Season 3, section 4: Razorwhip
Today's subject for mating habits viewing, the steel plated Razorwhip.
Razorwhips are Sharp Class dragons whose bodies are covered in plated steel that is sharper than a Nadder's spines. Like Nadders, they can shoot spines out of their tails, but their spines are sharper than the sharpest arrow head.
They can be pretty hostile, especially the males, but if the past has taught me anything, it is to be patient and gentle when observing and hopefully I'll be able to get the research I desire.
Fortunately, my old friend Heather, who I spoke to by visiting her and her brother, Dagur, on Berserker Island, gave me some tips on how to spy on them thanks to the experience she got from watching her dragon, Windshear.
Heather told me to always be facing downwind from them, which made sense as Razorwhips have pretty sensitive noses and if they pick up my scent, I'll likely be dead within the hour. She also told me to mask my scent using spruce sap, a scent that Razorwhips are accustomed to since that's the common plant that grows where they like to live.
With all that information in mind, and after saying a quick hello to Dagur and Mala, Toothless and I head out to the one place where I know there are Razorwips galore, Wingmaiden Island. An island that contained an all women tribe that raises Razorwhip hatchlings until they are old enough and strong enough to survive on their own.
We land at the village and are soon greeted by the villagers and their chief, Atali. "Well well, if it isn't Hiccup Haddock of Berk. It is good to see you again."
I hop off of Toothless and say, "It's good to see you too, Atali. Listen, Toothless and I are here for a very interesting reason, we hope you can help us out."
Atali nods. "Well, if you tell me what it is I can see what I can do."
I take a deep breath, put my hands together and say, "Ok, here's what's going on. The past few months, Toothless and I have been going around the archipelago and observing the various mating habits of various dragons and, well, Razorwhips just happen to be next on our list so…we were wondering." She puts a finger to my mouth.
"Say no more, Hiccup Haddock. You're in luck actually, it just so happens to be mating season for the Razorwhips and, to be honest, I've been wondering how they mate as well."
I had to say, I was quite surprised. "You sure? Aren't you worried I might interfere with some sort of ritual?"
Atali shakes her head. "No, not at all. In fact, every season I've always sent someone to make sure the Razorwhips are in fact mating like they should so this is perfect."
I shrug. "Well then, let's get going."
I was about to get back on Toothless when Atali stops me. "Sorry, it's just that if the Razorwhips sense there's another dragon species nearby, it will spook them and they won't want to mate. But don't worry, I do have a way you can follow me."
Atali's right hand woman, Minden, makes a call and soon, the Razorwhip on her back flies over to my back. I was a bit startled at first when the hatchling picks me up a little. "Whoa hey, easy now." As I say that, the hatchling puts me down.
Atali chuckles. "It would seem that Steeltail likes you already."
I chuckle back. "Yeah, it would seem so. Wait so, what about Toothless?"
"Don't worry, Toothless can stay with us until we get back. It will be alright, the Wingmaidens here love him actually."
I look over to see Toothless surrounded by the villagers who offered him food and various oils and lotions. Toothless gave a signal telling me that he was going to be ok.
I shrug again. "Alright, I guess I'll see you later, bud." With that, we start to fly off.
I had a bit of trouble getting Steeltail to go where I wanted him which Atali noticed and laughed a bit at. "You fly with dragons all the time, how are you not getting this?"
I say as Steeltail was pulling me into all directions. "Flying on a dragon's back is far different from a dragon flying on your back!"
Atali laughs, I really didn't blame her. "The key is trust. Let the dragon do the flying while you show it where you want it to go."
Of course I raised a brow at that. "Sounds exactly like something I would say." I take a deep breath and calm down a bit and suddenly, I was flying smoothly. "Huh, looks like I'm starting to get the hang of-" I was cut off after not paying attention and flying right into a tree. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have a dragon on my back at that moment, I surely would've fallen to my death without Toothless there to save me.
Once I was sure I wasn't dead, I hear Atali land next to me and ask, "Are you alright?"
I feel around to make sure everything's still in the right place and say, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sore is all."
She helps me get up and says, "Well, that's good because we're here." She points ahead and in the near distance I see two Razorwhips circling each other in the same courting move that I've seen with other dragons.
Atali has me follow her to an area where we can see them better. She also has me rub spruce sap onto myself to hide my scent, like Heather said.
We get to the area and Atali does a quick test to make sure we are facing downwind. She seemed satisfied, so we sit by and watch the two Razorwhips do their thing. It's important to know that I was on the right side while Atali was on the left.
At this point, they had stopped circling each other and were standing on their hind legs, flapping their wings in harmony and giving each other a purr.
Atali explains to me through whisper, "This is all part of the Razorwhip mating ritual. It is to show loyalty and trust between one another."
I nod. "Right, I've seen this sort of behavior done with many dragons." Something then occurs to me. "Uh, is it a good idea to be watching them when we have baby dragons on our backs?" I say, motioning to Steeltail.
"You know that they're blind right?" Atali asks as if it was total news to me.
"Yes, but they can hear can't they?"
"They'll be fine." She reassures. I was still skeptical but I guess if she says it's ok then it's ok.
Just then, the Razorwhips get back on all fours and nuzzle each other a bit before the one on Atali's side lies down on it's back and waits for the one on my side walks over, turns around, and climbs on top of the other where they both start licking each other's genitals.
