I do not own Descendants 1,2, & 3! That is all owned by Disney! I only own Rachel, who is portrayed by Kathryn Newton, and Garrett, who is portrayed by Joe Keery! Please review, fave, and follow if you enjoy! -ICrzy

Mal found Ben in his office, going through requests for important King duties, that Mal was certain she didn't fully understand.

Mal knocked on the door frame, "Knock, knock."

Ben lifts his head up to meet her gaze.

The second the young king looked at the girl he is madly in love with, a big smile spread across his face. Ben rose from his seat and walked around his desk to her.

"Mal, you're back." He says.

Mal smiles while nodding, "Yep, just a little while ago." She says.

"So that means things went well on the Isle?" He asks.

Mal nods, "Yeah."

Ben gestures for her to come further into his office, she follows and the two take seats in front of his desk.

"How is your royal duties?" Mal asks as she relaxes in the comfy sofa chairs.

Ben kept the smile on his face, "I just finished the enrollment information for the new VK students you guys selected. Fairy Godmother is really looking forward to working with these kids."

Mal held a small smile, "Well they deserve better," She says, "They all do."

Ben frowns a little, "I wish we could do more."

Mal watches as Ben rise from his seat and moves towards the large window in his office. This large window gives him a clear view of the Isle of the Lost.

"I wish we could just tear down the barrier forever." He says.

Mal stands up, "But with the possibility of villains being loose," She says, "It could threaten Auardon."

Ben ran a hand through his hair, "I know," He says, "It's just hard to govern my people when those on the Isle are my people as well."

Mal frowns, "I know." She says.

Ben glanced from the Isle and then looks over at Mal. He sees the conflict in her eyes, it almost reminds him of when he almost lost her before.

"Someday, someday in the future, there will be more kids coming here to Auardon to get a better life." Ben says, "And you can tell those kids you were the reason they got their chance."

Mal couldn't help but smile a little.

Mal walks over to her king. She stands next to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Ben glances at her with a small smile.

"I have a question," She says, "While we're talking about villain kids and Auaradon,"

Ben gives her a questioning look.

"What happened between Jay and Rachel?" Mal asks bluntly.

Ben turns to rest his back on the wall, looking directly at his girlfriend who stood in front of him.

"I only know a little," Ben says, "Even though Rachel and I are close, she wasn't very forthcoming with all the details."

Mal nods, "So what details do you know?" She asks.

Ben shrugs, "I don't know if I should be telling you this. I am breaking a vow of silence between childhood friends." He says.

"Ben, you're my boyfriend, there are no secrets between us." Mal argues.

Ben sighs, "Fine, but don't tell Rachel. Please, she might kill me for telling." He says.

"I swear," Mal says.

Ben glanced towards out beyond the window, "It happened during summer break, apparently her and Jay were out camping." Ben says, "And during the camping trip, Jay got hurt. He had tripped and caused a huge gash on his knee."

Mal winced a little.

"When that happened, Jay assured her he'd make it out with no issue. But Rachel was worried so she used her magic on him-," Ben was cut off.

"Wait? Wait? Wait?" Mal stops him, "She can do magic? Why is this the first I am hearing about this?"

Ben glanced at her, "Because not a lot of people know. Sure, her parents and mine know as well as Fairy Godmother, but only a small amount of students here actually know. She doesn't go around telling people."

Mal then thought about it, "Her father never had magic so that only meant-," She then got it, "She has magic healing hair?"

Ben shrugs, "Healing hair?" He shakes his head, "No, but she is able to heal people in a similar way her mother did in the past. She sings the song and places her hands near the wound, and then the wound is gone."

Mal looks at him, "She used it on you, didn't she?"

Ben held a small smile, "When we were kids." He says, "I slipped and fell out of a tree. And so Rachel thought if she sung her mother's song I'd stop crying, and it worked, that and the injury was gone."

Mal watches Ben walk over to his desk.

"But why would magic scare off Jay?" Mal asks, "Our parents were known to dapple in dark magic."

Ben looks from some papers to Mal, "I don't know. That's what I don't get."


Rachel was talking to Doug and some of the other band members regarding Ben's secret plan to propose to Mal. When she was done, she turned off and noticed Jay.

Jay was standing a little away.

"Hey," Jay says.

Rachel crosses her arms on her chest, "Hi."

"Can we- we talk?" Jay asks.

Rachel nods.

The two begin to walk down the corridor of Auradon Prep together. It was pretty silent and awkward between the two.

Jay rubbed the back of his neck and glanced from Rachel to the ceiling. Rachel, however, was only looking in front of her.

"I want to apologize," Jay says.

Rachel stops dead in her tracks, "What?"

Jay stops and turns to her, "I'm sorry, about what happened during summer break."

Rachel frowns.

"Look when you told me about your magic, it didn't freak me out then but when you actually used it on me-." Jay rambles a bit nervously, "I got a bit freaked out."

Rachel nods.

"It's not that I think its bad or think you're weird." Jay says, "It- It was shocking and how I handled it wasn't the best."

Rachel shakes her head, "No, it wasn't."

Jay sighs, "I feel awful," He says, "I feel like a complete jerk."

