Hey everyone! This is a 'Young Sherlock Holmes' fanfic that was inspired by SherlockedSherlockian's awesome OC fanfic. This is my first fanfiction, so go easy on me, would ya? This is a chapter story, so stay tuned! I wanted to get this story off my chest and even though it won't be as good as Sherlockian's, I hope you enjoy it! Lotso fluff, though.Tell me what you think or give me ideas via PM or a review. I'll always be happy to listen!

Also, disclaimer: I do not own the Young Sherlock Holmes series or the three characters Matty, Sherlock and Virginia. Just my main and filler OCs.


The Wolf Whisperer


"You're what???"

Matty blinked slowly, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You're seeing Virginia??" He shook his head while looking down, and Sherlock heard the edge in his laugh that was currently reduced to a chuckle- the tone of disbelieving mirth.

It wasn't as if he couldn't - it was that he didn't believe.

Sherlock held up both Virginia's and his hands, the pale fingers of his threaded through her slightly tanned hand. Why not? he wondered.

"What more proof do you need?"

Virginia's fingers clasped his tighter as she glowed with a muted pride.

At that moment, Matty's whole demeanour changed. Sherlock noticed every detail of his new posture: Matty's arms were dangling by his sides from his previously folded arms, his shoulders were slightly pulled back and his head was slightly tilted forward and to the right. Matty's face had gone somewhat slack, his eyebrows were furrowed, his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were filled with exasperation.

If Matty didn't sound sceptical enough before, he now looked the picture of incredulousness.

"I...what...you...huh?" His head seemed to be struggling with the concept, and his heart told him that asking Sherlock if he was seeing Virginia again wasn't gonna yield anymore fresh information. Realizing how rude he must've sounded- and looked now, he straightened himself and said rather stiffly in a manner that didn't suit him, " Congratulations...I guess. But-" and he glanced at Virginia, who's had nothing to say in this story just yet. "Virginia, could I talk to Sherlock for a moment? It'll take just a second."

Something about the almost pained countenance that Matty chose made Sherlock's heart quiver once in fear, because he could tell what he was wanting to discuss and he was admittedly not looking forward to it.

Virginia pursed her lips and her violet eyes surveyed Matty with an icy stare. "Very well," she said. "But make it quick, we're going riding later and I want to get a move on."

As Sherlock trudged a bit away from Virginia, he glanced back reassuringly and Virginia smiled at him.

Maybe he really could drown in those eyes...

"I think you can be away from your sweetheart for just a little bit, eh?

Sherlock's eyes fluttered in surprise as he snapped back to Earth and stared at the back of Matty's head, face flushed.

Matty stopped and turned sharply to face Sherlock when they were out of Virginia's hearing range. The questions he threw at him rushed out in a turbulent stream of mixed curses and words. "Since when was this a thing?

"We were riding-"

"How did you...did she-"

"Matty! Let me finish. We were riding our horses about two weeks ago, and we went to the creek. She dismounted, and I followed in confusion. And then she set those beautiful violet eyes of hers right on me and her hair swished in the wind, like kelp in the water as she took exactly three and a half steps towards me-"

"Sherlock. Miss out the details. You sound like a crap author."

"R-right," he faltered, "then she asked me to be her sweetheart."

Matty raised an eyebrow.

"Matty, you know I've liked her for over a year-"

"Wait, you told me this a few days ago, didn't you?" Matty blinked in remembrance. Sherlock cut through his train of thought and said rather sheepishly, actually, he reacted better then than now.

"I was grooming Albert. There was no way I was consciously agreeing with that."

"You said 'Oh, that's nice.' and you looked at me."

"I wasn't listening then-" Matty waved his hands wildly in frustration, then dropped his hands in defeat. "Forget it."

This usually isn't like him, Matty thought. He used to be rather cold to everyone, but now he's being all soppy? Staring back at her? "Kelp in the water"?? And did I hear the idiot mumble he could drown in her eyes?? He's supposed to be a detective and he couldn't see I wasn't listening then?? What the absolute heck?

Maybe I'm just overreacting, Matty thought to himself. Breathe, Matty. Sherlock's not going anywhere.

But if he does that stupid describing thing again, he 's definitely going out of my life.

Matty squinted and pinched the bridge of his nose. "...ugh, just, are you sure 'bout this?" Sherlock knew what Matty was trying to get at, but he was trying to avoid it. "Yes, Matty, I'm absolutely sure. Stop making it such a big deal."

"But," Matty started, his voice quiet, "but what about Lara?" He looked at Sherlock, and their expressions- expressions of worry and concern- were aligned.

