This story contains a bunch of profanities, sexual humor, themes and what not, so if you're bothered with that, don't force yourself to read this.  ̄ˍ ̄

Story rating may be considered as Rated T for Teens in the early chapters, but will soon turn to Rated MA for Mature Audiences. Warnings will NOT be given on the start of a chapter whenever there's a scene not suitable for readers below 16-18 years old (since that will somehow serve as some sort of early spoiler of the chapter). •﹏•

To the readers who will ignore the mentioned warning, read this story at your own discretion.

Every suggestion will be taken under consideration and will be given credit if your suggested idea will be used. (o^^)o

Credits of the cover belongs to the rightful owner/cosplayers: RachAsakawa (as Evelynn) and RizzyCos (as Akali) from Twitter

Credit of the story title: savageking1079 from Tumblr

I merely edited the cover to incorporate the title of the story in the picture.


In advance, I apologize if there are any typos and grammatical errors. English is not my native language, it's Tagalog, so, yeah! ﹋o﹋

I hope you readers enjoy the story! ∩_∩

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Cool breeze lightly blowing in the air and smoothly brushing past the people going out and about, its natural attempts in chilling the passersby seemed to be futile. One particular person though, all huddled in a thick dark green coat and a pair of black pants that looked to be not enough for warmth, she didn't seem to be comfortable at all. The latter shuddered slightly in reaction to the weather, such serving as proof of her discomfort.

Gloved hands being stuffed into the pockets of her jacket, vibrant azure eyes momentarily darted to each and every couple or group that she passed by. It looks like she was the only one that seemed to have a problem with the mildly frigid weather.

"This sucks." Came the mutter of the blue-eyed female, shoulders slightly hunching as she attempted to bury the lower half of her face into the high collar of her coat.

Tethi Akali, a rather skilled drawing artist slash animator, approached the bench near the entrance of Valoran Park, using one of her hands to brush of some of the snow away before plopping down. She gave an audible sigh as she buried her hand back in its haven called her pocket, keeping her face hidden behind her jacket's collar.

It was Christmas Eve, yet Akali was spending the holiday all alone. She had left her childhood home when she was given the opportunity to receive an irresistible job offer from the famous gaming company, Riot Games. She knew she'd have a bit of a hard time adjusting, especially since she left and ended up living in another country after she graduated college just to take up the once-in-a-lifetime chance.

The salary she usually earned was surprisingly bigger than what most people would offer for new graduates like her, and for that, she was utterly thankful. It was enough for her to get a decent apartment, allow her to shop for clothes from time to time and it made sure her fridge was well-stocked with food. And, whenever she greatly contributed to a project the company had ongoing, the bonuses and raises enabled her to splurge on something every once and a while.

Now, she was on her way back to her apartment to probably cook one of the many instant noodles she had bought the other day and after that, she'd most likely end up burying herself in her bed for her to sleep the holiday away.

"Alone this Christmas?" Came a mildly low and admittedly warm voice.

Turning to her left, Akali found a bearded man settling on the remaining space on the wooden bench. Like most people around this time of the year, he was snugly clad in his own thick coat and even had a grey snow hat to keep the top of his head warm.

Akali couldn't help but briefly envision the old man in a Santa outfit. Based solely from his appearance, he looked awfully similar to Father Christmas himself. The artist chuckled internally at the thought.

"Yeah, pretty much." Akali responded back, lightly shrugging.

"You do know it's Christmas Eve, right?" The man asked, briefly regarding Akali with a light inquisitive look.

"My family's not exactly here in the country," Akali said with a sheepish smile. "and I didn't really have the chance to get a plane ticket before they were all sold out."

"Ah, that's too bad."





The silence was honestly comfortable and not at all awkward, so Akali was a bit surprised when the old man suddenly turned to her and asked a question that literally came out of the blue.

"Do you draw, child?"

Akali blinked at the stranger, clearly caught off-guard with his inquiry. "Uhh... Yeah."


"Yeah, I can draw." She nodded as she shifted on her seat, brushing some of her hair away from her face. "I'm actually an animator in Riot Games."

The company she worked for was actually well-known, so she was rather proud that she was part of the people responsible for the games and the occasional animated movies from their sister company, Riot Studios.

