This AU is similar to the original plot of Stranger Things, with some things different here and there and the obvious changes as well. Characters are aged up 16-17, Juniors in high school. Mike is really terrible to El for most of season 1 in this fic, and I'm not trying to promote the treatment he gives to El, its just fanfiction and he does end up progressing as a character and grows fond of El and they both start to develop deeper feelings for one another as the story progress. Mike is a dark, troubled minded boy in this story. He's socially awkward and based on past experiences in his childhood, he hates a lot of people and doesn't like much of anything in the world, and he has an extreme hatred for women from constant rejection. I guess he's an incel to the most extreme degree. I will try to have a good balance of story and smut, this will be mainly focused on Mike and Eleven, as you already know what happens in stranger things. And for the most part, if I don't go into a lot of detail about something that happened in the show, that still probably happens...
Mike Wheeler and his two friends, Dustin Henderson and Lucas Sinclair, went looking for their friend, Will Byers. It had happened after their Dungeons and Dragons game. Will rode his bike home and went missing on the way there.
"This is why he needs a car! Shit like this wouldn't happen if he had a safe damn car to drive at night!" Lucas frustratingly said to his two other friends.
They were Juniors at Hawkins High School. Soon they would be seniors and graduation would come before they knew it, so Will still riding his bike was odd to the rest of the boys. Dustin had a truck, Mike had a flashy car that his dad got him for his 16th birthday. Even Lucas started driving his father's back up car. That left Will who used his bike to get around. They all had licenses so it's not like Will had no choice, he just preferred his bike which made his friends pick on him every now and then.
Since there had been no luck in finding Will, they decided to take matters into their own hands and look for him at night. It was raining hard as the thunder and lightning progressively got worse, but they couldn't give up. They made it to the area where Will would ride his bike through to get home. In the woods, they came across an odd short-haired girl wearing a hospital gown. Everyone got startled as the three boys locked eyes with the mysterious girl.
Mike could see it in her eyes that she was lost and hopeless, looking for somewhere safe to stay. And although he wasn't the brightest teenager, he was desperate to find Will and hoped she had the answers. He also found her oddly attractive.
Mike and the two other boys managed to sneak the girl inside Mike's house and into the basement. They had a lot of questions that they could finally ask her as she sat on the couch, confusingly staring at the three standing boys looking at her.
"Who are you?" Lucas asked.
"What are you?" Dustin asked.
"You know what happened to Will?" Mike asked.
The boys were all upset with their friend missing, and finding a weird girl near where he went missing was too obvious to ignore.
The girl didn't reply, making Mike sigh in frustration.
"What the fuck is your name?" Mike asked while raising his voice.
"Any family we can get a hold of?" Dustin genuinely wondered.
The girl stayed silent again, too scared of talking with strangers, for more reasons than one.
The boys glanced at each other, wondering what the fuck is going on.
"Is she fucking retarded?" Lucas blurted out.
"I don't know but her silence is starting to piss me off," Mike admitted while having both hands on his hips, thinking about what to do with her.
Mike's life had been tough socially. His only friends were Dustin, Lucas, and Will. He became friends with each of them under special circumstances when he was young before he became the hateful boy he is today.
He was hateful because of a lot of things. His parents drifted apart and started fighting more and more as Mike went through the most dramatic stages of puberty. And like Will, Dustin, and Lucas, Mike never had luck with girls. He was always so awkward and although he possessed physical traits that girls liked, it was canceled out by how awkward and weird he acted. As more people treated him like an outcast, he became ruder. His heart filled with ugliness and hate. Mike didn't care for things that were right and wrong, the world wasn't this amazing place anymore. Mike turned into a nihilist in the 6th grade. His friends were turned off by the change of attitude at first, but they quickly adapted and even caught some of Mike's nihilistic traits the more they talked to him.
Mike was not a normal teen rebelling against authority, it had gone far past that. He was a borderline psychopath with the way he viewed the world, including the way he viewed women. It was only natural that he'd hate women based off all the ones he liked ignoring him for other guys who treated them like shit.
Mike Wheeler was not gonna take this silence bullshit lightly. He knew she knew something and he was gonna get as much out of her as he could.
"What do we do?" Lucas asked.
"We look for Will some more tomorrow. Hopefully by then this bitch will have spilled the beans on everything she knows," Mike replied as he sarcastically smiled at the short-haired girl.
"You're keeping this looney bitch in your basement for the night? What if your parents find out?" Dustin asked as he laughed.
"They won't. And yeah, I know it's fucking crazy but we need Will, and I'm fucking desperate here," Mike explained, not showing satisfaction in giving the weird girl shelter.
"OK, man. I'm gonna head home. It's late and this weather is letting up a bit so gotta get home before it goes back to how it was when we found… this thing" Lucas said as he pointed at the girl.
"Yeah, what Lucas said," Dustin said.
Dustin and Lucas gave Mike a goodbye handshake and left the Wheeler home. That meant it was Mike and the girl, all alone, at night, in the basement.
