'And now, our final Alfea graduate, Crown Princess Tecna the First of Zenith, fairy of technology.' Tecna had to admit that the new titles that were added onto her name took a bit of getting used to, nevertheless she walked up to the podium where Grizelda stood at the microphone. After Faragonda's exposure as a double agent and subsequent arrest, Grizelda was to take her place until a suitable replacement was found. Alfea was brightly decorated and packed full of students, alumni, parents and teachers. Even though Tecna had barely attended a week of classes, she still passes the final assessment, earning her Enchantix powers, with flying colours.
After walking up the steps to the platform, Tecna stood in line with the rest of the Winx Club. She looked over at Musa, with whom she had become quite close friends. Tecna acted as a voice of reason when Musa was frustrated or sad, whereas Musa helped Tecna deal with more emotional matters, especially after the ordeal she experienced since leaving Zenith.
'We will now be presenting our new Guardian fairies with their final gifts before leaving Alfea. It is time for them to achieve pure harmony with the magic dimension.'
Professors Palladium and Wizgiz stepped forward and presented them with small, adorned boxes. Tecna's was a soft lilac colour. She could feel its energy and magic pulsating from within. Slowly, she slid her fingers over its lid and opened it up, releasing its power.
'I feel connected to every form of technology everywhere,' She felt one with every wire, circuit, system and computer in the whole magical dimension.
The other girls seemed to be experiencing the same thing. They gasped and smiled as their bodies levitated into the air. These extra powers were presented to them as part of becoming guardian fairies.
'And now, our five Alfea graduates are ready to become the guardian fairies of their realms!' Grizelda announced triumphantly. Her words were met with subsequent applause by all of the spectators, including Tecna's parents. Bloom, who was standing in the crowd, cheered for them the loudest. Even though she had earned her Enchantix powers, she wasn't able to graduate and become a guardian fairy because her home planet, Domino, had been destroyed.
Slowly, the girls walked back down the steps towards the crowd. They were greeted with eager smiles and words of congratulations. They eventually got through the sea of people and reached Bloom and the specialists, including Timmy, who met Tecna's eyes lovingly.
'Timmy!' She ran into her boyfriends loving arms.
'I'm so proud of you Tecna.' Timmy smiled brightly, then leaned in to kiss Tecna on the cheek.
The group of fairies and specialists spent the rest of the afternoon socialising and eating finger food as the ceremony came to a close. Then it was finally time for the girls to pack their things and leave the campus. A few tears were shed as they made their way up the main staircase towards their dormitory room. Timmy followed Tecna to help her pack up the remainder of her belongings. Tecna's room was all but bare, except for a few pieces of furniture. They decided to get to work instantly. Timmy attempted to help by emptying the last of her clothes and her electronics. They had just lifted one of her larger gadgets into her suitcase when she tripped over a stray cable and fell backwards.
'Tecna, are you alright?' Timmy kneeled down next to her. Upon reaching the ground, he noticed that her bangs had slid to the slide, revealing the red, circular scar on her forehead. With a slight gasp, she realised that he was looking right at it and stood up instantly, trying to regain her composure. She fixed her hair anxiously in an attempt to cover it up and pretend that nothing happened.
'It's nothing really-'
'Tecna wait,' Timmy grabbed her arm gently 'I've seen it before, I noticed it when you were unconscious on the first day we met. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to bring back any memories, but after finding out about the Ageing Ceremony, and seeing how awful the Zenithian system really was... I'm worried about you Tecna.' Timmy took her hands in his.
'But if it makes you too uncomfortable, you don't have to say anything.' He added quickly.
Tears sprang to Tecna's eyes, not only from Timmy's sudden declaration, but upon remembering her past. She stood there in silence, unable to say a word. Timmy wrapped his arms around her tenderly and caressed her soft, magenta hair in an effort to comfort her.
'You're right...,' She sighed nervously, a single tear falling down her cheek 'I should have told you, I can't keep it a secret forever.' And so, she told him everything. All the details of the awful things that happened to her on Zenith. The shock chamber. The simulation test. Everything. By the time she was finished, her entire body was shaking uncontrollably, and Timmy was looking at her with an expression of pure horror and sorrow.
'Oh my god...,' Timmy's own eyes started to water as he imagined such horrible things happening to his beloved 'I knew something bad must have happened but this...,' He paused 'Oh Tecna, I'm so sorry.'
'You have nothing to apologise for,' Tecna ran her hand down the side of his face, gazing into his hazel eyes 'My life has been so much better since you can into it. If you hadn't come to Zenith then we wouldn't be together... You've given my life meaning.'
Tecna put her arms around Timmy's neck and kissed him passionately, sinking into his arms as her lips met his. He returned the kiss, and in those few moments time and the world as they knew it seemed to slip away. They got up and relocated to Tecna's bed. There they lay in each others' arms for what felt like eternity, letting reality as they knew it slip away. Their lives weren't perfect, they knew that now more than ever. But they had each other, and that was more than enough.
A/N: And that's it! The last chapter is complete. Thank you all for reading! I had no idea there were so many reviews on this story until I logged onto my computer a few days ago XD thank you guys so much. Also a special thanks to TechnoFan34 for being inspired by this story and for mentioning me in her fanfic "The Realm Of Default"! Please go check out her fanfictions, she writes about Tecna and Timmy as well, and all of her stories are really great! I'm thinking of writing a sequel to this, I really enjoy writing about this universe and these characters. I actually re-read the previous chapters of this story last night and there were so many mistakes that I died a little inside but shhhhh. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
- WolfQueen999 (I know my username is kinda cringe but I've had it since I was 9 and honestly I'm not bothered to change it)