"Can an old man like me request a sketch from you?" The man queried, pulling into view what seemed to be an old-looking book. He lifted the front cover and revealed that most of the pages were already torn away, but much to her luck, there was still one remaining page left. "Well, would you look at that? One last page."

It's as if the only page left was there just for her.

Despite the fact that she had yet to agree, her right hand slipped out of her jacket and was already feeling over her jeans for the pen she always carried around with her.

"I guess one quick sketch won't hurt." Akali said, the small curve on her lips mainly being caused by how the man widely grinned in response. She took the book once it was offered to her, placing it over her knee, which she propped over her other leg to use as a makeshift table. "So, what do you want me to draw?"

"Something simple." The man replied. "Something you like maybe?"

"Eh? Something I like?"

The bearded stranger nodded. "Yes. One that you dearly love, of course."

For a brief moment, Akali came up blank when she tried thinking of whatever could fit the given bill. Her lips pursed while her eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, tapping her pen on the paper.

"Does it need to be an object or a person?"

"Either." The man simply said, before adding, "Although, a person would be more preferable."

"A person, huh? Hmm..."

And just like that, a figurative lightbulb lit up above her head. She was struck with an idea of what she wanted to draw. Or maybe, if she were to be specific, she remembered a set of memories concerning the character that popped into her mind at that moment.

With the tip of her tongue somewhat sticking out at the corner of her lips, Akali began to draw the anatomy of the person she had in mind. Judging by the outline of the figure she started with, it was a woman.

"This person you're drawing," The man started, momentarily peeking over her side to see her progress. "is she a loved one?"

"Not... exactly." Akali chuckled as she added the outline of the character's hair. "She's the first character I ever drew in my whole life."

"Oh, so she's not real?"

A shake of her head. "Nope."

"Yet she's special? For you, at least."

"Uh-huh." This time, she nodded. "Come to think of it, this is gonna be the first time I'm gonna draw her again. Kinda forgot about her, since I was focused on graduating a few months ago, especially with the thesis and all."

"How special is she?"

Akali pulled back, looking down on the rough sketch of the character she had in mind. Even with the artwork being incomplete, she was awfully proud of it.

She smiled as she said, "Honestly? It would probably be the best thing that has ever happened to me if she became real."

"Does she have a name?"

"Evelynn." Was her immediately answer. "Her name's Evelynn, and she's probably one of the most beautiful women in the world, if not the most."

The man chuckled, obviously noticing how Akali absolutely adored the character she had drawn. "Sounds like you have a crush on her."

Akali's cheeks warmed up a little out of mild embarrassment. "Yeah... Don't tell anyone I have a crush on an imaginary goddess."

It did sound silly and somewhat childish in her ears, so she was hoping the old man could actually that keep that fact about herself a secret.

Again, the stranger gave an amused chuckle. "My lips are sealed."

"So," After she finally added the last touches of the unrefined facial features, she handed the book back to the old man, who accepted it and audited the drawing through the small, thin glasses he was wearing. "how does she look?"

"Beautiful." The man said with an affirmative nod, genuinely praising the artwork. "Simply beautiful."

"Heh, I know, right?"

"If it isn't too much trouble, Miss...?"

"Akali. Just Akali." She introduced, smiling.

"Zilean." The man introduced himself as well before continuing, "Akali,"


"would you give me the honor of getting to know her?"

"Eh?" The artist tilted her head in question. "What do you mean?"

"Can you tell me all about her?"

"Oh, what, like her traits?"

Zilean smiled, nodding. "Yes, exactly."

"Okay, uhh..." Akali leaned back on the bench, gently tapping her pen against her chin this time. "I already told you she's beautiful, so I guess that leaves other stuff about her.."

"Anything specific?"

The stranger, Zilean, was honestly asking for too much details for such a little sketch, but Akali didn't seem to notice. No, she was too focused on thinking up a bunch of traits and features that would perfectly fit the character her imagination had conjured up.

"She's really... affectionate."


"Yeah," Akali perked up, making hand gestures as she began describing the imaginary woman. "she loves showing her affection to the people she likes. I kinda see her as some sort of fierce character but actually has a soft spot for someone."

"And that someone is you?" The bearded man quipped in a tease-like manner.

"W-Well," Akali blushed again. "sure, yeah, if she were real, I mean."

"Anything else?"

