Jay was, understandably, very excited right now. She was about to go on a date with the girl she's had a crush on for ages! She was waiting by her front door for Marie to either text or call or buzz or something to indicate she was here. Jay had made sure she was cleaned up and dressed up, but not too dressed up, so that she could make a good impression on this first date. Jay wasn't entirely sure what she should expect but she was ready for anything. Sure enough after a few moments of waiting, the buzzer buzzes, meaning she has a guest! Jay goes over to it and presses the speak button so she can confirm the identity of her guest.

"Hello?" Jay's excitement was palpable, it was audible even through the intercom down to the main floor. She hoped it wasn't too obvious that she'd been waiting for this moment for the better part of a few years, but nonetheless, she was still very happy that Marie said yes. She was bouncing a little bit as well, but she was trying to calm herself down, she doesn't want to embarrass herself after all.

"Hey Jay, it's me! Can you let me in?" Marie's voice called clearly through the speaker and Jay's hearts fluttered. Jay quickly presses the door open button and lets Marie enter the building. She should've maybe said something before unlocking the door, something like 'sure come on in!' but she was too nervous and excited to think properly. Now all she had to do was wait for the knock on her apartment door. Now that the moment was so close though, she found herself fidgeting a little more than she expected, maybe this was a bad idea, she's not ready for this!

*Knock Knock Knock*

It's too late, Marie is here, Jay is dressed up and ready to go. She has to just swallow her nerves and go for it. Surely everything will be fine right? They're friends at least so they'll get along, they have similar senses of humor and they enjoy a lot of the same media, so there's compatibility already outside of the fact that they both find each other attractive. Okay, she can do this, she defeated DJ Octavio, she faced down countless Octarian soldiers, she can handle one date with her crush, right? Right, okay, she's opening the door.

"Hey Ma-" Jay can't even finish her thought, Marie is dressed so stunningly that it stops her brain in its tracks. She's wearing a black button down shirt with a matching black tie, and also a black pair of dress pants. To cap it off, her hair isn't up in its usual bow, but rather hanging down, a black ponytail elastic keeping the two long tentacles together so they don't flop about TOO wildly.

"Hey Jay!" Marie gives a warm smile, and then she notices Jay's sundress and blushes immensely. Marie would argue that Jay is the better dressed of the two, but Marie is very glad she didn't wear a dress to this, the only dresses she has are her Squid Sisters dress, and some overly formal ones. Sure it would be a good option if they were going to an expensive restaurant for dinner or something, but that isn't at all what they're doing. They're spending time together and watching the sunset, and if things go well, maybe they'll share a kiss or something. "Oh wow, you look… stunning!"

"I-I uh… th-thanks! You look absolutely gorgeous, I mean you always do but like, especially right this second." Jay fidgets a little and blushes, giving Marie a sheepish smile. Jay hopes her words aren't off-putting, she's trying her best despite her nerves. Fortunately, Marie's response is simply to giggle a little and blush herself.

"So uh, you said you wanted to go to the park?" Marie knows it's awkward because they're both about to go on a proper date with the person they're crushing on, so she decides to at least TRY and keep things going somewhat smoothly. Marie isn't going to hold anything against Jay, especially not after the girl finally managed to muster the courage to ask her out! Upon hearing Marie's words, Jay perks up and quickly shakes her head, getting her mind back on track.

"Yes! Yes that's right! Sorry just had a bit of a panicked moment because my gods you look so amazing" Jay blushes like a dork and smiles, clearing her throat and finally feeling like she's ready to actually go on the date. She knows that the only way for this to go smoothly is for the both of them to work together, so she starts by trying to do just that, to get Marie's input on the plan of action so they can make the evening perfect together. "Okay! So uh, oh gods uhm… do we like… hold hands and walk to the park or?"

Jay was very new to dating and it was very clear. Marie found her inexperience adorable, plus it meant that her own lack of experience wouldn't be a hindrance. She and Jay could figure out the whole "dating" thing together. Marie simply extends her hand out to Jay, allowing the Inkling to hold it so they could walk hand in hand down to the park. Jay swallows her nerves and finally reaches her hand out and gently places it in Marie's. Both of them feel their hearts skip a beat and their blushes grow brighter. Finally they give each other a smile and start heading out, Jay making sure to lock the door behind them before finally making their way out to the park.

"Woah, Marie look at the lake!" Jay is mesmerized as the sun begins dipping over the horizon, turning the sky into a beautiful mix of colors, and the ripples of the water on Inkopolis lake making them dance. Marie giggles softly from how cute the Inkling is, but she has to agree, it is quite beautiful. In fact, she's been so busy for so long that she hasn't really HAD a quiet moment to admire the sunset for quite some time.

