A/N: I am not a short chapter fan, but this chapter ends at the right spot and I did not want to just add a bunch of unnecessary fluff, so shorter chapter today. Hope you are all having a good Wednesday!

Also, italics means dream for this chapter :)

Summary: The Elf nations of Xadia and the Human Kingdoms have never known peace. However with the war coming to an end, a new era has begun where elves and humans will no longer be enemies. Through Prince Callum of Katolis and Princess Rayla of Lunaris, the fate of the future between humans and elves now rests upon their shoulders. Their lives bound to each other for peace.

Chapter Thirteen: A Journey of A Thousand Miles

Laughter. Pure, unrestrained and stomach aching laughter came from the three 'children' in the forest. Callum couldn't remember the last time he had ever laughed so hard. Though the pressure on his shoulders and pain in his back was an ever growing concern in his mind, it was nice that for these few moments he could just sit here hunched over and laugh. The feeling was freeing, it was nice. He could feel Rayla's joy as if it was his own, and he noticed something they had in common. Neither of them had felt so carefree in years than they did right this second.

He cracked open his green eyes to see Ezran on the ground laughing with Bait while Rayla stood hunched over, arms wrapped around her stomach. Her laugh was strong and beautiful, her eyes closed and hair a mess from their first adventure. He imagined his hair wasn't much better. This was the first time he'd ever heard genuinely laugh. Every other time it was more a chuckle or quick laugh, this one was unrestrained. He wished he could hear her laugh like that more.

"I can't- I can't breathe," Ezran said as he set up trying to stop laughing, "I've never, never seen so many, many guards scatter like that."

Rayla took a breath, "You have clearly been missing out little prince. I've made many guards take off runnin' with my pranks in the past."

"Why doesn't that surprise me," Callum asked as he took a deep breath.

The day was going much better than it had started which was perfect for Callum. This morning for their departure, Callum, Rayla and Ezran were supposed to leave alone in disguises. A plan that the ruling monarchs wanted was for the three royals here to take a caravan to the human kingdoms and to Xadia, eventually to the king of the dragons. Ezran didn't care, but Callum and Rayla were far from happy about this. Their plans had already been put in place and traveling with a large party would make them bigger targets than three disguised people traveling about. It was needless to say, they weren't pleased with th arrangement.

Callum in particular was the most upset. Already his morning had started off uneasily due to the nightmares he'd had the previous night, not his mother was trying to control the plan that Rayla and Callum had already finalized and worked through. It was good thing that had back up plans, knowing that either of their parents would try to stop them or try to regain control. Callum understood why they wanted to be in control, why they were doing all this, but it didn't mean he had to like it or agree with it.

So with some scheming on their part, they were able to ditch their caravan and send them back on their way. Though not after some pranks which lead to the laughter, a lot of bargaining and a new plan. The caravan was to continue on their plotted course while Callum, Ezran and Rayla went on a different path, straight to the king of the dragons. The caravan was made up of three carriages, at a certain point those carriages would split apart and head in three different direction. This would throw of anyone attempting to follow them and it would ensure that the attention would be in three seprate places, no one would be looking for them.

"Break time's over," called Soren as he made his way to the three royals, "It's time we get moving."

Part of the bargaining to get the guards to completely leave them was them at least bringing the mage's children as Soren was one of the best guards and Claudia a skilled mage. However Rayla had informed them of one very important thing that if Claudia joined them, she had to avoid using human magic unless absolutely necessary. The humans had border protection, but so did Xadia in the form of former king of dragons, Sol Regem, who they need permission in order to safely pass. Otherwise they would have to sneak the humans past him.

Callum would gain that position almost instantly because of the dragon mark on his back, Ezran could get permission because of his status a royal heir, Claudia and Soren will have trouble. More so Claudia because of her use of dark magic. He would not allow a human who uses dark magic to pass and he could tell, the scent of death follows a human mage. The journey to him will take a few days on foot, which should be enough time for the smell to leave her, but if not then they have more trouble to deal with.