"Uhh..." Her cheeks became warmer behind the high collar of her coat as she thought about the mentioned female's other possible characteristics. "I guess there's more, but uhh, hehehe... I don't think I'm comfortable in telling you, Oji-san."

Zilean released a little laugh, shaking his head. "Alright, I won't pry, then."

"Yeah, so..." Akali spied the bus coming their way, so she chose to wrap up the little conversation she was having. It was a pleasant kind, but she also needed to get home before the weather turned colder than it already was. "That's that, I guess."

Nodding, Zilean smiled and took another second to look at the sketched image, eyes closely yet calmly surveying the drawing, before the sound of paper being torn echoed in the evening. Akali's eyes widened in surprise when the old man ripped the remaining page from the book, handing the said parchment to the artist herself.

"Oji-san, why'd you...-"

"Keep it, child." Zilean said, refusing to take the paper back when Akali tried handing it back to him.

"But, didn't I drew this for you?"

"Did you really?" Zilean returned with a twinkling gleam in his eyes. He gave Akali's shoulder a couple of pats before he stood up, arranging his coat as he said, "Rest assured, my dear, from now on, she'll always keep you company."

"Eh...?" Akali spared a quick glance at the sloppy yet admirable sketch. "As in, Evelynn? She's gonna keep me company?"

Zilean turned back to her as he tucked the now page-less book underneath his arm, glancing down at the paper she had in hand. "You have her now with you, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but...-"

"Just make sure to take good care of her." The man said with a little wink.


Akali opened her mouth to protest some more, but the man had already turned and started walking away. She thought about going after him, but the bus had already arrived. It was either miss the bus back home just to chase after some random stranger and insist that he retakes the paper he had given her, or she boards the public vehicle and just abandon the idea of returning the sketch.

The reasonable choice was quite obvious.

Sighing and quickly folding the paper, Akali stored it in one of her jacket's inside pockets before hurriedly getting inside the bus. She settled at one of the many free seats at the back, letting out another breath once she was comfortable. It was, after all, much warmer inside the transport.

Throughout the short ride back to her apartment, Akali mulled about what had happened a few minutes ago. An absolute stranger that almost looked like Santa's very own twin just came up to her and asked if she could draw him something.

When she did just that, she suddenly found herself sitting in a bus, hands still cooped up in her pockets, mind trying to make sense with what transpired and in possession of a little sketch of a long-forgotten imaginary character of hers.

What an unusual day.

Fifteen minutes later, Akali was finally in her apartment building, climbing up a few flights of stairs, since the elevator was under maintenance, and heading towards her own unit. She locked the door behind her once she was inside her home, relieving herself of her thick coat and turning on the heater of the apartment.

Before she hung the coat on the hook screwed into the wall, she made sure to take the folded paper from one of its pockets and bring it along with her as she made her way to her bedroom. She left the sketch on her little work desk at one side of the room, taking the time to change out of her clothes.

Once dressed in an old Ionia University T-shirt and an old pair of green jogging shorts, Akali sat on her desk chair, turned on the lamp and began unfolding the paper Zilean had given her. She stared at the sketch on the parchment, feeling off with how lacking the sketch was for her.

Reaching to the side, she took one of the drawing pencils and started adding more of the missing details. In the midst of her work, a tiny smile could be found shaping her lips, especially when she began drawing the body details. She was grateful she's now more experienced in doing those kinds of things, or else she would have gone crazy with sketching and erasing everytime she did something that didn't meet her standards.

'She'd have those amber gold gaze no one has.' She thought as she refined the eyes of the character. 'Those eyes would be one-of-a-kind.'

Chuckling quietly, Akali started working on the main figure.

'She's going to be so beautiful, she'll get everyone's attention.'

Next thing she made some progress on were the hands and fingers.

'Her hands would be super soft. Like a touch of a goddess.' Akali nodded to herself before half-heartedly rolling her eyes at her own thoughts. 'Of course it's like a goddess'. She's practically like one.'

The more the sketch was worked on, the more Akali's eyes gleamed with inspiration. She felt like she was bringing the character out of the darkness and into the light with each stroke of the pencil, unveiling the beauty that had once been forgotten.

"Fierce, confident..." Akali snickered lowly as she murmured a few traits. "...a bit possessive probably..."

