A/N: Sorry about the delay, I've had a case of writer's block and been really demotivated. Sorry if this chapter is kinda short.

The plane finally landed in Tokyo around noon.

As the Crusaders exited the gate, Harry's eyes lit up with amazement at the sights around them.

"Welcome to Japan, Harry!" He heard Tohru say to him as the group entered check in.

Joseph returned from his discussion with the airport receptionist that it would be about 4 hours till their flight to Egypt would arrive. In the meantime the gang ate lunch at one of the restaurants, Tohru teaching Harry how to use chopsticks with him picking up on it pretty quickly, and another incident with Joseph loudly voicing his opinion about the locals when a young man ran over his foot by accident, Avdol and Kakyoin were quick to restrain him and offer an apology.

Harry found himself glacing at Aker while he wrote in one of his many books. A page with a large feathered dragon on one and a large humanoid on the adjacent page.

"Grrr... This nose is too big." Aker snarled under his breath before erasing the nose he had just drawn. "Still, this dumbo would look better with one and maybe being the size of that Tub of Lard would also work." he smirked when his attention was directed to that of a curious Harry.

"Whats up?" Aker asked. Harry pointed at his drawings.

"You want to know about the Quetzalcoatl and the Pillar Man?"

"Whats a Quetzalcoatl and whats a Pillar Man?"

"Come here, I'll tell you."

Harry found himself being lifted into the dragon's lap. He didn't struggle as Aker's grip wasn't forced, more like offering and wanting to show him something yet at the same time caring, like a mother or father taking their child into their lap to read them a story. Wrapping an arm around Harry, Aker placed the book in both of their laps so Harry had a good view. Clearing his throat he began to speak.

"Long before humans were the dominate race on earth, a race know as the Pillar Men ruled supreme. Preying on early man like cattle and battling with our kind for dominance. Dragon and Pillar Men kind didn't get along, seeing each other as rivals and as a result, many conflicts arose. With humans stuck in the middle, they feared for their lives and began to pray for a protector. One named the Quetzalcoatl answered their prayers. Contrary to muggle beliefs the Quetzalcoatl was a female, and a pretty, Click-click, one to say. She and the Pillar Men continuously fought till one day when it all stopped. The Aztecs said one day that she would return from a far off land, but nothing really happened save for some sightings off the coast of Italy of a large winged serpent and a Harpy fighting..."

Joseph nearly choked when he heard that last bit, grabbing Tohru's attention from staring outside. His mind roamed to that of a young women who had assisted him during his struggle against Kars and the Pillar Men.

"She had a name but I don't remember it... I think it began with an "L", but she did have a sister. Yet something happened between the two that your mom or Mr. Joestar would skin my head if I told you that caused her to get de-throned as a goddess."

Tohru facepalmed, Joseph giggled, and Harry was left confused at what Aker had said.

Thought the wait had felt like eternity, they Crusaders were now on the flight to Egypt. Much to everyone's surprise, there wasn't many people on board the flight.

Avdol, Aker, and Kakyoin had fallen asleep and Harry kept himself busy by reading one of Aker's books he had lent him, Tohru was half asleep while Joseph looked out the window.

An odd feeling rushed through the old man's bones, one so primordial it chilled him to the core. The feeling of being watched. Not helping with the fact Harry felt his scar hurting moments later while he was in the middle of reading about Stands. Joesph turned to Jotaro.

"I have a feeling we're being watched."

The teen opened his eyes and let out a simple "Yeah..." in agreement with his grandfather when a beetle flew past, getting both men's attention. It's buzzing rousing the other three and snapping Tohru out of her half-unconscious state, the other passengers not taking any notice.

"That's unusual for a bug to be on a plane." Jotaro said.

"Are you sure you it isn't a fly, there are flies on airplanes all the time." Aker yawned, Kakyoin and Avdol looking around to see where it had gone when Tohru pointed.

"Jotaro behind you!"

The beetle was huge, too big to be a normal bug, and it was right behind Jotaro.

"Avdol, could that be a Stand?" Joesph asked.

"It's possible the insect is a stand. Harry's is shaped like a deer."

Just then the bug opened its mouth to reveal an alien-like second jaw, shooting it in the group's direction when it was struck by a torrent of flame, forcing the Stand to retract the jaws. Somewhere else on the plane, an old man wheezed from the sharp singe of dragon fire. Tohru blew out a small smoke cloud from her mouth what now her snout when she was in her dragon form.

"Good thing this little technique doesn't just work on flies or mosquitoes." She smirked.

Yet the Stand was quick to recover, rearing it's ugly bug head around again and opening its jaws.

"Careful, I've heard about a Stand user that likes to rip out its victim's tongues." Avdol warned.