The three royals started their journey, Soren and Claudia following after them. To say she was upset about not being able to use magic wasn't entirely accurate. Considering she still had two primal stones with her that would allow her to cast spells, she more worried about forgetting not to use the magic that was second nature to her. She just had to be careful and she could definitely do that. When word gets out on how the three royals had disappeared from the caravan with Claudia and Soren aiding them, trouble would reach them all. However Callum was confident that it wouldn't be an issue and if anyone made it an issue, they could answer to him and Rayla.

As Claudia walked behind the royals as Soren was telling them Soren, she studied Callum for a bit. The pair of them had always been friends, practically grew up together in the castle walls and she always saw him as a second brother she could look after. But recently it felt as if he had grown over night. Like he was no longer that boy who could barely hold sword, who shied away from attention and conflict. Now, now he looked strong. Not that he wasn't strong before, but this was different. It all started with the arrival of the princess Rayla. It wasn't all her doing as a lot of other stuff had happened, but still, the princess and their bind had pushed him forward.

"Hey Claudia," Ezran said as he moved to stand in front of her, "Can you do your wind breath trick for us? The one that always smells like peanut butter. Bait really wants to see it."

Claudia chuckled, "How can I say no to Bait? One breath trick coming up."

Claudia glanced at Rayla for a moment, the princess's gaze scrutinizing and almost warning her, but the mage did her best to ignore it. The dakr haired girl pulled out the sky primal stone, the dark blue orb which held the power of a storm inside. A storm cloud and lightning could be seen if you looked at it. With the stone in her left hand, Claudia wrote the symbol in the air, said the magic words and then blew a gentle gust of wind that went through the group. Ezran grinned happily, Soren was used to it so he didn't react, Callum and Rayla were watching with similar expression. As the wind died down, Claudia noticed the royal pair looking at each other, having a silent conversation with the other that last a few moments.

"Thanks Claudia," Ezran said, he looked thoughtful, "I wonder if sky dragons make tornados that way. That they just blow and then tada, tornado."

Claudia shrugged, "It's possible. I bet Rayla knows the answer to that question."

At the sound of her name, Rayla snapped her gaze in their direction. Claudia studied her expression, it wasn't surprised, but it was… strange. It was a look she couldn't really describe, but her best guess was wary, distrustful may have been a better word. In what regard, Claudia had no idea and found she didn't appreciate it.

Ezran asked his question, "Do sky dragons make tornados by just blowing air like the wind spell?"

Rayla shook her head, "No. They can make a strong gust of wind, but to make a tornado they have to fly around in a circle really, really fast."

"Oh, that makes sense," Ezran commented.

"Claudia, I think you should teach Callum the spells you know," Rayla said coming up to stand before the mage.

It looked like Rayla had struggled to get those words out, Claudia wondered why. Of course it could have been because of her use of dark magic, but the look in Rayla's eyes said it was something else, something more. Jealousy was the word that popped into Claudia's mind, but she couldn't imagine that the princess would be jealous about. Teaching magic? Rayla had magic in her due to her species, she could teach him magic as well, so that couldn't be it.

Callum came to her side, he had a look on his face that practically screamed 'be nice' before he spoke to Claudia, "I'll need to learn magic from the other elf nations we go to, but it would be a good idea for me to have more of a foundation in the spells you know. This way I don't show up completely unprepared. We get to have those magic lessons after all."

Rayla failed to hide her minor scowl at those words, she said nothing.

"I'd get to say I taught the Dragon Prince first, bragging rights to be sure," Claudia informed him making Callum chuckle, "Of course I'll teach you. We can start when we make camp tonight."

"Perfect," Rayla said, she didn't sound too happy.

She started walking again with Ezran by her side, Callum joined a moment later with Soren after him while Claudia waited in her spot for a moment longer, just watching. That was interesting. For the remainder of their walk before camp, Claudia continued to think on that interaction, curious as to what deeper meaning was behind it.

The sky was dark, lightning flashed across the clouds and thunder roared, it's booming sound making his heart beat harder in his chest. Smoke and ash filled his lungs, he gasped for clean air, yet only water seemed to enter his lungs.

"The power you wield requires sacrifice."

