Alex Hash was not a normal kid. That he had always known. As an orphan from the Caribbean, he was always on the move.

However, he did not expect to be a Reincarnated Soul, of all the things! But he was...and Alexander Hamilton? Maybe that wasn't such a surprise.

He was 12 when it happened...they were in sixth grade and discussing Alexander Hamilton's letters to John Laurens.

A class debate! Alex loved debates. This was after his mother had died, however, so he wasn't feeling his best. His older brother, James, had looked at him strangely when Alex mentioned the topic.

He hadn't thought much of either at the time.

And yet...the images had started flashing through his mind the very second the teacher had mentioned Hamilton. Not just images...Memories. Memories that did not belong to him.

"My dearest Laurens..."


"Aaron Burr, Sir!"

"You Excellency, Sir, surely..."

"Remember, my dear Eliza, you are a Christian..." (Hamilton's last words, Alex remembered.)

"Excuse me, ma'am? I-I don't feel very well." Alexander moaned. The teacher had let him go and he had trudged back home.

By the time he was in his bedroom, the memories were...worth a lifetime. Hamilton's lifetime.

Alex had read a book on Reincarnates and he knew them to be proven possible but...he never imagined being one. Though, he had always enjoyed Lin Manuel Miranda's Musical about Hamilton's life, Alex subconsciously corrected. Just then, the front door opened and closed.

After his cousin had died, him and James had moved in with a carpenter. Alex thought back to when he had been Hamilton (He was still getting used to that, provided he wasn't just insane) and the carpenter back then had only taken in James.

But there was no family to adopt Alex this time, so at least they hadn't been separated this time around.

Where there any others? What about John, Hercules, Lafayette? George Washington? James Madison and, ugh, Jefferson? Angelica, Peggy...Eliza?

"-lex? Earth to Alex? Hello? ALEXANDER HASH!" James was screaming by this point. Oops. Figures Alex would spook out.

"James, what do you know about Reincarnates?" Alex had blurted out.

James' smile said it all: he was one. Even if none of the others were in this timeline, he had his brother by his side.

And now they were both in College. Kings College, though technically it was called Columbia now.

"Alex? You know how you were saying how some of your friends might be going here? I'm pretty sure I know one." James whispered.

"What?" Alex jumped to his feet, eyes blazing with excitement. "No! Who? Who? Who?" James laughed softly, pulling his brother back down.

"Well..." The elder boy trailed off, suddenly looking sheepish. "Her name is, err, Angel Sky. She's my age but her younger sister is your age and named...Elizabeth. Lizzy, she prefers. Oh! And-"

"And Peggy. THE SCHUYLER SISTERS!" Alex sang, hope dancing in his violet-blue eyes. James took a deep breath and looked down.

"What?" Alex asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I-Angel is- We have plans to go out on Saturday." James said very quickly.

Alex froze for a second before shrugging and patting James' shoulder.

"I suppose you'll have to introduce me to her then."

"Introduce him to her? You couldn't be talking about moi?" Alex and James looked up at the speed of light. It was a younger girl, about 16 as opposed to Alex's 17 and James' 19.

She had carefully curled blonde hair piled on top of her head and her dark eyes popped against her tan skin. There was something familiar about the fullness of her red lips.

James cleared his throat. "No, not you. But I'll introduce you now! This is my little brother, Alex. Alex, meet Maria Reyner."