Narrator "Welcome to the world of Pokemon! The Pokemon world is similar to ours in many ways, but it has one huge difference: the existence of creatures called Pokemon! Pokemon are found in just about every corner of this world-lush forests, vast oceans, and even rocky caves. Humans and Pokemon live together and help each other thrive."
While that was going on we see wild Pokemon doing their thing and Pokemon and Humans playing and learning from each other. Then at the end of the last line we see a big Pokemon stadium with people in it and center on it Two trainers are facing off against each other in a Pokemon battle.
Then the Narrator continued as he said "Then they are Pokemon trainers having a sport called Pokemon battles so they can build more relations with these creatures."
The Announcer shouted "This is truly a fin spectacle of a Battle here folks! We have our champion Reed "Fire Red" Ketchum against his own first born son and elite four member Lance the dragon type master! And the two are now down to their last Pokemon!"
Then Lance smirked while he pulled out his Pokeball and then said "Hope your ready to lose dad because i'll be taking the title champion of the Kanto Region. Dragonite let's fly!" Then he threw his Pokeball and out Dragonite after he did the dragon type let out a mighty roar and then took to the sky."
Then Reed pulled out his Pokeball while smirking and then said "Well Lance my boy you do not disappoint. But now let's really bring but the heat. Charizard I know you can do it!" Then he threw his pokeball and out came his Charizard and when the fire type did he gave out an even mightier roar and flew up and stare down with Dragonite.
Then the Announcer said "Now things are getting serious Fire Red sends out his ace Pokemon Charizard and i think we all know what that means!" Then Reed press his keystone on his necklace and activate the mega stone of his Charizard's necklace and have the fire type mega evolve in to it's X form.
Then The everyone in the audience were in aw and started cheering and then the Announcer said "Now it is on folks there he is mega Charizard X!"
Lance then stood there with a little sweat for he was both confident yet a little nervous then he said "Just because you can have Charizard that can mega evolve won't mean you'll win, check this out dad. Dragonite use Thunder Punch!" The dragon type charged up is fist and the he was charging at the mega fire but then Reed said "Charizard Steel Wing shield!" Then Charizard wing glow silver and block then attack and then Reed said "Now use flamethrower!" Then Charizard hit Dragonite with a well place flamethrower.
Then Lance said "Dragonite use use Dragon Rush!" Then the dragon type was surrounded by a dark blue energy and charge at Charizard but then Reed said "Charizard dodge and use Dragon Claw!" Then the mega fire type timed it just right and then avoided the move and his claws glow dark green and then slashed Dragonite in the face and knocking him to the ground.
Then the Announcer said "Wow now that's an a hit but in spite of that Dragonite is still standing but for how long?"
The Lance grid his teeth and then said "We're not done yet Dragonite use hurricane!"
Then the dragon summoned a massive gust of wind and blowing Charizard x. But then Reed said "Charizard use dragon claw again!"
Then Charizard x use able to get in two hits of dragon claw once more knocking the dragon type back. But then Lance said "Dragonite use Hyper beam!"
Dragonite then shot a powerful attack but then reed just smirk and said "Charizard Flare Blitz!"
Then Charizard surround himself with blue fire and then charged at Dragonite while dodging the Hyper beam and then hit Dragonite with great force so much so the dragon type was slammed in to a wall and he is out. "Dragonite!" Lance shouted seeing his ace beating knocked out.
Then the Referee said "Dragonite is unable to battle Charizard wins and the winner and still the champion Reed "Fire Red" Ketchum!"
Then the crowed goes wild and the announcer said "And that's the battle everyone once again Fire Red Ketchum!"
And while that was going on we are now in pallet town where we see the rest of the Ketchum family and his youngest son Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy who was watching the whole battle in his room being inspired by the battle.
"Wow" Ash said getting pumped for his dad winning and him getting started on his Pokemon journey. "Dad won and it was a great battle and i can't wait to start my journey and I'm so excited."
Then he picked up his Pokeball toy and then said "Look out world the Kento league champion of the future is about to being his quest!"
The Ash's mother who name is Delia came in and said "Ash you should get to bed! You know that you need some so you can being your journey and get your first Pokemon."
