It's happen when I was ten.

The night was thunderous, for a lack of a better word.

Usually, I would be hugging my mother right now. Ever since Kacchan got his Quirk, loud noise always made me afraid.

And yet, tonight, when I heard the first crack of thunder, I get up from my bed, open the window and look outside.

The sky was dark. Like, really dark. I can't see the stars or even the moon, dark clouds covering them. The light coming from the buildings down below made it even more eerie.

Lightning flash and my jaw dropped.

"….Beautiful." The word coming out of my mouth before I knew it.

Later, I will wonder why I think so. Or why the loud noise didn't even register on my ears.

But right now, all I can think is that flash of lightning. Something like the force of nature usually don't interest me, my time always spent thinking about Heroes and how to be like them. But that lightning just then, it felt different somehow.

Maybe it was just my mind messing with me, but that lightning… I feel like it flash for me. Like it was calling me.

Lightning flash again and I started shaking my head.

"Really Izuku? Lightning calling you?" I say to myself. "What is wrong with your mind?"

I shake my head again and then move to close the window. Lightning flash again for the third time. It made me stop my action, a frown start to form on my face.

"That's weird. I thought lightning doesn't strike the same place twice."

So I open my half-closed window and look outside again. Lightning strike again. The frown on my face deepens. What I saw earlier was not wrong, lightning really strike at the same place.

"Huh, so even adult can be wrong." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, my body freeze. I feel something again. I can't explain it, but I can feel it in my bones. Something is coming. Somethingis coming. Somethingiscoming. Someth


Lightning strike again. This time, I didn't think it was beautiful. It was terrifying.

Kacchan's explosion got nothing on that lightning. I don't know when but my body is shaking really bad. Maybe I was afraid, I don't know. I can't think straight. All I can think is that lightning.

I closed my eyes and take deep breath to calm my mind. Ohh, its working. My mind really calmed down now.

I opened my eyes to see my mother's anxious face hovering over my face. "Are you okay Izuku?"

Or maybe not. It seems I've fainted.

"I'm okay." I answer her with a smile, "Don't worry, mom."

My mother smiled back at me, "Hmm. But if there is something wrong, you tell me, okay?"

I nodded, my mind still isn't quite right. Luckily, my mother didn't see anything. She just ruffled my hair and went out of my room.

I close my eyes again, preparing to sleep. Just before I fell asleep, a strange thought cross my mind.

'Excitement. My body shook because of excitement, not fear.'


The next day. Kacchan, as adventurous as he was, decided that we all will go to the forest where that lightning strike. I, like always, think it was a crazy thing to do.

"Are you crazy?" I protested. "Do you all wanna die?"

Well, I didn't exactly say it like that, but it's close.

And just like always, they ignored me. So I tried to remind them once again.

"Hear me you bastard!" I said, "If you go, you all gonna died, god damnit!"

….Again, I didn't exactly say it like that, but it was really close.

This time, they didn't ignore me, instead they decided to just abandoned me and go on their own.

I was stunned.

A few minute after they were gone, I, in all my wisdom, decided to follow them. First, because I don't want anything happen to them. And second, I was lonely. I really want to play with them.

And so, here I was. Lost in a forest.


"Kacchan, where are you?" I shouted.

Well, I want to shout. But it came as a whimper instead.

I don't care that it was not a Heroic thing to do, but I was afraid. My legs have been shaking since a long time, but I force it to keep moving. Standing still in the middle of the forest with all of its creepiness was not an option.

Eventually, I came upon a clearing that I believe is where that lightning strike. Why I believe so? Because there is this burning smell on this place. Or maybe because I can't hear the sound of insect in here.

Kacchan and the others are not here, so maybe they didn't find this place yet. I smile, feeling a sense of superiority over them. My eyes then move to the middle of the clearing.

"What is that?" I asked myself.

There is something there. Curious, I started moving closer. I stopped when it was within arm reach.

I am not really good at describing things, but as far as I know, the thing in front of me is a hammer. Biggest one I've ever seen, but a hammer nonetheless.

It head was big, almost as big as my head. Square –prismatic?- in shape, with dull silver in color, maybe it was made from iron or silver. From where I was standing, I could see some kind of writing and symbol on it. Not one I understand, or ever seen. It handle was almost as long as my arm, covered in leather, with a strap also made from leather.

All in all, it was a strange hammer indeed.

Curiosity got the better of me as I move my hand to pick it up. When my fingers touch the handle, I can feel something, but I ignore it. Soon my fingers wrapped on the handle. Then, I pick it up and lift it over my head.

"Huh," I say. "It's light."

It was really light. From looking at it, you think it was hard to pick. But no, it was really light. Maybe it was not made from iron or even silver.

Just as I want to check it was really made from iron or not, my sight went past the hammer onto the sky.

The sky, which was blue just a moment ago, is now black. I could see black clouds rolling on top of me.

"Wh-what happen?" I asked myself.

Then, lightning struck me.


"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed with all my might, eyes closed. "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

When I didn't feel anything, I slowly opened my eyes. Looking left and right, and then checking my body with my sight, I know nothing happen to me. With that, I decided to finally close my mouth. Yes, I was still screaming.

"Tha-that is not good for my heart." I sighed.

Looking up, I see that the sky has turned back to blue. I could not see a speck of black clouds in the sky. It was like what happen just then never happen at all. Then my sight fell on the hammer that is still in my hand.

There is something blue surrounding it. I look closer and realize that it was electricity.

"So something did happen." I say, feeling happy I am not hallucinating.

And then I started screaming. In my panic, I throw the hammer down to the earth. Screaming again for good measure, I started to run. I don't know which direction I take, I don't care. I just want to get as far away as possible from this place.

That was the first time I met my future partner. That day is also the day I changes my destiny.

Oh, you ask who I am?

I am Midoriya Izuku, the Hero of Thunder.

Yes, English is my second language.

Disclaimer : My Hero Academia and Marvel is not mine, and will never be.