Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to any Sonic Characters. Shadow, Amy and all other Sonic characters are all properties of Saga.

However the OC Chaos, is my creation and does belong to me.

Major Element Added to this chapter! Even if you have read it before check out the new steamy ShadAmy flash back

It was late one evening as Shadow was walking thru a new city. This was his first time visiting this city but was really only there for a mission G.U.N. sent him on. He finished the mission and was about to head back to HQ when he had the strangest urge to look around the town. As if the Chaos energy in the air was telling him to get out more and see the world. Shadow sighed and just followed whatever plans the energy had in store for him.

Shadow soon found himself walking in a park as the sun was setting in the distance.

He stopped a moment as he lets out a long breath, "what am I even doing, it's been over 6 years, why can't I just move on?" He closed his eyes as memories glided to his mind, memories of her, and of better times.

~ Flash back ~

Shadow slowly slid a hand along the shoulder and onto the upper back of the girl before him. He enjoyed the sensation of pink fur between his black and red fingers, he hadn't bothered to put his gloves back on this morning or even his shoes. His other hand was down lower playing with the girls short little pink tail, oh how he loved to play with that tail.

The pink girl moaned the more his hand stroked her tail and might have said something about it if her lips weren't already covered by his. Her glorious moans were like a symphony to his ears, he couldn't get enough of that sound and would do anything to prompt her to make it. He broke the kiss briefly to allow his girl to catch a breath of air but did not expect her to moan out his name, "Sh-Shadow!"

The pink hedgehog panted for a moment eyes still closed from the passion of their most recent set of kisses. The black and red hedgehog was sitting comfortably on her couch and she was straddling his lap, legs spread out on either side of his waist. The female had one gloved hand on his shoulder and fingers of her other gloved hand intagoled in his white chest fur.

Shadow couldn't take it anymore, she was tempting his instincts far to much. He leaned his head down and started slowly licking her neck sending shivers surging through the pink female's spine. Her head tilted to the side and slightly back as her body submitted to his actions. The light licking turned into tender kisses with intermiten nipes at her short neck fur. The girl mound, loud and deep as it all just felt so good.

The ebony male moved his hand up from her back to her solder and started to poll at her selves causing her to gasp, "Sh-Shadow, I… I just put that on."

Shadow chuckled as he licked her neck again, "I am aware." he replied bluntly still polling the strap further off her shoulder, "I still want to take it off."

"Shadow you can't, I have places to go today, things I have to do," The pink female reminded him that their little activity did have to be limited. The pink female gasped, eyes widening as she felt her partner's teeth sink deep into the soft flesh of her neck just over her collar bone. "Sh-Shadow… you already… marked me… last night," she stammered through panting breaths.

Shadow chuckles a bit as the slightly vibrating sensation was felt through his teeth still on her neck. After holding on for a good long time - ensuring the mark would last - he finally released her tender flesh. He licked the mark and small drops of blood that escaped thanks to his bite. "I have to be sure all other males know you are mine," his tone was possessive and also very seductive.

The pink hedgehog giggled at this as her lover nuzaled his head into her neck clearly rubbing his sent on her as well. Yes he was being possessive of her but she knew he was only like that because of how much he loved her. "Your so sill Shadow," once he picked his head up and looked into her eyes she continued. "Of cores I am yours, now and forever."

That simple little statement had a far greater impact on him then he would ever realize. Forgetting the straps of her dress - that was clearly a lost cause - he quickly returned his hand to her back using it to pole her body closer to him. He pressed his lips into hers again starting a new set of passionate, mind blowingly amazing kisses.

The black and red male's tongue began to lick at his female's lips requesting entry into her mouth. She obliged almost immediately giving him complete access to her mouth, her tongue submitting to his the moment it entered. He licked and poked around in her mouth delighting in her taste and the acompening sounds that came along.

When Shadow finally broke the kiss again he left a string of thick saliva between there tongs before polling back far enough to break it. Trying to get some control over the situation the female forced her eyes open to look at Shadow, "don't you have a mission to go on?"

Shadow grawled ever so slightly irritated she would bring up GUN at a time like this. "It's just a mission briefing today, screw Towers, Rouge can just fill me in latter." Seeing as how his current actions were not achieving the desired results Shadow decided it was time to move to the next level. He takes his hand off her tail and moved it to her knee before sliding it up the inside of her leg.

The pink hedgehog gasped eyes getting wid, "Sh-shadow… no," she moaned out even loder than ever. Her heart began to beat even faster in her chest as her breathing became more labored, "That… that's no… no fair." Shadow could tell by the sound in her voice, the fact that she wasn't even trying to stop him and by the new glorias sent that she was very much enjoying his actions.