Ash then looks at mom and said "Sorry mom. I just to existed for it you know I just wanted to see dad and Lance's battle."
The Delia said "Well looks like the battles over and you father won and if your going to watch one more thing you can watch but after that off to bed with you okay."
Then Ash said "Okay."
The she change the channel showing Professor Oak talking about the three starters.
Professor Oak "Hello everyone in Pallet Town I'm Professor Samuel Oak tomorrow three young lucky trainers will have a chance to pick these three Pokemon Bulbasaur the grass type Charmander the fire type, and Squirtle the water type. So tomorrow be bring and early and choose and wisely."
Then Ash said "Aw right but which Pokemon should I choose?"
Later he when to sleep dreaming and thinking of what Pokemon to pick.
"Let's see..." Ash said in his sleep. "Bulbasur the grass type he could be a good help. Al thought there's Charmander he can evolve to Charizard and dad and Lance both have one but then there's Squirtle...?"
Then when morning came Ash woke up and then released that he over slept and then Ash said "Oh No I'm Late!"
Then he ran out sun as fast as he can to Professor Oak's lab and when he got there he saw a battle was taking place there he saw his long time rival and Professor Oak's grand son Gary Oak and he face off against Ash's bully Damian Francis. Both have gotten their starters Gary has Squirtle and Damian got Charmander.
Then Ash said "Aw i was going to pick Squirtle and charmander was going to be my next choice. Oh well that means Bulbasaur mine."
Then he was approach by professor Oak and his own his cousin Richie who said "Sorry cuiz. But looks the early bird catches the worm or in this case the Pokemon."
Then Ash saw that he have Bulbasaur by his side and then Ash said "Aw come on!"
But then professor Oak said "Well Ash just watch the battle between Gary and Damian you might learn something."
Ash then locked his eyes on the battle field seeing two of his long time rivals.
"Alright Oak!" Damian said "Hope your ready to lose! Charmander use scratch!"
Then the fire type charge at Squirtle and then Gary said "That what you think Francis. Squirtle block it and use withdraw!"
Then the water type was able to block the attack.
Then Gary said "Now use Tackle!"
Then Squirtle charged at Charmander tackling him.
Then Damian growled then said "Charmander get up and us scratch again!"
Then the fire type did so but it failed as Gary gave the same command lather rinse and repeat until Gary won.
Then after Charamander was knocked out Professor Oak who was acting as referee said "Charmander is unable to battle Squirtle wins and the winner is Gary Oak!"
Then Gary gave a sly smirk and said "Was there any doubt."
Then Damian hump then said "Yeah i just let you win out of petty and i just didn't want to make you look bad front of your grand pa."
Then after that Oak had a little take with Ash "Ash I'm aware that you were late to get your Pokemon but your in luck because your father plan a head and he wanted you to have this."
The Ash said "Alright thank you dad!"
Then oak gave him a Pokeball with a lightning bolt on it and the Ash open it and out came the electric Pokemon Pikachu. Then Ash said "Alright a Pikachu my first Pokemon this is great!"
The when Ash picked the yellow mouse up the electric type then shocked him. It would seem that Pikachu does not like Ash and then Gary and Damian laugh at this.
Gary said "Well Ashy boy looks like your old man just gave a Pokemon that won't listen to ya."
Then Damian said sarcastically"Yeah thanks dad."
Then Richie said to Ash "Don't mine those jerks Ash just give Pickahu some time and he'll be just find with you."
Ash then said "Right."
Then Professor Oak said "Alright now that all of you have your Pokemon we can get started now here are your Pokedex and your Pokeballs."
He gave them all these things and the tells them that the pokedex can explained what the Pokemon are and what they can do he also tells them if they want to take on the Pokemon league they need to win eight badges from eight gym leaders here in the Kento region and that they need catch more Pokemon to have a strong team on their side.
Then Gary said "Well they better look out because Gary Oak is coming to beat them all."
Damian said "Not before i do so first."
Richie said "Yeah well look out because I'm all up to."
Ash said "Oh yeah well Ash Ketchum is on his way!"
Before Ash left Pallet Town he was met up with Serena Oak and Gary's sister.
