DISCLAIMER : Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan.

1. Dionysus.

He was a demigod. Actually he didn't even know his parent. But he lived through the monsters attacks as he knew everything.

Sally, his mother, abandoned him in the streets of New York. He didn't even know why. She raised him until his seventh birthday leaving alone, throwing him in the streets when he tried to come back at home. He was Perseus Jackson, he preferred to be called Percy though. He knew since his seventh birthday that he was different, he fought monsters with his knife that someone gave him as a present. It was another demigod who helped him the first months who gave him a knife.

Percy was walking in the streets alone, he frowned at the weather. He could find no food right now. Percy wondered who was his father, maybe he could be Hermes because he was good to steal, he didn't have a clue. He smirked when he saw his victim of the day, it was a female teen about twelve years old who was stealing other people. She was from a rich school of the city. Percy disappeared in the crowd, he sighed of relief when he came out with money in his pockets. Now he could buy some food. No monsters found him. It was good. He left quickly the street, he found some fast food and bought something.

The last time he ate, was about two days ago. He never ate each day. It was too much expensive for a homeless person like him. Sometimes he spent days without food, he had ambrosia and nectar to help him for his eventual injuries. Thank you his dearest friend. He smiled as he joined the park to eat his late lunch.

"Hey!" Someone shouted to him.

He turned his eyes. He saw a group running towards him. Who were they ? Junkies ? He frowned. He grabbed his knife, maybe they were monsters. They could be. He noticed that one of them was a satyr. He relaxed a bit. Percy noticed that they were one satyr and two demigods. The first one was a female teen with black hair, she was wearing black pants with dark gray jackets and boots. The second one was a male teen who appeared to be a sibling with the girl. They had the same appearance and clothes. How strange.

"Hey.. I'm Frankly, a satyr." The satyr introduced himself. "And this is Clarisse Larue and Peter Smith."

"Percy Jackson." Percy was tense. He didn't know if he could trust them.

"We are following you for days now. As a keeper, I lead the demigods the half-blood camp the safest place for demigods." Frankly spoke up while the rest stayed silent.

"A camp ? I didn't know about that." Percy muttered to himself.

"We are here to lead you to the camp." Clarisse informed him.

Percy was stunned. A camp for half-blood ? It was just amazing to his mind. He made a quick decision in his head before turning his head back to the group.

"I understand. I'm coming. It's better to live in a camp than in the streets."

The group smiled at his decision. Frankly asked him what he meant by living in the streets, Percy chuckled saying that his birth mother threw him in the streets since his seventh birthday. The two other demigods revealed him that they were both children of Ares the War God.

"Cool ! I wish I know my father." His eyes were shining at that thought. He felt so lonely, he wished to know his father.

"You'll know at camp." Peter reassured him.

Clarisse noticed the sadness and painful looks the other male had. She wondered how he lived in the streets surviving through the monsters attacks. They arrived at night to the camp, Percy was tired and already hungry. He followed the group until a big house. Then they entered in a room with a.. horse guy ?

Oh yeah, he was a centaur. Percy felt immediately uneasy.

"We brought a new demigod Chiron. We had a hard time to find him because he was constantly moving." Frankly informed to the centaur.

"I see. It's good that you found him then." Chiron replied.

"His name's Percy Jackson." Peter said before Chiron could ask his name.

"Nice to meet you Percy. I'm Chiron." The centaur introduced himself.

Chiron said to the group bar Percy to left the room. As they did, Chiron talked to Percy who felt very awkward at that moment.

"So what is your abilities ?" He asked softly.

Before he could respond, the door opened. Chiron looked up and saw Mr. D entering in the room.

"We have a new camper Mr. D." Chiron announced to the man.

Mr D. Or well known as Dionysus looked at the demigod and smirked.

"Mine." He stated possessively as the symbol of the God appeared above Percy's head.

Percy was stunned. Then he smiled happily to finally know his father's identity.

"It's settle then. I'll show you cabin 12."

"See you around kid." Dionysus called back as they walked out the room.

The Cabin 12 was the most beautiful cabin, Percy learned that he had two twins brothers. For the first time since years, he found a family. Chiron left him with Polux and Castor, he found himself talking with his new brothers. The following day, Dionysus proudly announced Percy's arrived in the camp. Percy became friends with Clarisse, Peter, his twins brothers and Frankly quickly filling up the empty inside of him.

"How was your first week kid ?" Dionysus asked to his youngest child.

"Cool. Better than the streets." Percy answered.

The God of Wine narrowed his eyes.

"Did you not live with your mother ?" He asked worried and angry.

"No. She… She threw me away when I was seven. I didn't know why. I always lived in the streets surviving each time with the monsters attacks. Sometimes it was hard to find food and I spent days without it. But a demigod helped me once, he gave me nectar, ambrosia and a knife." Percy told Dionysus wondering why the God was suddenly in bad mood.

"Then it's better for you to stay the whole year here." The God said to his son.

He hugged him tightly. In the following weeks, Percy was more healthy thanks to the Apollo kids, his smile was big as the sun.