Shadow chuckles loving the expressions on her face before taking his other hand and pulling her body closer so he could put another deep kiss on her lips, he wasn't going to give up without a fight. He wanted his girl to stay with him despite already being told before that here business today was important.

The pink girl finally managed to steal her lips away from her male to try and reason with him again. "Shadow... I really do... have to go," she breathes out heavily her eyes closing again as she couldn't stop moan between her words. "But I can't… with your hand… between my legs."

Shadow chuckles with a twisted delight plainly visible on his face, "that is entirely the point."

"Sh-SHADOW!... Pleas," with that one, pleading little work his resolve became completely undone.

"Alright, I know when I'm betton," Shadow takes a long deep breath as he slid his hand out from underneath her dress. Slowly her breathing began to return back to normal but the blush on her face still remained. Shadow sighed as he watched her expression as she tried her best to come down from the hormones and adrenaline that had been building up in her system. "You can be so mean Rose, getting me started and not let me finish," he finally took both of his hands off of her.

Finally free from Shadow's grasp the pink hedgehog quickly gets to her feet,"If it makes you feel better we can pick up where you left off tonight. But till then you might want to get to your briefing."

Shadow smirked, looking up at her, "Oh I see what you did, you were giving me something to think about instead of listening to the commander babble."

"Me? Why would I do that?" she said in a playful voice clearly expressing that was her intention.

"Oh, you are so devious," Shadow said putting both his arms behind his back and smirking up at her, so very tempted to jump up and grab her again. "Thou, you might want to change those, I'm not the only one who will be able to smell it."

The pink hedgehog's face turned a brighter shade of red then knuckles fur, "WHY YOU!" She said in a frazzled and embarrassed tone. She quickly ran back into the other room - her bedroom - and quickly rattled around with some stuff before reemerging moments latter. "You worry about your worn things," She almost shouted, her face still red as she through Shadow's gloved and shoes at him.

Shadow couldn't help but smirk as he caught them in mid air thou not in too much of a hurry to put them on just yet. "See you tonight," She called back to him as she quickly jogged out the door. Shadow tilted his head a bit as he watched her tail swishing side to side with each quick step.

The smirk on his face only increased, "What I wouldn't do for that girl."

~ End of Flash back ~

Shadow takes a long deep remorseful breath, "if I had known that was the last time I would see her… I never would have let her walk through that door."

Suddenly something hit him in the back of his leg dragging his thoughts back to reality. He looked down to see a small ball about the size of his fist laying in the grass next to his foot. Shadow raised an eyebrow and bent down to pick it up. As he did this he heard footsteps coming towards him.

Shadow looked up to see a small child between the age of 4 and 5 standing in front of him. There was something familiar about this boy thou Shadow knew he had never seen him before.

He was a young white hedgehog with upturned quills a lot like Shadow but a little shorter, rounder and droop a little lower. He had three spiky bangs and red streaks through his quills. It was a light red, almost pink but not folly pink. He also had red streaks on his arms, legs, bangs and tail. His muzzle was a light peachy tan color. His eyes are big, rounded and cheerful.

But the thing that surprised shadow the most is he could sense an immense power inside him. This was impressive in one so small. The child did not show any sign of fear as he looked up at the typically vary intimidating Shadow. 'Hum, a brave little one,' Shadow thought.

The child approached shadow, "Uh… sir… I'm sorry my ball hit you," The boy said in a respectful tone.

Shadow chuckled, "Its fin, just be more careful. Upset the wrong people and you could really get hurt," he said and tossed the ball to the young boy. Shadow looked around noticing that there was no one ells in the park. "Is there anyone here with you?" Shadow asked trying not to act all stoker-ish about it.

The boy held onto the ball "Oh… My mommy is coming to pick me up soon," he said confidently.

"Is there anyone here with you now?" Shadow asked.

"Ante Elizabeth was here earlier but she..." The boy said and looked at his ball. "She had some important things to do," He said then smiled back up at shadow. "But that's ok, Mommy will be here soon, then we can go home."

Shadow raised an eyebrow, "does this happen often?" he asked. In the back of his mind he couldn't help but wonder why he was even bothering with this kid.

"Not a lot," The little white one replied and looked at his ball, "Just when she has to work late."

Shadow looked around the park again, 'great… the chaos energy dragged me here to play babysitter,' he thought to himself rather frustrated. Shadow sighed and knelt down to his level and put his hand on the boys shoulder. "I am going to stay here with you till your mother comes. One as young as you should not be out alone this late at night," Shadow said.

The boy smiles happily glad to have the company, "Alright, thank you Mr.?" He said.

"Shadow, My name is shadow," he replied to the boy's question. "And yours would be?"

"Oh, I'm Chaos," He said and smiles to Shadow.

Shadow then stands back up, "Chas, a fitting name."