My eyes widen at the quickness of it all. "Wow, Razorwhips don't waste time do they?"
Atali shakes her head. "No, they are very fast when it comes to mating."
I didn't entirely hear that sentence as I was looking between both dragons to try to determine the genders of both dragons. I saw slits on both of their crotches but for most male dragons that is also a way that they hide their penises while they are not aroused. I did feel like that with how aroused they seemed to be, I should at least start seeing a penis pop out of either of them but so far, nothing.
Then, once again, it hit me like a sack of Meatlug's food. "Say, are those two-"
"Female? Yes, it would seem to be that way. Unfortunately, the ratio of male Razorwhips to female Razorwhips is about 1 to 2, so when mating season comes, any female that does not have a male has to resort to homosexual behavior." Atali explains.
I raise a brow to that. "Doesn't really seem like it's resorting at all, they seem to enjoy it."
Atali quietly chuckles at this. "Yes, it is enjoyable to them. In fact, since females tend to stay away from males most of the year due to them being so aggressive, they actually do it a lot even if it isn't mating season. It seems to keep them calm throughout the year."
As Atali was talking, the two Razorwhips continued to go at it with licking each other's vaginas. It was then I noticed four soft looking, cantaloupe sized breasts appear from each dragon, which they started to fondle with their paws.
This got another raised brow from me, "Wait, I thought most dragon breasts appear when they're pregnant?"
Atali responds, "Yes, this is true, however Razorwhip mammaries can form even when they are simply aroused. But you aren't far off, when female Razorwhips are pregnant their breasts are able to grow bigger and stay out longer so they can feed their young."
Again, very fascinating to my research, however something was still missing here. "If you don't mind me asking, what are their penises like?"
Atali chuckles, something I somewhat expected. "I suppose knowing about that can be useful to your observations. Well, I've only seen them a handful of times, but I can tell you that the Razorwhip penis has an average length of about 15 inches from base to tip. Like with Nadders, their penis is covered in barbs but Razorwhip's are a bit sharper so they can really scrape any competing sperm out of the female."
The thought of sharp barbs scraping one of my most sensitive spots made me both shudder and glad that I'm not a female Razorwhip. Atali saw me shudder and explained, "It's actually less painful than it may sound. The vaginal walls of a female Razorwhip are very thick and tough which allows them to handle the sharp barbs without much damage if at all."
"I guess that makes me feel a little better but still."
By this point, both Razorwhips in front of us were almost digging their tongues into each other's pussies while giving each other's breasts gentle but firm squeezes.
In a sudden move, the one on top turns around so that their crotches and breasts were pressed against each other. She was now grinding her pussy against the other's, making them both leak a ton of juices that edged them on to grind faster.
Throughout all of this, Steeltail and the dragon on Atali's backs didn't seem to notice that there were dragons having sex right in front of them, guess Atali was right about that.
Also the entire time, I heard a lot of moaning from the two dragons, but then I heard the sounds of human moaning and I look to see Atali with her eyes closed and her hand in her pants, presumably fingering herself. She opens one of her eyes and says, "Oh don't look at me like you haven't done this during one of your observations."
This got me to blush, not because I knew that it was true but I didn't expect her to know about that so quickly. I figured I might as well ask. "Would you like some…help?"
Atali smiles. "You're sweet but I actually prefer women. Why do you think I prefer to live with an all-female tribe? However, feel free to join me."
You know it's interesting, the entire time I've been doing it with Toothless I've only had dicks and balls on my mind but seeing three ladies go at it, I had to admit it was pretty hot too. *shrugs* It could mean that I'm just bisexual.
"Alright." I say as I pull my dick out and start stroking it to the scissoring dragons in front of me.
The Razorwhip on top then leans in and gives the one on the bottom a love bite on the soft spot on her neck. Apparently, this was all the bottom Razorwhip needed in order to roar out in pleasure as her orgasm hit her, making her pussy squirt juices onto both of their hind legs. The one on top came soon after, coating whatever spot the bottom missed with vaginal fluid.
Atali and I came right with both of them. I shot a load onto the bushes and Atali must have leaked a bit of juices as well.
Once all four of us have calmed down from our orgasms, the Razorwhips in front of us pretty much just flop down to their sides and they just go to sleep, giving Atali and I the perfect chance to fly away with the help of Steeltail and her dragon.
Once we get back to the Wingmaiden village, I could see Toothless on his back with his head all the way back getting fed, rubbed with oils, and looking like a king. Steeltail returns to Minden and I go to see Toothless. "Hey bud, looks like you had a good time with the Wingmaidens. You ready to go home or…"
He looks at me, then looks to the women around him, then leans his head back to receive more fish. This gets a chuckle out of me. "Alright, we can stay but we should at least go within the next hour so we can get back to Dragon's Edge before dark. Atali, thank you for helping me today."
She nods to me. "My pleasure, and if there's anything you need before you go, just let me or any of the other Wingmaidens know."
Aaaaand that's a wrap.
So this was my first time, besides that little bit in my first story, Just a Friendly Dragon Reunion, that I wrote anything about lesbian sex. It was a little strange for me considering that I'm a gay man but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Please leave any suggestions for future dragons to do and I will see you later!