"You were one." She says

Jay looks at her.

"You ignored my calls and would have Carlos answer the door to tell me you weren't around or you were sick." She says, "I get that my healing abilities are weird and odd but- but you should've been upfront about how it made you felt."

"I know, I know I was a jerk." Jay says.

Rachel hugs herself with her arms around herself.

"I- I wish I could've done something different," He says, "And not make you feel like you did something wrong."

Rachel looks down and then up at him, "I care about you, Jay, I really do."

"I do too, Rachel." Jay says as he reaches out to hold her hand.

Rachel shakes her head, "But I don't think we can pretend that everything is the same." She says, "I- I think we can only be friends and that's it."

Jay then watches as Rachel turns and walks down the corridor alone.


Rachel arrived in her dorm room. She shut the door behind her and rested her back against the door. She glanced over noticing that Jane was not present.

It was only her.

Rachel walks over to her bed and sits down. She pulls a pillow to her chest and squeezes it for comfort.

And then the princess rethinks of that time. She recalls what happened during the summer. The events that changed the nature of the relationship between her and Jay.

"You sure you can make a fire, Jay?" Rachel asks grinning.

Jay was attempting but failing to make a fire for them. It was starting to get darker at their campsite.

"I told you I can do it and I will," Jay says so smug like.

Rachel rolls her eyes, "Whatever you say."

Jay was using two rocks together and using the friction from hitting the rocks against each other to try and gather a spark to light the sticks in the small pit they've made.

"I'm just saying it's been fifteen minutes and the sun isn't going to be up for much longer." Rachel grins.

Jay looks up at her.

Rachel was sitting on a log looking down at him as he knelt by the spot they plan to have their fire at.

"I can do it," Jay says.

And as Jay was not paying attention, one of the rocks smacking against Jay's arm. This caused the young man to scream in agony from the pain.

Rachel was on her feet.

"Jay-!" Rachel yells.

Jay uses his good hand and grabs his not injured arm.

"I'm fine. I'm good." Jay winced.

Rachel moves over and knelt down. She looks at the wound. It was bleeding and looked pretty bad.

"It doesn't look good," She says.

"It's fine, Rach." Jay says.

Rachel frowns.

Jay then through wincing, watches as Rachel uses the rocks to generate a spark. She took a small piece of paper and moved the spark onto it and then tossed it into their fire pit. Now the fire was beginning to brighten the area.

"Now let me see," Rachel says.

Jay moves his arm towards her. Rachel looks over the bruising and the bleeding on his arm. She quickly gets up and goes to a first aid kit to see what they had.

"Where is the first aid kit?" Rachel asks.

Jay looks at her, "It's not in there?"

Rachel turns to him, "No."

Jay winces, "We must've forgotten it." He says.

Rachel ran her hands through her hair, "Well you need something now before you get an infection." She says.

"I'll be fine," Jay says.

Rachel walks over, "No- No you won't."

"I've had worse on the Isle, Rachel, unless you're forgetting." Jay says looking at her.

"This isn't the Isle." She says.

She knelt back down and had knelt on the side where his injured arm is at. She looked at the wound and then to Jay.

"I'm going to do something so please don't freak out," Rachel says.

"When have I ever freaked out?" Jay asks.

Rachel gives him a look.

"I won't freak out," He assures her.

Rachel brushes some of her hair behind her ear and then using her other hand, she grabs a hold of the wound. She had one hand on top of the wound and the other underneath it.

She closes her eyes and takes a calming breath.

"Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine," Rachel sung.

Jay glanced at her and then stared to see something glowing. He noticed that the glowing from coming from her hands and were on his wound. It felt tingly at first, but was feeling strange.

"Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine." Rachel sung.

Jay looks from the no longer glowing spot on his arm to Rachel.

She opens her eyes and moves her hands from his arm. And there it was revealed that Jay's injury was gone from his arm.

Jay jumps back a little in shock.

Rachel looks up at him, "Is everything okay?" She asks.

"Y- Y- You- You just healed me?" Jay spat out.

Rachel stands up, "Yeah with magic."

Jay was inspecting it and was stunned but also shocked by the strength of her powers. How it doesn't show a mark or anything that would reveal that Jay had hurt himself.

"You okay?" Rachel asks.

Jay glanced at her, "Uh- um just curious about the side effects from this."

Rachel frowns, "No side effects," She says.

"Sorry this was- was kind of you to do but- but strange, odd." He says, "Weird even."

Rachel kept the frown on her face.

"You kinda freaked me out," Jay awkwardly laughs.

Rachel nods, "Sorry, next time I'll let you bleed out." She says and then goes to her tent.

Rachel lays on her bed.

After that the return from the camping trip was awkward. Neither of them knew what to say or how to say it. It was like walking on egg shells between the two of them.

And then when they did return to Auradon Prep, Rachel tried to talk to Jay about it, but he was avoiding her. It didn't take long for Rachel to get the message, so she left a note at Carlos' and Jay's room basically saying for Jay to meet her in the library.

And at the library the two had a conversation, and left newly single.

Rachel rolls over on her bed and closes her eyes.