He waited until his parents went to sleep. His sister worked at the paper along with her boyfriend, Jonathan. It was 11 P.M. Mike figured everyone went to bed and marched downstairs to the basement. She sat up with worry when she heard someone coming down. It was the long and tall dark-haired boy. She took a liking to him the most out of the three boys based on looks. She understood why they were angry and upset. Their friend went missing and they wanted to find him. She knew what had happened but couldn't tell them, not knowing how to tell them with her limited vocabulary.
He stood above her, staring down at the girl with an awkward silence filling the room. He looked so intimidating. His arms looked in shape as he placed both hands on his hips, wondering what it was going to take to make her talk.
"I get that this whole thing is crazy. I don't know your name or your backstory and I really don't have the time to know. All I wanna know is where Will is."
The girl stayed silent. She saw his face getting redder and realized she had to do something.
She held up her forearm and pointed at the tattoo she had.
"My name," the girl said.
Mike was amazed. The short hair, the lack of vocabulary or knowledge about things, her name. She came from a lab. She was no different from a lab rat, except she was human and had basic understandings of things like language. Mike could tell he could easily manipulate her, but that wasn't his focus currently.
"Eleven? That's your name? A fucking number?" Mike chuckled in amazement.
Eleven nodded her head while having a blank face.
"OK. Cool. But I need to know where Will is."
Eleven didn't respond. Mike sighed in annoyance, getting tired of the silent treatment.
Mike made her flinch at his sudden temper.
"MY FUCKING FRIEND IS MISSING AND I NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" Mike shouted, filling Eleven's eyes with fear.
El gulped at the intensity in his eyes.
"I…. I don't know," El finally replied as she lied to Mike.
Mike sarcastically laughed as his anger grew. He was done trying to be nice.
"You don't know?! Yeah, right! You know what, if you don't tell me something useful, I'm gonna wake my parents up and they're gonna send you back to wherever you came from!" Mike threatened as he pointed at her.
Eleven honestly didn't know how to properly explain what happened to Will. It was too complicated for her to say it in a way that makes sense. She stayed silent.
Mike was done with her.
"Fine. I'm gonna wake up my parents and they can deal with you, bitch."
Mike started walking towards the stairs of his basement, but the feminine voice behind him made him stop and turn around.
"Wait. Please. Don't go. I do anything to stay. Can't go back to bad place. Please. I do anything!"
Eleven was so desperate for shelter away from that terrible place of nonstop experiments. She would do anything to stay at Mike's calm and comfortable home.
Mike smirked at the phrase "I'll do anything." It was like a guy's wet dream to hear a girl say that to them. Mike's luck with women was terrible. He had always been considered too weird or shy in the past, and now he was considered too ugly personality-wise. He could never win over the girls he liked. They'd always be into athletic guys who play sports like football and basketball. They would get terrible failing grades that ended up getting curved to a passing grade by teachers because their team would lose without them. He hated that. He hated how cruel and picky girls were. And now he had his turn to be that type of douche and couldn't be happier.
He walked up to Eleven and had his crotch close to her face. She leaned back on the couch on instinct as she stared up into his captivating eyes.
"Anything?" Mike wanted confirmation.
"OK. Well in that case…"
Mike pulled down his pants, revealing his white underwear. Eleven's eyes widened in surprise. She had no idea what he was doing, but she couldn't keep her eyes of the noticeable bulge in his undergarments.
Mike slid his underwear down to join his pants around his ankles. He took off his shirt and threw it on her lap, making her glance down at her thighs before looking back at Mike with the realization that he's fully exposed himself nude to her.
"You see this?" Mike pointed down at his semi-hard cock.
Eleven looked down and saw his already hard cock, mesmerized by its shape and curious to know what it was.
Mike noticed her staring and couldn't help but laugh with a cocky demeanor.
"What is it?" Eleven asked.
"It's my cock, retard. What do you think it is?"
"I've never seen a… cock before…"
She could not stop staring at his raging hard manhood.
"Cute. Real fucking cute. But you said you'd do anything to stay here. Remember?" Mike said with an evil smirk.
Eleven slowly nodded her head. She felt weird about the whole situation but she couldn't afford to go back to the lab with Papa. She wanted to do anything that Mike wanted her to do because she knew she was ultimately more safe with him than Papa.
Mike grabbed Eleven's hand and forced her to touch his cock. He made her wrap her hand around his shaft. She looked up to him, her eyes asking him what she's supposed to do.
"Oh my god, do I have to spell it out for you? Jerk me off…. like this."
Mike moved her hand up and down his cock to show her how to give a handjob. Eleven was a quick learner and nodded her head as she started doing it by herself.
Mike wouldn't dare tell her that this was his first handjob. He noticed how soft elevens hands were as they gently massaged his cock. He could come at any minute but he tried to pretend he is better than that, wanting to live out that fantasy of being the athletic sports player who got all the girls at school. Mike closed his eyes and took all the pleasure in. He opened his eyes and looked down at Eleven who was studying his dick, amazed that something could grow in size so quick. She didn't see it as a punishment to jerk off his cock. it was more of a new experience for her. And if she was being completely honest, she was really infatuated with his cock and didn't quite know why, but it looked good to her. It made her feel weird. She looked up at Mike to see what he was doing. Mike had been in a zone as he stared down at Eleven jerking his member off, so when she looked up at him he had to try and hide the pleasure on his face.