"Heh, you're right Jay, much like you, the lake is quite beautiful this evening." Marie purrs softly and moves to be a little closer to Jay as they walk through the park, hand in hand. Jay blushes harder at Marie's comment, before also giggling softly.

Eventually, they find themselves sitting on a bench, still holding hands, and watching the sun slowly dip beyond the sky. Marie scoots a little closer silently, their legs now touching. Jay blushes but says nothing, not wanting to scare Marie off. Marie lets out a soft yawn, and gently lays her head on Jay's shoulder. Jay gasps audibly, she hadn't expected things to get to this point at all. Okay to be fair she didn't expect the date to happen either but still! She turns her head to look down at Marie, and Marie turns to look up at Jay. Marie gives her a soft smile and Jay smiles back, the both of them blushing like two dorks in love.

Jay doesn't know what to do, she glances to the horizon, but then goes right back to looking at Marie, who does the same. Marie sits up a little, looking Jay in the eyes as the world around them darkens and the moon rises into view. Their noses are centimeters apart and both of them have racing hearts. It's Jay who makes the first move, inching a little closer, testing the waters. When Marie returns the motion, Jay decides to go for it. Jay leans closer, her eyes falling closed and her lips pursing slightly, only to be stopped by the soft touch of Marie's own lips against them. Jay's brain fires up and tries to make her panic and back away, but Marie was too quick, she'd put a hand on the Inkling's face and was making sure to show affection, to show that yes, yes she wants this too.

Resigning to not have to fight with her mind over what she wants and what is acceptable now, she leans her body closer, putting a hand on Marie's hip, continuing the soft kiss. Marie on the other hand, opts to keep caressing Jay's head, rubbing her ears a little as well as gently stroking her tentacles. Jay was very glad she'd taken the time to wash them now. Marie seemed enamored by them, so short compared to her own but so feminine in their own way. That was something Marie admired about Jay, she was a girl who knew how to use what she had. There were already no secrets between them, they'd had plenty of moments when they'd shared life stories, often when they were back trying to rescue Callie. Marie would tell a story of her past with her cousin, and Jay would tell a story of her own. They knew so much about each other, and finally, they knew the other's feelings.

Jay was the happiest Inkling in Inkopolis that night, though Marie might argue it was herself. Any onlookers would just see two Inklings in love, sitting on a bench and sharing a tender moment with each other. In all honesty, with how well they knew each other, it felt almost like they'd been dating for at least several months already! Maybe that's why things moved as quickly as they did. Whatever the case was, there was two Inklings, being cute, and the sky was getting darker and darker by the minute.

Eventually, the pathway lights came on, allowing anyone still in the park to see well enough to make their way along the pathways back to the city proper. This was when the kiss finally broke, and the two squids stared at each other with a loving expression, a very obvious blush, and the two dorkiest smiles any cephalopod had ever seen.

"Your uhm… your lips are very soft." Jay comments, trying to make some form of small talk to break the silence. Which works to a degree, as Marie giggles and pecks her nose softly in response. Jay blushes harder from the nose kiss, and her smile widens as well as Jay begins purring softly, which Marie finds absolutely adorable.

"As are yours Jay, worth waiting for in my opinion." Marie blushes and purrs, scooting a little closer, their legs now squishing together slightly from the proximity. She then felt Jay's hand in her own shifting slightly, moving from grabbing on to it to intertwining with it, the fingers slipping between each other and becoming one unit woven together.

"You uhm… you don't have to wait for them anymore though, if you w-wanted more I mean." Jay blushes and tries to subtly hint that she wants more kisses, though she realizes it's obscenely blunt and she smiles sheepishly after the words leave her mouth. Jay hopes Marie appreciates the attempt at subtleness, or at least appreciates the bluntness. Much to Jay's delight, Marie giggles again, leaning a little closer.

"You're cute." And then Marie presses their lips together once again, this time there was a bit more passion behind it. Marie had moved her hand from Jay's head to now hold on to her waist as well, pressing firmly into the kiss and making sure Jay was enjoying it.

Enjoying it Jay was, more than that even, Jay was loving it! She had been dreaming of a moment like this for so long and here it was, and she was making damn sure to get everything she could out of it. But she also wanted to make sure that MARIE was getting enjoyment out of it too, and the constant purring of the pop star was enough proof that she was doing something right. Jay's hand moves to Marie's back, where it begins drawing circles gently, prompting more purrs from Marie and making Jay smile and feel rather proud of herself. They remain in their embrace as time fades into unimportance, all that matters is the person they're with, and the blossoming love they both feel.