"40 million, huh?" she lightly uttered before she let go of the bounty poster. The wind ran across her skin, picking up the piece of paper, and carrying it to the skies, all the while she leaned back into the mast of her sloop. Her messy white hair was tied into a bun, while hair she didn't include in the bun was covering all but her face, reaching her chin. She had light pink eyes, fair skin, and overall, her beauty was simply extraordinary. She was wearing a black shirt, buttoned up, with short sleeves reaching her elbow, but not covering the shoulders. Then she wore a pair of black yoga pants, with white arrows running down their sides and a pair of plain black shoes.

Yozora Minakami was certainly beautiful. She was unofficially voted as being the 2nd most beautiful woman in the world at the age of 17, just below Boa Hancock, by a small margin. A fact she had great pride, and irritation about. She is more beautiful than Boa Hancock. She knew it.

Plus, Boa Hancock is known to always have her hair perfectly brushed, light makeup put on, just enough to let her natural beauty accentuate it. Yozora never used makeup or took an effort to fix herself up. Other than when it came to clothes. That's the only reason she was voted 2nd. If makeup was put on, it would easily give her 1st place.

Enough about that, she let those thoughts drift away as she saw the next island coming up swiftly. Or maybe it was due to the speed her boat was going, cutting through the water like a hot knife and butter.

Plus, she's smarter than Bo- she shook her head. Whenever this happened, it annoyed her to no end. Ever since the damn unofficial vote was leaked to her, she couldn't help but compare whatever she did to that damn warlord. It's also the reason she became a pirate. So she could become famous, or infamous, and let everyone truly know who is the most beautiful. Also, to have fun. Maybe claim a one piece or two. Perhaps kill a Hancock or three.

The island was majorly pink, meaning paint, or cherry blossoms, or flowers. She liked pink, so whichever came, she welcomed it. The ship continued speeding towards the island at extreme speed, it would probably arrive in 15 minutes. With nothing else to do, she started undressing and entered the shower.


Before entering the shower, she slowed down the boat so that she would get at least 30 minutes. She stood under the hot water, humming to herself a song she had heard from the musicians her father had hired. It wasn't anything amazing, but her beautiful voice made it seem like so much more.

Her skin, fair and beautiful, her stomach slim, her breasts were medium-sized, and her butt too. She had slightly wide hips, a narrow waist, and firm thighs and long legs. Basically, extremely beautiful. And she was most proud of it. She walked out of the shower with perfect posture, like she had been taught, and wrapped herself in a towel.

She would be arriving in around 10 minutes, as she took a shorter shower than usual, she had enough time to get ready. As she was blowing her hair, she eyed herself in the mirror, one of the various large things about this small ship. Her bedroom was fairly large, as it was the captain's cabin. The bathroom was large because a girl needs it. It was situated beneath the captain's cabin. She had 4 smaller rooms, 2 on each side of the corridor. Her chest was medium, while Boa Hancock's was massive...

Irritation set aflame again, she brushed her hair roughly, but got out all the knots, before tying it into a bun in a bun with a scrunchie. She will get her revenge on Boa Hancock for messing up her mind. She dressed in a shirt, the same as the one she wore earlier, but this one white. Instead of yoga pants, though, she wore a pair of short white shorts.

She walked out of the bathroom and saw that she was about 100 meters away from the island, so she pushed down on the lever which sped up the boat. This boat was her birthday present this year. It was ordered by her father from THE doctor Vegapunk, and it utilizes the force of the water to provide electricity and then using that lever, she can either speed up, slow down, or turn. It doesn't make any sound, nor does the boat need to have the sail down to move.

The hot water was also heated by the energy provided by the water, and there is a water cleaner installed, which takes the water from the sea, cleans it, and makes it drinkable. Truly, that man is a genius. How it works, she will never know, but it does leave something to wonder about. Like, why the Marines don't use this. Her father told her he was friends with Vegapunk, so maybe that had something to do with it.

She looked to the docks she was approaching and saw no fearful looks like she expected to see when people see a ship with a black flag, with a skull, crossbones, and a bunch of snow crystals. No, everyone was just minding their own business, meaning she would do the same.

What she had planned for this island, was only trying out their food, pastries, and restocking, after all. She hasn't left the west blue yet, so she wanted to be quick on her path, and she also didn't want to get a bounty too large. Her 40 million one was only due to being the daughter of a king, a princess, and it read, 'wanted alive'.

Well, it wasn't like the west blue marines could do anything to her. They could, however, damage her ship, which is what she wanted to avoid...

She anchored the ship, and hopped onto the docks, before making her merry way into the town. She relished in the looks of attraction she was getting from everyone she passed, even when she entered a cafe, the people outside were still staring at the door. Might as well be worshipping the ground she walked on.

She took a seat in the extremely comfortable chair by the window and flipped open the menu. They had a lot to offer, from cakes to muffins, to mousses, but one thing that Yozora had never before tried, was something called a 'parfait'. She waved over a waitress, who blushed and made her way over hesitantly.

