So its time I'm going to start writing my fanfic I'm so sorry everyone it's my first story

The blind mistress

Its early fall the temperature was just starting to drop. Its so cold now that you could see your breath. The trees leaves are starting to fall just enough to cover the ground, every step you take is followed by a *crunch*.

It opens to a girl under a tree huddled up, her face in her legs crying soft sobs is all you can hear. She is wearing an Aqua dress with puff sleeves. She continues to sob but all of a sudden she hears a *crunch*. She looks up and her eyes are blue almost like glass she reaches for a wand at her side "w-who's there s-speak now."her voice is shaking. She points the wand in several directions then another *crunch* followed by a boys voice "hello, I'm right here"the boy is wearing a red hoodie and jeans the girl looks in the boys direction "what are you doing here?" she speaks pointing the wand in the direction of the voice. "I was on a hike through the woods, but I heard a girl crying thinking someone got hurt I rushed over here" another *crunch* "your not hurt are you?""I'm fine go away!" Another *crunch*. "You don't look fine you're shivering and you're wearing a dress in 40° weather" as if on Que she shivers sending a chill down her spine she didn't notice how cold it was until now.

"I can take you back to my family's house to warm up there, just follow me" *crunch* *crunch* "wait" the girl said "what's your name and why should I follow a grown man in the middle of the woods" * I don't trust him at all* she took a couple steps back *crunch* *crunch* "actually I'm the same age as you and my name is Marco what's yours." "Wait, we're the same age?" She took a step forward "my name is star butterfly" *I guess I can trust him*. "Nice to meet you Star, follow me back to my house so we can warm up" he said walking off. "Wait I need some help" "with what?" "Hello" she points to her face mainly to her eyes "what do your eyes have to do with you needing help" *does he not realize I'm blind* "I'm blind" she said Marcos eye widened *way to go Diez*. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." *just like all the others* "it's ok just lend me a hand" she reaches out her hand, Marco takes it and leads her off.

After a while they reach Marco's house, there's a concrete path leading to the porch. The two start waking down the path "watch your step there are stairs here." "Ok, I will." She lifts one leg up after another and makes it up to the porch. "Ok, wait here I'll tell my parents you're here, you know, so they won't get the wrong idea" he sets her on a rocking chair then goes to knock on the door.

After a couple of seconds someone opens the door "oh Marco back so soon from your hike." *A mans voice must be his dad* Star thought. "Yeah I found someone in the woods and brought them back to warm up she looked pretty cold." "She?" the man asked. "Yeah let me get her" Star hears foot steps coming towards her. "Star let me introduce you" Marco grabs her hand and leads her to the man at the door "this is Star" "Hello my name is star butterfly" star looked up to where she assumed the mans face was and flashes him a smile.

"Hello Star, I'm Marco's dad Rafael Diez it's nice to meet you." he held out his hand to Star intending for her to shake it, she didn't react to it he looked at Marco who shook his head. "Well, come on in it's pretty cold out here" he said putting his hand down. Marco leads Star inside. A wave of warmth rushes over her and gets warmer as Marco leads her further inside. Marco, leading star to the fire place sets her in front of it. Star hears someone coming down some sort of stairs.

"Marco, you're back already?" it was a women's voice *His mom* star thought "yeah I am, I brought back someone I found" "oh you did well, where are they?" she said looking over Marcos shoulder seeing a girl in a dress by the fire. Marco introduces his mom to Star, who sounds very nice she, also try's to shake her hand but fails. Star is still getting used to her new surroundings, the nice family that brought her in is trying to get to know her. "So, why were you out alone in the forest" Mr Diez asked "I don't really want to answer that" she responded coldly "so where are you from" Marco asked "I'm from a place called Mewni" she said "I can't go back there" she started to cry. Marco looks to his parents and then back to star."why not" he asked "I was almost killed, I got my wand and blew up half my kingdom, my parents then brought me to earth and that's where you found me" she continues to cry "I have no where to go now, no friends, no family" she then gets in to the same position Marco found her in. "Wait what's Mewni. How did you blow up your kingdom and you're not from earth?""no I'm from a different dimension call Menwi I'm a princess that can use magic the first spell I use destroyed half of my kingdom" she said in between sobs

"Well as for your home situation you can stay with us" Mis Diez said "And for your friend situation I can be your best friend in fact" "thank you but I don't want to just burst in to your guys lives taking care of a blind person is harder than you think" "well I'm sure we can handle it if you need any help finding something just ask me " he said moving closer to star hugging her this is the first time someone has hugged her since she was abandoned. she hugs him back crying in his shoulder saying "thank you" in between cries. After a while star stops crying and lets go of Marco. "How is this going to work" star asked to no one in particular. "Well first we should fine you a place to sleep then we need to enroll you in school" Marcos mom said responding to star. "Ok so where am I sleeping"she responds "well we don't have any guest rooms so Marco" she looks at Marco "you might need to sleep on the couch" Marco is about to say something but gets interrupted by star "oh i Don't want to take someone's room I can sleep on couch" she looks at where she thinks Marco is and gives him a smile"no hunny your blind there are no bathrooms on the bottom floor and you can't really go up stairs" Marco then speaks up " star its fine i can stay down stairs on the couch" "are your sure I mean I don't want you to be uncomfortable just because of me" "yeah ill be fine we should probably get ready for bed its getting kinda late." Everyone looks at a clock on wall it reads 12:37 pm. "What time is it?"star asks not being able to read the clock "its 12:37 star its really late". They both start getting ready for bed Marco helps star up the stairs and to the bathroom and tells her the lay out of the room he then takes her to his bedroom."sorry its kinda a mess" Marcos says while opening the door. " its fine I can't really see it anyway so it doesn't matter, ok I know most of the layout of the house I think i will be fine from now on. After this they both go to the bathroom and Marco starts to brush his teeth while star make a tooth brush with her wand. Marco them says good night to star and heads down stairs while star goes to his room and goes to bed.

End chapter one