Title: Best of intentions

author: Cindy Ryan

notes and summary: See part one

The doctors told him that eleven hours was a short time as labors went. That did little to soothe Tim's frayed nerves. The night had been endless. Tim's right hand was still partially numb from the tight hold his wife had held through the long hours. Now at just before dawn Tim stood in a private hospital room. Lucy sat propped in bed by several pillows. Her dark hair plastered against her forehead with sweat. Her face was pale. However his wife's face was lit with happiness and she was smiling at the small form nestled in her arms. Their daughter was wrapped in a light pink blanket. The nineteen inch long and six pound newborn had black hair and was the most amazing beautiful thing Tim had ever seen.

"I promise you won't hurt her."Lucy insisted with a gentle smile.

Tim had only briefly held his daughter once shortly after Elaina was born. She'd felt so tiny and fragile in his hands Tim had been terrified he'd unintentionally harm the newborn. Logically Tim knew it was silly but that was where they were.

Taking a deep breath Tim sat in the visitor's chair and nodded at his wife. Looking at mother and daughter Tim already felt such a strong love that it took his breath. His family.

Carefully and gently Lucy transfer Elaina to Tim's arms. The infant was awake now. Dark eyes staring at him. Tim let her grasp his pinky finger.

"Say hi to your Daddy, Ellie."Lucy cooed.

Daddy it still hit Tim like a truck. Daughter, he had a daughter. One he would do his best to make sure she had a happy and safe life.

"She's amazing."Tim said his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes."Lucy agreed,"Part of me can't believe she's finally here."

Tim kisses his wife then placed a soft feather kiss on Elaina Grace's forehead.

"I love you both."Tim said huskily.

"Love you too."Lucy responded softly.

"Get some rest."Tim suggested gently."I'll signal the nurse to take her back to the nursery."

"Alright."Lucy said as she kissed Ellie's left cheek.

Minutes later Lucy was asleep the long night catching up to her.

"Just you and me little one."Tim said softly.

Elaina gurgled happily then her eyes drifted closed. Soon Ellie too was asleep.
