Monster That we Bred

Recap and Prelude

In your sad story
It's time to meet your bitter end
'Cause nothing tastes so sweet as revenge

-Revenge, Aviators-

A/N: This chapter starts with a brief recap for those who read Monster in my Bed already, and a brief explanation for those who have not and just stumbled on this fic.

Once upon a time there was an orphaned girl named Emma. Tired of the abuse she would suffer at the hands of others, she on a whim summoned a demon. This demon, named Regina, would turn out to be her sole companion for years as the girl grew into a teenager and then a woman. Over the decades they faced many trials, such as other demons who hungered for Emma's soul, hardships with people, traveling from realms, being chased by other evils, and they also began to unexpectedly fall in love.

But as all things go, the good could not last and their romance was cut short when it came out that Emma was actually the daughter of two angels and had been stolen away by demons to lead a shitty life on earth that would lead her onto the path of summoning Regina and having her enter a contract with her in order to get her soul. Emma's soul was needed because it was very powerful as she was the destined savior and it could trigger the end of the world if used incorrectly. But because her soul was so pure it needed to be corrupted first and falling in love with a demon, which should have made it black, only made it pure once more.

Reeling from the truth of her heritage, and of Regina's betrayal, Emma was forced to accept the destiny of being the savior and in saving the world from the oncoming apocalypse. Regina showed up to fight for Emma's safety and soul in a tournament where the odds were stacked against her. Using her love for Emma to fuel her, Regina was able to gain new abilities she had not had before. And, finding an unlikely ally in Ursula, a fellow demon that had tried to kill Regina before, they fought against the seven sins of hell- Cruella, Tremaine, Mal, and Gothel, before Ursula turned on Regina. At the end only Cora was left for Regina to fight and nearing the end of her strength, she was aided by Mal in a surprisingly unselfish turn of events. However, Cora took control of Regina's heart and forced her to take Emma's soul.

But, with Mal's help, the soul was returned, only for Cora to infuse Emma with so much rage that she turned against Regina of her own free will and Regina was forced to fight her own lover, until at last, she used her newly gained powers of love to get through to her and Emma gifted Regina the legendary demon slaying sword to one hit kill Cora.

In this way the world and Emma were saved and the angel and reformed demon were allowed to go and live peacefully together after helping to rebuild angel society and the human cities. But upon their love making reunion and celebration of surviving the odds, they find that their conjoined magic has created a little surprise for them.

This is their story...

The figure stood waiting in the desolate alleyway like they had been instructed to. The sounds of the human city filtered in and bounced off the brick on both sides.

The human world had recovered nicely since the Apocalypse with a bit of help from angel magic that conveniently just so happened to wipe human memory away as well. Which meant the humans got to go around, not knowing of the evils and angers that had passed them, that had nearly destroyed them.

The figure wished they could do the same. Could have the awful suffering they had gone through erased from their minds. But, no. They were left with their memories as punishment. Losing him had been punishment enough.

And that's why the figure wanted revenge. Wanted to seek retribution against those who had wronged them and against those who could enjoy what they could not. What they had been denied. Every time they looked on at Regina and Emma flaunting their love openly, they got sick with envy. Apparently, now that the spawn of Mary and David had wanted to love a demon, it was okay with mommy and daddy. But when the figure had wanted to do the same, so much trouble and perils had befallen them for such a simple act as love.

Which was supposed to be the purest thing in the world. Which was supposed to cleanse all. It had cleansed Regina. Why couldn't the same be true for him?

Lost in their thoughts they did not notice the woman standing on the roof, looking down on them.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked, jerking the hooded figure from their recollections. Anger burned in their chest and they wanted to hurt Emma and her demon, along with Mary and David. And then, they would find their missing love, wrongly imprisoned.

"Bloodshed," the figure growled out as the woman landed lightly next to them. The woman had red hair and a cheery British accent.

"Ooo, I do love that. Except for being on the receiving end on it. It really puts a cramp in my day."

The figure did not like the woman's flippant manner.

"I was told you could help me. If you aren't serious about this, then I'll take my business elsewhere." The figure moved to leave but the woman grabbed their wrist, eyes suddenly filled with cold malice and aura threatening.

"Oh, I am deadly serious. Regina took away my one chance to be a true heir to the throne. To prove my worth to my family. And then she went and killed Cora, queen of Hell. I want Regina's head on a pike for that," she vowed.

"Good, because I want her hurting as well."

The woman gave a curt nod of her head. "Then it's settled. We both have the same goal in mind."

"You help me, and I'll give you unfettered access to Regina so you may revenge yourself upon her for the both of us. But first, we have to find Cora."

"Haven't you heard? She's dead."

"Yes, she was. But you don't know a little known fact, and that is that her heart was not in her body when she was killed," the figure stated and the woman's smile began to get wider and wider when she realized where this information was heading.

"I've had a lot of time to get my hands on vital information and resources. Heart magic is an old line of magic that only demons possess and it has to be passed down from generation to generation to be taught. But something interesting about it is, that if the vessel of the demon is destroyed yet the heart remains, that resurrection is possible."

The woman with red hair let out a wild laugh, gleeful. "This just means we have to find Cora's heart and then put it into a temporary vessel and she'll be back!"

Finally, she would have a chance to impress the once queen of hell and to take Regina down a peg.

"It'll be a lovely family reunion once more," she said, eager to see this plan through. She disappeared in a puff of orange smoke, leaving the hooded figure behind. They took out a locket in which they had a photo of a man. They stroked the glass lovingly.

"Soon, my love, we will be together once more," they promised and then left the alley, scheming maliciously as they did.