"Oh bollocks," Sherlock said softly.

Lara Davies, the third child of four and second daughter of Aurelio Davies, was their other female friend, a rather wild, stormy, romantic young woman with hip length wild black hair, blacker than Sherlock's, surpassing his in both length and colour to the point of it glowing a deep vibrant blue in just the right angle of sunlight. Of course, following Victorian customs, her hair was always pinned up, so nobody other than her maid and best friend, Julia, as well as her mother, father and her sweetheart, Thomas Fernsby, had seen her hair completely down.

Her eyes were definitely something to talk about. Sherlock imagined that her eyes looked like a rainforest, lush and every shade of green housed in two irises. Gold flecks were sprinkled here and there like jaguars, prowling in the wild. Her gaze was as intense and poised as the metaphorical jaguars, and Sherlock always noticed that whenever he was the target of her gaze, he would always make eye contact and it became an unspoken staring contest- that she would always lose. She always broke eye contact first.

There was an unspoken agreement that she was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in Farnham- but when it was mentioned, she would hear none of it. She'd deny it and compliment the person who complimented her. Most people loved her and believed her to be an angel, some believing she was somehow the reason to their anger, but everyone also kind of feared her. She had a sort of invisible strength about her that very few and I mean very, like four or five people in the whole of Farnham (not even her family and friends, though they have always suspected it), have seen her use, and her eyes and dark hair made her look mysterious and rather intimidating. A bit dangerous, too.

Which explains Sherlock's fear, because she could (probably) knock your teeth out or leave you without a scratch and with a congratulations. Does anyone know when she was going to do either? Both? Not me.

Matty said, "What if she doesn't agree? This is pretty sudden for her." Then he threw an accusing glance at Sherlock. "Pretty sudden for me." He enunciated every syllable, and Sherlock shifted from foot to foot guiltily.

Matty mused, "Hopefully, she doesn't murder you because you left her in the dark. Who's going to solve that murder if you're dead?" Sherlock shook his head and chuckled at that.

Matty turned to him.

"We're visiting Lara today. We have to tell her and get it over with."


"After your little riding spree."

"But, Matty-"

"To. Day. No buts."


"Come on! One more minute!" Virginia called impatiently.

They turned and made their way back to Virginia.

"Matty, you think I've changed drastically since this relationship, don't you?" Sherlock said suddenly. "But I can still tell that you were in the woods exactly an hour ago looking for me and I'm guessing your horse probably isn't well. Also, you fell over exactly three times on your way over." Matty opened his mouth as if to say something, but he realized he was mostly right.

"Just because I sometimes likes to give him his grub..." Matty grumbled. He shot a glance at Virginia, as if to say, "He never damn listens."

Sherlock grinned. "'...there's no need to make a song and dance about it.' Sorry." His eyes widened in recollection for a second before he turned to Virginia. "Oh, yeah, Virginia, wanna go to Lara's house after riding?"

"Yeah, sure," Virginia nodded. "It'd be nice to see her again."

Matty shot Sherlock a subtle what-the-hell-you're -digging-her-grave-for-her look. Sherlock threw a no-i'm-not-stop-worrying-and-shut-up look back at him, then glanced down quickly as if to say hopefully.

They started on their way to the woods, and Matty had a question about Sherlock's deduction. "How are you sure three times?" he asked, tilting his head, trying his best to not show that Sherlock was actually right about that.

"Well, your knee is scuffed more recently than the new scratch on your wrist and I still see particles of dirt around the cut-" -here Matty consciously rubbed the wound on his trouser leg- "- and on the other elbow, it's wet from where your elbow probably sunk in a puddle after the wrist scratch fall."

"Yeah, you're actually ri-"

"Also," Sherlock ruffled the back of his head sheepishly, "I saw you fall three times in the distance."



So we've introduced Lara Davies who is in a relationship, and Sherlock is also in a relationship already. I'm not sure if they used the words girlfriend/ boyfriend back then, so I just stuck to "sweetheart". Lara is probably a bit cliché, isn't she? But the next chapter will be about Lara, from her point of view as she actually interacts with the Trio, and you'll get more of her character background, which I hope isn't really cliche.

Also, I could only find Black Ice and Fire Storm to read, so pardon me if my Sherlock story lacks some details that other people know (because I don't even know the details lol)

I'll update this story every week if I can, but with school and stuff let's see how it goes.

Oh, and all the chapter titles are going to be from Matty's point of view, for fun.

Stay tuned!

The Wolf Whisperer