Akali continued listing out various traits the nonexistent character possessed, some more graphic than the first ones. She wasn't lying to Zilean when she said she couldn't just tell him the attitude, habits and personality of the woman she created. She couldn't exactly tell an innocent old man that the imaginary female she had in mind would be like Aphrodite's immensely charming twin sister.

After a whole hour, Akali's hype in improving the artwork came to an end. A yawn took over her, causing her to stretch her arms up and eventually decide that the efforts she had done onto the sketch was now satisfactory.

Deciding to ditch the idea of dinner, Akali turned her desk lamp off and made her way towards her bed. She was too sleepy to bring herself to her kitchen and whip up some of her favorite ramyuns. It didn't take long for her to bury her entire body under a layer of warm blankets.

Staring right at her ceiling, her mind filled up with random things it could conjure up at that moment. She thought about her work and how she'll be returning two days after Christmas. There was also her family, who were already sending videos and pictures just to wish her a happy holiday.

In less than a minute, Akali lost her grasp on her consciousness and fell in a state of slumber, oblivious of what awaited her in the upcoming morning.









Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A loud groan emitted from the lone occupant of the bed, sleep disturbed and person clearly irked at the buzzing of the alarm clock on the bedside table. The red numbers were like a small beacon for attention in her room, which was dimly lit thanks to the fact that all the lights were off and that the sunlight from outside wasn't able to shine its bright rays through the closed blinds.

"For God's sake..." Akali whined groggily, trying her hardest to reach over to where the alarm could be found. She wanted to snooze the buzzing by throwing the little tech against the nearby wall, but the thought of buying another alarm was enough for her not to do such violent act.

When the alarm was finally within reach, she slapped a hand over the snooze button before slipping her arm back under the embrace of her blankets. She sighed and snuggled deeper into a bundle, intending on sleeping for maybe half an hour or more.


Or not.

Out of surprise and suspicion, Akali jumped up to a seated position, eyes darting immediately to the door. Judging solely by the muffled sounds she had heard, someone seemed to have turned the TV in the living room on. A thought instantly occurred in her head and she was quick to retrieve a kunai from the set she had bought when she got her first paycheck.

The bedside drawer was slowly shut, careful not to alert the intruder of her apartment. She cautiously inched towards the door, sneaking out of her bedroom with stealth that could rival a true ninja.

Light footsteps could be heard originating from the living room and the more Akali listened, the more she realized that the culprit had no intentions in keeping themself quiet. It's as if they're walking around in their own apartment instead of Akali's.

Jumping out of the hallway and out on the living room as soon as she heard the television be turned off, Akali expected a lot of dangerous possibilities. She predicted that the intruder would either attack her the moment she revealed herself, or maybe make a break for it and just hightail out of there as if the unit was on fire.

Much to her surprise though, none of those two happened.

Instead, Akali yelped in surprise and jumped back, hitting her back on the corner of the entryway of the hall and dropping her weapon when she found an entirely naked woman standing in the middle of her living room. Upon reflex, Akali's eyes immediately inspected the woman a few meters away from her, blue eyes uncontrollably raking over the unclad figure of the mystery female.

A lump formed in her throat, one that she had to swallow as she regarded the stranger with her gaze, and her cheeks reddened visibly in addition to her initial reaction.

The woman before her was just... gorgeous. Utterly. Absolutely. Smooth and light skin as far as she could see, curves in all the perfect places, uniquely-tinted tresses falling over her back and shoulders like breathtaking waves of amaranth magenta, and last but definitely not the least were those flaming gold amber eyes that made Akali feel like she was the one who was naked between them.

And those lips! They weren't precisely red, but they were darker than the usual light pink hue of a normal person's lips. It's as if it was inviting Akali for a kiss.

A perfect set of white teeth completed the blinding smile of the enchanting stranger, which almost made Akali forget the fact that the nude woman before her was an intruder.

"Y-You...!" Akali shook her head, straightening up and putting on the most intimidating look she could manage at that moment. "Who the hell are you!?"

Instead of apologizing or sputtering a bunch of excuses about why she was there, the woman merely grinned, made her way around the sofa and approached Akali, who tried weaving through the other when she tried cornering her against the wall.

The artist's efforts were a tad bit futile though.

Akali sucked in a breath and held it all in when a pair of arms abruptly encircled around her waist from behind, foiling her attempt of escape. Her body became stiff in reaction when the yet to be identified woman rested her chin over her right shoulder and released a delicate hum.