Aker made a noise that sounded like a repressed choak and a gag while Kakyoin's face paled up. Both mortified at the thought of loosing one's tongue.

"Disgusting..." Jotaro grumbled as he stood up, planning on dealing with the Stand himself, and ushering Tohru to sit back down. Her response being a smoke ring in his general direction, said smoke ring instead landing on Avdol's face.

The beetle's tongue shout out again as Star Platinum appeared, ready to crush the thing into a million pieces, yet just as his gloved hand was just barely in a close proximity of the bug, it flew out of the way.

"I-It dodged?!" Avdol's shocked voice catching the attention of Aker.

"Fascinating, It's even faster than Star."

"Look out, it's attacking!" Kakyoin shouted, directing Jotaro and Star's attention to the bug as it shot its jaw at them, Star raising his hand to try to stop it. Tohru moved in-front of Harry, ready to take action if need be, even if Prongs, being quite the powerful Stand himself, could do so.

Yet they weren't fast enough as the jaw went right though the Stand's hand, Jotaro's hand receiving a circular wound in his palm, and straight for Star's mouth.



A pair of gold antlers acting like a boomerang sliced through the creature's jaw as it spun around, back to where Harry stood with an antlerless Prongs by his side, ready to fight.


Petunia moved around the house doing chores that Tohru or Holly would've been doing. She had just finished cooking her older sister, Holly, lunch and given her the medications Joseph left. He had also left a note of things that needed tending to around the house as Holly was unable to do so, Suzie occasionally helping her daughter out when she needed to.

Dudley on the other hand was reading one of his favorite comic books while his grandma was helping his mom trying to get his mind off of his boredom. He wished he was back at home with his friends, harassing Josuke about his hair, smashing mailboxes, chasing old Mrs. Esther's crippled cat around with a spray bottle until she comes running with her broom, heck, even being stuck with his neighbor and babysitter Ms. Higashikata, who Dudley compares to an old crow as she catches everytime he had attempted to sneak out of the house past bedtime to hangout with his friends, even dragging Dudley home one time after he was caught messing with Josuke.

"Ugh... Isn't there anything else to do in this bloody house!" Dudley shouted at the top of his lungs. Petunia came running with a scowl on her face.

"Dudley what did I say about using your inside voice? You'll wake your aunt!" Petunia spoke in a dangerous tone, her eyes looking like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Your lucky your grandfather isn't here..."

"Is something wrong Pettunie?" Suzie came into the room. Petunia blushed a bit at the nickname her mom and dad called her as a kid, as her and her sister's names didn't start with Js, Joseph wanting to name her Josie and Lilly Josphine, but Suzie decided on naming them after flowers and plants instead.

"Nothing mom, Dudders is just board." She responded. Suzie turned to her grandson and spoke as Petunia left.

"Why not you go play in Harry's room, he won't mind." She smiled and ruffled Dudley's blonde hair, much to his annoyance, before going back to help her daughter with the dishes.

Dudley's piggy face peaked up as he rushed up the stairs and into his cousin's room.

The chubby boy's eyes sparkled with amazement at his little-cousin's room.

He was staying in Jotaro's room for the time being and had already ended up trashing parts of it. Dudley had ruined one of his cousin's expensive pairs of pants by dragging his suitcase over it, knocked some posters off the walls, and even broke a dolphin figurine he found while snooping through Jotaro's closet.

Even though Dudley was terrified of Jotaro, fearing he would get pummeled when they returned, he didn't dare mess up Harry's room as the incident was still scarred deep in his memories.

The small TV in the corner of the room caught Dudley's eye. There were two controllers still hooked up yet the console was off. He rushed over there and snagged a controller. Now all he needed to find was a game.

Looking around for a disk, Dudley spotted some on the shelf. He tried to reach up and grab one yet it was too high up.

"Maybe I'll go get a stool." Dudley told himself when something unexpected happened. A large bronze hand reached up and grabbed the box, seconds later, Dudley found the case in his own hands.

One minute, Dudley is standing there in shock at what just happened, the next, he's bolting straight for the bathroom screaming about ghosts.

"Dudley what's going-" Petunia opened the bathroom door ready to scold her son for making a fuss only to find him trembling on the toilet with bloodshot eyes and a pale face.

"Mummy, this place is haunted." Dudley sputtered "Ghost... hand..."

That's when she saw it, a large bronze specter, humanoid in appearance, with its arms wrapped around Dudley while he stared in her direction, the "ghost" looked to be trying to comfort the boy.

"There's one behind you too..." Dudley pointed a shaky finger behind Petunia where, too, a humanoid figure stood. Yet this one being female in appearance.

Petunia looked around and her face paled before turning back to Dudley and gesturing for him to follow her.

"I think it's time we have a talk..."