"Well have fun on your journey Ash I'm going to miss you." She said "I'm going to wish you luck."
Ash then said "Yeah I'm gonna miss you too."
Then she met Pikachu and said "Is this your Pokemon his cute."
Ash then said "Yeah but his having a hard time time with me and your Grandpa said it does not like going in side of his Poke ball so I'm leaving him out of it. But since it keeps shocking me I'm just wearing rubber gloves and tied him up so we can get started."
Then Serena said "Well have a good time and see you when I see you."
Delia then came to see Ash off and said "Okay you got your cloths, your poke credit card, maps, and poke phone."
Ash then said "Okay mom thanks well goodbye."
Delia "Good luck on your journey sweetie and don't worry your father and brother are going to be at Viridian City to see you and they are exited that your starting like they have."
After that Ash was on route 1 still dragging his Pikcahu and then half way. Then Ash turn to Pikachu and said "Aw come on Pikachu we are partners now. I know you don't like but like you Pikachu." Then Pikachu looked at Ash in shocked it would seem that in spite him not liking this cap wearing human he still standing by him.
Then they came across a Spearow then Ash pulled out his Poke Dex and it said "Spearow the tiny bird Pokemon Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its territory."
Ash then said "Alright let's catch Pikachu."
But Pikachu still refuse to listen to Ash.
"Aw Come on" Ash groaned "Don't be like that Pikachu we need to..."
But then Spearow flew to them and try to attack them because they they were invading his territory.
"Hey cut it out!" Ash said while making things worst threw a rock at it but made him mad and the start to attack Ash and watching Pikachu knew that he can't let this flying type hurt him even if he didn't like him Pikachu then used thundershock to zap Spearow .
"Nice work Pikachu." But the Spearow called him for back up then the next thing Ash and Pikachu knew they were being chase by a flock of angry Spearows.
Then when a storm came in and Ash and Pikachu were still being chase but they ended up falling a river then down a waterfall. But thankfully they got out with their lives however Pikachu got hurt.
"Oh No."Ash had to pick him up and carry him and then he came across a red haired girl who was fishing but then Ash steal her bike and when she saw this she shouted "Hey what's the big idea come back here with my bike!" Then Ash shouted back. "Sorry i'll bring this back thank you!"
But then the Spearows are still chasing them Ash then said to Pikachu "Don't worry Pikachu I'm not going let them hurt you!"
Then then one of the Spearow peck one of the bike's tires and it was flat and now both Ash and Pikachu were now one the ground.
"Pikachu." Ash said in pain. "i know you don't like being in your Poke ball but it's the only safe place for the moment. Don't worry about those Spearows I'll deal with them." He then got up and turn to the angry flock and shouted "Spearows I am Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town and the future of the Kanto Region you want to mess me you better give your all so bring it on!"
Then the flock dived him about to attack Pikachu then got up ran to Ash climbed up him then jumped to the Spearows and then used thundershock to zapped them all then a giant flash of light happen then fade to black.
Then after the storm set a side Ash and Pikachu woke up and saw each other while both of them are on the ground with some injuries here and there.
Well we showed them did we Pikachu?" Ash said while still laying down. Pikachu nonned in arrangement.
The a rainbow was over their head Ash and Pikachu looked and saw a big bird like Pokemon.
"Wow" Ash said "What is that?"
Ash pulled out his Poke Dex and all it said was "No data found."
"No data?" Then Ash looked back up and said "Well what ever it is it's gone now but i think we should get to the next town and heal up right Pikachu and maybe one day well see that mysterious Pokemon again."
Narrator "Ash just saw something amazing and there and then Ash knew that journey is going to be a great one. But what in store for this new Pokemon trainer stay tune."
Hey guys I'm back with this true Pokemon anime fic sorry i was out of it for so long but after my first one was taken down for good and losing intent but I'm back to it.
And this one a little more different then my last one as Ash acuity gets older with each gen son soon he'll be eleven in the future. Not only that but i like to hear from you about some OCs opponents for Ash to face not one of the rivals I have set up but just one shots. But just some for Ash to face here and there but the Kanto Pokemon only.
Ash Pokemon so far
1) Pikachu
Type Electric
moves 1) Thundershock 2) Growl