case you guys wanted to read it) and there will be an AU fic all about Maria who is the daughter of the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow. :D Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy the final chapter!
That's when suddenly Jasmine's hair turned purple once again along with her eyes. "What is it?" Harry questioned her.
"I see Aunt Uma." She replied.
"Really!? Where do you see her!?" Harry cried out while looking all around the parking lot and stretching his neck to see if she was behind a tree or a car.
"She's just taking a walk at the park." Jasmine said in a sing-song voice with a grin before her hair and eye color returned to normal.
"How do you know that, the park is ten minutes from here you couldn't possibly have seen her." Harry told her.
"I did see her." Jasmine insisted when suddenly Harry was filled with curiosity. "She seemed really sad." She told him.
"Really? What was she doing that made you think that she was sad?" he wondered.
"She was crying." She told him.
"Well do you think that she's still coming?" he asked her as she nodded. "Well I better go talk her just in case. Are you sure that she's there?" he questioned as she nodded again.
"Yes I am." She replied as Harry stood up and hurried inside with her and gave her back to Ben.
"Here, take the kid. I know where Uma is, she's at the park." He told him.
"Really? Were you able to get ahold of her?" he asked him.
"No, but your daughter told me where she was." He replied.
"Harry, do you hear yourself right now? She's a two year old, she doesn't even know her ABC's yet. "Ben pointed out but Harry was already halfway out the door.
"Sorry Ben! I've got to run!" he cried as he started running away from the church.
Meanwhile Uma was busy walking down the dirt path in the woods at the park and sniffing while she brushed away her tears. "Uma!" Harry cried as he sped towards her before she suddenly stopped and turned around to look at him.
"How did you find me?" she asked him while raising a questioning eyebrow at him while he stopped to catch his breath.
"Long story." He began. "What are you doing here?" he wondered.
"I'm sorry Harry, I'm just really worried about something." She confessed.
"Really? What's that?" he questioned.
"What if things don't work out between us?" she asked him.
"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" he began. "Does this have to do with Gabe by any chance?" he wondered as she silently just nodded at him. "Uma I love you, and you know that. You also know that I would never do what he did to you or anything to hurt you. And you love me don't you?" he questioned her as she nodded back at him.
"Yes, I do. More than you'll ever know actually." She replied.
"Well let's look at the facts here." He began. "You love me very much, and I love you very much. The only logical thing for us to do know is get married and start a family together." He told her.
"I really want to I'm just scared." She admitted. "I thought I knew what love was before but then I met you. You're the only man I've ever actually loved Harry." She told him.
"And I feel exactly the same way about you. Sure I might have originally been playing hard to get with you and acting like a playboy but my heart always has and will only ever be yours and nobody else's." he began as he shook his head. "I mean it's normal for you to have prewedding jitters, but you have to understand that much. So basically, I'm all yours if you'll have me." he told her.
"I will. I'm sorry Harry, I love you." She told him.
"I love you too. Always have, always will." He told her as he slowly walked up to her and tilted her chin back and closed his eyes and started kissing her passionately in which she deepened and returned. After a few exchanges of passionate kisses they slowly pulled away from one another and Harry placed a tender hand to her cheek and gazed deeply into her eyes.
"So,.. in all honesty how did you find me?" she asked him.
"Well, you're going to think this is crazy but the princess told me." he told her with a grin.
"Harry, the princess is two years old and she couldn't have possibly told you because I didn't say anything to her about where I was going." She told him.
"I know, but she saw you at the park. I asked her if she thought that you would still make it to the wedding and she nodded and told me that you would. And she was right about everything." He told her as he smiled warmly at her when suddenly Uma's eyes widened.
"Holy shit!" she exclaimed. "Everything is starting to make sense now. Harry,.. I think that Jasmine has the ability to see the future." She told him.
"You really think that she can?" he questioned her.
"Well let's look at all the facts here. She knew where I was and that I would still marry you, and she told us that we would have twins. That has to be it! There isn't any other logical explanation that I can think of." She told him.
"Wow, I guess that you're right." He began. "Sounds like we'll really have a handful if we wind up having two babies then." He finished with a grin but she simply just shook her head at him.
"Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! I don't want to think about all that yet. The poopy butts and the lack of sleep,.. I'm just trying to get through our wedding first alright?" she questioned him while continuing to shake her head at him as Harry stifled a laugh while he took ahold of her by the hand and they walked back to the church together.
"Well today's the big day Harry," Ben began the next day while straightening his tie. "Are you nervous?" he questioned him.
"Yeah, a bit." He replied earnestly.
"Well don't worry, everything is going to be fine. It was a really good idea for you guys to have your actual wedding on the ship instead of at the church." Ben told him when suddenly Mal hurried over towards him.
"Ben, Harry, we're ready to begin." She whispered while glancing back and forth between them and then Ben and Mal exchanged smiles.
"Perfect, thanks darling." He told her before she turned around and ran away again and the wedding began. The pianist started playing Kiss The Girl while Doug and Evie walked up the aisle followed by Chad and Audrey and Gill and Jane. Finally Ben went back to escort his wife up the aisle and then it was Josh's turn as he was the ring bearer and Jasmine shyly walked up the aisle when it was her turn and started tossing rose petals out of her tiny pink basket onto the ground.
Harry turned his head and glanced over at Mal and smiled as she picked her daughter up and congratulated her for doing such a great job and then as he turned his head to look back down the aisle, he felt like he couldn't breathe inside. The wedding march began and everybody else got to their feet as Jay started escorting Uma down the aisle. She was wearing a light blue wedding dress and had her hair tied up in a braided bun while wearing sparkling earrings, light blue eyeshadow, lipstick, and nail polish to match.
Harry smiled at her for he believed that he was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world. A dozen fairies held up the back of her veil while Jewel held the train of her wedding dress in her teeth and wagged her tail excitedly before the music came to a stop along with them and Ben grinned.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman to this man?" he questioned.
"We do." Jay replied not only referring to himself, but to all his friends as well.
"Thank you Jay, Harry,.. you may go get your bride." Ben told him as he smiled at him and Harry quickly hurried over to Uma as Jay walked away.
"My captain." He said as he held out his hand and offered it to her with a grin. As she gave it to him he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it before bringing her back over to Ben and they exchanged smiles between each other.
"You may be seated." Ben said as everybody else sat down. "Let us begin." He said before turning over to look at Harry. "Harry Hook, do you take Uma Urchin to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold in sickness and in health? To love and to cherish and to keep yourself only for her until death do you part?" he questioned him as Harry continued smiling at Uma.
"I do." He replied before Ben turned his head to look over at Uma.
"Uma Urchin, do you take Harry Hook to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold in sickness and in health? To love and to cherish and to keep yourself only for him until death do you part?" he asked her.
"I do." Uma replied softly as she smiled back at him.
"In that case, may I have the rings please?" Ben questioned as Josh held up his pillow and gave it to him. "Thank you Josh." He told him with a grin.
"You're welcome your majesty." Josh replied as he gave a silver crystal ring to Harry.
"At this time Harry and Uma have written their own wedding vows so Harry I would like you to say yours now while presenting Uma's ring to her." He told him.
"Uma, I have loved you ever since I can remember." Harry began. "And I have always had your name written a crossed my heart and it's a name that I never will forget." He assured her while he slid the ring onto her finger and smiled at her.
"Aww,.." the crowd chorused together while Ben handed Uma a plain silver ring with a blue inside.
"And at this time Uma I would like you to say your vows while presenting his ring to him." Ben explained.
"Harry, you're not only my first mate but you're also my first love,.. and my only love and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She told him while sliding the ring onto his finger.
"Aww,.." the crowd said again.
"In that case then by the power vested in me as king of Auradon, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Ben said. "You may now kiss the bride." He told them as Harry lifted Uma's veil and tossed it over her head and then placed a tender hand to her cheek before they both closed their eyes and kissed each other passionately while cheers and applause erupted through the air.
As they slowly pulled away from each other The Wedding March Reprise began to play while Harry and Uma walked down the aisle together. They were soon followed by the rest of the wedding party. It was a day that they would all remember, for it truly was an ending straight out of a fairytale.
Hey guys just so you know, the character of Josh hasn't really fully been revealed yet in my other story so he's still pretty much a mystery. Stay tuned for the conclusion to my shorts in "A Dream Come True!" :D