"I like your name to ," Chaos said with a big cheerful smile. He then looked at the ball then back at Shadow "Do you want to play with me?"

Shadow just folded his arms and razed an eye brow, "no, I do not play."

Chaos tilted his head to the side in a confused way. "Why not, playing is fun, I thought everyone plays. Didn't you play when you were a kid."

Shadow hesitated for a moment trying to decide how to tell such a small child why he never even was a kid. He finally sighed, "Let's just say my existence is not typical."

Chaos blinked a little confused, "oh, uh...I know," He said getting an idea. "I can teach you how to play, I'm really good at it."

"Uh... no, that's ok," Shadow quickly and awkwardly replied. 'Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into.'

Chaos giggled as he put the ball down on the ground "It's not hard, here i show you." He said and rolled the ball over to Shadow hitting his shoe. "Now you just kick it and then I go get it."

Shadow looked down at the ball for a moment then glanced around the park making sure there really was no one around to see this. After being certain the park was empty he looked back at the ball. 'I guess it can't hurt to just… kick it,' he thinks to himself then without even unfolding his arms he lightly kicked the ball.

Chaos' eyes lit up with excitement as the ball started to roll and bounce away from them. "Yay," He called out carefully as he chased after the ball laughing as he ran.

His little laugh of joy was so infectious Shadow couldn't help but chuckle, at least a little. He unfolded his arms and started to follow the little white hedgehog chasing the ball. Before Shadow knew it they had a nice little game going as they each took turns kicking the ball, Shadow doing his best not to kick it so hard it would fly out of the park.

After a bit of time Chaos then stopped and looked over at Shadow. "Uh... ... I gotta go potty," Chaos said a bit nervous.

Shadow chuckles. "I saw a bathroom back that way. Come on, ill take you there," Shadow said then led Chaos to the parks bathroom. Chaos went inside and Shadow stood watch outside.

Then a voice came from the distance, "Chaos, Elizabeth, I'm here!"

Shadows ear twitched when he heard that. 'Wait... I know that voice.' He thought to himself. Just as shadow looked in that direction he came face to face with nun other then. "Amy?" Shadow said in shock and amazement at the pink female hedgehog in front of him. In that moment he felt his heart skip a beat just seeing her.

"Sh-Shadow, Is that really you?" Amy said in shock.

"Ya of course it's me, how many black hedgehogs do you know?" Shadow said taking a step toward her. "It's been years since I last saw you," he said still stunned.

Amy blushed a little looking down at her dirty apron, "I must look like a complete wreck."

Shadow takes another step towards her putting a gentle hand on her check. "You look as beautiful as ever Amy."

Amy began to blush even more, "oh Shadow, you always were such a charmer."

"I've missed you Amy," Shadow said.

Amy then polled back taking several steps away from him. "Wait, what are you doing here?... How did you find me?" Amy said sounding nervous.

Shadow gets a confused look on his face when he noticed the tone in her voice. "I was in town on a mission and just happened to be walking through this park when I ran into some kid."

"Mommy," Chaos suddenly said as he came out of the bathroom and ran over to Amy hugging her legs.

"Wait? What?" Shadow said in shock, "Mommy?" He added eye twitching.

Amy blushed a little, "uh... Ya," she said bending down and picking Chaos up, "This is my son, Chaos Rose Hedgehog."

"Oh... uh," Shadow said taking a step backwards. "I didn't know you... had a son," Shadow added. "Does anyone else know?"

"Well... not any of my old friends, just some from around her," Amy replied.

"If you have friends around her then what was he doing in the park by himself?" shadow asked a bit of concern and frustration in his voice.

"What... Chaos is this true?" Amy asked looking at the little white hedgy who had his ears folded down now.

"We'll... Anty Elizabeth had an emergency... She had to leave quickly," Chaos replied. "But I was fine mommy. The nice man, , said he would stay with me."

Amy sighed then looked at Shadow, "thank you for watching him. I'm going to have a talk with her about leaving Chaos alone like that."

"I had some free time… I better be getting back to my mission," shadow said a bit nervously but just barley. The thought of Amy with a son was making him rather tense and a sharp sting began to form in his chest.

"Alright... Good by Shadow," Amy said as shadow nodded.

"By... Rose," Shadow said and walked off.

Amy turned the other way and started walking. She sighed rather disappointed, "I was right," Amy said to herself. 'I knew he would react so acwordly. He has always hated kids.'

Shadow continued walking in the other direction as Amy but could not get her out of his head. "So this is where she ended up. I have always wondered what had happened to her." Shadow takes a long deep breath. "How quickly she moved on."

To be continued…

Tell me what you think of this chapter. What's your favorite part… least favorite part… I rely need feedback T_T Badly. (Yes I am still working on my spelling so please don't tell me that its bad I already know that.)