Chapter 12
All's Well That Ends Well

"...and you'll be happy to know that the Galactic Guardians are back in business!" Betty said, smiling at Paloma and Juanita, who were sitting on the opposite couch at her house, "Admiral DeGill authorised an immediate reconstruction of Headquarters, and the worlds Maximus enslaved have been freed, so I can safely say that things are back to normal!"

"Betty was a hero," said Juanita, looking up at Paloma, "We thought Maximus had finally won, but she saved the day!"

Betty blushed. "I just did what I had to. And I'm really sorry for all that mean stuff I said to you, Paloma," she apologized, "I hope you're not mad at me."

"Don't be silly," smiled Paloma, "It wasn't your fault. Of course I'm not mad at you. You'll always be the best friend I could ever want."

"Thanks. And so will you," Betty said, "Best friends forever, Paloma?"

"Best friends forever, Betty," smiled Paloma. They hugged.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of Betty's front door opening. "Hey, sweetie," Tanya cooed as she strode into the house and came into the living room where Betty, Paloma and Juanita were sitting. "How was your day?"

Betty shrugged. "Uneventful."

To tie up some loose ends, I expect you were wondering what happened to the baddies after that horrible explosion. The Betty Clones, due to their superpowers, were almost invulnerable, so they had not been seriously harmed. Maximus and Minimus had been less lucky.

"I can't believe it!" moaned Maximus I.Q. as he lay on top of his bed completely bandaged up to his neck, his limbs hanging up in casts and his whole body almost completely paralyzed, "I was so close! So close to universal domination! Then Miss Atomic Pesty and her meddling friends had to mess things up!"

"Well..." croaked Minimus, who was lying at the other end of the bed, also trussed up in bandages, "At least now we can finally have some peace and quiet," he said, trying to be positive.

"Daddyyyyyy!" a voice whined just as he said that. Optica burst into the room, followed by Destructa and Roxanne. "Roxanne is using my eye shadow!" Optica whined.

"Am not!" shot Roxanne, "You're such a liar!"

"And Optica keeps stealing my lipstick!" whined Destructa.

"Do not!" snapped Optica, "Who'd wanna use your stupid lipstick, I'd get cooties!"
"Well all the lipstick in the galaxy couldn't make you look beautiful!"
"Take that back!"
"In your dreams!"

"Stop it! Girls! Be quiet! Please! I need peace! GIRLSSSS!" bellowed Maximus, as his triplets bickered endlessly, "DADDY NEEDS SILENCE!"

"Let go of my hair!"
"Stop using my lipstick!"
"Give me my eye shadow!"
"Stay outta my room!"
"Get off my dress!"
"I'm telling on you!"

"ARGGGHHH!" moaned Maximus in agony!