He had to maintain control.
"The fuck are you looking at?" Mike asked as he tried to sound like her hands weren't getting to him.
"Y-y-y-you," Eleven replied as she continued jerking him off, her pace getting faster.
Mike was so close to finishing. He felt forced to stop her before he came right then and there. He pushed Eleven's hands off of his fully hard member, making her wonder what she did wrong.
"I'm guessing you don't know how to suck a cock?"
Eleven shook her head no. Mike chuckled and pushed her mouth open with his hands as he directed his cock towards it.
"Take it in your mouth. Like that."
She stood still and watched him stuff half of his cock into her little mouth. The site was too hot for him, her pretty innocent eyes staring up at him as she had half of his cock in her mouth. Mike slowly moved his cock in and out of her mouth as Eleven's body was still frozen.
"You look so naughty right now. You look like a little slut with my cock in your mouth."
She didn't know what slut meant but she liked the way he was talking to her. At least she was good at being something to him.
"Move your head back and forth, you know, suck it kind of like you how you were jerking me off but with your mouth," Mike instructed.
Eleven nodded her head with half of Mike's dick in her mouth and bobbed her head back and forth on his cock. She was able to take more than half as she continued sucking his cock, eliciting a moan out of Mike.
she naturally wrapped her hand around the base of his cock as she continued sucking it, but Mike suddenly took her hand off of it. She looked up at him with confusion. Mike roughly smacked her face, making her whimper in pain as Mike took his cock out of her.
Eleven wanted to cry, not because he hit her, but because she made him mad. It made her feel like a monster. She was actually liking the pain she felt for some reason.
Eleven was confused. She remained silent, not knowing what he wanted to hear.
He slapped her face again, making her gasp when she saw his hand in motion.
"NO, SIR," Eleven clearly and loudly said, making sure Mike heard her.
He forced his cock into her mouth again and held his hands on each side of her head as he roughly thrust into her. He was face fucking her, forcing her mouth to be engulfed by his cock. She gagged but didn't try to pull away. After several minutes of face fucking, he pulled out so she could catch a breath. His cock was covered with her saliva and strings of spit.
Mike moaned as he stroked his cock, ready to finish. Eleven stared at his cock, obediently waiting for what Mike wanted her to do next.
"You ate anything today?" Mike asked.
Mike chuckled and nodded his head.
"Well, you're about to get desert like a good slut. Do you wanna be a good slut?"
Mike slapped her on both sides of her face, causing her to look down in shame at how stupid she was. She slowly looked back up into his eyes.
"Yes, sir."
"Good slut. You're learning. You deserve a nutritious reward. Open your mouth. Wide…"
He moved the tip of his cock into her mouth as he stroked it faster and faster. Eleven obediently did what he said while not taking her eyes off of his.
She heard him grunting, then spurts of cum shot into her mouth. She was too afraid to swallow at that moment. She waited for a while as it seemed like Mike couldn't stop cumming. Mike finally stopped and sighed.
"Swallow it. All of it," Mike demanded.
Eleven nodded her head and took a big gulp of his load.
"Open your mouth. Stick out your tongue."
Eleven did as he commanded. He saw that there was none of his cum to be found. He was so happy. He got his first handjob and blowjob, and he was definitely going to try to get more out of her. But he needed to sleep… and he wasn't quite ready for sex yet.
"Good girl. Good slut."
Eleven slightly smiled before forcing it to disappear off of her face.
"Tell me you're a good slut."
"I'm a good slut," Eleven simply said and Mike pats her on the head.
Mike put his clothes back on and grabbed some covers for her to use as she slept on the couch. He jokingly threw the covers on top of her before moving them off of her and to the side so he could see her.
"So I've been thinking since your name is Eleven, how about we call you El for short?" Mike said.
"Yeah. You wanna be a good slut and take the name I made for you?"
"...Yes, sir"
"Good girl, El." Mike kissed the crown of her head.
Mike was going to walk out of the basement but realized he forgot to tell her his name. He turned around as he was near the stairs.
"My name's Mike. Night, El"
He wasted no time to walk up the stairs and shut the door. It happened so fast that El didn't have time to respond properly. She mumbled under her breath.
"Night, Mike."
I hope you guys enjoyed. I have a general idea of where I want to go with the story, obviously following the plot of Seasons 1, 2, and 3. I didn't make Mike go too rough with her this chapter because he was really nervous about getting his first handjob and blowjob. And when he's slapping her, he's really slapping the fuck out of her. And El likes it to a certain degree even when she's shocked by his actions, she ends up liking it because she's attracted to Mike and desperate not to go back to the lab. Mike is a fucked-up character and completely opposite to how he is on the show. There are obviously messed up people in this world that had terrible life experiences and it caused them to be hateful and ugly. That is Mike, except he finds himself changing his attitude as his feelings for El start growing. Please, reviews would be nice, let me know what you think and if you want me to continue the story.