Hello dear reader and welcome to my first story on this website! This is my first time publishing my work and it is un-beta'ed so any mistakes are mine. Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoy my adaptation of this story. And so without further ado - enjoy my idea of how these universes should collide.


To say that Harry Potter was tired of living was an understatement.

He had lived through the ends of the Earth, destined to see and live through everyone around him dying.

And then went back in time to see it start all over again.

Every single person from his childhood and beyond were gone.

One thing that he knew for sure was that he wanted something different and new to experience. At this point, he didn't even care if it was an apocalypse.

Harry called on Death who he was master of by the way and asked a question that quite literally changed the entire future of a different dimension as we know it.

He simply asked the entity known as Death "Is there a different place I can go? Somewhere where people live close to my lifetime?"

Death wanting ever so much to please their master of course responded.

"There will be a place if you wish it so master." And so begins our story of what would happen if you brought one Harry Potter, Master of Death into the MCU and just what sort of repercussions he brings.


This prologue was a little rushed and was honestly just me getting my thoughts for this story out as soon as possible. The story itself is kind of a hot mess right now but you should expect an update within the next 3 days. Anyways. thank you for reading this far but if you enjoyed it leave a review and I am always open to ideas and constructive criticism on what should happen next.

Until then - the morrigan has flown away