He looked up to the sky, in the direction the sharp and threatening voice had come from. On his knees, on the top of a mountain, he could see the kingdoms below. Each and everyone of them beside the other, some parts of them even overlapping. This wasn't right. Lightning cracked in the sky, it struck the earth below, the waves crashed along the cliff. A cry of fear reached his ears, he turned at the source. He had no idea who this person was, but he knew her, he loved her.

"Sacrifce for the power you wield!"

Callum jerked awake with a start, he sat upright in terror and looked around to get a bearing of his surroundings. He was at the camp they had set up earlier, the fire was still going, he noticed Soren was standing off to the side keeping watch and he noticed Rayla was with him. Some irritation sparked in Callum's chest, he wasn't sure why and quickly stamped it down. Especially when the remnants of his dream made his stomach tighten. Taking a deep breath, he tried to settle his nerves. What had that been about? His back felt like it was fire then, he hissed at the feeling. A moment later, Rayla was kneeling in front of him, her violet eyes shined with pain and worry.

"What's hurtin' you," Rayla asked him, her gaze holding his.

Callum grimaced as she shifted slightly, "My back again."

Rayla frowned, then understanding reached her, "The dragon's mark. It must be appearing on you."

"Great," Callum muttered bitterly.

Rayla reached in her pocket and pulled out a small vial of indigo liquid that reminded Callum of ink. However judging by the look on her face, he had a feeling it was more than ink.

"What's that," he asked.

"It's a soothin' potion," Rayla told him as she took off the cap, "A single drop help with the pain. Do you, do you mind if I do it or can you reach it yourself?"

Callum blinked, it wasn't until he saw the blush forming on her cheeks did he realize what she meant, "Oh, uh. No, I don't think I can reach it. It's, it's at the center of my back."

"Thought it might be. From what I know of the myth, the dragon's mark will start in the center of your back then snake around your body," Rayla told him, "The mark will look like a dragon, only more like a spirit one as opposed to the ones you'll see."

Callum scrunched his brow, "What's the difference?"

"Well a spirit dragon is built more like a serpent and doesn't have wings yet can still fly, but the ones in Xadia are bulkier with wings," Rayla explained to him briefly. "I imagine the mark on you will appear more like the spirit dragons rather than ones we have here."

"Why do you think that," Callum asked as he was able to sit up, the pain fading.

Rayla thought for a moment, "More of a guess than anything as there wasn't anything revealing in my recent search. Though perhaps when we stop at Lunaris there might be some old scrolls we can use."

Callum nodded without a word and turned to the side. Uneasily, he raised the back of his shirt up so that Rayla could put on the soothing potion. For a moment, she stared at his back and was right that the mark was forming, the tail of dragon had been etched into his skin. It almost looked like a brand, only golden, though that didn't make her feel better. As quickly and gently as she could, she spread the drop over the forming mark. Once done, Callum lowered his shirt and felt the relief run through him.

"Better," Rayla asked as he faced her.

Callum nodded, "Much. Thank you."

"What are friend for," Rayla replied with a grin of her own, though it faded after a moment, "Are you alright otherwise? I, I felt your fear before."

Callum frowned, she felt his nightmare, "It was nothing, just some bad dreams."

Rayla didn't believe him. The fear she felt from him was more than just a typical bad dream, not to mention his first magic lesson had been, off. While he had learned the spells with rapid speed, Rayla could tell that something was eating away at him because she could feel it. But he wouldn't tell her and now she wanted to ask about what was bothering him, but the look on his face told her to drop it. It was the same look he gave her earlier. Later on she would ask him or just wait until he was ready to tell her about it. If that wasn't tonight or anytime soon, then she would just have to be patient, a trait she sometimes didn't have. However for him, she would wait.

"I won't push for now," Rayla told him honestly, "I only want to know so I can help, but I can't do anythin' if you shut me out. Whenever you're ready, know I'm here."

Callum didn't say anything to that, but he wore a grateful expression. Their journey had only really just started and they had a very long way to go, but Callum was grateful that he had Rayla by his side. He sent her that gratitude and knew the moment she received it as her eyes shined. In silence the pair sat beside each other, watching the fire before sleep overcame them. At some point in the night, their hands had gotten ahold of the others. Neither had bad dreams the rest of the night.