Her face warmed up to the highest extent once she felt the intruder's rather bountiful breasts press against her back, making her feel like there were two soft cushions squished against her.

"Good morning, honey~" Came the purr-like greeting.

"Hah!?" Akali squeaked out, stilling immediately when she felt the woman tug on the hem of her shirt before slipping a hand underneath. She gasped when she felt the featherlight touch of the woman's fingers gliding over her well-sculpted abdomen. "H-Hey! Get off!"

"But, darling...-"

"Let go!" Akali broke out of the woman's hold, stumbling a few steps forward before she spun around and faced her. She raised a hand at the unnamed female, who thankfully halted any type of advances. "Okay, you stay back, alright? I don't want you coming near me right now, or else... Or else I'm calling the cops!"

The amber-eyed woman slightly pouted, still seemingly unfazed by the fact that she's standing naked in front of Akali. "That's not exactly nice of you."

"Not nice of me?" Akali briefly gestured at herself in disbelief. "Look, you're gorgeous. As in, extremely hot, but I don't even know you! And hello? You're currently trespassing here in my apartment! Right now, I have every right to call the police."

"Trespassing?" The woman crossed her arms and stared at Akali with mild confusion in her eyes. "What are you talking about? I live here with you."

"With me? Since when?"

Akali's pretty sure she would have noticed if she did indeed share her apartment with alluring woman like her.

As much as Akali would love a beauty like her to be her roommate, she had to think rationally right now and could not let herself be distracted. Although, it was honestly hard to focus, especially since the intruder wasn't even making an effort in covering her nudity.

"Since you asked for me." Was the woman's response, looking rather proud with her reply.

"Since I asked? What?" Akali shook her head, finding the stranger's answer absolutely ridiculous. "I don't even know you, let alone...-"

"I'm Evelynn."

Suddenly, there was silence.

There were no words or other bodily reactions she could give but the one she presented upon the moment that followed.

Eyes wide, form frozen and vocabulary nonexistent. Her eyes darted from the strands of vibrant magenta down to that perfect figure, which urged her to take a step back, especially when she finally noticed the devilish heart tattoo just below the woman's left breast. That particular ink on her skin was enough to send Akali's brain spiraling into a state of absolute confusion.

Unaware of her actions, Akali was still backing away from the woman who claimed to be the imaginary character that had only ever existed in her head. 'Til now, that is.

Akali unexpectedly lost her balance and ended up falling over and onto the nearest couch, but before she could bring herself back up, she merely blinked and was put in an unforeseen predicament. She was being straddled by the one that had rendered her speechless, which momentarily prompted her to do nothing but stare.

"Hello, Akali." Evelynn purred as she caressed Akali's face with the same heavenly hands the artists always imagined.

"E-E-Evelynn...?" Akali stuttered, unable to think of anything else to say. Recognition was clear in her eyes, but other than that, there was nothing else but disbelief and total shock.

A grin, which was swiftly followed by a sweet coo.

"And here I thought you forgot about me."

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Author's Note: Well, here's my second Akali x Evelynn multi-chapter story for all you Akalynn shippers! Hope you guys will like this as much as you liked "We Found Love"! And if any of you are wondering, yes, I've been too caught up with the hype for this particular pairing. It's a bit obvious, ain't it? :P

Of course special thanks to RachAsakawa for letting me use one of hers and her wife's, RizzyCos, Akalynn cosplays as this story's cover. ^u^

Oh, and big thanks to savageking1079 (from Tumblr) for giving me a title for this story! Didn't think about it until you brought it up, my friend! :D

I plan on focusing on my other stories for now, mainly the ones I've left unfinished, but I figured I could release this as a teaser for my readers. I'll update this as often as I can, but it won't be as prioritized as WFL was.

Right now, my main priority is to finish the last chapter of "Skin" (Vi x Caitlyn) and along with that is "Bound to You" (Katarina x Ashe).

Anyway, if any of you have any ideas with these stories or others and want to share them with me, feel free to hit me up in either Twitter, FF, Wattpad or Tumblr! Like I always say, I'll credit you if ever your idea is used in the story! ^o^/

By the way, this chapter may or may not be edited a bit once the second one is uploaded in the future. :)