"U-um, what would you like to order..?" she pitifully asked with a stutter and a barely loud enough voice. Her face burnt red and she looked at the floor with her notepad covering half her face. The waitress had dark brown hair and brown eyes. She looked very forgettable.

"A banana, and blueberry parfait, and a medium strawberry milk." Yozora placed the menu down and ignored the waitress after that. The waiter was happy to be treated like that but caught herself before her heart started pounding in her chest. She wrote her order before she forgot it, and sprinted off into the back to relay the order. The waiter probably didn't notice how Yozora had never looked up from her menu.

Yozora was playing around with a snowflake floating in her hand, changing its shape, size, and transparency. She is smarter than Boa Hancock. There is no way that woman would figure out the intricacies and possibilities of snow. This must be the most powerful devil fruit there is, truly. From a heart to a solid white star, to a triangle with an eye in the middle. She sharpened corners, she hardened the flakes enough to match iron.

She nodded to herself. She must be one of the brightest minds on the planet. Nobody else could figure out that snow can be created as long as the air is cold and moist in the sky. No specific limit is set for how cold, how much moisture, how compact, or how sharp a snowflake can be.

Her order was delivered, but she didn't pay it any mind. she continued hardening the specific snowflake she held. She made it harder and harder, it became darker and darker, heavier and heavier, if she couldn't control it completely, she would consider it heavy.

When she finally felt satisfied, she dropped it to the ground with a heavy thud, before beaming at the sight of her dessert. She dug in with a smile on her face, she'd have to ask for the recipe after this.


Yozora skipped into the back room, entering the kitchen, and took a look around. There were 4 people here, each working on their specific order, or orders. They all curiously looked over to her when the door opened, and either their move was left ajar, or they blushed.

"Who made the banana and blueberry parfait?" she asked with a tilt of her head, looking them over for a reaction, the first one looked between his colleagues, the second looked towards a woman, and the third rubbed his chin, still a slight blush on his face.

The last one, the woman held her hand up slightly, "I made it," she admitted. Yozora nodded and walked up to her, leaning down slightly at the waist, to look up at her through a strand of hair that now hung over her face.

"Give me the recipe." Yozora stared at her in the eye as she demanded the recipe, and the woman's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Yozora still had the same smile on her face as when she entered the room. A smile filled with innocence, like a child who felt she deserved the toy she wanted.

"U-uh-m, I-I ca-can't.." the chef stuttered out like she was scared, she had sweat running down her forehead, like the very act of refusing the beautiful girl was exhausting.

"Give me the recipe." She repeated it like she hadn't even heard the refusal. Her smile still on her face, and the other chefs couldn't do anything other than watch.

"I-uh-ca-I'm not a-allowed t-to.." but even though she tried to refuse, Yozora still looked at her with the adorable upturned gaze, and smile, completely ignoring her refusal.

"Give me the recipe."

She didn't even know what she was doing, but her hands reached for a piece of paper, and before she put it in the beauty's hands, she didn't even know what she had done. She was locked in a trance by simply looking into her eyes.

"Thank you!" Yozora chirped happily before turning around and skipping out the kitchen of the cafe, leaving a group of stunned chefs, who were completely flabbergasted. Mikina, who had never let anyone even catch a single glimpse of her recipes, just gave away the one she took the most pride.

"What just happened?" asked Kimi, the waitress who just entered to deliver another order. "I saw that beautiful girl skipping out of here with a smile and a paper.."

But none of them could meet her eye. The other chefs couldn't intervene, and Mikina couldn't stop herself in front of her beauty.


She had gone on a shopping spree the second she left the cafe, creating clouds of solid snow to carry the bags for her, she knew she had freaked out the populace, but did not care. It's perfectly normal for them to be intimidated. She is beautiful, cute, can pull off nearly any look, plus, she has devil fruit powers comparable to people from the new world. She's basically the perfect girl!

With the bags held afloat in the air, she skipped into her ship, but as an afterthought, she remembered that the marines might patrol this island.

"Haaah, such a waste.." she sighed to herself, before lifting her right arm to the air as her ship sped off. "To embed such a beautiful little island in a permanent snowstorm... Truly a sin... Hihihihi." she giggled to herself at her dramatics. She wished she could act that dramatic without cracking up. The snow streamed out of her hand and condensed into a ball, that just kept growing, and kept condensing.

She gave it a light tap, and playfully shivered even though she couldn't feel the cold. She uttered a: "Boop," as she floated it away with the touch of her finger.

It exploded and surrounded that island in a black cloud, that would forever remain, snowing down on the landscape unless something was done.

Yozora undressed to take a shower because she wanted to be clean when she tried on her new clothes. One island missing won't make much of a difference. Plus, there are more beautiful islands than that.


Finally, a character who I managed to build a good personality too. Honestly, that is my weakness, and here we can see what happens when you just watch some SSSS Brigade or whatever the anime is called.

I don't know my science, but wherever I googled, I couldn't find anything proving my little theory about snow wrong. And since Yozora is a snowgirl, she can create snow of any temperature, density, and size as long as it can still be seen as snow.

Reviews, please! God knows I'm addicted to them.